The Romantic Soldier King



An Ningxuan looked at the gloomy Ye Cheng, she had secretly investigated the detention center that held Chen Luoxue, just last month, all the police officers had been transferred, the prison guard that was in charge of guarding Chen Luoxue had already been moved to another city, because his husband had left, all the female police officers had volunteered to be transferred to the same city, and even get a large amount of grants, why not?    


It seemed like a normal transfer, but in reality, the secret behind it was extremely clear. There were some people who did not want An Ningxuan to continue investigating.    


Perhaps what Ye Cheng said was not wrong, but why did he do it to someone who had nothing to do with him? Chen Luoxue was originally the assistant of the President of the Winning Group, so it was not too bad that he had dealings with JOY.    


When the case came to a close, Chen Luoxue should have already understood it by now. Although he felt guilty towards Chen Luoxue, he should have forgotten about it after the situation had changed, but right now, at this critical juncture, Ye Cheng thought that she was still alive. Wasn't this God playing a joke on her?    


However, when meeting Ye Cheng, there were many things that could not be explained with common sense. She also believed that Ye Cheng was not the kind of person with an extremely soft hearing, and perhaps Chen Luoxue was really still alive. If that was the case, then who was the one who died?    


In order to find out the truth, An Ningxuan clenched her teeth, and pulled Ye Cheng's hand: "Come, follow me to the grave!"    


If he wanted to find out the truth, he could only start taking samples!    


In the old saying, it was extremely inappropriate to do so. Since people had already buried themselves in the ground, going back to sample would be considered a great disrespect to the dead.    


"Snowfall has no relatives, if you have any reservations, I can give you a related certificate. This way, Qiao Rubing won't blame you." An Ningxuan had already thought of a way out for Ye Cheng. She was very clear that if she did not find out the outcome of whether or not Chen Luoxue was still alive, Ye Cheng would definitely live in this dark place. The current you doesn't even want to think about the Ye Cheng that I know. "    


Ye Cheng exhaled, picked up his jacket and walked out of the sickroom. She gently closed the door and woke Meizi who was lying on the bed up. She carried Little Black and nestled in the bed, waking up since the moment An Ningxuan came in. She frowned when she heard their conversation.    


Chen Luoxue! A woman that Ye Cheng cared a lot about.    


To be safe, An Ningxuan and Ye Cheng came out with the related proof from the police station, and headed towards the cemetery.    


The sky was not beautiful, and the sun was shining just a moment ago. The car was halfway there when a strong wind began to blow, and rain began to fall!    


The wipers washed the windshield, but still couldn't see the road ahead.    


Ye Cheng told An Ningxuan to stop the car in the resting area in front. After he refuel, he found a restaurant and sat down.    


This wait was like a day, and in a short while, many private cars had already stopped by. The rain was too heavy, and driving blindly could easily lead to an accident.    


A couple walked in from outside. They looked to be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, and they were very affectionate.    


An Ningxuan stared at the couple and suddenly felt emotional. I heard from Hui Hui that the baby will be born at the end of the month. Have you made up your mind what to do? It's not easy for a woman to be an unmarried mother, so you have to give her a name. "    


Ye Cheng rubbed her forehead. Ah, women, these things seemed to be something that they would be conflicted over for the rest of their lives. I will give it to her, but only if she wants it! "    


An Ningxuan laughed. Men are heartless, how can you say such words? If she doesn't want it, it's because you don't want to give it to her! Being pregnant in October, is that not enough for you to convince her? "    




"An Ningxuan did not want to continue this topic. At this moment, she was extremely annoyed by Ye Cheng's return. Don't tell me you're busy, these words are very hurtful, and I do not want to bother about the matter between you and Qiao Rubing. "    


From the corner of his eyes, Ye Cheng saw the couple eating something with their hands as they sat at another table. Their love seemed to be fake. He stretched out his long arm and pulled An Ningxuan into his embrace, chuckling into her ear: "I've already made up my mind, after everything is settled, I will go to the Middle East to apply for citizenship. I know where there is a place where we can polygamy, so I can marry all of you into my family."    


An Ningxuan smashed his elbow against Ye Cheng's stomach, causing her to let out a cold snort. Who said that they would marry you? With just you alone, you can't even manage a single woman, yet you want to deal with us?    


Even though she said that, her cheeks were already red.    


Ye Cheng tenderly kissed An Ningxuan on the head, his spirit tongue licking past her earlobes as he teasingly said: "Tsk, who else can bear such a fiery temper of yours if you don't marry me?"    


"I don't believe it. In this world, other than you, are all men dead?" An Ningxuan proudly raised her chin, her beautiful eyes drooping as she explained to Ye Cheng. She chuckled. Immediately, his entire being was brimming with joy, causing people to feel relaxed and happy.    


Ye Cheng rubbed his palm against her waist as his black eyes focused deeply on An Ningxuan. He had to say, this An Ningxuan had a lot of flavour, and the cold arrogance on her face carried the aura of a little woman. Especially when her words weren't sincere, it made people want to peel off layer after layer of her outer clothes, to see just what kind of raising it was like within.    


"Alright, you can go find him, but I believe that the police station will be very busy with the consequences of your actions!" Ye Cheng said half-seriously half-jokingly.    


"You, are a madman!"    


An Ningxuan believed that Ye Cheng would be able to do it.    


The sky darkened very quickly and the couple by the side had already left the resting area by car. After An Ningxuan uneasily drank her coffee, she urged Ye Cheng to leave as she was not used to being stared by those black eyes. She would rather him talk than joke around with her.    


After the rest stop, they drove for about 40 minutes and arrived at the cemetery. The cemetery was already closed. If they wanted to enter, they would have to wait until tomorrow.    


Only after An Ningxuan took out his proof of identity and related did the old gatekeeper let them in. Ye Cheng stared at the photo on the tombstone and took a deep breath. He then started to open the door, An Ningxuan took out a small piece of bone ash and placed it into the bottle, and then began to restore the lid of the coffin. He lit up a cigarette in front of Chen Luoxue's tombstone, and after he finished smoking, he left cemetery.    


Ye Cheng did not agree to let the police inspect his ashes, he immediately drove to the Black Doctor's hospital, where he woke up with Xiao Dao, his recovery after the operation was not too bad, the cultivators themselves had the ability to restore themselves, and the special ability user was the same.    


The black doctor took Chen Luoxue's ashes. He frowned.    


"This should go to the DNA research institute, right? I don't need to check this. It's illegal, if you catch me, my medical license will be revoked!"    


Ye Cheng smirked at the black doctor, his black eyes shining with a gold-plated light. Oh, so I do remember something. Security, please check this courtyard's medical license. I suspect that he is a doctor without a license! "    


An Ningxuan nodded in understanding as she walked forward and grabbed the black doctor's wrist. Without even looking at where she took out the handcuffs, she hung it on the black doctor's wrist.    


The black doctor's face instantly turned unsightly. What, what is the meaning of this? "    


"If you don't know anything about medicine, come back to the station with me."    


"Wait, who said I don't have a pass? In the third drawer."    


Ye Cheng laughed sinisterly, after finding the certificate, he glanced at it, put the certificate back in his pocket and said: "Add one more, fake ID."    


"Do you have anything else to say?"    


The black doctor shamelessly squatted down, hugged An Ningxuan's leg and said: "Sir, I really do have a license, I just dropped it. How about this, I'll test you guys for free, okay?"    


An Ningxuan glanced at Ye Cheng, as if he was asking for his opinion.    


"You black-hearted doctor, practice medicine without a certificate, I want to tell the others, let them know how terrifying the doctors here are, and tell them not to come here to seek treatment." Ye Cheng bellowed out of the atmosphere.    


"The black doctor scuttled up from the ground and threw himself in front of Ye Cheng, covering Ye Cheng's mouth with his hands. Great Lord! You are my father, stop shouting! "    


Ye Cheng secretly gestured to An Ningxuan with his hand, and mischievously raised his chin. Even if you call me daddy, it's useless. I'm going to expose you. "    


"Brother, how about you give us your conditions?" This land is yours, the hospital is yours too. If it wasn't for me, the genius doctor, where would the popularity of this place come from? Just look at the three people who came in this morning. It's all major surgery, and all of them came here due to their reputations. This is a live advertisement! "    


Ye Cheng pretended to be deep in thought, and thought for a moment, then said: "It's easy to not expose you, all the expenses that we have here are free of charge!"    


"Exempt all? Brother, that's a lot of money! "    


"Commissioner An, not only is there a doctor here, there is also the idea of collecting fees. Please investigate carefully."    


The black doctor was completely defeated, he raised his handcuffed hands and said, "Fine, exempt all of them, as long as you and your people come here, there will never be any fees, okay!?"    


"That's what you said!" Ye Cheng revealed a vexed expression. I can't compare to you! "    


"The black doctor scolded Ye Cheng in his heart, but his face still pretended to be generous. No, I volunteered. "    


Seven in the afternoon, the results of the DNA comparison was out. Unexpectedly, the ashes and bones were exactly the same as Chen Luoxue's.    


An Ningxuan stared at Ye Cheng with unease. He looked very weird, he did not know whether to laugh or cry, and there was no reason to deny it.    


The ashes were taken out from Chen Luoxue's cemetery. No one could fake such a thing!    


"Ye Cheng, Luo Xue is dead!"    


Ye Cheng tightly held onto the inspection report, he stood up dumbly and left the hospital with Mei Zi and An Ningxuan.    


Mei Zi looked at An Ningxuan, her indifferent eyes flashing with a strange light.    


An Ningxuan felt Mei Zi's gaze on her, she turned and asked: "Is there anything dirty on my face?"    


Meizi shook her head. I'm just thinking about the ashes of the snow. "    


Ye Cheng looked at her through the mirror. Seeing her hesitating, he couldn't help but become suspicious.    


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