The Romantic Soldier King



"young master Ye should have already seen the Qin Assistant beside the old gramps, right?"    


"Stop, I've been exposed. What I hate the most is nepotism." Before the man could, Ye Cheng had already rejected his following introduction.    


"Hahaha!" You are an interesting person, my name is Qin Mu, I am the Secretary-General of the Old Master, the Qin Assistant does not have any relation to me, it just happens that he is also surnamed Qin! "    


Ye Cheng's old face reddened, and he embarrassedly touched his head and giggled. "Sin, sin!"    


Qin Mu casually shrugged his shoulders and casually teased. He got an orderly to bring Ye Cheng to the study room. young master Ye, you only have two hours, laugh as much as you can at the things I give you. "    


So mysterious?    


Ye Cheng felt his blood boiling. The demand for the unknown domain was closely related to the hidden intuition in his body.    


When the guard brought Ye Cheng into a metal door, Ye Cheng's mouth was as big as an egg. Was this called a study room? "Let's go to the archives!" "Um, are you sure you didn't leave the room?"    


It was still the same soldier from before. He humphed at Ye Cheng and slammed the door shut!    


Such a petty person!    


It was better to let things be as they were! Ye Cheng used his hands to dust the room full of dust, he looked around, but did not find any leads. Dammit, you want me to digest so many things in two hours, do you really think I'm a god! "    


In a corner of the archive room, there was an invisible camera that recorded Ye Cheng's every word and movement. It was as if he was holding a destructive camera of a book, and it accurately caught the eyes of the people watching from behind the monitor.    


"This kid is too troublesome!"    


"Isn't that the kind of person we want who doesn't follow common sense?"    


Qin Mu helplessly looked at the elder who was seated in the shadows, and suddenly started to sympathize with Ye Cheng who was under the lens. Old Yao, what do you think? "    


"I don't have anything to do with him, but that little bastard in my family does like him. His childhood ailment was almost completely cured by him." The man in the video said.    


"Has the bastard recovered?" Qin Mu called out in surprise.    


The Old Yao nodded and took a deep breath. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have agreed to Old Hong's recommendation, even if it's someone the Old Master has his eyes on. "    


These words seemed to be meant for the person behind him. As he came over, he heard a chuckle coming from the darkness.    


Qin Mu stared at the Ye Cheng on the screen. This was already the fourth book he had destroyed, and his heart couldn't help but ache for him. Whether or not he will pass will depend on whether or not he can pass this test. "    


"Rant, you two, don't underestimate this young man." A benevolent face peeked out of the darkness. He was the political leader who had been missing for the past two days.    


"Lordmaster, this is too risky!"    


The old man grunted, then looked towards Old Yao at the side and said, "I've known him for more than ten years. At that time, I had the feeling that this person was someone out of the ordinary, but I didn't expect him to be the reincarnation of the Golden Sun God. The crime rate in the East China Sea has plummeted over the years, and we can't ignore that. "    


No one could refute this point! He had thrown all the dirty work to Ye Cheng, and every time, he had handled it perfectly. Destroying the Nefas Society and expelling the Hong Alliance were facts, but under these meritorious services, there would be heavy casualties.    


"I believe he will attract people like that. Isn't that what we want?"    


Qin Mu glanced at Old Yao. He was confident in the old man's judgement, but he had nothing f * cking to say, because they were simply too unfamiliar with Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng raised his eyes and stared at the corner of the wall.    


I wanted to test him, hmph! I've grown up and I still don't know what it means to shrink back!    


Ye Zichen put away his playfulness! Ye Cheng's expression also started to change. Amongst all these books, there must be something that he needed. He wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't be stupid enough to flip through books. Then how was he to find it? Two words, intuition.    


In this world, intuition was the most unreliable thing!    


He did not know who said that, but Ye Cheng made some sense, but he did not agree with it.    


Intuition was something that could only be understood but not spoken of. One could treat it as telepathy. For example, now, when his fingers brushed every book, the thing called intuition would jump into his head and tell him that it wasn't this book.    


"I already said that this kid can't do it!" Old Yao stared at the Ye Cheng in the image. He had just missed what he was looking for, and it was right under the touch of his fingertip.    


When Ye Cheng's expression changed, Qin Mu had never left the video for even a moment. He had been paying attention to his minute movements, and just now, his fingers had knocked over that book twice, but he did not take it out. It seemed like it was as Old Yao had said, that he missed the opportunity, but the action of knocking on that book made one's imagination run wild. Not necessarily. This kid is very cunning and good at hiding. "    


Ye Cheng knew that he was being watched, but he did not know how many people were monitoring him from behind.    


The file contained whatever books or files he needed, but only what they thought he needed, and what he wanted was what he really wanted.    


After casually walking around the archive, Ye Cheng came to understand that all sorts of things were stored here. There were all sorts of things except for a small amount about superpowers. He frowned slightly, and after passing through the last cabinet, there was a gunny sack between the cracks of the last cabinet, attracting Ye Cheng's attention.    


The gunny sack was a little heavy, so Ye Cheng spent some time and effort to drag the sack to the center of the archive. He casually picked up a few books from the shelf and placed them on his butt.    


"This kid, he must have done it on purpose!"    


"Qin Mu held back his laughter, because the book that they wanted Ye Cheng to find was currently sitting under his butt, and it seemed that it was farting just a moment ago. That book was one of the meticulous works of their great scholar Old Yao. "Calm down, don't be impatient, you're already so old, why are you still as impatient as the young people."    


Old Yao looked at the person behind him, he took a deep breath and looked at Ye Cheng who was inside the picture, revealing a probing gaze.    


Ye Cheng was a little disappointed. He fiddled with the sack a few times with his hands, but suddenly a part fell to the ground and made a sound. Ye Cheng asked him in confusion.    


The part in the middle broke apart with Ye Cheng's strength and a grey ball-like thing fell out. Ye Cheng picked up the ball-shaped object and weighed it in his hand. It had a bit of weight, but it wasn't very heavy.    


Ye Cheng's heart stirred. He walked under the light as if he had obtained a treasure, and looked at the spherical object. He couldn't seem to see anything special with the optical fiber, but his intuition told him that this was a good thing.    


"You!" Just as he was about to knock on the door, something seemed to have come up. Ye Cheng walked back to the last row of cabinets, picked out three parts of the file from the row of books, held it in his hands and knocked on the metal door.    


Ye Cheng, who was brought back to the living room once again, had another person in front of him. He remembered that he, that old fellow who was dragged in the courtyard of the Four Great Academies, was either Xiao Yao's father or his grandfather.    


"Have you passed the test?"    


Qin Mu laughed, picked up the book under his butt, and pushed it in front of Old Yao. You passed, but how did you find it? "    


"It's easy to find a name on it!"    


When Qin Mu heard it, he burst out laughing, and in the blink of an eye, he gave Old Yao a big smile.    


Old Yao snorted, he picked up the book and stood up, then said to Ye Cheng: "This is just the beginning, I do not approve of you yet."    


After walking out in large strides, Ye Cheng innocently shrugged at Qin Mu. This old mister has a really good temper, much worse than Xiao Yao.    


"Absolutely true! "No doubt about it!"    


After Ye Cheng shouted "OMG", he opened the three scrolls that he had brought out along the way. Qin... "Uh, I'll take this out for further study. Isn't that too much?"    


"There's no need to be restrained, just call me by my name!"    


"Alright!" Ye Cheng took a rough look at the documents before speaking again: "The old man went missing at the royal ball, and there were no signs of an armed conflict in the surrounding area. It's been more than sixty hours, and I haven't received any news from the kidnappers."    


After saying that, Ye Cheng looked up at Qin Mu, his pitch black eyes flashing with a strange light. "I was in the archive just now and I seriously thought about it. The kidnapping case was not established."    


Qin Mu's heart skipped a beat, and he asked without showing an expression: How do I explain it? The old tutor wasn't kidnapped? "    


Ye Cheng rested his hands behind his head and leaned on the sofa, his long legs crossed and placed them on the tea table. "I can't be sure for now, but with the old man's status, if he was kidnapped, the kidnappers might not be after money or anything else. The kidnappers have already lost the best chance to extort the kidnappers, and during those forty-eight hours, the special police department would have been able to track them down effectively and search for the kidnappers."    


Qin Mu laughed, he inhaled the smoke, exhaled it, and his eyes became misty.    


"Second, there's another person by the old man's side. He's a key person." Ye Cheng was referring to Xiao Dao, he was assigned to the old man's side. If anything happened to the old man, it was impossible for him not to act.    


"Maybe the other side has an expert too!"    


Ye Cheng shook his head confidently. I know my people, and even if I am not his opponent, I will definitely not give up the opportunity to counterattack. "    


"So!" I have come to a conclusion that the Old Master is currently somewhere leisurely drinking wine, eating food, and plotting his little scheme. "    


As he spoke till here, Ye Cheng's entire person became gloomy, as if he was a completely different person's presence, allowing Qin Mu to once again feel that he was different from the masses.    


"young master Ye's analysis is very reasonable, but before we find the old man, no one dares to say these words."    


Ye Cheng shrugged his shoulders, admitting or not, it had nothing to do with him!    


"I didn't think that the information about the destruction of LY by Wolf Fang would still be stored here. Can you bring it back for me to study?"    


"I know that the young master Ye is still investigating the LY stoste and I believe that the old man has also told you about that place. The old man gave you one year's time!"    


Ye Cheng nodded. One year is a bit short, but it's not enough for me! "    


Qin Mu suddenly said with a grave expression on his face, "You only have three months."    




Ye Cheng shouted loudly. To have shrunk from one year to three months, this was simply too darned! Is this a joke? "    


"A year is the most conservative. But the situation has changed, and they have started to take action. So, you only have three months."    


Ye Cheng wailed in pain. He rolled his eyes and laughed.    


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