The Romantic Soldier King



An Ningxuan sat in the interrogation room. As a victim, she shouldn't be here!    


Xiao Yao sat in front of the driver alone, he looked at An Ningxuan, then at the surveillance camera, and on the other side of the camera, there was another person.    


During the initial interrogation that lasted an hour, Xiao Yao practically did not manage to ask anything. He did not know if the driver had been beaten silly by Ye Cheng or had taken drugs.    


An Ningxuan patted Xiao Yao's shoulders, indicating for him to leave.    


"Boss!" Xiao Yao was worried that An Ningxuan would do something overboard.    


"Am I that kind of person?" "Xiao Yao nodded, he truly felt that An Ningxuan would be that kind of person who would interrogate people violently. Is that so? Then you'll be the first person to try what is called a violent trial. "    


Xiao Yao's body trembled, his feet slipped and he slipped out. He was not good at fighting, but his escaping skills were top-notch.    


An Ningxuan had locked the door, and before Xiao Yao had questioned her, she had not even thought of interrogating him violently, but he had indeed reminded her.    


Ye Cheng saw that An Ningxuan's expression had changed, and he stood up from the chair. This woman wouldn't really come, right? "    


An Ningxuan walked in front of the driver and looked down at the top of the driver's head. Raise your head and look at me! "    


The driver obediently raised his head. His eyes seemed to be filled with tears, which shone brightly.    


"Did you see me clearly?" The driver nodded. An Ningxuan took out a blade from his pocket and placed it in front of him, then opened his handcuffs. Didn't you want to kill me? The blade is right here, I am not going to retaliate, you're going to stab me here, I can guarantee that I won't even need a few minutes before I die from excessive blood loss. "    


Ye Cheng's eyes widened, just at this time, Xiao Yao barged in, and saw the scene in front of him with the blade in his hand, he shouted loudly. God, when did she hide a knife? "It's over, it's all over. This time boss is going to get into trouble again."    


"Shut up!"    


Ye Cheng stared at the screen and bellowed.    


Xiao Yao covered his mouth with his hands and walked around the room, causing Ye Cheng to become agitated and kicked him out. Stay outside the interrogation room. I'll let you know if I find anything. "    


Xiao Yao was kicked out, and inside the monitoring room, the driver's expression changed drastically as he stared at the blade in front of him.    


Ye Cheng suppressed the impulse in her heart, the strict An Ningxuan would definitely not do anything, she was just testing him, using the most risky method.    


Because of this, Ye Cheng didn't dare shift his gaze away, he didn't dare let go of the driver's expression, looking at him or else An Ningxuan's adventure would lose its meaning.    


An Ningxuan maintained her composure, when she had placed the blade in his hand, she had already made sufficient preparations. Although she was wearing a net armor and could not defend against bullets, it was still effective against sharp blades.    


"Come! Why did you become a coward now? Weren't you going to kill me? " An Ningxuan provoked the driver with her words, and she narrowed her eyes in contempt. The person who hired you will not believe you. If you don't kill me today, I will immediately let you go back, and you will only have a road to death. If you cooperate with me, maybe you will still be able to stay alive. "    


Ye Cheng saw the corner of the driver's eyes twitch, especially when An Ningxuan said the word "die", the driver's eyes became frantic, this was not normal.    


The driver gripped her knife tightly as her whole body spasmed. Ye Cheng opened the microphone and shouted at An Ningxuan: "Get out of the way, he's crazy, quickly!"    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, An Ningxuan opened his eyes wide, and quickly retreated. The driver angrily shouted as he jumped up from the interrogation chair, and flew towards An Ningxuan, muttering some unknown words, his legs being restricted, but he was a tall man. When he pounced towards An Ningxuan, he dragged the chair closer, bringing the distance between the two of them.    




The driver grabbed An Ningxuan's leg and dragged her to him. An Ningxuan!    


After being shocked, An Ningxuan immediately swung up his legs to grab onto the lady's hands. His body spun up from the ground, wanting to give her a heavy blow, but he did not only have the strength of the driver, he also managed to struggle free. The two legs on his neck, were lifted up with their heads, and smashed towards the woman's weak spot.    


An Ningxuan immediately retreated and rolled to the side.    


The driver missed his target, as he crawled up from the ground with piercing red eyes. Since he couldn't walk, he used his body to push An Ningxuan, who was on the other side, up.    


An Ningxuan screamed, taking the pen on the table, he stabbed it into the driver's wrist.    


The tip of the pen pierced the driver's skin, but it did nothing to stop his madness. He was a typical madman, a madman with a tendency to violence.    


Xiao Yao, who was guarding the door, heard the sound of movement from inside. Boss, are you alright? "    


"Get out of the way!"    


Ye Cheng ran down from the stairs and punched the door open, slicing the room into two.    


Ye Cheng and Xiao Yao rushed inside the door, only to see An Ningxuan using an extremely ambiguous posture and pressing the driver down, the knife in his hand pierced through her long legs and dropped to the ground, as he let out a moaning sound.    




Ye Cheng raised his eyebrow, he could not see the expression in An Ningxuan's eyes.    


"Why are you staring at me like that? Take out the handcuffs!"    


Xiao Yao looked at Ye Cheng, and this posture made people easily misunderstand, elder brother Ye should be feeling very complicated right? With that in mind, he quickly stepped forward, took out his handcuffs and locked the driver back into the interrogation chair.    


Ye Cheng walked in front of him, and without saying a word, he punched the smirking face.    


The driver's head shook a few times before falling down on his chest, fainting.    


"You! This is a violent interrogation. "    


Ye Cheng looked at An Ningxuan with a dark expression. I'm not a cop. "    


After which, he buckled up An Ningxuan's wrist and took it off. I'll leave this place to you. "    


An Ningxuan was pushed out of the police station's building by Ye Cheng and into the car. I haven't finished asking, what are you doing!? "    


"Wherever he touched you, I will disinfect you!"    


An Ningxuan opened his eyes wide. You, are you an idiot? "Dragging me out for such a thing is sick."    


"No matter, I just want to disinfect you." Ye Cheng shamelessly locked the car door and left the police station with An Ningxuan.    


Xiao Yao felt that he had nothing to say to a unconscious person. He got two police officers to be his guards, took a taxi to the old city center and drove An Ningxuan's car back.    


After tossing and turning, it was already the morning of the second day. Xiao Yao drove back to his own house, and only after ten o'clock did he enter the police station to continue his interrogation.    


"What's wrong? What happened? Why are they here? " Xiao Yao saw a few colleagues standing beside him in black and blue uniforms.    


"The driver you and Commissioner Anton arrested yesterday is dead, and the two men who were in charge of guarding them are dead."    


"What?" Xiao Yao shouted. Have you informed the police? "    


"It's already on the way. Be careful. They're looking for you." The little policeman stuck his tongue out at Xiao Yao and turned to do his own thing.    


Xiao Yao took a deep breath and walked towards the interrogation room.    


"Yao Xiaojie?"    


Xiao Yao nodded, he stared at the tall man in front of him and stuck out his tongue at the bars on his shoulders. "Come with me."    


A pair of bright handcuffs appeared on Xiao Yao's hands. Someone stepped forward and covered his handcuffs with a black bag, and then led the person out of the police station without asking anything.    


The three corpses were dragged out of the interrogation room and given to the private car outside. They then followed Xiao Yao's car and left the police station.    


When An Ningxuan and Ye Cheng rushed to the police station, all the evidence and information had been cleaned up.    


Ye Cheng never thought that things would turn out like this, he was so regretful that he couldn't say it out loud, it was useless even if he said it.    


She had a grudge in her heart for An Ningxuan to shake off Ye Cheng's hand.    


When An Ningxuan called his subordinates into the office to inquire about the situation, Ye Cheng walked into the interrogation room alone. Although the corpse had already been taken away, judging from the bloodstains, all three of them died in one slash.    


The door to the interrogation room was kicked down by him, so when Xiao Yao left, the two policemen were in charge of guarding the driver. Therefore, it was normal for Xiao Yao to be taken away by the people from the Supervisory Department.    


When he returned to An Ningxuan's office, she was the only one left inside. She leaned against the sofa and placed her right hand on her forehead, half closing her eyes.    


The death of the driver and her subordinates was a huge blow to her. Ye Cheng knew that he had some sort of responsibility, so he quietly went over to her side.    


"If we hadn't left last night, maybe they wouldn't have died." "Suddenly, An Ningxuan opened his mouth and said. No matter what method you use, get Xiao Yao out of there for me, and also catch him. "    


Ye Cheng nodded strongly several times. You're not mad at me anymore? "    


An Ningxuan turned his head and smiled sweetly at Ye Cheng. Is there any use getting angry now? "    


Ye Cheng wanted to step forward and give An Ningxuan a kiss, but she pushed him away. Don't bother me, I'm feeling depressed right now, after Xiao Yao ends, the next thing should be me, so I might not be able to accept this case. You can do it in secret, no matter what you do, I can't let the other party succeed.    


After speaking for less than half an hour, the phone on the table rang. An Ningxuan finished listening calmly and smiled at Ye Cheng. Take me there. The car is still parked in the old part of town. "    


An Ningxuan did not know that Xiao Yao had already brought her car back and parked it in the car park, because Xiao Yao did not have the time to tell her that he was taken away.    


If it was just one criminal who died in the police station, it would probably belong to the police department. Now that two policemen had died, it would belong to them, because at the time of the crime, the door to the interrogation room was opened, and the knife used to kill the three of them was also inside the interrogation room. The knife that should not have appeared in the interrogation room became the main focus of the case, with two people's fingerprints on the knife ? An Ningxuan's driver and An Ningxuan's driver ? becoming an important suspect in An Ningxuan's removal from the job.    


Ye Cheng saw An Ningxuan into the building, he sat in the car and dialed An Gaohan's number. The two of them agreed to meet again in front of the building in ten minutes, this time it was not a small matter. Ye Cheng's sharp senses allowed him to smell the scent of a conspiracy, if this person wanted to destroy An Ningxuan, he might be related to the case she had recently investigated.    


10 minutes later, someone knocked on Ye Cheng's car window and came in. An Gaohan looked to be in high spirits and he also had the smell of a woman's perfume on him.    


"She's been in for twenty minutes, and I can't think of a way to get her out for the time being."    


On the way here, An Gaohan had already done his homework, and understood the reason behind An Ningxuan's investigation in great detail, it was more or less the same as what Ye Cheng thought.    


From the surface, this suspect was very clear, the only one who had grudges with An Ningxuan was Han Ling, and now that An Ningxuan had accepted the PR Department's investigation, the one who didn't want to be investigated the most was Han Mingwei. If he wanted to protect his own daughter, he had to get rid of An Ningxuan first.    


Ye Cheng gave An Gaohan a cigarette. Seeing him wave his hand, Ye Cheng laughed. What? Your new girlfriend doesn't like this sort of thing? "    


An Gaohan did not bother with him, and quickly tapped on the keyboard with his finger.    


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