The Romantic Soldier King





"Hehehe ?" The Northeast person chuckled. Ye Cheng, do you feel that your legs are weak, like a thousand kilogram boulder? Hahaha, let me tell you, no one has been able to escape from my poison. Even if you were the reincarnation of the Golden Sun God, you wouldn't be able to escape. "    


Ye Cheng did not care about the Northeast people, he lowered his head and looked at the shiny black guidance, then curled his lips and said: "Do you seem to have confidence in your poison fingers? Are you sure you can deal with me just by poisoning me? "    


"Poison is the weak point of the Gold Sun God. Since you're the reincarnation of the Gold Sun God, congestion is naturally the best method for you."    


Ye Cheng nodded in understanding, and then shook his head again. A thousand years ago, this was how you betrayed Jin Yang. Oh, no, you are just a small fry under the night evil. How can I compare you to the night evil?    


"Hmph." The Northeast man snorted coldly. A thousand years ago, we seven brothers betrayed Gold Sun God just for this day. What kind of thing is a mere human like you? "    


Ye Cheng exclaimed. So the original seven people who left the Gold Sun Divine Realm a thousand years ago, was the real brain of this night evil seven people. Thinking about that, Ye Cheng curled his lips. I am a little human, what are you? Is it a god? "    


"You think you're qualified to ask me that?"    


"I'm not asking you, I'm asking you Northeast grandfathers. You're just a formless ghost or animal, a monster that hides under the clown mask and binds to humans. It's already a great fortune for you to be able to talk to me!"    




Ye Cheng moved his mouth, he noticed that when the people of the Northeast were standing, their right feet were trembling slightly, probably because of the aftereffects of the intense impact, although he covered it up well, he could not avoid Ye Cheng's Fiery Eyes of Truth.    


"Listen, I don't care who you were, but let me remind you, this is the 21st century, so you have to pretend to be someone from your era. In front of me, you are just a ghost, and what I like to do the most is to fight ghosts, for things like you, I have many ways to deal with you."    


Saying that, Ye Cheng pressed both his feet on the ground. He did not doubt the true identity of the clown mask. He had seen the island master before, so he had no choice but to believe that those things really existed. Even though his body had been lost, his soul still remained in this world.    


The night evil betrayed the Golden Sun God thousands of years ago, sold out the Birdman, and obtained the chance to live for eternity. After fleeing to Central Europe, he became a hunter who had lived for a century.    


Ye Cheng sneered. In a situation where he did not know anything, he would naturally not interfere in this matter.    


Behind him, a commotion sounded as the Chi Lin moved its body. In an instant, it turned into a giant python, its scarlet body coiling behind Ye Cheng as it stood up straight and spat out red apricots towards the clown mask. With a flash of golden light, it sucked Ye Cheng into it, with him as its center.    


The Chi Lin was a pet raised by the Golden Sun God. When facing its enemy, it could not wait to attack and grind him into pieces. When Ye Cheng raised his hand, he could clearly tell that other than the Chi Lin, there was another person who it hated too much.    


"All of you, step back. This is my battlefield. No one is allowed to interfere." Ye Cheng also turned back and shouted angrily.    


The Chi Lin unhappily swayed its body, as it had already scuttled towards the clown mask in front of Ye Cheng.    


"Ye Cheng ruthlessly swept his palm across the Chi Lin's huge body. His palm carried a scorching smoke, and instantly knocked the Chi Lin to the ground. "Go back, or I'll roast you."    


The little black cat cried out, and the Chi Lin obediently withdrew to the thickness of a finger to remind it, swimming back to its side.    


Blacky squatted on the ground, curled its tail, and smacked it on the ground.    


Ye Cheng scoffed, after cursing for a long time in his heart, he said to the clown mask: "Do you have any last words?"    


"Kid, don't look down on this god!"    


The clown mask seemed to have sensed something, as its gaze swept towards the black cat. It's pupils contracted, its lips tightened, and raised its leg, attacking Ye Cheng head-on.    


Ye Cheng retreated a few steps quickly, the kick that flew over brought with it a gust of wind that blew past his chest. After calming his breathing, he didn't dare to relax. After nimbly turning around, he kicked with his leg and dodged in front of the clown mask. By the time his leg hit the center, he was in the air, his left palm already pressing down on his face.    


The clown mask increased the power by two levels on his palm, blocking the opponent's flying leg and taking a step towards the left. His right leg drew out a semicircle arc, and after neutralizing Ye Cheng's attack, he raised his legs once again and flew in front of Ye Cheng, gathering his strength to throw a right fist towards's face.    


Ye Cheng snorted, his blade slid across the ground as he came to the back of the clown mask, and grabbed at his head with the form of a claw.    


The clown mask seemed to have eyes at the back of its head, it bent down and kicked out his unsensitive leg, just happening to pass by Ye Cheng's shoulder.    


Ye Cheng opened his eyes coldly, he raised his arm to block. Just as the clown kicked his left leg again, he realised that Ye Cheng's lips had curved up into a smile, and when the arm that was blocking his way fell down, his five fingers were tightly grabbing onto his right knee.    


The clown mask cried out in shock, wanting to retract its leg, but Ye Cheng's fingers were as strong as iron claws, and did not move at all.    


"It's a pity, a god that only has a soul! lost in a rotten body! "    


Just as Ye Cheng finished speaking, his left arm suddenly appeared underneath his right leg. A ball of fire rose from his left palm, forming a pillar of fire that shot through the clown mask's right knee, burning a large hole.    




The clown mask let out a miserable cry as it broke free from Ye Cheng's hold. Disregarding its injured right leg, it continuously kicked out with its legs, engulfing everything in its body as it pounced towards Ye Cheng.    


"Humph!" You overestimate yourself! " Ye Cheng did not retreat, borrowing the force to throw himself into the air, a cold light flashed and a sharp blade appeared in his right palm, aimed straight at the clown mask's neck and pierced through it.    




The thin blade pierced the soft skin, deep into his arteries.    


Ye Cheng chuckled towards the clown mask, covered his mask with his left hand, and with a tug, he removed the mask.    




The northeastern man fell back, the blade stabbed into his blood vessels turning red. He opened his eyes and looked at Ye Cheng, maybe at this moment, he truly had regained his consciousness! Unfortunately, this moment of confusion had already become an eternal memory.    


The mask on its left palm writhed as it tried to find a new host, so it turned to Meizi, who was standing to one side, and let out a tearing cry.    


Ye Cheng walked in front of Xiao Hei and said: "It's up to you."    


Xiao Hei walked out from behind the Chi Lin, she slowly walked to Ye Cheng's side and raised her head to look at the mask, the corners of her lips raised upwards.    


Ye Cheng squatted down and spoke as his fingers grabbed onto the mouth of the mask. In the eyes of outsiders, he was only holding an ugly clown mask, but in reality, only he himself knew how sharp the teeth under the mask were. Behind the mask were many extremely small sharp teeth, and only holding on to these sharp teeth would prevent the mask from escaping.    


Mei Zi looked at the two weird people in front of her. Ye Cheng, who was always so high up in her heart, kneeled down to Blacky.    


Blacky stared at the mask for a long time before letting out a sharp cat cry.    


In an instant, the entire space started to crumble. The Spiritual Beast that was pressing down on the four corners of the space was instantly destroyed. The space that Mei Zi struggled to support was destroyed by Blacky.    


Ye Cheng looked at Mei Zi, who was lying on the ground, and raised his eyebrows at Xiao Hei.    


The masked man smiled at Xiao Hei and Chi Ya, as though he still had something to say. However, Ye Cheng could only whimper as he bit his lips.    


All of the hair on Blacky's body stood erect as it jumped backwards by half a step. Its front paw pressed backwards and its entire body tensed up as its head was raised backwards, and Ye Cheng extended out his left arm as he closed his eyes, and a burst of flames sprayed forth. The burning pain on its left palm made it frown.    


F * ck, they were both flames of gold and yang, why was this guy even stronger than me? It was clearly because of this little bit of skill, truly unfair! Ye Cheng thought in his heart as he opened his eyes angrily. The mask he saw on his left hand was burning with intense flames.    


"Can't you solve the problem at once?" Ye Cheng stared at Xiao Hei speechlessly. It's burning his hands, at least he's your descendant, don't be so heartless!    


The little black cat meowed and scuttled over to Meizi's side, watching her fall on the Chi Lin's body as it let out a breath.    


Ye Cheng was gloomy, as someone from the future, he was not even as important as his woman, he deserved to stay here and fight for the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and in the end, he had to cut himself off. Wasn't his woman just doing a little bit, just getting treated like that, he had never stepped foot on the Chi Lin s.    


Blacky jumped onto the Chi Lin's body and placed its palm on Meizi's forehead. A line of fire appeared between her eyebrows and Meizi started to breathe evenly as she fell asleep.    


Under your Golden Sun Fire, the clown mask was being burned endlessly. Just like how the evil spirit endured the power of the Hellfire in hell, it burned its heart and body.    


The silent mask showed an expression of pain. He struggled and screamed, but no one could hear him amidst the raging flames.    


The mask continued to shrink until it was the size of a fingertip. Blacky jumped up and swallowed it.    


Ye Cheng looked at his own red hands, and at first there were only some marks on his forearm, but now it was extended and wrapped around his entire arm, the beautiful lines seemed to be extremely high key, staring at the lines that were continuously growing, he sighed helplessly, did he have to live life with gloves now?    


The shattered space returned to its original form, and the sky lit up.    


Ye Cheng carried Mei Zi back onto the sickbed, and after covering her back, he extended his hand towards the Chi Lin. The big fellow obediently curled up its body and wrapped itself around Ye Cheng's left wrist.    


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