The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng floated in midair, his lips curled up as he admired his masterpiece narcissistically. He stared at the flames in his eyes, as if he could see the future seriously from the flames.    


With a loud boom, half of his three bodies collapsed, slanting to the other side as he pressed down towards the mountain top. Another set of loud explosions rang continuously, bringing a beast's roar out from the bottom of the ground, rushing towards Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng cursed and retreated, both palms sending out a few palm prints towards the black figure that had rushed out from the bottom of the mountain.    


The black shadow looked extremely strange, like a mutated meat worm, with its mouth full of fangs. The meat worm twisted its huge body to dodge Ye Cheng's palm, and in mid air, it turned towards Ye Cheng at a high speed.    


A cloud of black Qi sprayed out from the meat worm's mouth, bringing a burst of fishy wind that swept towards Ye Cheng.    


"Damn it!"    


Ye Cheng did not dare to be negligent, both of his palms swept out layers of fire at the meat worm, and once again pressed it into the mountain.    


Far away on the national road, Mei Zi looked at the mountain peak whose fire was soaring high into the sky. She changed the image to a red figure, and Lei Zihan looked in surprise at a male lion with red manes landing in front of him. It roared towards the sky and flew towards the mountain peak.    


The meat worm was extremely afraid of fire, and avoided Ye Cheng's fire palm. As it roared, it searched for an opportunity to break through, but under the boundless flames, the meat worm was forced back to a deeper place.    


Just as Ye Cheng was about to form his arms and cut open the mountain rocks to seal the cave entrance, a light rain started to fall from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, torrential rain poured down.    


He took the opportunity to pull a huge boulder and slow his descent. At the moment, the meat worm was already in front of him, it opened its bloody mouth and spat out a cloud of black Qi, which wrapped around Ye Cheng's entire body.    


The black Qi released a strong stench, Ye Cheng held his breath, he did not retreat, but rushed straight towards the meat worm's mouth instead. After releasing the black Qi, the meat worm would habitually shrink back, and then, use the tension on his body to wiggle his own body.    


Ye Cheng took this opportunity to rush into the black Qi and leaped up, his right leg using the force of the impact to leap onto the mountain rock, his entire body was enveloped by a layer of golden light, his left leg stomped on the head of the meat worm, causing the meat worm to let out a blood-curdling screech.    


Smoke rose from the places Ye Cheng had stepped on, and the stench of burnt flesh assaulted his nostrils. The meat worm retracted its enormous body, and was unable to differentiate between the parts of its neck, as it used all its strength to push at Ye Cheng. The meat worm had a lot of strength, it flew up to the sky and then wiggled its body to fly up the mountain, then it bit down at Ye Cheng who had just landed.    


Ye Cheng twisted his body and threw a flying kick towards the meat worm's neck. The meat worm let out a howl as its huge body flipped backwards, smashing a hole in the mountain with its head. The meat worm twisted its body and crawled out of the hole, rolling up the sand and rolling towards Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng flew and slapped the meat worm twice, the fireball instantly burning the meat worm's body. The meat worm roared and jumped into the rain, smart enough to roll in the water and extinguish the flames on its body, then quickly burrowed back into the ground.    


In a moment, half of its body was buried in the mountains as it attempted to escape. A red figure leapt in front of Ye Cheng, its fiery red figure striking towards the meat worm like a claw from heaven, pinning it to the ground. The other claw quickly grabbed the tail that was raising the meat worm up and bit at it, pulling it out.    


Ye Cheng did not hesitate and immediately pulled out his blade, and immediately followed up, thrusting towards the meat worm's body, the strong and sharp blade stabbed into the skin of her head, the tremble on the blade tip made her entire arm numb.    


The meat worm twisted its body and came out from the lion's body. It raised its head again and bit down towards Ye Cheng.    


This time, Ye Cheng nimbly took a step forward and dodged the attack. With a backhand swing of his blade, he slashed at the stomach of the insect, and there was a white patch on the meat worm's abdomen that was not very obvious, regardless of whether it was effective or not, Ye Cheng planned to give it a try. Just at this time, the male lion seemed to have seen through Ye Cheng's plan, and with his movements, it whizzed and smashed towards the head of the big meat worm.    


When the meat worm that was chasing Ye Cheng saw the red shadow flash over, it immediately turned its body to face the lion behind it, revealing its big belly, giving Ye Cheng the chance to not succeed in one move just now. Ye Cheng stepped out with his right foot, and with both hands holding onto his blade, he pounced towards the white patch on the meat worm's belly.    




The meat worm s and lions stopped biting as if they were frozen by time. Ye Cheng twisted his hands forcefully, and the military knife that was stuck in the meat worm's stomach pulled out the soft meat from the blade that was stuck in the meat worm's stomach.    


The meat worm cried out, its body swaying back and forth between the mountains, engulfing the entire mountain with its destructive power.    


"Not good, it's swallowing the mountain!" When the male lion saw her, it let out a roar, and Ye Cheng crawled out from the pile of rocks. Seeing the meat worm drilling into the mountain at an extremely fast speed, he took a glance at her, and saw from her cold face that there would be trouble at the end of the mountain. He steeled his heart, and followed the meat worm into the mountain.    


"Elder Brother Ye!"    


The heat from beneath the ground made the giant bird refuse to go down, and the lion hovered by the side of the mountain. The meat worm wanted to hide back into its underground nest, so Ye Cheng followed and jumped onto its back. Its hard body was indestructible, and there was still a drizzle on top of its head.    


Ye Cheng held his breath as he watched the gigantic body of the meat worm fall from the sky, coincidentally blocking the drizzling rain above his head. Just at that moment, Ye Cheng disregarded the danger and immediately released a golden beam, covering his palms with flames that directly pierced through the white ribs of the meat worm.    


With a whoosh, the fireball followed the Jinyang Qi and completely enveloped it from inside out. The meat worm fell to the side in pain, struggling in the fire with its life on the line.    


Ye Cheng looked at the black clouds above him, his entire body ignited with the Gold Sun Divine Energy, launching a fatal strike at the meat worm.    


shook his body, and with a speed that ordinary people could not even comprehend, he began to consolidate a line of defense around the meat worm. The torrential rain could only fall on the surrounding of the meat worm, it could not extinguish the golden sun flames on its body.    


The fire burned brighter and brighter, and the rain grew heavier and heavier!    


Ye Cheng stared at the meat worm as it rained down its last bite before flying back to Mei Zi's side. Mei Zi brought Ye Cheng and left the mountaintop. Under its immense strength, the male lion razed the entire mountaintop and buried the meat worm's corpse.    


On the road back to the country, Lei Zihan was so excited that she did not know what to say, she had never seen such a godly fight, the excitement in her eyes caused her to hold onto Ye Cheng tightly, unable to say a word.    


"Let's go!" Mei Zi urged Ye Cheng. Her face was pale to the point that she was about to faint at any moment.    


Ye Cheng worriedly looked at her as the three of them sat in the car and quickly returned to the city.    


He woke up as soon as the car passed the checkpoint, and after staring blankly out of the window for a while, he realized that he had entered the Eastsea City.    


Ye Cheng asked about his place at the hotel, the good people did it until the end, and only left after sending the Northeast grandfathers to the hotel.    


They agreed to drink together because of Ringia's sudden change of events. The men from Northeast flew back home the next day to meet again due to fate, but the men from Northeast were very optimistic, as if they knew that they would have a chance to meet again.    


As Ye Cheng watched the men from the Northeast enter the hotel, he suddenly had a feeling that he still had a chance to meet this person, and that they would be together in the near future.    


"Hubby, isn't this the hotel named Sung Group? I remember that Sister Hui Hui just purchased this hotel last time. This hotel is still a profitable business in Sung Group. " Lei Zihan looked at the hotel, the beauty of the Sung Group was being replaced by the black light, the black LOGO inside the hotel with the Golden City as the standard, looking out of place.    


The Golden City was not really covered in gold, but a wall made of a special type of glass that glittered like gold under the rays of the sun.    


Lei Zihan did not mean to say anything, but Ye Cheng suddenly stopped and got off the car. After entering the hotel, he looked for the men from the Northeast to enter, but was rejected by the front desk, so he called Sang Huihui and passed him the call. After a few sentences, the front desk miss looked at Ye Cheng weirdly, and silently typed out the location of the men from the Northeast into Ye Cheng.    


Returning to the car, from the information he got, there was nothing special about it, it was similar to what the Northeast men were talking about, but felt that it was a little strange, and brought Mei Zi back to the villa. Sang Huihui was already waiting outside the door, and Mei Zi, who had returned home, immediately went soft, and fell asleep in Ye Cheng's embrace.    


Lei Zihan played the battle last night as if he was in a movie. As he ate, he spat out saliva, as he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.    


Sang Huihui quietly brewed a cup of coffee for her and placed the cup of tea to the side. As if he knew that Ye Cheng would come down, he sat with Lei Zihan in the dining hall and waited.    


Sure enough, not long after, Ye Cheng changed his clothes, took a bath, and then appeared in front of the two of them.    


Tonight, he was truly shocked, shocked of all sorts!    


This world did not know of such a formidable figure like the Jin Yang God.    


Turning the cup, Ye Cheng said after a long period of silence: "Chen Luoxue might still be alive!"    


Sang Huihui raised his brows, and did not reply!    


On the side of the national road: Earth Village, Ringia, meat worm, Spirit City's website! This seemed to be the beginning of another conspiracy.    


Who was the clown mask closer to him? Ye Cheng placed his gaze on the website of Spirit City. Was he related to the village?    


"I need the help of the Meier. You can temporarily find someone to take over her position."    


Sang Huihui explained to him coldly. After a long while, he said: "We have all seen Snowfall's corpse with our own eyes. Could it be that you are still hoping for a miracle? I don't know what the Ringia you are talking about is, but since a monster appeared in that whatever village, it's very hard for me to believe that Ringia's words. Even if the night evil was behind all of this, but the Meier is the executive director of the Black Light Financial Center.    


"Ye Cheng, if I don't see the truth, it would be hard for me to believe that Snowfall is still alive.    


Sang Huihui had always wanted to turn the Black Tiger Alliance from a black to a white one, and the reason for the existence of the black light was to lay a foundation. But Ye Cheng's current adventure was completely meaningless, everyone had gone to Snowfall's funeral, her death, everyone had seen it, and for the sake of a person who had already died, it was not worth it. Moreover, what happened last night sounded like a huge trap, and the other party's motive was still unknown, so she would definitely not agree.    


Lei Zihan sat at the side and looked at Sang Huihui uneasily, as if she had never seen her and Ye Cheng act in such a grand manner. Although her words sounded unsatisfactory, it was true, but Ye Cheng didn't seem like someone who would compromise.    


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