The Romantic Soldier King



Before Ye Cheng had the time to enjoy himself, it was already three in the night. The night was hazy and there were only a few stars in the sky above the city.    


After sending Sang Huihui back to the villa, Ye Cheng directly returned to Nationality Street. This place was still as crowded as before, and the amount of tourists going in and out of there did not decrease because of the night sky.    


An Gaohan leaned on the balcony. This hotel was an old-fashioned house that had been bought by a foreign private developer, and after the entire building was renovated, it became a rather exotic little hotel. On the top floor, there was even a large garden that was brought by itself.    


Ye Cheng stood opposite of the inn, whistled, and walked into the crowd. He had already made clear that there were two places on this street where divination took place. There was a family that was not far from where they lived. In order not to alert the enemy, Ye Cheng and An Gaohan both went to their own houses to investigate.    


The Clairvoyant was worthy of his reputation. His Divination was decorated in a mysterious way that attracted the attention of young ladies. They felt this was the world of magic. Whether or not he had the ability to do so depended on him.    


The woman sitting in front of Ye Cheng?" Or a man? He looked like a man and peeked at his chest. Under the national anorak, there were a few bulges under the cross collar, but the chest of a woman was like a flatcar, but it was definitely bigger than a man's.    


"Humans don't have any gender differences in the first place."    


Hearing the other party's words, Ye Cheng felt awkward! He had just retorted in his heart, how did he get seen through? Could it be that this fellow had Mind Reading?    


"Sir, what do you want? The price is 200 per hour and the time is 50 per hour. You have to spend half an hour to calculate it."    


Ye Cheng was a little confused. Was he here to make a divination, or was he here to sell chickens?    


"If it's someone as outstanding as you, Mister, with so much gold, I might consider it."    


"Stop!" Ye Cheng extended a hand, his palm facing the other party's face as he said: "I admit that you have the ability, but if you dare to read my heart, I will dig out your eyes."    


"The Clairvoyant raised his hands in a gesture of surrender." I'm sorry! Please continue. "    


Ye Cheng had nothing to ask, so he randomly found a matter to try the other party. The result caused him to be extremely shocked. He didn't think that there would be such a godly person in this place.    


"Don't take me for one of those swindlers. This kind of test will greatly reduce my impression of you, and tell me your real purpose for coming here."    


The Clairvoyant slapped his hand on the table and placed her card on the table. In an instant, the aura surrounding him was several times stronger than before.    


Ye Cheng smiled faintly.    


"Twelve o'clock midnight! I'm here to visit again! "    


Ye Cheng put down the two Grandfather Hairy on the table and turned to leave.    


The Clairvoyant was a very important figure, and the only place on this street was the night evil Trade Point. Intuition told Ye Cheng that this person didn't look like one, and hoped that An Gaohan would have some results.    


Nationality Street was a long street with only one intersection in the middle. Strangely, these two divination points seemed to be resonating with each other as they gazed at each other from afar!    


When Ye Cheng passed through the entrance in the middle, he heard curses from in front of him. With light steps, he ran over as if he was a citizen of a small well who liked to watch a good show.    


A little boy was knocked down on the street. A few adults surrounded him, kicking and beating him. They were even cursing loudly and looked very fierce.    


The little boy was at most fifteen or sixteen years old. He was small, but his arms were quite sturdy, and they had muscle lines to them.    


"Tsk tsk tsk, another thief. These days, I've gained too much without working too hard!"    


"There was another one yesterday, the one who got beaten up so badly!"    


When Ye Cheng heard this, and was about to leave, he couldn't help but notice the clear eyes of the boy who was lying on the ground. When the punches and kicks landed on him, he didn't scream out in pain, nor did he beg for mercy.    


A pair of clear eyes!    


As if he had been possessed, Ye Cheng walked out of the crowd and stood in front of one of the big sized man. He kicked him and sent him flying, then punched the man on his left and right and dragged the little boy up from the ground.    


"With so many people beating up a child, isn't it embarrassing?"    


"Who the fuck are you? "Mind your own business?"    


"I just can't watch any longer, what's wrong?"    


Competing with him? Ye Cheng had never lost, and he would never lose! Black eyes stared, domineering beyond belief.    


The big sized men who were knocked down stood up, they looked at Ye Cheng, and now there were more people surrounding them, and more people watching the show, Ye Cheng was very pleased with himself.    


These days, there were countless number of thieves. The police were the ones who caught them and then caught them, especially those from minority groups. They were even more arrogant and blatantly stole them. Why? We are under protection!    


So, in this tourist destination where thieves were the most common, it was normal to beat someone to death when they caught them. It was hateful to have stolen children, but no matter how you looked at it, this child didn't look like one of them. Moreover, it seemed a bit wicked to gang up on one of them.    


"Kid, mind your own business. This person stole our boss's money. Let's capture him and bring him back."    


"If you want to arrest him, then so be it. How should I watch you guys deal with him?" How much did he steal from you? I'll give it to him on his behalf. "    


"Mind your own business!"    


This untimely voice caused Ye Cheng's face to turn ugly. "This brat is too insensible. Is there anyone who would repay their benefactor like this?" "Hey, you don't have the right to speak here, go wait at the side."    


The little boy was covered in wounds. He looked at Ye Cheng with disdain in his eyes, then walked in front of the big sized man. I didn't steal it, so why should I go back with you? "    


"You didn't steal it, why are you running?"    


"Nonsense. You two are indiscriminately slashing people with your sabers. How could I not run?" The little boy was rather interesting as well. He spat on the ground like a little adult, wiped the blood off his mouth and continued, "You found the wrong person. Don't waste your time here."    


The little boy pushed through the crowd and was about to run away, but the nice guy blocked his way and refused to give him a chance. The little boy pushed away the crowd, but the nice guy blocked his way and refused to give him a chance.    


"Fuck, if it isn't you, then it isn't you. I can see clearly, it's just you who took away the box, where did you hide it?"    


The little boy staggered to his feet and stared at the big man with an expression like he was going to die. You guys want to be seen by me, so you want to kill me and take the money for yourself? I will tolerate it and do a good deed for you, and you guys are not going to forgive me? "Come on, capture me if you dare. I'll personally tell your boss where to put the boxes. I'll see who can take them and where to put them. Let's see how you're going to deal with this."    


Yo, there's an inside story?    


Ye Cheng thought to himself as he stood at the side like an idiot. This brat was clever with his words, he had a quick mind, and was definitely a person with potential! Listening to him, it seemed as if he had been caught in the dark and had been chased all the way here. Which gang would he not help?    


During this short period of time of hesitation, the little boy's neck had already been grabbed by someone. He was gathered in mid-air, his feet were kicking wildly, and his face was flushed red.    


"If you call me Brother Voice, I'll help you take care of them!"    


Ye Cheng giggled at the little boy.    




At this time, the little boy was not the least bit hesitant, and shouted sweetly. He still had some energy left in his body to smile at Ye Cheng.    


"Okay!" Ye Cheng's figure flashed and arrived in front of the boy. He grabbed the boy's wrist with his right hand and raised the boy's waist with his left hand as he shouted. The big man's wrist was forcibly broken, the wrist bone pierced through the skin, exposing white bone with blood.    


Time seemed to stop at this moment. The big man staggered two steps back and stared at his wrist for a long time before letting out a roar like a pig being butchered.    


"This dull reaction is suffocating."    


Ye Cheng was even holding the small boy's waist, and with a flick of his left hand, he hoisted the boy onto his shoulder. "Let's attack together, this young master doesn't have the time to waste on you."    


"What's the name of this little brother?"    


"Who is your brother? If you hit my little brother, I'll cut your entire family off.    


The leader stared at Ye Cheng for a long while, the moment he made his move, he knew that he had met a powerful warrior, even if all of them went up against him, they would not be his match, thus he put down his words and said: You have guts, watch out for this thief, don't let me meet you again, let's go!    


"Hey, you're just running away? Not playing anymore? " Ye Cheng continued to shout at the backs of the group of people.    


"Just you wait!"    


A threatening voice came from the distance, but these words usually had another meaning, which was to say that they would never see each other again.    


"Put me down!"    


With the danger resolved, the little boy swung his four limbs and kicked Ye Cheng.    


Pow! After slapping the boy's buttocks, Ye Cheng said viciously: "How do I write 'thank you' whenever you want?"    


"Check the dictionary!"    


"Good boy, your mouth is quite tough!" Ye Cheng chuckled, and then directly carried her to the front of the fortune telling house at the end of National Street. Just as he was about to go in, he saw An Gaohan coming out.    


"Who is he?"    


"I picked it up on the way here!"    


An Gaohan curled his lips, and revealed a look of disdain. There's nothing to look forward to here, let's go! "    


The three of them found a restaurant and sat down. Ye Cheng ordered a few dishes and two bowls of rice, and pushed them in front of the little boy. Eat it! "    


"Uncle, I thank you for your good intentions. I'll repay you if there's a chance."    


"You want to leave?"    


"Are you going to raise me?"    


"Raise you?" If you were Bo Ba'e, I would consider it. I don't dare to be interested in your chrysanthemum. "    


"Tsk, then isn't that enough?"    


While speaking, the little boy had already finished a bowl and a half of rice along with two plates of meat. He looked no different from a hungry ghost.    


An Gaohan stared at the boy silently, but it was Ye Cheng who teased him from time to time, after he was full of food, he opened his mouth and said: "Who exactly are those people? How did you bump into them? "    


"And who are you people? From the looks of it, you don't seem to be from here!" The little boy stared at the cowboy bone for a long time, then Ye Cheng pushed the dish to him. I was told that I was unreasonable and that I could have just pretended to die after getting beaten up. Yet, you came out to stir up some trouble, causing me to be unable to continue staying here. What do you think I should do? "    


"Those useless people always say those kind of words. I think you should just pretend to be dead."    


Ye Cheng intentionally angered the little boy, so he lit up his cigarette and asked the waiter to come over to pay.    


An Gaohan picked up the bill and walked towards the counter. Ye Cheng smiled but did not stop him.    


"Don't look down on me. This young master has received your kindness today, I will naturally repay you." The little boy approached Ye Cheng mysteriously, and said softly: "I see that you two aren't here for tourism, what business do you have? Speak, and let me see if I can help you.    


Right after he finished speaking, the little boy looked at Ye Cheng with a strange gaze, as if guessing whether or not he was a human trafficker.    


"Let's go!" "You're too dirty!"    


Ye Cheng brought the little boy back to the hotel and bought two or three sets of clothes and shoes for him on the way. When he entered the room, he immediately threw the boy into the bathroom.    


The Divination Library that An Gaohan went to was a place that sold sheep meat. There were a lot of foreign girls there, so there was nothing to look for. As for the one that Ye Cheng went to, although there were many suspects, he still believed his intuition.    


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