The Romantic Soldier King



An Gaohan carried his own big backpack and got off, after greeting Xiao Yifeng who was standing at the side, he walked into the side of the army tent.    


Ye Cheng jumped off the carriage, and stood there for a while. No one came up to him to give him an explanation, they all had their weapons cleaned, other than two or three faces that they had seen before, there were only two people that could recognize.    


Waving at Bai Xiaojie, Ye Cheng lit up a cigarette and asked: What mission?    


"Instructor Ye, you came here just because you didn't know?"    


"Nonsense, I want to know, why should I ask you?" Being questioned by Bai Xiaojie made Ye Cheng super speechless. He struck his palm towards the back of his head, and just as he was about to mock him complacently, a gust of wind suddenly blew out from behind him.    


F * ck! Sneak attack!    


Ye Cheng nimbly went down to the ground, turned, took out his blade, and stabbed it into the man behind him.    


One jade hand stretched out, slashing the back of the blade, while the other hand struck Ye Cheng's wrist. The other jade hand reached towards his chest at the same time.    


"Wow, indecent!" Ye Cheng cried out! The word "molest" attracted everyone's attention. They saw a woman in camouflage clothes tear off a large piece of fabric from Ye Cheng's chest and throw it on the ground.    


"Follow me."    


The woman turned around and entered the military tent. The people who had watched the commotion continued with their work. Xiao Yifeng laughed as he walked past Ye Cheng. He patted's shoulders and followed him into the tent without saying anything.    


"Hey, what's the meaning of this!"    


"Instructor Ye, it's a secret. Quickly go in!"    


Ye Cheng was unhappy, he threw down his cigarette and entered.    


A long table was piled with maps. At the edge of the table were sets of advanced computer equipment, tracking devices, and heavy weapons.    


An Gaohan was already seated in front of a computer with a series of program controls, there were two other people Ye Cheng did not recognize, he was standing in front of the table talking to the woman, upon seeing Ye Cheng, he waved his hands.    


"Can any of you give me an explanation? What the hell is going on?"    


The lady raised her head, revealing her beautiful face, a pair of alluring eyes staring straight at Ye Cheng for a long time, the pencil in her hand shooting out, flying straight towards Ye Cheng's mouth.    




The pencil in Ye Cheng's hand snapped. He shouted angrily at the woman: "Bai Yue, don't think that just because you're a woman I won't dare to touch you."    


"No one asked you to follow them. If you're not satisfied, then get out." Bai Yue ignored Ye Cheng's threat, and continued to bury herself in the map and research the plan with Xiao Yifeng.    


"I brought him here." An Gaohan tapped the keyboard, and said indifferently.    


"I don't need it."    


"Without him, this mission wouldn't have been completed."    


An Gaohan stood up and walked in front of Ye Cheng. Can't you just stand here blabbering like a woman? "    


"Who?" Like a woman? "    


"With someone like you in the country's security, you've really put yourself in a position of honor." An Gaohan shook his head helplessly. Take it out. Isn't that why you came to find me? "    


"Oh, yes!" "Ye Cheng suddenly remembered his purpose in finding An Gaohan. I got this from the Mianshan's cave. I've already sealed the cave so nothing will come out temporarily. Help me see what's inside. "    


Bai Yue raised her head, she pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and turned towards An Gaohan. Mianshan cave! "    


"He's probably the only one of us who's got a direct confrontation with those things." An Gaohan placed the bottle of black liquid into a container, and after setting up the program, he no longer cared about it, and allowed the machine to move by itself.    


Bai Yue snorted in disdain, as a reply to An Gaohan.    


"Everyone gather in five minutes."    


Ye Cheng had thought that Bai Yue would explain himself to him, but after waiting for a long time, he spit out those words.    


Xiao Yifeng quietly walked to Ye Cheng's side. It's not like you've known Boss Bai for a day or two, do you need to hold a grudge! "    


"I didn't take her for a woman, OK?"    


"I really doubt if there is something wrong with your eyes. Forget about her face, just her figure is also one of the rarest feel!"    


"Tsk, that's because you've never seen too few women, and you'll get as many of them as you want. If you want to go back to my place, I'll give you a truck full of them, and you can play with them!"    


Xiao Yifeng laughed mischievously. The boss' tone is just different. Right now, the entire East China Sea is in your hands. You're enjoying the most delicious food and eating spicy food. However, you and I didn't covet it to death.    


Ye Cheng punched Xiao Yifeng, there was no envy in his words, he was just joking around.    


In less than five minutes, all the people outside entered the tent, Ye Cheng sat on the ammunition box, counting up to twenty people, this was a small investigation team, although there were some equipment with heavy weapons, looking at their equipment, most of the equipment used were cold weapons, and the mission's objective was confirmed in Ye Cheng's eyes.    


Bai Yue cut straight to the point. This was her style, and without any pretense of fomenting her aura, it directly stated the dangers of this mission.    


After the mission was assigned, Bai Yue looked at Ye Cheng and paused for a moment before continuing, "The target of this mission, Ye Cheng, will describe it to you all."    


Ye Cheng was originally lowering his head, but when he suddenly heard her call out his name, he was stunned there. His mouth was wide open, and before he could even react, his foolish appearance had already entered everyone's eyes.    


"Me? On what basis? "    


Bai Yue raised her eyebrows and glared fiercely at Ye Cheng, as if she did not realize that he was a person who had been forcefully pulled in. You are the only person who has ever seen such creatures, and they will die because of it. "    


An Gaohan sighed. Their job this time is to destroy the nest where the weirdos are made, the things you've seen. "    


Ye Cheng replied. So those things were not demons or monsters, they were man-made, and since they were not innate, there was nothing to be afraid of.    


Ye Cheng walked to An Gaohan's side and said: "I owe you a favor, consider this your payment!"    


In the next hour, Ye Cheng narrated what happened to him in the cave. After his death on the Mianshan in one strike, the male victim became one of the monsters in the cave. His corpse turned into a puddle of black water after the weirdo was killed.    


The listeners revealed blank expressions. They might not have encountered this in their previous missions.    


"Everyone, be careful. These things are easy to deal with. The prerequisite is that they are still immature. There are only two things you must be wary of. Do not approach them while they are on the verge of death. "Also, do not let them hurt you. If someone is injured, you must tell me as soon as possible. Otherwise, there's no hope for you."    


"Sir, there are no good ways to defeat these monsters, such as guns, gunpowder, or anything else."    


Ye Cheng shrugged. "I don't know!"    


An irresponsible answer caused the hearts of those sitting in the room to skip a beat.    


Whether it was in Wolf Fang or Dragon Soul, Ye Cheng's name represented history and was a representative character. If even he did not know how to deal with these monsters, then even more so, they were not his opponents.    


Bai Yue knew the importance of being a soldier, so she struck Ye Cheng's waist hard, looking at him with her eyes.    


"I really don't know. What do you want me to say?"    


"Tell me how you killed them."    


"Eldest Miss, what I met was just evolved. If you guys meet someone who has already mutated, my method might not be effective."    


"It's not you, it's us. From now on, you are the vanguard of this army."    


"What?" You want me to be the first to attack? "    


Bai Yue nodded indifferently. If there's no one more suitable than you for this position, I will greet your boss. You don't have the right to reject me, unless you want the people of the black tiger platform to disappear from the East Sea. "    


"You're threatening me!"    


"I never do things that threaten people. I'm just giving you an answer."    




Ye Cheng bellowed, and shouted to the people around him: "You are all elites that Boss Bai has carefully selected, do you need to be afraid of monsters that are created later on? If you guys are afraid, you can raise your hands right now, and I will immediately return from you guys. If not, then look after the people around you, whoever dares to abandon their comrades on the battlefield, without those monsters, I, Ye Cheng, will be the first one to not let him go! "    


It was unknown who responded first, but after a good word came out, everyone's morale rose. These people gave Ye Cheng looks of firm trust, which caused Ye Cheng to feel a little proud. He embarrassedly touched the back of his head, and walked out of the tent.    


He ate what he needed to eat and drank what he needed to drink. Everyone knew that from tomorrow onwards, life and death would be decided by fate.    


Bai Yue brought out two bottles of beer and walked to Ye Cheng's side.    


"Before the mission, I won't drink. I'll keep it for myself!"    


Bai Yue gulped down a few mouthfuls of water, his captivating eyes stared at the endless darkness as he let out a sigh.    


"They all admire you!"    


"I can't care about everyone." Ye Cheng rested his hands on the back of his head and laid on his back on the carriage. Now, tell me, what is going on? "Among those people were Wolf Fang, Dragon Soul, two superpowers and the National Security team. This is not an ordinary team. The fact that cold weapons are bigger than hot weapons means that this is a secret assault mission. In other words, if these people die, they won't be designated as martyrs."    


Bai Yue sneered. Those weirdos you met in the Mianshan are all not humans, they are all failed products, they escaped from the base and hid in the Mianshan, probably because they were hungry, that's why they came out to harm humans. Our mission is to eliminate them at all costs. "    




"You don't need to know anything else! You won't be able to go to Hong Kong for the time being until the mission is over. "    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows. "I want to go, but no one will stop me. You don't need to say anything threatening."    


"Do you know why Boss Hong sent me to protect Leng Bing?"    


"I've heard of it before, but not in detail!"    


"Leng family has a hundred years of history, but not many people are able to take the Patriarch's seat on the table. After a very long period of time, the father of the Patriarch of the Leng Clan once again ascended the throne, and every generation after that, the Patriarch inherited the bloodline of this family. Leng Bing is the last person in the family, so the higher-ups will spare no effort to protect her. "    


Ye Cheng sat up and glanced at Bai Yue. The Dragon Soul was different from the Wolf Fang; this organization was very mysterious. It belonged to the Chinese organization as well as National Security and Wolf Fang, but the division of labor was very different.    


"Where are we going?"    




Hearing that, Ye Cheng got a headache! Of course he wouldn't think that Bai Yue would take them to the tourist city to play. Every year, there were countless explorers who died in the primeval forest, and furthermore, they all went to look for weirdos.    


"What else did you hide? They shouldn't just be as simple as failed products! "    


Bai Yue moved her lips, she hesitated for a long time, then said: "No! Someone deliberately let them go. "    


"Ha!" Young miss, you will kill us all by acting this way. "    


"I have no other choice! Bringing these people out, I had never thought that I would come back alive. "    


"And what about those things in the cave? Don't tell me they used it to produce. "    


"This is not my job. Now that I have told you the truth, I do not intend to give you any leeway. If you want to run away, I can only kill you."    


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