The Romantic Soldier King



Following Chen Luoxue's departure, Ye Cheng's bindings were untied as well. The soil underneath his body was extremely dry, and other than sand and rocks, the only thing that came out from the soil that was left behind after's finger stabbed into it was a little bit of water.    


Ye Cheng stared into the depths of the forest, and started laughing bitterly, his self-deprecating laughter attracting An Ningxuan and Xiao Yao's attention. Looking at Ye Cheng who was covered with wounds, An Ningxuan was dumbstruck.    


Xiao Yao was also shocked, in his heart, Ye Cheng was unparalleled. Even if he was injured, he would quickly recover, and the other party's fate would be even worse. However, after walking around for a week, there were no traces of blood nor opponents.    




An Ningxuan stopped Xiao Yao from approaching him. She did not want anyone to disturb Ye Cheng at this time. That indescribable sadness was something that only he could digest and not something they could comfort.    


The light in the forest became dimmer and dimmer, the three of them were like statues, not moving an inch until they could no longer see their fingers. Ye Cheng moved, and when he jumped down from the ground to walk towards An Ningxuan's side, he paused for a moment, his dry lips formed into a wicked smile, and with a glance over her shoulder, he said to Xiao Yao in a low voice: "Tell your family's old man that I want a shoulder!"    


An Ningxuan's body froze, he instinctively grabbed Ye Cheng and looked into the depths of his black eyes, his mind completely blank.    


Ye Cheng laughed as if he understood something, easily lifting An Ningxuan's shoulder up as he limply hung onto her body and cried out in grief. Wife, I'm hurt and my whole body is in pain. I want to go to the hospital, I want to take a leave of absence, I want to apply for medical fees for work injuries, I want to get a raise! "    


An Ningxuan turned her head and supported Ye Cheng with her weight, walking out of the dense forest, the piercing sunlight made her eyes hurt, she rubbed her eyes as though she was coaxing a child, agreeing to all his unreasonable requests.    


A heavy sigh came from the depths of the forest. After Ye Cheng and the others left, the entire forest was shrouded in fog.    


Following An Ningxuan into the villa, Ye Cheng straightened his body and stared at the man sitting in the living room. He did not say anything for half a night and turned towards An Ningxuan and Xiao Yao suspiciously, causing the two of them to shake their heads in confusion.    


master Ma looked at Ye Cheng and put down the newspaper. It was obvious that he had seen An Ningxuan and Xiao Yao before, and he was very angry at his appearance. He rushed forward and grabbed Ye Cheng by the collar, and pushed him towards the corner of the wall. "You've harmed me!"    


Even the calmest person would not be able to calm down at this moment!    


Ye Cheng shouted out loud like a little girl. He suddenly raised his arms and pushed master Ma out. Are you a ghost or a human? "    


"Bullsh * t! I'm a human! You're f * cking early in the morning and you're screaming like a woman!" The master Ma rubbed his aching ears and roared.    


Just a moment ago, Ye Cheng's temperature was below 36.5 degrees on the skin of master Ma's arm. Heh heh, heh heh! Ye Cheng giggled at master Ma, he scratched his head, and after thinking about it for a long time, he slapped his thigh and shouted. If you say it out loud, you'd better believe it or not, I really saw a ghost! "    


An Ningxuan and Xiao Yao who were standing at the door didn't know what tricks Ye Cheng was playing. The two of them were called by Ye Cheng into the living room, and he casually sat on the sofa, and even sat on the place where the female corpse was sitting. The ancient bell behind them released a clanging sound, and it was not even a minute more, it was just right at 12 o'clock, it was currently noon.    


An Ningxuan trembled unknowingly, he subconsciously looked around, and saw that there was nothing wrong with the living room, while the two people sitting on the sofa had already started to chat.    


Xiao Yao swallowed his saliva and pulled at An Ningxuan's sleeve. Two long, one short, one long. For a long time, she pretended to be determined and said to Ye Cheng: "Ye Cheng, have you forgotten that there's still a meeting at two in the afternoon?"    


"Ah, I forgot. Xiao Yao, send Commissioner An back. Regarding the remaining problems of the master Ma case, let me settle it for you." Ye Cheng followed what An Ningxuan said and naturally accepted it. He winked and blew a kiss at An Ningxuan, then turned towards master Ma without batting an eyelid.    


An Ningxuan's lungs were about to explode from anger, what kind of meeting was there? Ye Cheng must have already sensed that there was something wrong with the master Ma, so he took the chance to separate her and Xiao Yao. This bastard, is he really going to risk his life? If they were already dead, what was there to talk about!    


"Xiao Yao, you drive back. The case of the master Ma is not an ordinary case, the young master Ye is not someone from the Bureau, I'm afraid that people will gossip about him. Go back and inform everyone that the afternoon meeting is scheduled for 9 o'clock tomorrow." An Ningxuan stared at master Ma's feet. Under the abundant sunlight outside the window, this person was nowhere to be seen.    


Ye Cheng was stunned, he was helpless against An Ningxuan's stubbornness, but this kind of willfulness caused his heart to feel warm! He didn't refute her decision. Outside, she was the director. He was just an assistant!    


Xiao Yao was gloomy, what was this? How could someone who came together run away alone? "Then who did he become!" I'm going to leave, how are you going to return with young master Ye? It will take you three hours to get back and forth, I'm your driver, my job is to send you all back safely, how can I leave the Chief here by himself? Isn't it just a small matter of a change in the date of the meeting, just make a phone call to notify him. "Hee hee!"    


Xiao Yao's pure and honest smile gave people a feeling of honesty. When she spoke, she did not beat around the bush, and she was even free from the suspicion of cheating!    


master Ma looked at the three of them as he rubbed his bald head and said, "There are not many people that can work as hard as possible these days. With Director An's good subordinates, I must have more chances to train them in the future!"    


An Ningxuan laughed. No matter what, he was still a Chief of Police, so it was quite awkward for him to be lectured by a black-haired boss! This is good as well. You can wait in the car after you've made the call! "    


Xiao Yao was the weakest out of the three of them. For safety's sake, An Ningxuan decided to take Xiao Yao out of the villa.    


Xiao Yao pouted as he felt that he was being looked down on. He humphed twice and went to the side to make a call! "After talking on the phone and giving orders, he hung up and walked towards the kitchen." I'll borrow the kitchen to make tea for you all! "    


An Ningxuan had always been standing opposite of the master Ma. Under Xiao Yao's own decision, she suddenly asked while laughing: "Why does master Ma live in such a remote place and not even hire an aunt? Seeing you living here by yourself, Lawyer Han's arrangements are a bit unreasonable!"    


When something happened to the Qing Gang, master Ma was bailed out and sent here by Han Yi. According to the reaction of his stalkers, Auntie Gong would come every three days, master Ma never left the villa or even went to the garden. He just slept inside the house and no one came to visit him!    


"This is still not what your people want! "But Chief An, I won't say anything until my lawyer arrives!" master Ma puffed out smoke towards An Ningxuan, causing her to lose her vision.    


Ye Cheng's brows twitched, the frivolous actions of the master Ma displeased him greatly. In order to let him know that An Ningxuan was his man, Ye Cheng lowered his voice! master Ma, right now you are still under guarantee, so you should pay attention to your own words and actions. Your every word can be used as proof! Security, I suggest that we wait until Lawyer Han arrives before asking more questions! "    


Han Yi was hidden in the Black Doctor's hospital. It was possible that he would appear here, An Ningxuan stared deeply at Ye Cheng and nodded: "master Ma, do you want to make this call or should I?"    


Ye Cheng thought that the master Ma would not make this call, but he did not expect him to dial Han Yi's number in front of everyone. After being silent for a while, he revealed a smile and responded a few words to the other party before dropping the phone! Lawyer Han will be here soon! Everyone, please begin! "    


His voice had not even been heard for twenty minutes when the doorbell rang. Han Yi came really quickly!    


Ye Cheng stared at the woman who was slowly walking in, a cold smile plastered on his lips. Coming, really coming!    


An Ningxuan had not spoken the entire time, she had only been thinking of one question. Waiting for Ye Cheng to speak first, in this situation where she seemed to be the one in charge, the one currently leading the flow was still Ye Cheng.    


"Security!" Han Yi stood in front of the three of them with a mocking smile on her beautiful face. "I remember that we already know about the case of the master Ma and that the Qing Gang members have all admitted their mistakes. I wonder what is the meaning of the Qing Gang members coming to find our client?"    


Han Yi smiled as she stared at An Ningxuan who was sitting beside master Ma. After asking him about his condition in a soft voice, she leaned against the sofa with her hands folded across her chest, and raised her legs to ask: "My time is very precious. You guys can ask whatever you want, but my client has the right not to answer you."    


"The question is, does master Ma have any brothers who are soft? A few days ago, the police found a male corpse that looked very similar to the master Ma, so we came over to investigate the situation. "    


master Ma looked at Han Yi, and the latter replied clearly: "No!"    


Ye Cheng patted the dust off his pants and stood up, then he extended his hand out towards Han Yi. I'm glad to see you again! "    


Han Yi hesitated for a moment before holding Ye Cheng's hand, and just as their fingers were about to come into contact, Ye Cheng laughed, and Han Yi's face became even uglier.    


"Let go!"    


Ye Cheng made two "oh" sounds, but did not let go of her hand. Instead, he wrapped himself around the little girl who was a few feet away and arrived at Han Yi's neck, and unceremoniously leaned forward while laughing, softly speaking a few feet away: "Lawyer Han, should I call you Han Yi, or Han Ling, or a nightmare?"    


"What did you say?" "Me!"    


Before Han Yi could even finish her sentence, Ye Cheng's other hand had already reached towards the back of Han Yi's head and pulled out an extremely thin and long silver needle from her hair.    


"From the start, I thought it was strange, who could attack me without anyone knowing, until I came out from the Ten Thousand Tribulations? I understood one thing, but from the beginning till the end, I only had one opponent, and that was you! Hehe, this is night evil's nightmare. "    


Ye Cheng stared at Han Yi's changing face, a murderous intent flashed past his eyes!    


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