The Romantic Soldier King



What is the concept of mountain merging? It was as hard to believe as a mountain could walk.    


However, this kind of nonsense sounded out from Ye Cheng's mouth, and it was real. Especially when he took the lead and charged outwards, that feeling of existence was even more incomparable.    


If even such a powerful character was moved to flee, how could the people behind him walk leisurely and follow closely behind, as if they were trying to run for their lives?    


A rumbling sound came from above their heads. It sounded like the rumbling of thunder, but also like the roaring of a mountain. The birds in the sky seemed to have been shocked by your voice and flew around randomly when they encountered you.    


In front of him, he could not see the end, and the mountains on both sides of him were shrinking, facing the unknown front, Ye Cheng raised his head and looked, following that, he jumped up like an opening.    


"Damn, we'll follow them. If we go any further, I'll be squeezed into a meat patty." Xiao Yifeng cursed as he grabbed Liu Xi's collar and threw him up. Lv Yang who was in front grabbed Liu Xi and dragged him onto the cliff.    


Ye Cheng walked for a few more meters and was shocked to find that there was a tunnel that was wide enough to accommodate two people. He whistled, signalling the people below to follow him.    


With another loud rumbling sound, the group of four didn't dare to hesitate as they climbed up with their hands and feet on top of each other. When the two large mountains started crying out, the four of them collapsed into the tunnel.    


"This is the first time I've encountered something like this. If I'm able to get out alive, I can write a book about this. What kind of monster is this? Compared to this moving mountain, a divine beast is just child's play."    


Xiao Yifeng's vulgar words did not dispel the others' nervous emotions and avoided the merging of the two mountains. He did not get turned into meat paste, but he had to admit, they were stuck in the middle of two mountains. In other words, if they were eaten by the mountains, it would become a question on how to get out.    


Ye Cheng didn't want to interrupt Xiao Yifeng's morale raising plan, but he wanted to know why there was such a tunnel in the mountain. It was wide enough to accommodate two people, but its height was smaller than a person's, so long legs like theirs could only be used to kneel on the ground as they walked.    


"Kid, can you still walk?"    


Liu Xi's face was as white as a sheet. He laid on the ground and retched, his stomach was empty, there was only yellow bile in his mouth, he could vomit.    


"I'm fine, I ran too fast. I took in a lot of cold air, my stomach is not feeling well." Liu Xi waved his hand and said.    


Lv Yang lit up the box and shone it onto the walls of the cave. The stone was very smooth and felt that it was still sticky to the touch.    


"Boss, this doesn't seem to be a tunnel. Smell this!"    


Upon hearing Lv Yang's words, Ye Cheng walked over and stepped on something. Lowering his head and seeing that it was a corpse, he disdainfully cursed and supported himself on the cliff wall. A ball of greasy stuff stuck onto his finger and his fingertip was pierced by a sharp object.    


"Bring the fire closer!"    


In the midst of the firelight, there was a round and smooth mountain wall with a red piece of shard between them. Ye Cheng carefully scraped it off and erased the mucus on it, revealing its true form. The Chi Lin! "    


The corner of Xiao Yifeng's eyes twitched. In his mind, there was only one word, "Run".    


The word almost simultaneously popped out of everyone's mind. This was simply the lair of that divine beast.    


Ye Cheng set a direction and brought his men to run forward. No one knew how long this road was, they could only crawl on the ground without stopping.    


Xiao Yifeng, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped in his tracks. He indicated for the others not to speak, and wave after wave of rumbling sounds came from all four directions as they approached from afar.    


Liu Xi swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but look behind him. Unknowingly, a pair of scarlet red eyes had already arrived behind him, and it was no more than two meters away from Lv Yang.    


"Run?" Xiao Yifeng asked Ye Cheng softly.    


Without waiting for Ye Cheng's reply, Xiao Hei suddenly jumped out from's embrace, and slowly walked towards Lv Yang, yelling a few times at the fellow with blood-red eyes. Ye Cheng let Lv Yang and Liu Xi crawl behind him, he held onto his blade and stared at Xiao Hei's back.    


"Boss, you can't be thinking of letting this cat deal with that divine beast, right?"    


"How is this possible? The root of its small body is not enough to deal with the gap between the teeth!" Ye Cheng did not have the mood to joke around. He let Xiao Yifeng bring the two new recruits to leave first, cutting off the rear for himself.    


Xiao Yifeng did not feel that it was a pity, as he knew that his abilities were not as good as this thing's, so he patted Ye Cheng's shoulders and continued to climb forward along with Liu Xi and Lv Yang.    


The Chi Lin rolled its big eyes, as if it was emitting X-rays, kacha kacha!    


Ye Cheng wanted to get closer, but was stopped by Xiao Hei's angry shout.    


Ye Cheng didn't know what Xiao Hei wanted to do, but just as he said, this little fellow was simply not enough to feed that divine beast.    


"Don't be impulsive, you are infuriating it!"    


Blacky's voice became more and more excited, just like a soldier shouting the last words to his comrade. It was intense and inspiring.    


The other Chi Lin did not retreat this time. It swayed left and right, but did not charge forward.    


Ye Cheng did not dare to look straight into their eyes! Just as he was dodging, the Chi Lin moved, and rushed forward with an extremely fast speed.    


Blacky screeched and leaped up. With a height of less than a meter, its small body was actually quite useful.    


In the passage, the Chi Lin's huge body could only move forward or retreat, but Xiao Hei's light and agile body was extremely agile. Not afraid of death, she charged forward, her sharp claws piercing into the red pupils of the Chi Lin.    


The little guy's adventure caused Ye Cheng to be dumbstruck. He couldn't be bothered about that as he quickly rushed over, the blade in his hand piercing towards the huge mouth that was already opened up.    


No matter how powerful you are, you are still a beast with flesh and blood. Ye Cheng had spent a lot of effort to make this cut, and his blade was almost buried in his huge mouth. Meanwhile, Little Black had jumped onto the back of the Chi Lin and arrived at a place where Ye Cheng couldn't see it.    


Ye Cheng did not care about Xiao Hei, he took out his military blade and was about to strike the big guy when the Chi Lin suddenly trembled. Its body started to change along with the shaking, from a giant snake shrinking to a normal size of no less than five meters, lying flat on the ground, and Little Black was currently standing on its body. It tilted its head, as if it was confused by the sudden change.    


"Stupid cat, run!"    


Ye Cheng called out to Xiao Hei, and when the Chi Lin turned its head to counterattack Xiao Hei, he had already grabbed 7 inches of it.    


"Damn it, I can't deal with a big guy like you. I can't deal with a smaller version of you!"    


The Chi Lin did not lose its resistance like normal snakes. It curled its tail and coiled around Ye Cheng's head, letting out a crackling sound.    


At first, Ye Cheng did not feel that anything was amiss. In just a few seconds, his arm was covered in black spots.    


His entire arm was numb, Ye Cheng quickly pressed down on the acupoints and sealed the poison gas around half of the arm, his finger which was holding onto seven inches was powerless, causing the Chi Lin to slide onto the ground. It did not give chase, it only turned around to face Xiao Hei instead.    


The feeling of being looked down upon by an animal was not good. The key point was that for the reason of being looked down upon, you were not even worth as much as a cat, and this made the poisoned Ye Cheng feel even worse.    


"Young master has been through dirty things in his life and has stepped on quite a number of people. I have never been looked down upon by a beast!" Ye Cheng hooted, he then used his army knife to cut an opening, the black blood was lying on the ground, following its appearance, half of its arm was still swollen, without any intent of fading away.    


Ye Cheng frowned. At this rate, his arm would be crippled due to the poison sooner or later.    


Little Black, who was not far away, roared. It was fighting with Chi Lian in the short passageway.    


Ye Cheng suddenly remembered something. He found the bottle that the Mage had given him from his backpack, and from the label on it, he found a bottle with the word "Poison" written on it. To use poison against poison, that should be effective! "    


He removed the cap from the bottle and sprinkled the brown powder on the wound. The powder was quickly absorbed by the blood and slowly seeped into the skin. There was an itchy feeling. Soon the pain was dull and finally there was an unbearable heat.    


Ye Cheng looked at Xiao Hei who was still fighting, the condensed version of Chi Lin did not benefit much from Xiao Hei, but at the same time, Xiao Hei did not take advantage of him, for a while, the Chi Lin could not even take care of him, Ye Cheng immediately started to recuperate.    


The Jinyang Qi followed Ye Cheng's deep meditation and wrapped him in a layer of golden light with its aura. Under the glow of the golden light that was like flames, countless of golden clouds rushed to his arm and his originally black and swollen arm started to fade and swell. Ye Cheng's wound quickly healed and in less than a few minutes, his arm that was injured by the Chi Lin was completely fine.    


Just then, Blacky called out loudly. It twisted its waist in the air and waved its claws at the Chi Lin, causing five lines of blood to appear on its head. A few scales dropped to the ground.    


The Chi Lin was clearly infuriated by Blacky, as it doubled its size and scuttled over to Blacky who had just landed.    


Seeing that, Ye Cheng raised his blade, flying from his back, unable to use his limbs in the passage, he could only use the most primitive method to protect himself.    


When Xiao Hei saw that Ye Cheng was holding onto the Chi Lin's head and pressing it down, it took the chance to move forward and bite down hard into its red eyes. The stinging Chi Lin shook its body violently, causing Ye Cheng to look like a tunnel.    


Ye Cheng shook his head, he pounced forward again and stabbed the blade into the Chi Lin's tail with all his might.    


The Chi Lin fell to the ground with a thud, and Little Black bit down at its other eye, being pushed back a few meters by its gravity. Ye Cheng took this chance and chopped off the white tail of the Chi Lin, its broken tail still shaking non-stop.    


The Chi Lin could not gain an advantage so it quickly retreated. Xiao Hei ran to catch up with him, with Ye Cheng following closely behind. It crawled over, and found out that Xiao Hei was standing motionlessly, it crawled in to take a look and was immediately stunned by the image in front of it.    


Originally, behind the passage was a cave full of snakes. The injured Chi Lin was crawling on top of a huge rock, and there were hundreds of Chi Lin squirming below, with no end in sight.    


Suddenly, the huge rock underneath the Chi Lin moved. Ye Cheng laid on the rock for a long time before he realized that this huge rock was very long and stretched all the way into the mountain.    


Ye Cheng also pushed open the snake den. If he was not mistaken, that huge boulder should also be a good item.    


Without delay, Ye Cheng quickly crawled along the tunnel with Xiao Hei at the back. He had injured Chi Lin, so there was no guarantee that the big fellow would come out to seek revenge, and he did not know what the three guys in front would do.    


After running for an unknown amount of time, Ye Cheng realised that there was nothing behind him. He leaned on the tunnel and exhaled, then Xiao Hei rushed to the front and shouted at Ye Cheng.    


Ye Cheng stopped and crawled forward, using up too much energy, causing his back to be drenched in sweat. He wished that he could just lie there and do nothing.    


Ye Cheng blinked his eyes. After confirming that the light dot was not an illusion, his face revealed a happy expression as he stuffed Xiao Hei into his arms and used his final bit of strength to rush out of the light dot.    


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