The Romantic Soldier King



Even after smoking until the end, no one came out of the car, Ye Cheng admitted defeat!    


Returning to the car, bringing An Ningxuan back to the apartment!    


At the entrance of the district, two or three couples were hugging each other, kissing each other in public! The security guards in the residential area were rather well-trained. As long as they were within a certain range of the residential area, such indecent behavior was strictly prohibited. The property felt that this was vulgar, detrimental to the neighborhood's image, and needed to be stopped.    


After the car slowed down, the security guards began to politely shoo away the couple at the entrance. Ye Cheng looked through the mirror and walked around the residential area, where there were many couples like this, "Looks like you'll have to go and stay at my place tonight."    


An Ningxuan frowned, the aura suddenly appeared, it did not exclude the suspicion that someone was instigating him from behind.    


"Send me up!"    


There were still people walking their dogs left in An Ningxuan's apartment, and there were also part-time employees who looked like they were distributing small flyers. They would glance towards the outside of the apartment from time to time, and when they saw someone coming out, they would immediately find an opportunity to walk in.    


For the sake of safety, Ye Cheng parked his car in the driveway outside the district. There were so many people here, there should be quite a few garages.    


"I will go up to get your clothes and stay with me for a few days. Any of your actions and words will become the focus of this negative example. The best thing the reporters can do is break the rules and keep quiet."    


Regardless if An Ningxuan agreed or not, Ye Cheng helped her put down her chair, locked the car door, and went straight to An Ningxuan's living quarters.    


Before they could get out of the elevator, there were already people rushing over. When they saw that it was a man, they all stepped aside in frustration! Ye Cheng chuckled, whistled, and held onto the key as he walked towards the cave entrance!    


"Eh? Why is it a man? "    


Someone saw Ye Cheng, and then looked at An Ningxuan's house number, and was very sure that he wasn't squatting at the wrong place, and wanted to step forward to ask, but when they saw Ye Cheng's fiendish face, they were a little discouraged and went to the side to secretly make a call.    


Ye Cheng thought it was funny, so he intentionally slowed down his pace to open the door, and when that brat finished his call, he came to open the door.    


"Um, Sir, may I ask if this is An Ningxuan's home?"    


Ye Cheng glared at the man, made a sound of acknowledgement, and then pushed open the door and entered. Just as he was about to close the door, a foot stuck in the middle of the door.    


The reporter laughed twice. I'm a reporter from the XX newspaper. I want to have an interview with Chief of Police. Can you let us in? "May I ask what is your relationship with Chief Security?"    


The other reporters who were blocking the entrance of the elevator saw someone seizing the initiative, and immediately followed, and in a moment, the hallway was filled with people, cameras, microphones, all of them were looking at Ye Cheng, all of their eyes were filled with anticipation, and Ye Cheng's face was even darker than Bao Qingtian.    


"Are you a secret lover of Security?"    


"Is Security the murderer of the police station?"    


There were still many similar questions, all sorts of strange and unimaginable connections that could come out of the mouths of these reporters, Ye Cheng was truly impressed from the bottom of his heart!    




The low voice and Ye Cheng's cold figure formed a very good protective wall, and the killing intent that she naturally emitted could not help but droop down as she moved forward and backwards. Ye Cheng's black eyes swept across everyone before him and locked onto one of them. Rex Weekly? "I'm very familiar with your boss. As far as I know, your magazine has already been sued by many companies and the court has already issued a direct order to you. Boss Chen seems to have a strong backer!"    


Qi Zhou's reporter's face contorted in pain. In a few seconds, everyone else squeezed out of the crowd.    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth. Honestly speaking, at this moment, his expression which did not look like a good person was extremely cool, especially his eyes which showed that he was willing to burn anyone to death, which attracted a lot of female compatriots. Xinyang Morning Post hasn't gone out of business yet, they can't even sell a hundred newspapers a day. How could they survive until now? They have good perseverance. Hehe, remember to tell him that young master Ye is waiting to treat him to tea when you get back. " As his line of sight fell onto the XX clothing magazine, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. Even if the clothing seller reported on the news, tsk tsk tsk, what a pity! "Alright, since all of you reporters have worked hard, I will choose one of you to be the interview reporter for this case. However, you will need to collect the copyright."    


Once they heard that they could get an independent interview, these reporters rushed forward once again, wanting to seize this opportunity. However, they were scared away by Ye Cheng's roar. Everyone is equal in front of the opportunity, everyone can log in for a few hours to watch the evening news, and those who are interested can compete through the 6: 30 news segment. Now, everyone please leave, wait a whole day, and be very tired.    


The clever ones left one after the other, while the stupid ones and those who didn't understand continued to pester, and were blacklisted by Ye Cheng, no matter if it was competition or not.    


An Ningxuan who was lying in the car looked at the reporter who ran out of the security door suspiciously, thinking that he was looking for her, but who knew that they were all walking past the car and out of the district, in a short while, Ye Cheng came out carrying his luggage.    


"What did you do?"    




Ye Cheng gave Ning Xuanzhi a mysterious smile before starting the car and driving towards the villa.    


At the same time, as an investor in the development of the old city district, Hei Yao issued a unilateral statement. During the entire statement, no questions were asked and the invited reporter was a well-known radio station in the East China Sea. In addition to this, Hei Yao's lawyer issued a public denouncement. This investment project received malicious threats and other obstructions from all sides, for which the legal department of Black Light Group would pursue the matter to the end, and would definitely take up a legal weapon to suppress these illegal elements. In order to ensure the authenticity of the contents of this denouncement, he hoped that the function would cooperate with a certain media and report the whole process.    


At 6: 30 PM, news was published simultaneously with the internet. Black Light Group once again occupied the front page in an unimaginable way.    


After Sang Huihui finished watching the news, she turned off the television, and the joy in her heart could not help but crawl up the corners of her mouth. She sat cross-legged on the sofa, and lit up a cigarette.    


She walked out of the study and saw Ye Cheng holding onto a bag as he walked in, holding An Ningxuan's hand.    


"It's a starting point!"    


The ancient bell on the wall chimed seven times, causing Ye Cheng to raise his mouth gloomily. We can't see the premiere anymore! "    


"What premiere?"    


Sang Huihui hooked his arm around An Ningxuan's shoulder and pulled her into the study, giving her a glance. Arrange for An An's room to be next to mine, and clean the room yourself. "    


"Yes sir!"    


Ye Cheng knew Sang Huihui's intention, so he agreed without hesitation.    


After watching the press conference, An Ningxuan had mixed feelings about it! "He was grateful, but also worried." You shouldn't have interfered! "    


Sang Huihui seemed to have already guessed that she would say that so he walked over to the wine shelf and took out a bottle of Lafite s. How should he put it? If the other party had pacified the matter, Ye Cheng would not have used this move, but now, with these people severely affecting your life and reputation, if it were me, I would have done the same thing. "    


A thick glass of red wine was placed in front of An Ningxuan. There's no need to think too much into it. With the current Black Light, you can handle this matter and leave everything to Ye Cheng. "    


An Ningxuan sighed, she nodded her head, if not for Ye Cheng, she really did not know what would have happened, maybe she would have been forced to do something too extreme.    


After cleaning up the room, Ye Cheng rushed An Ningxuan to go up to take a look. He discovered the cigarette in the snuff bottle, he glanced at Sang Huihui, then lit his own eyes and stuffed it into her mouth. Are you upset? "    


Sang Huihui pushed Ye Cheng's hand away, and fiercely glared at him. I will leave this matter to Ah San to handle, you have no objections! "    


Ye Cheng opened his mouth wide, finding it funny. "You really know how to take care of everyone. If you don't let them do something, they might become moldy."    


"Are there any candidates?"    


"The less you want, the more you can find them!"    


Sang Huihui curled his lips. This request was too simple. Your plan is not that simple, what are you scheming? "    


"Create a new domain! I've discovered that the power of the media is very strong! "    


Sang Huihui admitted his words, but his words carried a lot of meaning. Using Ye Cheng's words, the deeper the water, the easier it was for one to enter. It all depended on whether one's life was tough enough or not!    


Black Brilliance's recruitment cooperation only lasted for two days, and during this period, there were no lack of media outlets from large groups. Other than the few that Ye Cheng had sent to the blacklist, there were a total of 135 big and small parties that sent letters, and over 50 calls. According to the rules, those who called were listed as invalid competition, and there were also over a dozen people who took the back door.    


Of the 135 letters, this was split into three days of negotiations, which resulted in 35 entering the second round, in which sensitivity issues were designed and 20 were eliminated.    


As the CEO of Black Radiance Sect, Ah San had always been the target of curiosity for the media. The remaining 15 media servants could fortunately meet this enigmatic person in the fourth round, so the competition was exceptionally fierce.    


Each time, Sang Huihui would make a detailed report and send it to Ye Cheng, telling him to decide who would enter the finals. The final round's competition was very simple, taking the test for deceit!    


Deception! A derogatory term, any method used to plot against someone could be called a trick, but when used against justice, this trick had a new pronoun, a good plan!    


Sang Huihui was very surprised with Ye Cheng's question, she could not figure out what kind of person he was looking for, and was unable to find the pattern on the list that he had defined thrice. Therefore, she stared at Ah San and asked: "Based on your understanding of him, what is he looking for?"    


Ah San pondered for a long time, lifted his gray eyes and replied: "Idiot!"    


Sang Huihui was speechless. She inserted her ten fingers into her hair and let out an unbearable sigh. Heavens, can't you give me an ordinary person? "    


Ah San smiled, patted Sang Huihui's head, and then walked out.    


Amongst the enterprises that were eliminated, there were no lack of outstanding practitioners in the industry. If Ye Cheng did not need these people, then he must be waiting for a fool, a fool who did not know anything, for such a person must be eliminated by the industry.    


Would it be more obedient to look for idiots?    


Ah San curled his lips, and just as he was about to drive away, he received a phone call from Ye Cheng. He curled his lips, twisted his neck, and stretched his body, then jumped onto the carriage and headed towards the ocean shore.    


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