The Romantic Soldier King



After circling around the mountain, they finally arrived at a dull road. After about forty minutes of driving, the car finally stopped at a village at the foot of the mountain.    


When everyone had already reached their goal, Bai Yue told everyone that their journey was not over yet. Each of them carried their bags on their back and headed up the mountain.    


Time was of the essence, even though he knew that he had exhausted himself with the trip, and many people could not take it anymore, Ye Cheng still carried his luggage and walked at the front.    


In Xiao Yifeng's words, they were here to be the scapegoats, but Ye Cheng didn't think so. Bai Yue was the commander of this mission, and he was the leader of this mission. Although he was a bit shameless thinking about it, but his every move did affect everyone.    


It was impossible not to complain. With such a tight route, even people like them, who had experienced a lot in the battlefield, would feel tired. Why did it have to be these new recruits who didn't even know what they were doing?    


Ye Cheng walked in front, wielding his blade, he cut down the branches in front of him, creating a path for the people behind him to walk on, making it more convenient for them.    


Don't look at the mountain slope, it was covered by a thick layer of soil. The stone path was made by stepping on the mountain creator. After a while, he accidentally slipped and threw his feet out, causing his corpse and bones to tumble down the cliff.    


"Tell everyone to put their sleeves and pants in, and also wrap their mouths and noses in a net hat. The poisonous insects here are very powerful." Ye Cheng said to Bai Yue who was beside him.    


Bai Yue released the order he received from Ye Cheng. Those who took off their nets, even without Ye Cheng, could tell how powerful the venomous mosquitoes were. Fortunately, no one was injured by the venomous bugs.    


On a hillside, Ye Cheng allowed all of them to take a short break. Although it was only five minutes, for these people, it was already a very blissful time.    


The matter of the scouting was handed over to Xiao Yifeng and another unknown youngster. and Ye Cheng were not unfamiliar with the primordial forest in Xishuangbanna, although the places they went to were different, their nature would not differ by much.    


After a few minutes, Xiao Yifeng returned to the group and called Ye Cheng over.    


"The situation doesn't look good!"    


When these words were said, Ye Cheng's heart thumped.    


Xiao Yifeng took out the map. They were not going the wrong way, but there was something wrong with the map, the actual terrain was too different from the map, and the worst part was that they had taken a different route.    


"The general direction should be correct. However, the location on this map is more than half the distance away from the actual route. Someone is up to no good." We should be able to see a chain bridge east at the junction we just took, and we should be able to reach the mountain stronghold in about an hour by crossing the bridge southeast. "    


After Ye Cheng compared Xiao Yifeng's paper map to the electronic map, he found the wrong place. If they were to turn back to the previous bend now, it would first be a dangerous trip down the mountain, and secondly, they would have to spend another two hours walking back the way they came. It would definitely be too late.    


Under the contrast of the two maps, Ye Cheng found a mountain road. If they were to walk horizontally along the slope, they would only need to travel half the way back, and they would be able to reach the bridge in an hour. If they continued to walk along the road, they would also be able to reach their destination, but they would definitely not be able to reach it before nightfall.    


After confirming the three choices, Ye Cheng found Bai Yue and explained the current situation.    


Bai Yue could not believe it, after comparing the map, she quietly squatted on the ground. Before departing, she had repeatedly checked all the instruments, especially the markup on the map. There was no problem with it, so how could there be such a difference?    


Ye Cheng patted Bai Yue's back. "Make a decision."    


"I can't let them take the risk."    


Indeed, the plan that Ye Cheng proposed was very risky, and no one knew whether or not it would work.    


"Back the way we came!"    


A conservative choice! This result was not out of Ye Cheng's expectations.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Bai Yue stared at Ye Cheng and did not say a word.    


"You're our boss, and every decision you make concerns everyone. The reason why we came back the same way we came!"    


Bai Yue's eyes flashed, she understood what he meant.    


News of the insider in the team would spread because of her decision, and suspicion would kill them all.    


"Then what do you think we should do?"    


"Let's split up!" If we continue along the same route, we might be able to reach our destination before midnight.    




Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, he had nothing to say since he was so determined.    


"Both of you, stop quarreling. Leave the questions to them."    


Xiao Yifeng used his chin and pointed at the others, the time limit was set, but no one shouted for them to take action, this already made people suspicious.    


Ye Cheng stared at Bai Yue, asking her what she meant.    




Ye Cheng walked in front of the convoy, thought for a moment and said: "There is a shortcut that allowed you to reach your destination ahead of time, but the risk is unknown. Or you may choose to continue up the mountain road, and may not be able to reach your destination until late at night. "    


Someone from the team shouted, "Can we make it to our destination through the short route?"    


Ye Cheng looked at the tall man and squinted his eyes. "No way!"    


"We'll listen to boss."    


Ye Cheng let out a short laugh, and his heart could not help but become even more nervous.    


Bai Yue still chose to advance along the same path he came from.    


Everyone carried their bags on their back. This time, as they followed Ye Cheng, they felt an unprecedented pressure. His speed had increased twofold compared to before, and he was still able to go even faster at the start. He hadn't even traveled half the distance, and some people were already beginning to completely leave him behind.    


Bai Yue gasped for breath, and rushed over to Ye Cheng's side. "Wait for them!"    




"They've never been on a mountain road before. They can't compare to you."    


"Now slow down, we can only sleep out in the jungle. You have to know that the deep forest at night is more terrifying than the day."    


"Ye Cheng!"    


I'm not joking with you, and I'm not going to argue with you. Since you let me be the vanguard, you can only listen to me now. I won't wait for anyone, I can't keep up with them.    


Ye Cheng lowered his voice, and quickly advanced, testing a person's endurance. He consciously tried to probe these people's bottom lines.    


Bai Yue raised her eyebrows, she shouted for the others to quickly follow, and An Gaohan who was at the back did not even bat an eyelid, he was paying attention to everyone here.    


"I don't want anyone to fall behind."    


An Gaohan glanced at Bai Yue. I will not save the incompetent. "    


Bai Yue was left behind, she wiped the perspiration off her face and followed along.    


There were only sounds of breathing and footsteps throughout the entire journey. The initial happiness he had reached this point only had one thought left in his mind, and that was not to fall behind.    


Standing at the top, Ye Cheng looked at the exhausted people, and let out a breath, human potential could be forced out. They only used three hours, and had already completed the journey of four and a half hours.    


Xiao Yifeng pointed to one of the people in the group and said: "Watch him. Something doesn't seem right."    


Without him saying, Ye Cheng saw that this person's face was extremely ugly, he remembered that this person's name was Old A.    


"Bring your men up first. According to this speed, we can reach the encampment entrance before nightfall."    


"I hope so. I think they have reached their limits."    


Ye Cheng crooked his mouth and ran forward.    


knew that he had done it on purpose, his loud voice could scare off the beasts around him and at the same time, give off the aura of a warrior.    


The old man supported himself with a stick. The others overtook him in running, and the one left behind seemed somewhat lonely. Throwing away the stick, he forced himself to run forward. He didn't want to fall behind, so as he climbed up the ramp, his feet gave way and he slid to the right.    


In a moment of desperation, he grabbed a branch to stabilize his body. Unexpectedly, these branches that looked lush and dense were like bean curd. With a tug, they broke and he started sliding towards the valley.    


Hearing the old man's shout, everyone stopped in their tracks. They had not reached their destination yet, but they were about to lose a teammate? This was quite a blow.    


"Keep running!" Ye Cheng shouted as he ran in the direction the old A's fell.    


"Ye Cheng!" Bai Yue shouted towards Ye Cheng's back.    


An Gaohan pushed Bai Yue from the back, gesturing for her to walk forward.    


Xiao Yifeng's face turned gloomy, he turned around and increased his speed, and rushed forward.    


Ye Cheng squatted down and quickly slid down the hill. He grabbed a tree to stabilize his body, then leaped up and climbed up the tree to look down.    


The sky darkened as the thick black clouds closed in. Opening the Golden Eye Demon Eye, his vision was clear.    


Ye Cheng shuttled through the forest, and with a speed like that of the wind, he pounced towards the person who tumbled down. A second before he fell down the cliff, he grabbed onto's collar.    


The Old A turned around and looked at Ye Cheng, then used his feet to kick on a rock, borrowing the rebound force to rush to Ye Cheng's side.    


"Are you alright?"    


Ye Cheng exhaled, this old man was considered lucky. If it wasn't for the fact that this ramp was very long and gave him time to rest, even the deities of the Great Firmament would not have been able to save him.    


"Yes." The old man nodded as he panted heavily. The feeling of walking through the gates of hell was indescribable. "Thank you!"    


After recovering his strength, Ye Cheng dragged the old A back to a safe place. They're already far away, so we have to work harder. "    


"Ye Cheng! Is there a problem with the team? "    


"What's the problem?"    


"We talked twice as much as before. I was the one who drew up the route, and when you suggested the other way, I was already suspicious."    


"You're thinking too much!" "No matter how sophisticated the electronic system is, it can't compete with the evolution of nature." Ye Cheng laughed and ran forward.    


The group in front, under Xiao Yifeng's acceleration, felt the entrance of the mountain stronghold at 8 PM. Seeing the lights not far away, everyone gasped for breath and spread them out on the ground.    


Bai Yue rested for a moment, then brought his two subordinates to the mountain stronghold.    


Ye Cheng and the Old A took four hours to finally reach the mountain stronghold. This journey had come to a perfect end.    


The people from the village were very hospitable, they took out a lot of food to entertain Bai Yue and the others, and divided them into four towers for the team to live in. Ye Cheng laid in the attic, listening to the chattering outside he closed his eyes.    


Blacky lay beside him with its tail tucked in and its eyes narrowed.    


There was a rustling sound as Blacky abruptly opened its eyes and scuttled to the door. Ye Cheng woke up at this moment. He quietly went to the entrance, fiercely pulled open the door, and threw a right fist at the black shadow outside.    


"It's me!"    


Xiao Yifeng dodged to the side and growled.    


"What are you doing sneaking around?"    


"I can't sleep, so I came to chat with you."    


"Don't try this." Ye Cheng opened a crack on the ground as he walked in while carrying the two bottles of rice wine.    


"They are all asleep, Bai Yue and An Gaohan were invited to the patriarch's house, I am fine!"    


"Is Bai Yue very familiar with the people here?"    


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