The Romantic Soldier King



Slums, West Side Block, Shopping Center in Old Town    


Wherever there is a secret, there is an incomplete beauty!    


Ye Cheng took a deep breath. All this time, it was not because he had been tracking the secret of the LY stoste, finding the night evil, and finding the experimental base below that level.    


He had been wrong from the very beginning, everything was wrong!    


"What's going on? You mean you're an electronic dog? " The black doctor rushed out of his mouth, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing. "Uh, what I mean is, we ?"    


"That's right, we are the electronic dogs!" Ye Cheng frankly admitted this point. On the surface, it's because of the murder. But this time, if it wasn't for Mei-zi impulsively killing the two assassins, I'm afraid I wouldn't have realized this. "    


"I still don't get it!"    


"The simplest example is that if Chen Luoxue had not appeared there, I would not have gone to the old city area. But after we appeared, the people from night evil would have followed, right?"    


"West Side Block, there's no such thing as a night evil?"    




"Ah, if you think about it carefully, that's indeed the case." In other words, why would night evil be so clear about our movements? "    


Ye Cheng shook his head. While I was investigating the old city, the Nightmare Terror was already lurking around us. Mei-zi had warned me that I was being careless! Now that the Nightmare Terrors have died in West Side Block, and the night evil has lost such an eye, how does it know about your place? "    


"young master Ye, the murder case at the shopping mall happened before we appeared!"    


"That's not the point! Nightmare and incomplete beauty are both part of the Seven Scions of the night evil. They are both pioneers in the night evil and they are all pawns used to confuse us by creating terrifying crimes with incomplete beauty to hold back the police. If the nightmare is still alive right now, I think her next target would be An Ningxuan. After that, she wanted to take care of Meizi, creating an attempt to trap us with the Myriad Tribulations Descent. However, it was still broken by me, and at that time, Han Ling's death was exposed. "    


"Han Mingwei couldn't wait to send out his Nightmare Terrors and wanted to use the Qing Gang to get rid of you, but he didn't expect that the master Ma wasn't easy to control. He split the loot evenly and killed the master Ma, using the incomplete beauty to lure the both of you into the trap, in an attempt to kill you in the illusion world."    


Ye Cheng nodded. Han Mingwei definitely knows that I took away the things that Chen Luoxue left behind in the old city sector, knew that I would go to the West Side Block to search for containers, so I didn't wait for the shops there to move to the next block and set the street on fire.    


After extinguishing the smoke, Ye Cheng hissed. "Also, I don't think this murder case at the shopping mall is that simple. Did you pay attention to one detail?"    


"The police are on guard against you, so when the person called Xiao Yao saw us entering, he put the case file away."    


"Hm!" Xiao Yao's identity is very special, the one who came to take over the staff officer Yao is his father, and the one who led the West Side Block to finish up is him, but he did not succeed this time. " Speaking to there, Ye Cheng touched the container in his pocket. He had always been wearing this hexagonal thing, but he couldn't find a way to open it.    


"young master Ye, I have no other requirements. This is a hospital and there are still patients here."    


Ye Cheng patted the black doctor's shoulder and said: "Your identity is not suitable for you to reveal yourself, I didn't think that this old guy would chase you here, it means that the other side is also worried, but you are a good doctor, do your job, their goal should be the basement, don't go against the army, it's not good for you."    


Saying that, Ye Cheng revealed a sly smile, watching the black doctor became flustered.    


Around 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening, Mei Zi walked into the office. A charming smile was on her rosy face as she entered Ye Cheng's embrace with a loud cry for credit.    


"Is this girl crazy?"    


"You're the one who's crazy! Elder Brother Ye, I'm so hungry!"    


"The shopping mall is sealed, there's no place for you to eat delicious food. How about not eating the cafeteria? The hospital's food is a bit hard to eat, but you can still eat on the small stove."    


The three of them headed to the hospital's cafeteria. Along the way, they met the foreigners who were preparing to leave the hospital and were talking to their doctor, the doctor, who followed them when they saw the doctor. The doctor probably meant that after the procedure was completed, they wouldn't be able to get a car at this point, so they asked if they could stay for the night and leave tomorrow morning.    


The black doctor looked at the foreigner and nodded in agreement.    


The hospital's cafeteria was on the second floor of the Inpatient Department, which took up about half of the entire floor. The hospital's cafeteria was on the second floor, which took up about half of the entire floor, which seemed to be very clean.    


She looked outside at an old building, which was about three stories high, and was covered with vines. When spring came, this wall should be very pretty in summer!    


The dinner was sumptuous, Meizi stared at the old house without showing any appetite, her beautiful eyes revealing a carefree look. She glanced at Ye Cheng and seemed to want to say something but stopped in her tracks.    


The black doctor took the initiative to say, "When I rebuilt this place, I wanted to destroy that building as well, but the old gatekeeper here said that that building couldn't be destroyed. It was said that when the hospital was being built, it couldn't be built no matter what, and only after looking for a master did this building appear, used to suppress evil spirits."    


It was just like Wolf Fang who had to cut off the enemy's head when he was on a mission. It was the same for Ah San and his sanguinis, as well as the Black Doctor's own set of techniques. Now, he stared at the three-storey rescue building with an indescribable feeling, especially at the eyes of Mei Zi, the fear that rose up from the bottom of his heart was becoming more and more obvious.    


"That's right, Elder Brother Ye, I think that's their target!"    


There was a distance of thirty to forty meters between the old building and the new building. Both buildings had a basement beneath them, which was the first shelter that had been left behind, but from the blueprint, the two places were not connected, and there were three obstacles between them.    


When they were building the new building, there was a collapse at a place near the old building. After the construction of the new building, there was a rumor about the ghosts buried underground in the hospital. Just in case, the black doctor ordered people to seal the two basement passages, which was the big iron gate and big iron chain that Ye Cheng and Mei Zi initially saw.    


The sound of ghosts?    


In fact, the old building was only a building, so one could not see anything out of the ordinary from its outer appearance. But what was suspicious was the black bugs that the paper shape of the building had brought out from the dugout, those were not ordinary black hard shell bugs, they only looked similar, but if one looked carefully at the belly of the black hard shell bugs, they had very faint abdominal lines. This kind of bug could be traced back to the last century.    


With such suspicions, the three of them arrived at the entrance of the basement of the new building around 9 pm.    


The lock showed signs of being broken, but the head was very strong, only leaving a gap, and the wound was very new.    


Ye Cheng tried to lock the door, and found that there were traces of someone having broken through the wall where the metal door was connected, causing a lot of white ashes to fall on the ground. "Where is the other opening?"    


"Old building!"    


Ye Cheng turned around and glared at the black doctor, and the three of them left the new house and rushed towards the old building.    


The old building in the middle of the night looked like an old man that had been asleep for a long time. Under the light of the street lamp, it was not difficult to discover the footprints that had been stepped on.    


Before she entered the old building, she took out a Yellow Talisman and gave it to the black doctor. From start to finish, she never mentioned where she went and what she did, so the black doctor was extremely curious but didn't dare to ask.    


After a few minutes or so, she pushed open the door. When the black doctor entered, he could feel the sensation of something passing through him, and it was wonderful, like the stuffiness of a heart that has been struck, although only for an instant, but still fresh in his memory.    


Just like all the abandoned buildings, the old building was covered in thick dust and cobwebs, while tables and chairs were arranged neatly in their original positions. The moment he entered the room, the black doctor noticed the messy footprints. There were at least four people, and they split into two teams and left. There are still quite a few old people! "    


She did not follow the footprints, instead, she looked around and asked curiously. Why is there no shrine? "    


This was the first time he entered the old building, and all the deity worshipers knew that there was definitely some kind of treasure there. It was placed in a shrine as a tribute, especially the ancient houses, which were all gathering Yin energy, but there was no such thing placed in this town building.    


"Strange! Stay close to me, don't just walk around, this place is weird. "    


Even without Mei Zi's reminder, the black doctor would still closely follow. Even though he was tall and big, he was still very afraid of this kind of thing that couldn't be seen or touched. Little girl, can you remind me first? so that I, your grandfather, can prepare. "    


Mei-zi looked back and smiled, her eyes that were not black immediately scared the black doctor to the point of screaming, but a burst of fragrance caressed his lips. She blinked her eyes at the black doctor and pointed upwards. The two of them quietly went upstairs, and only now did the black doctor realize that even though they did not use any candles, light would cover every inch of their body, so the black doctor did not need to worry about not being able to see what was beneath their feet.    


The second floor had three to four rooms. This old building was not big and was not meant for living in, but there was a saying that the three to four miles on the third floor came from an unknown source. It probably implied that nine times three to nine was one.    


The four rooms were opened by the wrong side of the door, and indeed, the black doctor found a fingerprint on the third room. The four rooms were opened by the wrong side of the door, and indeed, the black doctor found a fingerprint on the third room.    


Although there was a guide on the third door, according to the footprints, the toes were positioned towards the other side. It was very possible that the two of them had come to this room, but in the end, they had left because the footprints had disappeared between the four doors.    


The two of them retreated to the staircase and headed up to the third floor. Only two sets of footprints appeared on the two flights of stairs. When they reached the third room, Mei-zi pressed her fingers on the door.    


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