The Romantic Soldier King



The 12 hours of evolution quietly happened at the same time. Far away at the other end of the East Sea, the changes also happened.    


West Side Block was silent for a few hours, before he exploded again. It was just that the power was weaker than before, and did not cause any more casualties.    


The sky above West Side was shrouded in fiery red clouds, like the color of the land after being burned, so red that it was bewitching.    


Standing on a tall building at the East China Sea Finance Center was a person. He stood in the dark office, blending in with the entire building. Right in front of him was West Side Block, the demonic like red cloud was slowly floating under the wind.    


The man sighed and walked slowly back to his office. The phone on his desk rang. The ear-piercing sound of the bell was extremely strange in this silent darkness. The man had thought about it three times before slowly picking up the receiver, and a hoarse voice came from the other side.    


The man pressed down the loudspeaker and leisurely sat down in the leather chair. He quietly listened to the creaking sounds coming from the receiver. The sound was rhythmic and slow, as if it was caused by the friction of a broken cello.    


After about two or three minutes, the noise stopped. After hesitating for half a second, the receiver made a clicking sound. There was another buzzing sound. This time, it only lasted for a minute before it stopped.    


The four minutes of conversation felt like a century had passed, and only this man himself knew how much patience was needed to hold back the urge to hang up and listen to the rest of the four minutes.    


The man was well aware of the consequences of hanging up midway. It would be the same as the plant in front of him, where it would instantly wither and wither!    


No matter how good or bad the vegetation was, they had to be replaced the next day. The varieties had to be the same each time, and the vegetation that was replaced had to be covered with a special bag sheath, placed in the order of time in the place where the light was reflected on the top floor.    


Once, there was a secretary who wanted to explore this secret plane with a tall and beautiful body and bribed the old man in charge of this matter. He intentionally opened up the plant cover and exposed it to the sunlight. The next day, someone found out that this woman and the old man had died in the old man's house naked, and when they died, the old man's roots were still buried in the woman's body.    


Only when they were separated did the police discover that the woman and the old man's internal organs had been stabbed together with iron wire. There was no blood that had been seen nor any precious items missing from the room. The only thing missing was the woman and the old man's left and right eyes, the left chest room and the old man's right toe.    


This murder case was not exposed in the eyes of the people of Eastsea City. Because of the extreme fear of cruelty, the police had yet to find a solution to this case.    


Since then, no one dared to look at the secret of the plant, and this matter became a secret that couldn't be spread out in the Star Moon Group, because no one wanted to die.    


The clock struck twelve times with a "dang dang dang", and Han Mingwei finally let out a second long sigh. He opened his eyes, and in the pitch-black office appeared two twisted figures, as though they were figures that were floating in the heat of the desert.    


Han Mingwei stood up and knelt down respectfully in front of the two of them. You could clearly see that both of his hands were trembling on the ground, and sweat had seeped out of his shirt.    


"Your subordinate was incompetent and was unable to complete the mission."    


Only one of the two black figures walked to the front of Han Mingwei, while the other spun around the two people like a spinning top.    


An invisible pressure made Han Mingwei stick to the ground, his chin and lips were kissing the ground, even his lashes were kissing.    


After a long while, the man who was standing in front of him finally spoke. He used the tip of his foot to raise Han Mingwei's chin and forced him to look at himself. Failure is failure. You still have a chance to find the container, otherwise, you will be replaced. "    


As if they had seen hope, they immediately rushed to Han Mingwei's front. Just at this moment, Han Mingwei saw that the shadow's face was exactly the same as his, and took a step back in fear.    


The black figure seemed to like Han Mingwei's terrified look. As he retreated backwards, step by step, he approached until he reached the window and took out a sickle from within his black robe.    




In time, another person called out to him, saving Han Mingwei's life in time. " I'll give you a week and I'll come back. "    


Han Mingwei leaned on the window for a long time, and only after he had gotten used to the density of the air, was he able to fall down and take deep breaths.    


After resting for a while, Han Mingwei stood up from the ground, and after walking a few steps, he fell back onto the ground and fainted.    


The next morning, when the cleaning lady saw Han Mingwei sweeping the floor, she screamed for security and sent him to the hospital.    


Ever since the incident in West Side Block, the incident in the East Sea had caused all of the reporters in the city to crumble. No matter which side it was, it was still a piece of news that was hard to spread.    


Within twelve hours, the master of the Azure Dragon Group had been replaced, and the head of the Star Moon Group had fainted in his office, it was unknown whether he was alive or dead. However, the most worrisome West Side Block, after the second explosion, had retreated from the area at seven in the morning, leaving the entire street as silent as a dead city.    


The remaining reporters only managed to capture the departure of the transport vehicle. From the initial seven to eight vehicles, they had moved on to the last three.    


Ten o'clock! Hei Yao officially accepted the Fan Magazine's interview regarding the purchase of the Azure Dragon Group, then synced with the Internet and was displayed before the eyes of the world.    


In front of the camera, Sang Huihui sat by Ah San's side. Throughout the entire conversation, Sang Huihui spoke very little, and the ending of the conversation was not as awkward as the beginning. Instead, it was the way he answered's questions during the interview, as well as the occasional words he used on the internet.    


The one and a half hour interview ended in a relaxed environment. The moment Ah San left the camera, he hurriedly left the Black Light Tower from the back and entered the van that was parked in the alley.    




Ah San nodded and let the driver drive. When he found out that the person driving the car was Ye Cheng, he was extremely surprised.    


They were a part of the sanguinis, but they had followed Ah San for this mission, and did not expect to fight together with their boss. They could not help but be shocked, because in their eyes, Ye Cheng was a god-like person, especially when it came to fighting power, they wanted others to surpass him.    


Half an hour later, the van arrived at an intersection near the West Side Block. From here, a lot of reporters could be seen rushing towards the block, which had no one guarding it. The streets were already surrounded by these large and small newspaper reporters, the place was a complete mess.    


A few people got out of the car and went to the nearby KFC to sell five family buckets. After the ten of them ate heartily in the car, they gradually entered a dormant state.    


Because they were not sure when these reporters would leave, Ye Cheng and the others could only wait.    


"Boss, Han Mingwei entered the hospital, there's news from the black doctor saying that Han Yi wants to go back. Two days ago, there were a few capable people walking around his hospital, and a few foreigners are staying in the hospital due to traffic accidents. I have already sent other sanguinis over."    


The Black Doctor's hospital was very far away from the city, and from his street, he saw the typical countryside. After that was the city which spanned across the province's borders, which was not too strange for foreigners to see, but people who drove normally would not take that road, and instead choose the new road that had just been constructed. There was only a difference of fifty to sixty meters between the two, so of course they would not choose the muddy road that people walked on.    


Seeing that Ye Cheng did not say anything, Ah San paused and continued: "After the goods were delivered, I went to the local traffic police to ask around. At that time, these few foreigners were riding on a pickup truck with three people on it who were more than ten years old, and the accident happened because they were hiding from a chicken and ran into a ditch. The truck turned upside down and caused two of them to have their leg fractured, and they were sent to the Black Doctor's hospital."    


Avoid a chicken? This is really interesting, Ye Cheng laughed in disdain, who exactly is this high quality reason going against?    


Let your people keep an eye on him, if they don't do anything, then forget it, if they really do have something they can solve on the spot. In any case, I see that the black doctor's morgue is pretty big, it's also good to give him a few more corpses for learning and research.    


Ah San was speechless. He smirked dryly and closed his eyes to sleep. He had been dug up by Sang Huihui for an interview so early in the morning.    


"What were you doing with Snowfall in those two days?"    


Ah San sighed in his heart, although he knew that this would happen sooner or later, and he was mentally prepared, his heart still thumped loudly when he bumped into it.    


"If you're going to tell me you made it up beforehand, you don't have to tell me."    


"Boss, I can't say it!"    


Ah San's heart was filled with guilt and contradiction. Both sides were people who owed him favors, and he did not want to deceive anyone, so at this moment, his mind was in a mess.    


Ye Cheng replied, although the answer was not what he wanted. "Okay, I won't ask you, but you have to tell me, how is she doing?"    


"Ah San hesitated for a long time before replying to Ye Cheng's question. Boss, she's very close to you, that's all I can say. "    


Ye Cheng smiled, this was a good answer.    


Beep! Beep! "Beep, beep, beep!    


Ye Cheng asked Ah San to lie down. He put on his sunglasses and looked outside, a few garbage trucks and an earth car were passing by, entering the West Side Block. Since the reporters were still there, they were stuck at the intersection.    


took a photo and sent it to An Ningxuan, telling her to check out the information on the company.    


Qiao Rubing brought a phone call at this time. She said that Lei Zihan was not in a good mood, because Hei Yao had bought the Azure Dragon for one hundred million. This was unacceptable to her, as she wanted to settle the score with him.    


was still Lei Zihan's man, even if her father had done wrong, she could not take advantage of the situation. On the phone, Qiao Rubing told Ye Cheng to go back and coax them, but Ye Cheng bluntly said that there was no need to, making Qiao Rubing feel speechless, because Lei Zihan was right beside her and she was using the hands-free method.    


"Damn Ye Cheng, I don't want to see you anymore, I want to run away from home."    


A beep beep sound came from the phone. Ye Cheng closed the phone and got out of the car.    




"You stay in the car, I'll go take a look."    


With the support of the traffic police, the garbage trucks and the earthwagons began to slowly pull into the district. The reporters were driven to one side, and some of them even continued to take pictures of the cars entering.    


When An Ningxuan called her, she, Wu Feng, found any registration information on this cleaning company and told Ye Cheng to be careful. She rushed over after work.    


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