The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng told everyone to stop, he picked up a piece of wet soil and placed it on his nose to smell, there was a strong smell of blood. He tapped his headset, and the other four realized that the communication had failed since they had entered the fog.    


Ye Cheng pointed for someone to follow him, leaving the three of them standing guard on the spot. Deep in the fog, the Gray Shadow gradually revealed its original form. It was a Liberation truck.    


"Isn't this the truck that took us up the mountain? Why are we here? "    


Ye Cheng jumped onto the car, and after looking around, it was as if the entire body of the car had been swept, it was completely clean without a trace for a long time. He suspiciously looked at the car for a long time, then laid on the ground and crawled under the car, finding the source of the blood.    


Using a sharp knife to split open the mailbox, something fell out with a "hualala" sound. The flowing liquid made the smell of blood in the air become stronger.    


The strange object that rolled out from the gas tank landed beside Liu Xi. He stared at the thing for a long time, then shouted out.    


"Look at your cowardly look. Don't say that you're following me in the future!"    


Liu Xi shook his head with all his might as he pulled Xiao Yifeng and lowered his head, then used his leg to kick away the foreign object to reveal his original form. A head is a head! "    


"Even without you saying so, I know that it's a head. What is there to be alarmed about!"    


"These three are in the same team as us."    


"Ye Cheng kicked the other two heads in front of Xiao Yifeng. This place is full of weird things. "    


"How is that possible? There are only twenty of us here, and these three are our people.    


Xiao Yifeng screamed, grabbing his head and crouching on the ground.    


"Let's not talk about that too much and leave this place."    


Ye Cheng raised his head, and took the lead to walk out of the forest. Standing by the stream, he washed his head and placed it on a rock.    


Liu Xi could immediately tell that this person was the person who sat beside him. Back then, he seemed to have talked to him on the plane.    


"I remember very clearly, this is the car that brought us into the mountain. It's because there's a very large car behind the car and it's also covered with red paint."    


"How did this car get here? If these three people died here, then what would the three people who followed Bai Yue's team be like?"    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. From the moment we entered the mountain, these three people should have been swapped out. To be able to fight under the eyes of so many people and also be able to hide from our eyes, the strength of these three people is not to be underestimated. "    


"Boss, I have a bold hypothesis!" Previously, the map was tampered with and the BOSS almost fell off the hill. Do you think that these three impostors in our team are one of the prey we were looking for? "    


Xiao Yifeng's suggestion caused Ye Cheng to let out a hissing sound.    


"In addition, I still have another question that I don't understand. First, the security of this special Chinese organization is very poor, is this something that I escaped from, or was it something that someone let out?" Secondly, what is Bai Yue saying about reproduction? There are more people in this big city than the man, and every day, there would be people dying.    


Xiao Yifeng exhaled a mouthful of smoke. He shook his head and stared at the head in front of him for a long time. The more he looked, the more terrifying he felt. I think it's like we're in a trap and someone wants to lead us to that place. "It was like a walking sacrifice. We were all sold by Boss Bai.    


"That's not enough. The mission itself is filled with questions. After you take care of the heads, I need to hurry back to the basin."    


Xiao Yifeng threw away the tip of his cigarette, found a branch and hung his head on it, then opened his mouth to look at Ye Cheng and the others.    


It was twenty minutes later than expected. When he handed it over to the basin, he realized that all his preparations had been made by the other party at the entrance of the valley. He was gone!    


"This is their weakness, where is the person?"    


"Look around, don't go too far." Ye Cheng opened the chest. Weapons and equipment were neatly placed inside, food and water hadn't been moved either. If Bai Yue couldn't wait to go in, he wouldn't have brought even food to eat.    


"There are no traces of a fight. Everything is normal." After looking around, Xiao Yifeng finally returned and shrugged at Ye Cheng. This was too damn strange! Could this also be the Hundred Great Triangle? When people arrived here, they automatically disappeared? "    


"Pah pah pah!" Don't talk nonsense! " Liu Xi retreated a step back as he looked at the other two. The person who came out from Wolf Fang's mouth was indeed the most calm and composed of them all, and no matter what happened, he would remain expressionless and calm.    


"You guys stay behind to rest and get some food back. I'll go take a look."    


Ye Cheng did not believe that a person would disappear on their own. In addition, who would pile up all the supplies as neatly as a warehouse during the march? There was only one possibility, and that was that these items had been deliberately placed there by someone in order to create the illusion of a mysterious disappearance and confuse them.    


After confirming his thoughts, Ye Cheng expanded the scope of his search. He believed that there were definitely some among them who had left behind clues.    


"Boss!" "Look!"    


Liu Xi stood on top of the chest and waved his hand as he shouted. Ye Cheng quickly rushed over and stood beside him. He discovered that a wave of black smoke had risen in the distance with a faint bright yellow color.    


"Could it be them?"    


Ye Cheng shook his head, he could not believe in anything that appeared in front of him right now. You will be in charge of the communication, confirm the last trace left by them, delete the original trace, and reposition. Old Xiao, bring someone with you to investigate the coordinates of the terrain, follow me into the valley. "    


After giving out his orders, Ye Cheng slid down the hill into the valley.    


From above, the entire valley looked like a huge bowl, filled with green ancient trees. The surrounding forest was filled with clouds and mist, and apart from everything else, this place was truly beautiful, a primordial beauty.    


Ye Cheng didn't have time to appreciate this beauty. When he slid down the valley, he had already rushed in. After that, his Wolf Fang squad member was thrown two meters away as he followed closely behind Ye Cheng.    


Just as he entered the valley, a burst of cold Qi came out, in the heat of the moment, he shivered, and immediately, Ye Cheng took out his blade and held it in his hand.    


Ahbuda was always nagging about the Serpent God coming and going, and all the way he only saw one big snake. It didn't matter if there was one or not, it was better to believe that it existed.    




The sound of movement came from behind him. Ye Cheng turned around to look, and the member following closely behind him took half a step back, his body leaning to the right, his eyes wide open as he stared at Ye Cheng. "Swamps!"    


"Don't move!" Ye Cheng raised his hands and slowly walked over. Why was he fine when he was walking the same way?    


The Wolf Fang squad members knew the consequences of being trapped in the swamp. The more they moved, the faster they would die.    


In a moment of desperation, Ye Cheng broke a branch on the branch and untied his belt. The branch of the tree was so heavy that it landed half an arm's length away from the team member. It was too late to pull it back.    


The Wolf Fang squad member lifted one of his arms and glared at them. It was as if his body was stuck to them. Not only did he not move forward, he even sank himself deep into the quagmire.    


Ye Cheng looked around, he saw a tree branch at the side of the swamp hanging onto his head, and after he buckled his belt, he climbed up, causing the tree branch to slowly droop under Ye Cheng's weight. He raised his hand and shouted to the people below: "Grab me!"    


The Wolf Fang squad member looked at Ye Cheng and shook his head, "The branch is too light, it can't support two people's weight."    


"Trust me!" "Ye Cheng stretched out his hand, the resolute look in his eyes gave the other party an impulse to give it a try. On the count of three, you jump up, do you understand? "    


Ye Cheng held his breath, he secretly channeled his energy into his right arm, and after counting up to three times, the Wolf Fang squad members jumped up, his fingers made contact with Ye Cheng, and slid. Seeing that they were about to miss the opportunity, Ye Cheng made a sound, his left leg wrapped up in a tree branch, and lowered his body, grabbing onto the other party's wrist, he took a deep breath, shook off the tree branch on his leg, and continued to pull back.    


Before the Wolf Fang squad could figure out what was going on, they felt their body lighten as they were brought out of the swamp. Then, they heard a cracking sound as the branches began to break.    


"This is bad!"    


Ye Cheng did not dare to neglect and used his palm to slap his teammate's back, causing him to fly up and land on the ground. However, due to the branch breaking, he fell down.    


"Boss!" The Wolf Fang squad member's eyeballs nearly fell out of their sockets as he howled in agony.    


Ye Cheng came to a sudden realization as he twisted his waist in midair, and bent down to where he had just dropped a tree branch. He placed his foot on the tree trunk, then leaped up once again and landed beside the Wolf Fang squad member's side and let out a breath.    


"That was close. Are you alright?"    


"The Wolf Fang squad member nodded. The life that he had saved was something to be cherished." "You can go back to the camp first. This place is filled with swamps that cannot be seen clearly. It would be more convenient for me to go there alone."    


Ye Cheng did not have any intention to ridicule him, the Wolf Fang squad member nodded, he turned and walked back the way he came, and only after watching him leave the valley, did Ye Cheng continue to move forward.    


After an hour, Ye Cheng returned to the camp with a hand-drawn map. On it, it was recorded that there were more than thirty swamps of different sizes, and this was only a third of the ground.    


"It's about the same as the place we went before!" Xiao Yifeng smacked his lips, he had already finished smoking the cigarette in his pocket, and after rummaging through his luggage for a while, he finally found two packs of unopened cigarettes and kicked them into his pockets.    


"This place should be left behind by the torrential rain from before. The soil layer in the valley is very soft, and with the continuous torrential rain it will form this kind of fake mud." This place should be left behind by the torrential rain, and the soil layer in the valley is very soft.    


Liu Xi walked over with the electronic map in his hand. The machine was buzzing loudly, and he had almost run out of battery, so he decided to head towards the direction of the valley. To the south of the valley, they had to cross the entire valley and enter the two mountain peaks before they could reach their destination.    


"Boss, I've seen Big Brother Bai's map. The map in his hand should be headed towards the west, but the one that really should be going to the south, and on this map, there is a clear location for the warning." Boss, I've seen Big Brother Bai's map, I've seen the one in his hand should be heading west, and the one that really should be going to the south.    


"Fuck, west, doesn't that mean we're going further and further away?"    


The true valley was circular, and the face of the mountain was facing the middle of the two peaks. They were heading west, where they had encountered the python earlier.    


"Why did you lure Bai Yue there?"    


"Ahbuda told me before, that there was a snake god-like thing in this forest, do you believe it?"    


"What the hell is a snake god? I only know that if we don't find those people, we won't be able to go back. I don't want to be the ape-man of the human race here.    


"We will follow you!"    


"No matter what's ahead of us, find the others and return to the East China Sea."    


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