The Romantic Soldier King



The next morning, Lin Sisi called and they found Qiu Xiang's husband. Ye Cheng rushed over with Peony. As long as the culprit who killed Qiu Yuan disappoint her, perhaps this ghost girl would be reborn.    


The two of them drove to the entrance of the police station to meet Lin Sisi, and then the three of them rushed towards Fishery Island.    


There were two ways to go to Fishery Island, one was to take a detour to the suspension bridge, the other was to abandon the car and become a ship, this would take around an hour or so than to drive, the three of them finally decided to board the boat, the faster they found Qiu Xiang's husband, the earlier they would be able to find out about the cause of death of Qiu Yuan, in addition, Qiu Xiang's body was still at the police station, and they couldn't find her daughter, so no one came to identify her body.    


Fishery Island, as the name implied, was an island formed by a group of fishermen eating the sea.    


According to the address provided by the informant, Lin Sisi found the northernmost courtyard of the fishing village. The door was closed, the courtyard was still sunning itself with a fishing rod, a fishing net was hung on one side of the shelf, and smoke was still rising from the chimney. After knocking for a long time and seeing that no one came to answer the door, Lin Sisi started shouting.    


A villager walked in from outside and informed Ye Cheng that the family had gone out with the fishing boat and would only be back on the second day. This time, things were a bit awkward. They would have to suffer for a long period of time. The three of them didn't make any preparations and immediately lost their direction.    


The kind villagers would stay next door, saying that they would be able to clean up and stay the night there. Ye Cheng asked for Lin Sisi's opinion, and decided to stay next door.    


"Uncle, why didn't you stop the smoke from coming out of the chimney? Aren't you afraid of it starting to burn?" Ye Cheng sat at the door and asked as he looked at the chimney.    


"Young people probably don't understand. This is called Longevity Smoke. Usually, only people who have gone to sea would order it. The meaning is to point in the direction of home. "The wrath of the Sea God is very scary. It will swallow all the ships at sea and capture the crew as labour. Many people who go out will never come back, fearing that they will not be able to recognize their way home so it lights up this longevity cigarette."    


Ye Cheng said, there were some legends that he had no choice but to believe, only people who had experienced it would know if it was true or false. "Uncle, where's Uncle Xu's son?"    


"Who?" Uncle Xu, young man, did you find the wrong person? The person living next door has the surname of Wang. The old man looked at Ye Cheng suspiciously. It was normal for a young couple to bring a child to look for their relatives, but when it was almost dark, they realised that finding the wrong person would be troublesome. Oh wow, what are we doing young people, we don't even have boats for Hong Kong Island! "    


"Uncle, do you know if this is the address?"    


The old man took out the address and nodded his head in agreement. However, this family's surname was not Wang or Xu, he was very sure of that. At this time, Lin Sisi came back from the outside and played around with the peonies. Seeing his depressed face, he walked over and asked, only then did he find out that they had found the wrong person.    


"That's impossible!" Lin Sisi also felt it was strange, he took out the photo and pointed at the old man. "Uncle, do you know this person?"    


The old man picked up his reading glasses and looked at them for a long time before saying hesitantly, "They seem a little similar. I'll ask my daughter about it later."    


The old man brought Ye Cheng and the others to the village chief's home. His daughter had married the village chief's son as her wife and had a good life. The village chief was a cheerful person and confirmed that the Uncle Xu in the photo was their village's Wang Fugui.    


When the police investigated the social relations around her after her death, they discovered that the couple had not gone through divorce formalities. The south had long since left with their son, and according to many people's confirmation, the south had left with their son because Qiu Xiang had cheated them on their bed. At that time, the south had said that their son had gone to live with her, and they had never wanted to divorce.    


Now that the person had been found, where did he go with his son?    


The village suddenly exploded with discussion. After all, Wang Fugui had only been in the village for a few years, he had always been honest and willing to work, always being single. How could he suddenly have a son?    


Ye Cheng was afraid that Lin Sisi revealing his identity would scare away the villagers, and cause unnecessary trouble, so he changed the excuse to fool them. The three of them ate at the Village Chief's house, and talked until eight or nine o'clock before leaving.    


Ye Cheng allowed Lin Sisi to sleep with the peony first. According to the time they took off for the fishing village, if everything went smoothly, they would be able to return to the fishing village by seven in the morning. At that time, the village's old and young would all go to the shore to receive them.    


Ye Cheng smoked as she stared at the longevity cigarette. Hearing the sound of the peonies behind her, she sat down next to Ye Cheng, and said in an experienced manner: "Little old man, there's a little kid next door!"    


Ye Cheng acknowledged her presence, took a puff on his cigarette and asked: "Is Officer Lin asleep?"    


"Mm, I won't be able to wake up in a while!" She narrowed her eyes and continued, "In the afternoon, I circled around the village, fishing for fish in the prime of my life, but Xu Fugui's house is the only one with longevity. On the way back, I saw that the house was a little shady with a jar in the middle, and the house was built under the shade of a tree.    


As she spoke, she jumped down the stairs and walked to the fence in the courtyard. Staring at Xu Fugui's house, she said, "Previously, I didn't dare tell Officer Lin that I saw a face there. It was the face of a child."    


Ye Cheng shivered for no reason. If he did not hear what Peony had said, Xu Fugui's house would be empty, but right now, it looked to be gloomy and terrifying. However, Ye Cheng had always had the spirit of risking his life. Since Peony said that there was someone there, he must go and see for himself.    


"Bring your belongings with you, we'll go take a look."    


"Hey!" "Old man, I didn't say that I want to go!" Peony stomped her feet as she looked at Ye Cheng's back, blaming herself for talking so much, now that she had stirred up so much trouble, she wanted to ignore him, but she still went into the house with her bag on her back, and chased after Wang Fugui.    


He did not know if it was because the life here was too simple, every household did not lock their doors, so Ye Cheng did not take much effort to enter the house. The first place he went was to the stove, and he walked into the house, which was filled with a warm, humid air. He lifted the lid, and the boiling water in the pot bubbled with steam.    


Ye Cheng stared at the boiling water for half a second, then turned his attention to the other side of the stove.    


Ye Cheng squatted in front of the sealed door like a little kid. After staring for a long time, he grabbed a fire pincer and opened the sealed door, a tongue of flame suddenly shot out and he blocked it casually. Sparks flew around Ye Cheng like fireflies and did not disperse for a long time.    


The poker worked in the stove for a long time, picking out only a few bits of ash. Ye Cheng drew in a breath of cold air. Could it be that there was another Gold Sun God here? Igniting oneself without fire!    




A heavy object fell onto the ground. In this silent night, even the slightest sound could shock people, let alone this kind of collision. Ye Cheng immediately stood up and rushed out of the kitchen. On the floor of the hall, he saw a copper pot that was still sliding, he remembered that when he first came in, this copper pot was placed on the long table in the guest hall. The distance between the table and the door was at least three meters, how did it manage to reach the door by itself?    


Ye Cheng swallowed his saliva, raising an ice blue flame in his hand to illuminate the darkness. He walked step by step towards the back of the hall. The deeper he walked, the colder it became. It was as if he was walking in an icy cave. How could a person live in a place like this?    


Wang Fugui had been living in the fishing village for at least two to three years. He was willing to bet that the person who lived here would suffer from serious joint problems in less than half a year, or even suffer from tuberculosis if their physique was weak. Not to mention living here for two to three years, even if it was just for a year, this person would not be able to survive.    


"Little old man, where are you?"    




Ye Cheng popped his head out of the room and hooked his fingers at Peony who was standing at the doorway. He only glanced at her briefly before turning his head, but something didn't seem right.    


"What are you doing?" "What is the meaning of watching him wave his hand at me?" Old man, your hands must be sick! "    


Ye Cheng exhaled helplessly. Why does this girl always fall at the most crucial moment! Wasn't the radar for ghosts usually quite accurate? Why did it suddenly fail at such a time?    


The shadow behind Peony was wiggling rapidly, looking like one of the puppets under Ba's command.    




"What?" Peony frowned. There was no one here who would need to lower their voices to speak, so she loudly shouted. Her voice did not scare Ye Cheng out of his wits, but it did scare the black shadow behind her back.    


"Shut up!" Ye Cheng saw with his own eyes that the black figure had retreated back to the rooftop at lightning speed. He carefully looked at his surroundings while holding his breath, carefully listening to the sounds around him. Holding onto the peony tightly, Ye Cheng rushed into the courtyard. He retreated to the entrance of the courtyard and stared at the roof as he asked softly: "Brat, did you really not sense anything just now?"    


She tried to shake off Ye Cheng's hand, but he was dragging her so hard that she could not move. There is! I sense an idiot buzzing in my ear. "    


"Damn!" "You little rascal, aren't you looking for trouble?"    


She pouted and said: "Why are you making such a big fuss over nothing. Of course I know what's here, it's just a pile of black stuff, why are you so nervous?"    


If it wasn't because the current situation didn't allow it, Ye Cheng really wanted to hang the peony for a beating. He was really worried just now, that big lump of thing was only the size of a palm away from the peony, if that thing fell, even if he used all his strength, he wouldn't be able to catch up. He was the one who brought out the peony, how would he explain it to the Fat Brother if anything happened here.    


"Seeing that Ye Cheng did not say a word, Peony waved her small hand in front of his face. "Old man, were you worried about me just now?"    


"Nonsense, I'm worried about you, but I don't want you to drag me down!" Ye Cheng slapped away Peony's hand and focused on the eaves. The thing that went up the eaves just now was probably hiding in the shade of a tree.    


"Tch!" You can pretend. Beautiful sisters have said it before, what do you pretend to be the most capable man among all the men they know? "    


"Are you trying to act cool?"    


"Yes, that's the word."    


Ye Cheng coughed dryly. Was he that exaggerated? Among the men they knew? Are any of them a lot of men? "The little ghost honestly told big brother, what bad things did they say about me?"    


"You want to beat around the bush? I won't tell you! "    


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