The Romantic Soldier King



Xiao Yifeng snickered and sat down next to Ye Cheng. After passing the bottle of wine to him, he nudged Ye Cheng lightly with his elbow. I say, what do you think is going on with Bai Yue? "I noticed something wrong with you two earlier on the way here. Whose phone did you say you're not taking? Why did you have to take it?"    


"Who knows? This girl, aiya! " To be honest, all of Bai Yue's conditions were on his side, what was wrong with his plate? He didn't owe her anything, nor did he provoke her. Why did it feel like he was stepping on her tail? Every day, he would go against her and look for trouble everywhere.    


"Women! The more she hates you, the more she will hate you. "Boss, I'm not spouting nonsense. This little girl might fall for you. You'll have to pray for yourself later on."    


Ye Cheng's eyes widened, he shook his head after thinking for a while. "No, she'd better not fall for me. Otherwise, I'll definitely kill all of you and escape."    




The wooden door was pushed open, and Bai Yue walked in from outside.    


Oh, it's really Cao Cao Cao! Ye Cheng and Xiao Yifeng were both startled as they stared at Bai Yue dumbly. Her face looked darker than the night, and they wondered if this little girl had eavesdropped from outside. Sigh, I really can't bear to speak ill of others in the middle of the night.    


"Boss Bai, this is a male dormitory. It's not good for you to barge in so late, right?"    


"Come out!"    






Bai Yue swept his cold eyes across Ye Cheng and walked out of the wooden building.    


Xiao Yifeng looked at the innocent Ye Cheng, and rolled over, pretending to be asleep.    


"F * ck, you inhumane guy." After kicking Xiao Yifeng with all his might, he walked out of the wooden building by the waist, and watched from afar as Bai Yue walked into the tallest building in the village, he followed behind.    


Bai Yue respectfully kowtowed towards the burning bonfire. As Ye Cheng stood there, the person behind the bonfire was an extremely old man. The wrinkles on his face could even squish a mosquito to death.    


"Kneel!" Bai Yue pulled at the bottom of Ye Cheng's pants as he urged him.    


"Men have gold under their knees!"    


Bai Yue faced the old man behind the fire awkwardly and said apologetically: "This is Ye Cheng, our team leader this time."    


The old man spread his hands and indicated for Ye Cheng to sit.    


Ye Cheng sat cross-legged. Under Bai Yue's introductions, he found out that the old man in front of him was a witch from the village. He was a very respected person.    


Ye Cheng was not unfamiliar with the term "Magus". In many ethnic minorities, there was a soul type of person. It's hard for these people to judge them with scientific conclusions. You could say they're just playing tricks, but there's so much out of the ordinary that you can't explain it.    


Ye Cheng bowed to show his respect. To survive in the stronghold, he must not be offended.    


With the help of the two children, the sorcerer began to move his body.    


"What is this?"    


Bai Yue stared at Ye Cheng and said softly: "Not long ago, someone died in the fortress, he is praying for them."    


"Those things?"    


"We will only find one corpse. Tomorrow, the leader here will lead us there. I'm warning you, do not act rashly here."    


"If you don't cause trouble, then I won't act recklessly." Ye Cheng chuckled twice, his pair of black eyes staring fixedly at Bai Yue's pale face. Sigh, this little girl really smells good. We're all the same kind of people, but why is it that women's sweat is fragrant, while men's are f * cking sour?    


At this moment, the Witch Doctor made a sound, and the scepter in his hand struck towards the fire. With two 'chi chi' sounds, the flames splashed out and sparks of fire fell onto the ground. After disappearing, a black dot appeared, forming a diagram or a word. It was extremely strange.    


After the two kids took the brazier away, the Witch Doctor took out a piece of animal skin and laid it in front of Bai Yue. Ye Cheng looked carefully at the map on the fur.    


There was very little talk about Magi, he just pushed the map in front of Bai Yue and did not make any more movements, his curled up body looked like an old god meditating.    


Bai Yue picked up the fur, and saw that it was an extremely old map. Many parts of the fur had already been worn down, but he could still roughly tell where the map was, and that it was the mountain in front of the village.    


As Bai Yue was inspecting the fur, Ye Cheng was sprawled on the ground, studying the black speck that had just landed. Bring the map. "    


The map was spread out in front of the black dot. Ye Cheng connected the black dots with charcoal and placed them on the map, but he did not succeed the first time. After trying to connect the dots together a few times, he finally found a boundary line that was similar to the one on the map.    


"Is that where we're going?"    


The mage opened his eyes, he did not look at Bai Yue, but at her. Suddenly, he crawled on the ground and knelt down towards Ye Cheng.    


"Well, we only guessed the riddle you gave us correctly. There's no need to be so polite!"    


"Don't spout nonsense!" Bai Yue scolded her quietly.    


Meow! A cat meow sounded as Xiaohei scurried in from outside. It jumped into Ye Cheng's embrace and found a comfortable place to lie down.    


"Sorry, this guy is sticking to me." Ye Cheng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and explained to the Magus.    


"Is this your cat?"    


The wizard finally opened his mouth, but he never thought that the voice would be so pleasant to hear. It was completely different from his face, which was why Ye Cheng was unable to wake up from this difference for a long time.    


"Can you show it to me?"    


"Yes, yes?"    


Xiao Hei stuck her face out from Ye Cheng's embrace and meowed twice at the Mage. It then jumped onto the ground and slowly walked towards the Mage with elegant steps like a noble emperor. It walked in front of, coiled its tail, and squatted down.    


The Magus stared at Blacky for a long while. The man and the cat did not say a word, but the two people sitting at the side had the feeling that they were chatting with their lives.    


"After a long time, when Ye Cheng felt that his legs were numb, the Magus finally retreated to a corner. In two days, all of you will leave this place. "    


"Wizard!" Hearing the result, Bai Yue shouted.    


"Wizard, we can leave in two days, but can you prepare food and water for us for five days?" Ye Cheng suddenly asked.    


The Magus looked at Ye Cheng, a look of astonishment flashed past his eyes, and he nodded his head.    


"If we can't get out in five days, please send this here." Ye Cheng handed two buttons to the witch. If we can survive in five days, I will come to you for help. "    


After Ye Cheng finished speaking, he walked out of the building with big strides. Xiao Hei turned her head to look at the witch doctor, then followed him out of the house.    


After Bai Yue kowtowed to the Witch Doctor, he chased after the doctor. At the entrance of the village, he blocked Ye Cheng's path.    


"What did you mean?"    


Ye Cheng lit up and took two puffs, he squinted one of his eyes, and looked at the tall mountain as he sighed. We only have five days. If we can't find those things, we have to go back. "    


"People have already died in the stronghold. If we don't find them, everyone here will die."    


"Bai Yue, I don't care about what kind of damned things those things are. If we don't leave within five days, we will also die."    




"The rainy season is here!"    


After Ye Cheng said something unrelated, he threw away his cigarette and returned to the wooden building. Xiao Hei jumped a few steps but she was still unable to jump onto the bamboo board, and shouted at Ye Cheng.    


"Pervert, what did you say to the old man just now?" Ye Cheng came out from inside and squatted on the ground to play with Xiao Hei. I won't let you come up.    


Blacky meowed continuously, causing the people inside the wooden building to be unable to sleep soundly. With an explosive shout, Ye Cheng helplessly smacked his palm towards Blacky's head. "Don't scream!    


He carried Xiao Hei and laid outside the house under the awning as he watched Bai Yue enter another wooden building. After turning on the light and turning off the light, he looked up to the sky.    


"With the rainy season approaching, none of us should even think about leaving this primitive forest."    


The rainy season was not terrible. What was scary was the series of changes that the rainy season had brought about. Water levels rise over the mountain roads, making it impossible to tell where to go. Humidity can cause fever, poisonous bugs, and miasma. There were also poisonous snakes that had reached the acme of perfection, making it hard for people to guard against them.    


Ye Cheng rubbed Blacky's head and muttered to himself. This place was thousands of miles away from the East Sea. How did they get here? If the weirdos on the Mianshan were their original form, what kind of weirdos would the mountain be? Can you tell? "    


Blacky jumped onto Ye Cheng's chest and licked the two broken bones on his neck.    


Ye Cheng laughed as he rubbed its hair and closed his eyes.    


The people in the village woke up very early. The day had yet to brighten when the woman got up and began to busy herself with breakfast. Half an hour later, the man also got up and began to wash himself.    


Ye Cheng was woken up by the noise, he turned his body lazily and stared at the busy figures, his thoughts drifting to the point where such a scene had occurred a long time ago. At that time, he brought along his Wolf Fang and chased after a group of fugitives to this place, falling head first into the forest.    


Although the result was good, the losses were heavy.    


At eight o'clock, the patriarch sent his wife over. Breakfast was ready and everyone was up.    


After Ye Cheng hurriedly ate breakfast, he followed the Patriarch out of the village.    


On the top of the nearest hill from the village, there was a cave with a corpse inside. In the humid and hot climate, the corpse had already begun to seriously rot.    


"Why don't you just burn him down? That would cause cholera."    


Ye Cheng put a hand on Bai Yue's shoulder and pinched it hard, signalling him not to ask anymore questions. This kind of problem was taboo in the mountains.    


The Patriarch seemed to have heard him, and he turned around to glance at Bai Yue without saying anything. Ye Cheng more or less understood that the clan leader did not have any reason to mind, and that it should have something to do with Magi.    


still did not believe that it was a normal cat. The respect Bai Erniang had for it, as well as the fear he had towards it, were all telling Ye Cheng the truth. This perverted cat was most likely the ancestor of that God of Heaven and Earth Alliance, Jin Yang!    


Ye Cheng forcefully left Bai Yue outside the cave, afraid that the germs would invade the human body. After all, Bai Yue was a girl, so after working hard all the way through, his physique would inevitably become weaker.    


The high degree of decay had already caused the corpse to lose its original appearance, but from the looks of it, it was difficult to discern anything. The wound looked as if it had been bitten by sharp teeth, but it was probably the result of being attacked by wild beasts.    


After exiting the cave, the three of them started to walk back.    


On the way, Ye Cheng asked the Patriarch about the situation at that time. When they returned to the village, the chief brought along a strong man. He was about 180 cm tall and had a strong body. His muscles were no weaker than those of the trained men. There were many strong men like him in the stronghold.    


"His name is Ahbuda. If you have any questions, you can ask him." The Patriarch nodded respectfully to Ye Cheng, then turned and left.    


Ahbuda's skin was black, with a necklace made of beast bones hanging on his body, and a silver headdress. On his waist, there was a dagger that was embedded with gems, it looked like he had just arrived home.    


After Ye Cheng exchanged greetings with Ahbuda, he found out that his wife and children had escaped with the people from the city. This matter was a little awkward, but Ahbuda acted as if nothing had happened. He stared at the lady in the distance for a long time with his small eyes, and a smile still hanging on his lips.    


"Your partner?"    


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