The Romantic Soldier King



When Ye Cheng returned to the hospital, he found out from the nurse about the driver's current situation. He had already escaped from danger and had woken up once after the anesthesia, but he still needed to observe for another 24 hours. This result made Ye Cheng feel relieved. He had also instructed the nurse to hire a nurse and an independent ward to recuperate with the patient.    


With regards to such a request, the academy would naturally accept it. The daily bed fees for an independent ward were not cheap, so after Ye Cheng lowered the treatment fees from the nurse and transferred some medical fees in, he then went to the intensive care unit. Through the window of the sterile room, he saw Rong Rong Rong sitting next to the driver of the card but could not find any trace of Yu Mingxi anywhere when he looked around, so he gently knocked on the ward door and signalled for the person inside to come out.    


Rongrong wiped her eyes and walked out of the sickroom. She hunched her shoulders, still feeling a little fearful when she saw Ye Cheng's sudden appearance. Mr. Huang, you're here! Mingxi's not here! "    


"I'm not looking for her. How is your husband? Is it convenient for you to talk to me in private? " Ye Cheng looked at the person on the sickly bed and heard messy footsteps coming from behind him. A nurse in her forties, who looked like a clean middle-aged woman walked over, and after hearing the introduction of the nurse, he turned to Rongrong and said, "This is the twenty-four hour nurse I invited for you guys. You are pregnant, and sitting there for a long time is not good for your child.    


Rongrong looked at Ye Cheng in shock, she opened her mouth but did not know what to say.    


Ye Cheng smiled and waved from her hand. After informing the nurse a few words, he indicated for Rongrong to follow him. The two of them went to a health porridge restaurant near the hospital and found a quiet place to sit.    


After casually ordering food, Ye Cheng then said: "Officer Yu and I can be considered as friends. In this matter, it is reasonable that I should help, so I will take responsibility for injuring your husband, you don't have to worry, as long as your husband is well, it will be my greatest wish."    


"Mr. Huang, I thank you for your good intentions, but this ?"    


"I know what you're going to say, but I have my conditions."    


Rongrong raised her head up in a sensitive manner, her hands subconsciously gripping tightly onto her chest as her eyes revealed a look of fear and cowardice. I, I won't do that. Although my husband has a bad temper, he treats me very well. I won't do anything that would let him down. I'll try to pay you back. "    


Concussive! Ye Cheng was helpless, he did not know what Yu Mingxi had said to the lady in private, did he look like the type of person to take advantage of someone when they were down? "I don't think I'm a beast enough to kill a pregnant woman, aiya!" You misunderstand! In this case, it can be said that everyone is responsible. I just wanted to ask you not to sue my subordinates here, but of course, I won't sue you either. "    


"Is that all?"    


"That's it! If you don't believe me, I can have the lawyer draw up and explain the case. As long as you are willing to settle this matter privately and give up the right to accuse Mountain, not only will we not sue your husband, we will also give you the best conditions to treat you. We will bear all the costs, and we will also pay you a million in compensation. But if you break the contract, your husband will end up in prison for the rest of his life. "    


"One million!" Rongrong covered her mouth and cried out softly. She had never seen so much money before.    


"I hope you will consider persuading your husband to drop the charges."    


He personally prepared food for Rongrong, and then, he firmly decided not to bring up the matter of the accident. He chatted about family matters with this shy young woman, which resolved the unfamiliar awkwardness, and Rongrong also spoke quite a bit more about it than when he first met her, letting Ye Cheng know the circumstances of her family, and that her husband's surname was Ye. He was once a bastard of the Hong Alliance, and after meeting Rongrong, he had left the Hong Alliance.    


Ye Chang Rong was considered a mediocre man in the Hong Alliance, he was loyal to his friends and was highly regarded by the Hong Alliance, to be promoted to his side as his right hand. However, the hero is sad beauty, finally break away from the organization. It was easy to enter the circle, but hard to retreat. Because of his good relationship with the people in Hong Alliance, he did not feel troubled about the beating he received when he left. However, there were always despicable people. Ye ZhangRong who had left the Hong Alliance was being ostracized everywhere, and since he couldn't find a job, he had no choice but to take the job of running around and have a hard life.    


After sending Rongrong back to the hospital, Ye Cheng wanted to talk to Yu Mingxi. He still hoped to have a middleman regarding Ye Changgrong and Mountain.    


"Mr. Huang!" She bit her lips as if she had made a huge decision, and said, "If it's convenient for you, ask the lawyer to send the settlement letter over today. We're willing to settle things privately, but I don't want your money!"    


Ye Cheng smiled and nodded, she was a girl with backbone.    


When Qiao Yingzhe received the call, he was very surprised. He did not expect the other party to be willing to reconcile, for this matter, they could definitely extort a large amount of money from him. "Yo, I didn't know you had some tricks up your sleeve!"    


"Cut the crap, hurry up and do something." Ye Cheng put down the phone, he was facing the police building where Yu Mingxi was, how to reason with a woman that he could not understand was a problem.    


Just as Ye Cheng was hesitating, Yu Mingxi brought his team members out of the building, pulling the alarm and left. It looked like a big case had occurred as Ye Cheng drove the car and followed closely behind.    


Yu Mingxi frowned, her face was gloomy!    


The car was filled with a low pressure, so Lin Sisi sat in the front passenger seat, not daring to speak! Everyone was well aware that this case was a black hole for their captain! Existence that was terrifying and unstoppable.    


The car was parked in an alley, and Yu Mingxi led his subordinates to a residential building. They rode an old elevator all the way to the 18th floor. The police cordon had sealed Room 1805, and inside the room were the colleagues of the other team members who were investigating the scene. When they saw Yu Mingxi enter, they all bowed to greet her.    


"The identity of the deceased has been revealed! Qiu Xiang, a native, had divorced at the age of 52 and was living with her daughter. At the time of the case, her daughter's family was on vacation in England and the cause of death had to wait for news from the coroner. "    


Yu Mingxi listened attentively as she walked towards the place where the corpse had fallen. There was no fighting for a long time in the room, and the door was still locked, but from the position and shape of the corpse, it seemed like the victim had been attacked while running, and she must have been hiding something and running back to her bedroom from the direction of the door. The direction of her head was moving backwards, indicating that she had a chance of seeing the killer's face.    


"From the door to the bedroom, we have to pass through the living room corridor, which is at least four to five meters away. The apartment has a total area of 200 square meters, and the environment is very new, as if it has just been renovated." If we investigate the neighborhood, debt relationship, and her husband and son, we'll have to send someone to investigate. "    


Yu Mingxi instructed everyone to stand back, and started searching the dead person's room while wearing gloves. Lin Sisi, who had always been by her side, understood Yu Mingxi's work habits, and indicated for her colleagues to differentiate the other parts of the apartment.    


When Yu Mingxi was listening to the reports from his colleagues, Ye Cheng was standing outside the door. As the position of 1805 was right around the corner, which was the same as 1806, the investigators in the room did not notice him standing in the corner. The fearless discussion all landed in Ye Cheng's ears, and they directly told him that this was a strange case.    


The angle of 1805 and 1806 just happened to be facing a row of windows in the aisle, so Ye Cheng accidentally caught a glimpse of a tall building that had stopped work. It had already taken shape, and at the side of the building, there were a few words written on it.    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes, then walked down from the other side of the apartment building site. The gate was closed, and the gatekeeper was now empty. After climbing over the wall and entering it easily, Ye Cheng rushed to the tall building and found a window that looked exactly the same as the place where the crime was committed.    


How could an abandoned construction site have traces of people on it? Ye Cheng stared at the windowsill that had not been installed yet, and a few odd shadows appeared on the accumulated dust. On the side near Ye Cheng, there were two irregular circles, and in the middle, there were three symmetrical fulcrum points. Ye Cheng used his hand to draw, and he was sure that these were traces left behind by some kind of shelves used to support professional equipment.    


Hiss! What did an ordinary family need to be spied on?    


Ye Cheng was a little confused. He rubbed his chin, looked at the window and then looked at the apartment building opposite him. There was only one road between them, it was about ten metres away.    


"Don't move, raise your hands and put them behind your head!"    


A clear and cold voice came from behind Ye Cheng. He obeyed and stood with his hands behind his head.    


"Now, slowly turn around."    


Ye Cheng turned around and laughed as he stared at Yu Mingxi: "Hey, Officer Yu, we meet again!"    


Yu Mingxi pointed the gun at Ye Cheng and a look of astonishment flashed across his face, but he quickly took a step forward and pushed his opponent against the concrete wall, using his elbow to press onto Ye Cheng's neck as he coldly asked: "What are you doing here?"    


"This!" I can't say! "    


Yu Mingxi looked around, and when he did not see anything amiss, he dialed Lin Sisi's number. He let them go back into the station first, and then slowly let go of Ye Cheng, but the gun was still pointed at him. "Don't play any tricks on me, Mr. Huang. You are still bearing the burden of being a suspect in murder."    


"I didn't kill anyone! Officer Yu, stop leaning back. You will ruin the scene! "    


"What?" Originally, she was prepared to lead her team to the crime scene and wait for the police station to report on the incident, when she accidentally saw the specks of light reflected from the mirror on the opposite building, and felt that a suspicious person had barged in, she did not expect to meet Ye Cheng.    


"Be careful!" However, the result was out of Ye Cheng's expectations. How could he know that a well-trained policewoman had such a poor balance, that it didn't matter if she stepped on his feet, that she had forcefully 'molested' him, and that her beautiful chest muscles were being squeezed painfully by her chicken claws? He thought that it must have been because a large chunk of her flesh was ripped off there. Officer Yu, don't! "    


Yu Mingxi hurriedly retracted his hand. Just now, he seemed to have grabbed something that he shouldn't have, and looking at Ye Cheng's conservative and destructive expression, it was as if he had been ravaged by her. He was instantly furious and embarrassed, so he threw his body off and threw his foot towards Ye Cheng's lower abdomen. Damn pervert, get lost! "    


Ye Cheng staggered back a few steps before retracting her body. She innocently bit her lips and stared at Yu Mingxi as she turned to leave.    


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