The Romantic Soldier King



The owner of the wonton shop chuckled twice, took a few puffs of smoke and left with his hands behind his back. Looking at the boss's back, Ye Cheng lamented in his heart that he was also someone with a story!    


After eating the wontons, Ye Cheng squatted at the entrance and looked at them. The Lady Boss had pretty good idea of moving out a stool for her to make, this wonton shop had been opened for more than ten years, and could only make one item, there were many customers returning to make it, and they hired two workers who specialized in making wontons, and the filling was made by the owner himself.    


At five past nine, the group went back to their cars to rest. There were people drinking water and smoking, and there were also a few sitting around the city to play Landlord. No one could tell who was the boss, but they were all estimated to be around twenty-five or twenty-six years old on average.    


Just as Ye Cheng was about to stand up after he finished smoking, the owner came over and handed him a cigarette. "Youngster, how about you step on the spot? I dare to say that nothing is more suitable within a radius of a few miles than me."    


Once these words were said, Ye Cheng gave a clear laugh. Brother, can you tell? "    


"I can't tell, but I've seen you before. Do you know who you are?"    


Ye Cheng was startled, why did he not notice this wonton shop when he was walking around here in the past? "Sure, sure!"    


"Are you here for that girl? That girl is quite pitiful, she has been bullied a lot by this place."    


"Brother, are you very familiar with her?"    


"It's alright, little brother. Don't misunderstand, she's a regular customer of mine. She has a bowl of wontons every day, there's no shortage of them."    


Just as the voice was heard, a familiar voice sounded. Ye Cheng was shocked, he turned his head and did not look at Zhang Kewei. The boss acted as if this wasn't the case and beckoned her in.    


Zhang Kewei suspiciously looked out of the window and took the wonton to the inn opposite. Looking at her lonely back, Ye Cheng's nose started to feel sour.    


At 10 o'clock, the thugs started a new wave. This time, they didn't smash it, but went in one by one and dragged everyone out. The thugs formed a circle around them and began to berate them.    


At this time, Ye Cheng noticed that the drivers on the two cars did not move at all, they were focused on the situation in front of them, and from time to time, they would take out their phones and take a picture of the two cars. Logically speaking, they came together, what was there to take?    


After half an hour of scolding, instead of letting them go, they stood like schoolchildren in the street. After almost two hours, no one visited Zhang Kewei's inn.    


Ye Cheng was still thinking about whether he should go over when he saw a taxi coming from the north and a family of three dragging their luggage towards the hotel. Before even reaching the entrance, there were already people coming to drive them away.    


This kind of situation happened frequently for the next two hours. From start to finish, Ye Cheng had never seen Zhang Kewei appear before, nor did he see anyone else in the shop, he could not help but ask the owner of the inn. Only then did he find out that there were no waiters, and at the beginning, there were even two girls who appeared in large numbers in the shop, scaring them so much that they did not dare come back to work.    


Ye Cheng's heart tensed up when he heard that, his eyes shone coldly, this matter could not be delayed any longer. He made a phone call from the side and returned to the wonton shop.    


At noon, when business was busiest, the boss and the boss hung up a sign saying that the business was closed. The two of them hid inside the house and chatted with Ye Cheng through the window.    


Twenty minutes later, a car stopped in front of the hotel's entrance. The three men who alighted from the car were immediately kicked out by the hoodlum guarding the entrance. The three of them immediately beat the two of them up on the spot without saying a word!    


Soon after, a lot of cars came one after another, heading towards the hotel. With the situation in front of them, the thugs, who used to be families, gathered around, and the first three guests stepped on each other's bodies. They then shouted loudly, "Who dares to stop my friend from living here today, I'll beat him back to the womb and reincarnate."    


These harsh words weren't enough to scare off those professional thugs. What kind of people hadn't they seen before? Why would they be afraid of these three? A chauffeur jumped down from the car. He knocked on another car, said a few words to the chauffeur, and then walked to the other side of the street.    


Zhang Kewei felt that it was strange that there were suddenly more guests here. She also earnestly advised them to stay at other places, but these people had hardened her heart to stay. This strangeness made her think of a person.    


Ye Cheng thought for a while and accepted the call.    


"Tell your men to leave, I don't need your sympathy!"    


"Wife, I don't know what you're talking about. What my people? How are you so noisy? Where are you?"    


Zhang Kewei bit his lip when he heard the two words "wife". Ever since you left, we were no longer anything. Mr. Ye, please take note of your words. "    


Ye Cheng sighed. You're still at the hotel? Is something wrong? "    


"Did you really not call these people over?" Zhang Kewei seemed to really not know anything from Ye Cheng's tone, could it be that he was wrong?    


"I really don't know. Wait in the store, I'll be right there."    


"No need!"    


Zhang Kewei heartlessly hung up the phone, and helped the customers check in one by one, and in a short while, the small inn was full.    


Ye Cheng stared at Zhang Kewei's busy figure in the hotel, picked up the phone and said: "Make your people act good."    


After closing the line, Ye Cheng sent a video to Sang Huihui. The demolition team did not hesitate to threaten the shop owner in order to reach their goal.    


The well-founded news instantly spread out from the larger social circles, and the click-through rate kept increasing. Just this video caused all of the major media outlets in the East Sea to be attracted, and the person running in front was naturally Fan Magazine, who led his subordinates and rushed to the front line with a video camera. He pulled open the camera and started to report the news about the threat and threat of the Jida demolition team.    


Ye Cheng scratched his head and handed over a can of beer behind him. "Little brother, you did well."    


"Thank you for your praise, I believe the police will be able to get through soon. Who is the head of the police station here, old bro?"    


"I knew his surname was Fu!"    


"Another one with the surname 'Fu'!" Ye Cheng poked his hands, every time he heard the surnamed Fu, his hands would feel itchy. Last time, if it was not because of Old Company Commander's pressure, I guess that Fu Qingyun right now was either a paraplegic or a vegetable, how could he be so carefree in a mental hospital?    


With the intervention of Fan Magazine, the scene immediately became chaotic. The first three residents who were beaten up twisted their hands and asked Fan Aiqiu to be interviewed, while not forgetting to give the other party a spin, their exit rate was extremely high!    


Ye Cheng giggled as he looked at Fan Aiqiu and brought his other subordinate to rush to the other shop. For the truth of the report, she needed more interviews, but it was obvious that the owner of the shop was afraid of the thugs, so they all avoided accepting interviews. Even if they were dragged around, they would only use their hands to block the camera.    


In the end, the cameraman was hit by the camera, which resulted in the cameraman being beaten up.    


Without needing Ye Cheng to do anything, the three people who were being interviewed had bravely stepped forward to fight the thug.    


Seeing that, Ye Cheng patted the dust off his pants. The good show was about to take place, he was not in a hurry to appear.    


More and more reporters came over, the thugs from the Jeddah demolition team started to retreat during the chaos, but Ye Cheng would definitely not let them escape like that. "Through his phone, he pressed 1." If you want to escape, how can you? Without you two, you can't continue filming! "    


"In the midst of the chaos, we could hear someone shouting." "Hey, the puncher is here!"    


When the reporters heard this, they swarmed forward and immediately stopped the two vans that were preparing to escape on the street. The vehicles' engines were whining, and they would move forward from time to time.    


Another person from the crowd took the lead to shout out. Under the instigation of righteous words, the interviewees automatically pulled out two lines of defense and blocked the car on the road, one after the other.    


"F * ck, get out of my way!" The driver came out of the cab shouting.    


"You guys beat up someone and still want to leave, wait for the police car to come."    


"The police is nothing, I'm even the police chief's uncle!"    


The driver got back into the car and pressed down on the accelerator. The car emitted a burst of black smoke as it crashed towards the female reporter who had just spoken. "If you dare to stand in my way, I'll smash you all to death and call my boss."    


Compared to this driver, the other car was much steadier. Seven or eight hulks got out of the car, walked up, and punched and kicked the people blocking their way. They then made a gap for the car to drive away.    


The rest of the people saw that the car had escaped danger and chased after it. However, behind the reporters, there were a few men in cloth clothing. They faced the people who were rushing out and laid on the ground with their hands on top of each other.    


The car stopped in the distance. Seeing this, the car sped away, leaving its companions behind.    


"With just this bird shape, it's still worthy to be in the Dark Society. Shame on me." Ye Cheng spat on the ground disdainfully, using his foot to poke, and his entire body was suddenly covered with the aura of a bandit.    


Looking at the other side, the car that was trapped in a pile of people let out a beast's howl, Ye Cheng vaguely felt that something was going to happen. Just as he was about to go over, he was stopped by the owner's shoulder, he turned towards him suspiciously.    


"At this point, there has to be some blood, or else it won't be enough!"    


What did that mean? To put it bluntly, it required a bit of human life to pay attention. If a person didn't die, they would at least inflict a few serious injuries. Only then would the news be interesting.    


Just as Ye Cheng was hesitating, something disastrous happened!    


Screams followed one after another as police cars followed them. In just a few seconds, someone had fallen into a pool of blood. It was hard to tell if they were still alive or dead.    


The minivan driver gritted his teeth, stepped on the gas and pressed down onto the body of the person in the pool of blood, then ran away.    


How tragic!    


Ye Cheng frowned, the hand on his shoulder loosened, he stood up and coldly looked at the wonton shop owner. "Who are you?"    


"The owner of the wonton shop laughed." "I'm a wonton seller. This kind of thing goes on the news every day. If you want to solve the problem, you have to do it this way."    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, he then pressed number 2, and all of the cloth-clothed people surrounding the reporters left, the number of people at the scene seemed to have decreased, but the police did not notice this imagination.    


120 rushed to the hospital where the injured were taken, and the female reporter who had been crushed twice by the car on her way to the hospital died from excessive bleeding.    


Because of the murder, things had changed. The policemen who came to maintain the scene did not expect something like this to happen. After they dealt with the situation, someone walked to the side and made a phone call. Not long after, another police car drove over and brought a few reporters back to the police station.    


After the chaos ended, Ye Cheng looked at his watch. It was two in the afternoon.    


The reporters took the three guests away with them. When they were pushed into the police car, they nodded towards Ye Cheng, and the three police cars left with the sound. The noisy street immediately quietened down.    


The shop owners who had been hiding in their shops all this time slowly walked out. When they saw the large pool of blood on the street, they shook their heads and sighed with sad expressions.    


Zhang Kewei walked out of the inn with her fur scarf wrapped around her body. Amongst everyone here, perhaps she was the one who understood what was happening. She stared at the blood stains on the ground in excitement, then suddenly turned and strode towards the wonton shop, standing in front of Ye Cheng.    


"How can you do this?"    


She really wanted to slap this arrogant man, but she didn't do that. Zhang Kewei pointed guiltily at the bloodstain on the ground and asked: "That was a human life ah!"    


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