The Romantic Soldier King



shook his head at Sang Huihui. Lei Zihan was just a child, after all, he had become so crazy this time that he had become a peerless beauty in the world.    


"Mei-zi, stop trying to persuade her. Don't you know her temper? It's fine if you say it like that, but if you want to follow behind her butt, sooner or later she won't die from exhaustion, but you'll die from exhaustion first. "    


Of course, she came over to console Lei Zihan so that he could comfort her with her emotions. In addition, she had other small intentions in her mind. Seeing the crafty look in her eyes, Sang Huihui silently waited to see a good show.    


As expected, Lei Zihan stood up like a female warrior after her outburst and let out a scream. On her soft breasts, she was pressing down on her jade-like hands, her innocent face peeking out from behind Lei Zihan, looking at Sang Huihui and An Ningxuan evilly.    


"Mei-zi, what are you doing!"    


"Let me try to see the size of Zihan's sauce. The two sisters, please comment on it, can't even hold onto one hand!" Meizi smiled sweetly as she winked at the two people in front of her, while she argued with her ten fingers, she did not forget to pinch them. You look as soft as a sponge. No wonder Elder Brother Ye said that she likes Zihan's sauce the most! "    


Sang Huihui covered her mouth. She had already known that this girl was hiding her true intentions, but An Ningxuan, on the other hand, was still a little unable to react. In her heart, she thought that the beauty before her was such a pure child.    


"En, looking at it this way, Zihan's Mimi is indeed not small, it's just that her body is a bit thinner, and I'll let An An to bring you along to train, once I have muscles, I'll be able to curve out, it looks like your body is still quite flexible." Sang Huihui followed what Mei Zi said, and began to discuss about Lei Zihan as if he was talking about her goods.    


"Aiyo, I hate you guys so much. Who wants a figure? I'm just like this, I don't care if he likes it or not." Lei Zihan bashfully stomped her feet and turned around to pinch the tip of Mei Zi's nose. And you, you have already become a bad student with your Elder Brother Ye, you know how to eat my tofu, don't you?    


Mei-zi giggled while hiding from Lei Zihan and didn't forget to tease her a little. Not long later, the four women started fighting without any worries.    


Qiao Rubing stood outside the door, hesitating as she looked inside, she was extremely envious of the lively scene inside. Even though they had lived in your villa for the past few days, and had not treated her as an outsider, nor had anyone brought up the matters from the past, and truly wanted to treat her like a sister. But she could not forget the foolish things she had done.    


"Why are you standing here?" Ye Cheng walked out from behind her, wrapped himself in a bath towel, and wrapped his arms around Qiao Rubing's body from behind. His hands were tightly pressed against her navel, pulling her into his embrace.    


Qiao Rubing struggled for a while before letting him go, as she slightly arched her back and leaned on Ye Cheng's chest, feeling his big hands unrestrainedly comforting her, she unconsciously raised her head and her whole body relaxed, but she did not notice that her soft body was slowly sticking close to Ye Cheng's, causing the two of them to immediately close in on each other without any cracks.    


"These little scoundrels, they are all playing behind your father's back. This is too much!"    


However, unexpectedly, Ye Cheng's words that didn't come out of nowhere completely shattered Qiao Rubing's daydreams. She sorrowfully frowned, this perverted fellow, he finally had some ideas, and he wanted something to happen. He hated him to death by eating and thinking about things in a pot.    


Without even thinking, he stepped on Ye Cheng's foot, coldly snorted, opened the door and entered the Cleansing Room. He slammed the door in front of Ye Cheng, and even closed the curtain.    


"Hey, that can't be, at least let me see a few more times!" It's not like this is the first time for girls, I know exactly where a birthmark, mole, and scar is on your body. "    


Ye Cheng unhappily shouted from outside. How did he offend Qiao Rubing again? Why did he suddenly turn hostile and did he not give him any face at all? "Forget it, forget it. You guys can just stay inside and take a bath. I'm going to enjoy the outdoor hot spring!"    


"Aiya, this stinking man wants to monopolize the outdoor bathing pool. Don't let the stench from his body dirty the pool." Lei Zihan wailed.    


All the women were germaphobic, and upon hearing Lei Zihan's shouts, they all quickened their pace and rushed out!    


Ye Cheng sat at the side of the bath, one hand casually poking at the water in the pool, smiling as he stared at the rushing beauties, and did not forget to say "Hey!"    


With their arms folded across their chest, all the girls walked in front of Ye Cheng with graceful steps!    


"Is it funny?" Qiao Rubing asked indifferently!    


Ye Cheng muttered, his head shaking like a rattle drum!    


"You're not funny, yet you're laughing?"    


"I, I only thought that I would be happy to enjoy the moon with you guys later. I definitely didn't mean to ridicule you guys!"    


"Humph!" You like to admire the moon, but the moon is better eaten by dogs! " An Ningxuan rolled her eyes at Ye Cheng, and took the initiative to walk to the side of the bathing pool on the balcony. Although this was the fourth floor of the Clear Water Bay, it was still a place above the higher levels, so there was nothing to say!    


As for An Ningxuan, who was enjoying the beautiful scenery, he did not forget to look around him. After all, everyone was wearing little, and they were all famous people.    


"Don't worry, I've already checked, the privacy here isn't bad and there isn't a hidden camera here. You can do whatever you want, I'm willing to be your escort!"    


"Elder Brother Ye, if you forget, you are a wolf!"    


"Hahaha, Mei-zi is right, this defense is no match for a wolf like you!"    


Ye Cheng was not angry from being teased by all the beauties. He knew that they were just spouting lies, scolding them while their mouths hurt, and in his heart, he treated it as flirting!    


It was very comfortable to be alone in the large bathing pool. He didn't understand what the women were thinking and wondered if it would be very comfortable to just soak in such a small place.    


A woman's mind was hard to guess, especially when it came to sisters!    


He closed his eyes to enjoy the rare tranquility and heard the faint sounds of people arguing outside. Ye Cheng vigilantly stood up from the water, he grabbed a bath towel around his waist, wiped his face and walked out!    


"Why is it so noisy?"    


The server guarding the door stared at Ye Cheng's body full of muscles, and forgot to respond!    


Ye Cheng was extremely confident in his figure, the muscles in his body were created bit by bit by effort, it was not possible to produce muscles, but it was not easy to create a well-proportioned body!    


In this world that looked at one's face, it was difficult to be a man!    


"Not bad!" Can you read it? "    


"The waiter was stunned, his face immediately flushed red!" "I can, I can see!"    


"Tch!" Males are shy my ass. Just looking at your bashful appearance makes them angry. You still don't have a girlfriend, do you!? "    


"No, not yet!"    


"Oh!" Curved? " Seeing that the young lad's face was like a steamed shrimp, Ye Cheng did not forget to look at himself.    


Indeed, the young man had fallen into his trap! "He cried out with a suppressed face." I'm not bent, I'm straight, straight! "    


How boring! It was not funny at all! Ye Cheng thought, he then asked the young lad for a cigarette to smoke. He hasn't answered my question yet. Who is it that is so noisy over there? Weren't we supposed to have covered all of them? Why would they let them in? Is your manager being honest or not!? "    


"That is not our Clear Water Bay's!"    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng became even more curious! "No matter how you look at it, this floor belongs to the same unit, how come it doesn't belong to Clear Water Bay?" Brat, don't lie to me. To be honest, it was your manager who did the outsourcing! "If you don't tell me the truth, I'll sue your boss when I go in. If the manager can't get away, then your crime of covering for the boss isn't light!"    


"No, no!" Master, I really didn't lie to you! You are a friend of our boss, and all the people who came today are important figures. How would I dare to lie in front of the Chief of Police and Miss Ley! "    


Hehe! After Ye Cheng tried to scare a kid who had just started out, he let him go after pretending. I'll believe you this once and tell me what's going on. "    


There was a wide path with a ten-centimeter thick glass wall and a door. What was this craftsman thinking? Was he able to bear the weight of a single piece of glass?    


On the other side of the glass wall was a headhunter company, which was a remnant of history. It was reasonable to say that three months ago, they should have cleaned up the entire place for Clear Water Bay to use as an office, but they did not move it for any other purpose.    


However, two weeks ago, a lot of people came to the headhunter company and started to do the operation again. However, they stopped being headhunters and started making properties, which meant that there were a lot of people coming and going from the Clear Water Bay.    


Because of a dispute with a guest, the people of Clear Water Bay realized that the problem was serious and sent people to ask them to carry out the contract immediately. After that, the people of Clear Water Bay were beaten up and there was this glass wall with the words' Come and hit 'written on it arrogantly!    


Ye Cheng listened and nodded. Meeting this kind of unreasonable company, beating them is already a small matter. But then again, this company's boss did not seem like a decent person!    


"Then what happened today?"    


I don't know the specifics, but I just heard that a powerful figure from the other side came over and wanted to take a look at the security guards, but since the Miss Ley is in charge, they naturally aren't willing to give it away, so the other party came over to cause trouble, saying that our boss is taking revenge, and that our boss wants our boss to clean up and take our boss away. Now that the security guards are here too, who knows what kind of lovers are going to do?    


"It seems like the person who was beaten up before was your manager!" Ye Cheng laughed twice. He did not want to meddle in this matter, but after thinking about how difficult it was for the women inside to get together and go crazy, it was boring to just sweep away their personalities like that!    


"Brat, get me a set of security uniform. I'll go take a look!"    


"Aiyo, grandpa, you'd better not go. Those people are really tight, what are you going to do if you get hurt?"    


If something happens, I'll carry it myself. But you have to watch this door so that no one can enter and disturb the beauties watching the moon. I promise you that you'll be promoted three levels consecutively.    


The young lad's eyes lit up. Someone who could follow those big shots in and out must have a pretty high status, so he believed Ye Cheng's words and got the system from the security room. He even got his electric baton and stood guard outside the gate to stop the water!    


Hehe! The child can be taught!    


"Remember, no one is allowed to go in, and no one is allowed to come out!"    


"Yes!" "I guarantee that I will complete the mission!"    


Ye Cheng patted his shoulder as he turned his collar and walked towards the glass wall.    


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