The Romantic Soldier King



When An Ningxuan saw the Forest Boa, he was surprised at how young she was.    


After inquiring about the entire incident, she frowned. After hesitating for a moment, she dialed the police station where Forest Boa had reported the crime.    


At six in the morning, the police station's phone kept ringing. No one answered.    


After a few minutes, An Ningxuan called again. After a few rings, someone picked up the phone. After An Ningxuan explained his identity and asked a few questions, he changed the topic to the list of people on duty that night.    


After a moment of silence, An Ningxuan looked at the Forest Boa and said a few words before hanging up.    


"If what you're saying is the truth, then this police station will need a thorough examination."    


"What do you mean?" Sen Fang asked in a daze.    


"The police station's meaning is very simple. Either you remembered the police station wrongly, or your report record was erased."    


"Impossible, I remember it clearly. The police officer that received me went to JOY's villa and mocked him. How could he be wrong?"    


An Ningxuan looked at Ye Cheng, his eyes filled with pleading.    


"NO, NONO!" I will never be a nanny! "    


"You're overthinking it. She's a witness. The police will protect her!"    


"What do you mean?"    


"Before I confirm that she did not lie, may I trouble Chief Ye to temporarily protect this witness for me."    


"What's in it for me?"    


"I can spare you."    


"OH!" "NO!"    


An Ningxuan looked at Ye Cheng as if he was certain that he would eat you, and the latter could only raise his hands in surrender. "OK, three days, no more!"    


"Three days is enough. Take her with me to the police station."    


Two cars stopped across the street from the police station, and An Ningxuan called Xiao Yao over, allowing him to go in. Ye Cheng brought Forest Boa along as he looked at the police officers that went in and out of the car, looking for the person who received her yesterday.    


After a while, Xiao Yao came out of the police station and got into his car. Ye Cheng's phone started ringing.    


Ye Cheng asked Forest Boa to identify each and every one of them. Forest Boa recognized that three of them were the people who went to the JOY Villa yesterday, and another man who looked skinny and clean. The one who received her was the man who had called the middle-aged man over.    


An Ningxuan started the car and left, Ye Cheng brought Forest Boa back to the hotel.    


The four of them sat in the suite. An Ningxuan asked once again what happened and she found a key word from it. The person in charge of your case said that the police officer who tried to kill you was the leader. He knows me! "    


"Yes!" That person said you were working at the police station last night and wanted to take me back to the police station. "    


"I was at the police station last night. A lot of people knew I was there. The area is too big."    


"Miss, do you remember what he looked like?" Xiao Yao asked from the side.    


"I don't remember him very clearly. That man had many heads and many eyes, a pretty good nose, very thin lips, very round head, about the same size as Mr. Ye, with a beer belly."    


Ye Cheng laughed until tears flowed from his eyes.    


"Are you done laughing?"    


An Ningxuan said with a cold face. He forced a smile and nodded. "OK, can't I stop laughing?"    


"Take a look and see if it's this person?" Xiao Yao had no choice but to take out the photo on his phone and hand it over to Forest Boa.    


"That's right, that's him!"    


"Security, what should we do now?"    


"To lure the snake out of its cave."    


Ye Cheng made a gesture of "OK" and walked out of the hotel.    


She jumped into Ye Cheng's car and fastened her seat belt. When she realized that Ye Cheng had not started the car yet, she could not help but say: "Drive the car, why are you looking at me?"    


"Security, aren't you supposed to stay in the hotel?"    


"Xiao Yao alone is enough. I need to know your entire plan."    


Ye Cheng laughed helplessly and started the car to the bottom of Winning Group.    


"What are you doing here?"    


"Didn't I tell you that the General Manager had asked me out for dinner?"    




"I don't mind taking you with me."    


"No need, I'll go back to the police station."    


Ye Cheng looked at the stubborn An Ningxuan and smiled. He walked into the Winning Group and after the reception desk explained his purpose for coming, the general manager's secretary personally came down and took Ye Cheng away.    


"JOY, who came in from outside, saw Ye Cheng's back and walked to the service desk. Was that the general manager's secretary? "    


"Yes!" A Mr. Ye asked to meet with the General Manager.    


"Mr. Ye? Is he called Ye Cheng? "    


"The Division Minister knows the Mr. Ye?"    


"Mmm, sort of." JOY took the employee elevator to his floor. He looked up at the general manager's office, tore off his tie, and sat in his office. He pressed the intercom button to get his secretary.    


"What orders does the minister have?"    


"Think of a way to get hold of the conversation between Ye Cheng and the general manager, the more details the better."    


The secretary was stunned for a moment before walking out.    


Ye Cheng was brought to a small office and under his instructions, he pushed open the door and entered. There was no one inside. He randomly found a seat and sat down as Ye Cheng surveyed his surroundings.    


He stood up and walked to a row of cabinets, staring at the birdman decorations within for a long time. He recalled that he had received a similar invitation card before, but he had forgotten about it and didn't go. Now that he saw the pattern again, his heart couldn't help but palpitate.    


"Mr. Ye!"    


A cool voice sounded from behind him. Ye Cheng was slightly startled, as this person did not make any sound when he entered.    


"Hello! I am Ye Cheng! " Ye Cheng turned his head, and saw an extremely beautiful face, but compared to Xuan Wu's and Ah San's, it was slightly inferior.    


"I have heard a lot about you. My surname is Qiao, and I am the general manager of the Winning Group. I am Qiao Rubing's half-brother.    


"I didn't hear her mention a brother like you."    




Ye Cheng exclaimed. Suddenly, he felt that it was a bit impolite in front of this man. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you. "    


"It doesn't matter. I don't feel embarrassed at all. Only people who don't dare to face themselves will avoid the truth!"    


Regardless of whether this person's words were true or false, at least Ye Cheng had a good impression of him now.    


"Sit!" I know about your relationship with my sister. I just want to know how her health is right now. "    


To go straight to the point, and to clearly indicate his grasp of Qiao Rubing's whereabouts.    


"Very good! But it may not be that safe now. "    


Thank you for your trust in me, Mr. Ye. With you here, she will be very safe.    


"Why did you call me here?"    


"In the entire Winning Group, only this place hasn't been bugged with bugs, but I can't guarantee anything right now, it's like this, I heard that the President of the Mr. Ye has a good relationship with the President of the Azure Dragon Group, our company has a project on the pier, I hope the Mr. Ye can help us recommend it."    


"That's not difficult, but why would it be beneficial for me?"    


Just as the general manager was changing the topic, Ye Cheng caught a glimpse of a shadow flash by the door. He giggled at the other party, and the two instantly came to a tacit understanding.    


"If Mr. Ye can make us work together with Azure Dragon Group, then on this project, I will offer you 1% of the total income. This is not a small amount, and Mr. Ye only needs to make a phone call to earn several hundred million."    


Ye Cheng laughed out loud. A very tempting offer. "    


"No one will go against the money. Moreover, a single phone call will not cause any damage to the reputation of Mr. Ye."    


Ye Cheng deliberately pondered for a moment, then called Lei Qinglong and asked him in front of the general manager: "Master Lei, I am Ye Cheng, and I am not interested in eating with you, general manager."    


On the other side of the phone, Lei Qinglong was startled, then laughed out loud: "It's just eating, it doesn't matter!"    


Ye Cheng gave the phone to the general manager, and the two of them set an address before hanging up.    


Thank you for your help, Mr. Ye. From here to the port, I need a lot of time.    


The general manager's secretary made fun of all the afternoon meetings by e-mail, and JOY listened to his secretary's report with narrowed eyes.    


"He actually invited Lei Qinglong for a meal. Could it be that he wanted to move on to that land?"    


"Minister, last night, there was a fire at the Sung Group's office."    


"What caused the fire?"    


"I'm not sure, but two people died!"    


"You can leave!"    


"JOY leaned back on the sofa and suddenly jumped up from his chair after hearing the black figure's words last night." Damn you, Song Liangjun. "    


After hurriedly leaving the Winning Group, JOY drove to the Sung Group. He immediately barged into Song Liangjun's office and looked at the people on the table, feeling very down.    


"All of you can leave first. Wait for me in the conference room in an hour."    


Song Liangjun paid everyone to his office and lit up his cigarette to take a look at JOY. Lawyer, you embarrass me by doing this. "    


"Let me ask you, did you kidnap Ye Cheng's woman?"    


"Oh, you got the news so quickly!"    


"It's really you. Where is that woman now?"    


"How would I know?"    


"Song Liangjun, what are you trying to do? I told you not to look for Ye Cheng, why didn't you understand? "    


"Let go! This is the Sung Group, not your win, if you don't let go, I will call the security to arrest you. "    


JOY pushed Song Liangjun away forcefully and sat on the sofa angrily.    


Song Liangjun handed a cup of wine to JOY, who accompanied the furious person and sat opposite him with a sinister smile. I only captured Ye Cheng's woman in order to force her to find the goods I lost. I don't have any other intentions, you're overthinking it. "    


"What is it?"    


"A batch of goods that can protect our lives, but who knows who took them away? Next week is the day of the trade, if we don't call for the goods to be delivered, our Sung Group will be done for, how can I not be anxious?"    


"JOY calmed down." Why haven't I heard you talk about it? "    


I see that you are very busy now, and have the nerve to disturb me. was gathering some information for me, and now that I have gotten some information, I want Ye Cheng to help me, but my subordinates were not able to do anything, and let that woman escape, and you, how do you know about this?    


"Hmph, someone snuck into my house last night and told me to bring Ye Cheng's woman back today. Where would I go look for her?    


"Sigh!" Ye Cheng must be thinking of a way to get even with me right now. Lawyer, you have to take responsibility for me! "    


"How do you want me to help you?"    


Help me think of a way to stall Ye Cheng. After I find the lost goods and make a deal with them, we can work together to deal with Ye Cheng.    


"How could it be so easy? Now that the illegitimate child has found Ye Cheng and they have an appointment with him today, it seems that he is going to touch that land. "    


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