The Romantic Soldier King



From the time that it was sent to the internet, it was as if the reports had been cut apart by a knife a few days after the accident and it was very difficult to find any relevant information. On the other hand, there were a lot of news about the construction boss, how to invest and buy the land near the nursing home, as well as a lot of praise on the Internet, all of which said that the boss had invested in the old city to improve something, which caused a lot of trouble, and had even minimized the accident in the nursing home.    


It was as if the old man hadn't spoken to anyone in hundreds of years. The moment he opened the chatterbox, it felt like he was holding a water faucet, and couldn't be shut off no matter what. Ye Cheng didn't even have a chance to interrupt him, the old man didn't even let you say a word, as long as you speak, he would beat you up until you stopped talking, this was so worrying Ye Cheng, if he said something constructive, that would be fine, but the old man said everything that was his own business, if linked together, he could already publish a book.    


Qiao Yingzhe secretly indicated with his watch that it was getting late, if he did not wait for to return, it would be extremely difficult for him to leave.    


Ye Cheng exhaled, and then immediately thought of a way. Using the charcoal flame, he drew a circle on the ground, and after coming here, he used his impression of the surrounding area of the circle to draw a map of the tunnel and the map, as long as he and Qiao Yingzhe passed a place, he would be able to draw it all. When he saw the finished map, he realized that they had only run a third of the distance after running for half a day, and that was only under the condition of having lost all their memories.    


The old man stared at it for a long time, then suddenly grabbed the carbon stick in Ye Cheng's hand and drew a cross on the map, and then used his foot to rub away part of it. The map suddenly became different, just like a flower in the dark.    


When there was a fire in the nursing home, the old man was a volunteer in the rescue work. There was only one word to describe the tragedy. None of the old people who lived in the nursing home survived; all of them were buried in the fire. There was a big fire all night, and there was a gas explosion, and four or five fire engines came in. The old man told Ye Cheng that the fire definitely wasn't an accident, but was deliberately set by someone. He knew the smell before he was a soldier, and the corpses that were carried out, it was as if they had been poured with gasoline.    


Ye Cheng saw that the old man's eyes were still glistening with tears and sighed, especially when he mentioned the corpses, there was an unreconciled look on his face. He suddenly pointed at Qiao Yingzhe and said mysteriously to the old man: "Old Master, I'm telling you, we came here for the case all those years ago. We wanted to go around to the surrounding area, but we couldn't get there.    


The old man followed Ye Cheng's gaze and looked at Qiao Yingzhe a few times. He was refined and well-dressed, with advanced equipment in hand, he looked very much like the police on TV, and trusted Ye Cheng's words without any scruples. Police Comrade, I was in the wrong just now.    


Qiao Yingzhe glared at Ye Cheng in disdain. This guy is really doing whatever he wants for a purpose. If it's convenient for you, old sir, to show us around the perimeter. We found out that only those who live here can come and go as they please. "    


"We have to go to the encirclement! The two of you are pretty brave. Ever since something happened there have been ghosts, and now no one is going there anymore. The cement floor has been washed clean, and white light seeped out of it under the moonlight.    


"What the hell is there to see in this world? Lordmaster, have you seen it with your own eyes?" Ye Cheng purposely used his words to stab the old man. The old man was very calm, and after smoking a few breaths without revealing any emotion, he extinguished the cigarette at the soles of his shoes.    


"Young man, there isn't anything absolute in this world. About last month, there was also a girl around your age who came here and stayed with me, I remember that she climbed over the wall one night and almost didn't come back. Luckily, I got there in time, otherwise, she would have been taken away by those Old ghost s."    


Hearing this, Ye Cheng couldn't help but be moved. Could it be that the girl who appeared here last month was Chen Luoxue? Thinking about that, Ye Cheng took out the photo for the old man to see. The result was disappointing.    


The little girl looked similar to Chen Luoxue, but she wasn't as good-looking as Chen Luoxue. Her skin was also black, and her eyes looked a little similar.    


Ye Cheng was 90% sure that the little girl that the old man met was Chen Luoxue. She didn't look like she was very capable, so Chen Luoxue had disguised himself, afraid that others would recognize her.    


"Old master, can you bring us in again? It's broad daylight now, I don't think there's a ghost."    


The old man chuckled. Who said there were no ghosts in broad daylight? If you don't have a reason, why can't you guys enter! "    


The old man's smile caused Ye Cheng and Qiao Yingzhe to shiver. Only now did they realize that the old man's words were quite nimble. Just as Ye Cheng wanted to ask the old man to lead the way again, the woman on the bed woke up. The old man immediately shut his mouth and started shouting at Ye Cheng.    


What was going on?    


After exchanging glances with Qiao Yingzhe, Qiao Yingzhe walked into the room and slapped his palm towards the woman. She passed out before she could even cry out.    


Ye Cheng smiled at the old man and said: "Old man, you can continue. Don't you know that ghosts always come out at night? Why did he come out in the day to tease people? Isn't this bullying outsiders? "    


"When I become a ghost, I'll go down and ask for you."    


Another wave of a sinister aura came over him. The old man cracked a fake smile as he joked, but he wasn't smiling at all. He wobbled to the door, looked at the sky for a long time, and said, "I can't go today. If the two of you don't mind, I'll stay for the night and bring you over tomorrow."    


To go to a circle and look at the weather? Qiao Yingzhe stood up straight, and asked the old man rudely: Old sir, if you don't know, just say it directly, we won't mind, but it's your fault for putting on airs like this, it's not a small crime to hinder the police!    


The old man was not angry at all. He laughed and jumped out of the house with his hands behind his back. He walked to the cage and started to whistle. Not long later, the sound of flapping wings came from above his head. A flock of birds spiraled down and charged into the birdcage. The old man closed the door and locked it. Only now did Ye Cheng notice that the old man's birdcage was a very large cage, its shape was similar to the ones used to walk the birds outside, but this cage was tens of times bigger, taller than an adult by half a body, and was around 3.5 metres tall. The old man made it with his pig iron, and there were several branches of different thickness that were inside the cage.    


"Young man, it's getting dark. The birds have all returned to their nests, can't you see that they are listless? I'm afraid the sky will change tonight! " After saying that, the old man pulled a rope, and with a tug of his strength, a black oilcloth fell from the top of the cage, covered with tiny holes. You two can either go back and come back tomorrow, or just stay here for the night. This old man never lies. "    


Qiao Yingzhe looked at Ye Cheng, and just as he was about to say that he was leaving, Ye Cheng agreed to stay behind, and let the old man pack up a room for us to sleep in.    


The old man roared with laughter as he beckoned the two of them to the second floor, which was the top room. He told them that the girl from last time was also living here, and that she could see the old nursing home from the north window. In fact, they were only separated by a wall, but it was not easy to get there, and he could not explain why. It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking their way at that place, and there were only two hours per day where they could go in and out.    


After arranging their living quarters, the old man had even brought the two of them to the toilet and bathroom on this floor. They did not have any clothes to change, but they could provide towels, toothbrushes and the like. At the same time, he had also warned Ye Cheng and Qiao Yingzhe to not come down at 8 o'clock in the evening since their two sons would be back at that time.    


In other words, what the old man meant was that from now on, all of you should just obediently stay in the room.    


During the Wolf Fang mission, it was normal to not take a bath for a few days, so he could endure it. Taking a bath and not changing clothes was the same as not taking a bath at all. "But Qiao Yingzhe couldn't do it. If he didn't take a bath for a day, then that was as good as taking his life. Not long after the old man left, he picked up his towel and went out to the washroom.    


Ye Cheng stood at the northern window, with the ground in front of his eyes, and extended his hand out as if he could control it.    


It was just as the old man had said, there were traces of burning black on the white cement ground. Over the past few decades, the traces had become very faint, and on the surface of the ground, there were still holes left by the piles. However, they were now covered by the sand and soil, forming a part of the white cement ground. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be some strange patterns on the surface of the land. As the sun set, they were all hidden in the hazy twilight.    


Qiao Yingzhe wiped his wet hair and walked in. In his hand, he was still holding the items he had washed off, the stripes on his body. Why don't you go wash up? "    


"When you're done, dry it with an electric blow-dryer like you? "Then I would advise you to wear the insides in reverse so that it will be easier to follow."    


"OMG!" Qiao Yingzhe shouted as he stopped taking care of Ye Cheng. Have you noticed it? "    


"I do, but compared to the outside, it's worth discussing."    


"A very quiet baby?" Qiao Yingzhe had long noticed this point. They had chatted with the old man for a few hours, but during that time, the baby in the room refused to budge.    


Ye Cheng shrugged. I only suspect that old man. Did it seem to you that he was hinting at something because he could clearly speak and act dumb in front of that woman?    


"Why are you thinking so much? When the old man arrives, you can use your first move and see if he's telling the truth or not."    


"There's no peace tonight!"    


The old man brought him dinner at around six o'clock. Taking this opportunity, Ye Cheng helped him get rid of the depressed atmosphere in his chest, and immediately felt his body relax. After thanking Ye Cheng repeatedly, he brought back two bottles of beer, then hobbled out.    


There was no need to wait until eight in the evening. Ye Cheng and Qiao Yingzhe jumped out of bed due to a shout, and when they reached the door, they heard someone speaking from outside. The voices of both men and women were very unfamiliar. It seemed that the old man's son or daughter-in-law had returned.    


After the two of them had argued for a while, they heard the cry of a baby. It turned out that the child wasn't dead! Qiao Yingzhe made a bored gesture, and the two quietly left the room because there were footsteps outside.    


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