The Romantic Soldier King



Chen Luoxue glared at Ye Cheng, her tensed up face was flushed red from anger, if looks could kill, Ye Cheng would already be a charred corpse.    


Ye Cheng sighed, he did not know what to say, no matter how ruthless he was, she was still his woman, so he stood up and walked in front of Chen Luoxue, held her hands and said gently: "Luo Xue, this case is not as simple as you think. Your aunt and cousin were both killed by him. You were alone outside, and I was afraid something would happen to you, understand? "    


"My aunt died of myocarditis. The doctors have diagnosed it."    


"Is that really the case?" When Chen Luoxue said this, his expression was extremely strange. Based on his understanding of her, this girl must definitely be hiding something in her heart. You were by my side when my aunt was sick, weren't you? "    


Chen Luoxue bit her lips and did not make a sound.    


"So, you agreed to settle things out of court because you saw how your aunt died. She was killed in her own bedroom, faking a heart attack and then dying, right?"    


"Don't ask anymore. Anyway, I've already decided to settle the matter outside the court and have to compensate for the medical expenses. Also, Ru Bing will pay the compensation for me, so can you stop worrying blindly about me?"    


"Then what about Chen Xiaomei? Didn't you say that she just returned to the country to do business? Why is she a young miss on the bar street, and who is this Chen Xiaomei who is in and out of Melbourne? "    


"I don't know. I haven't seen her in a long time."    




Ye Cheng shouted angrily. Snowfall, don't you want to see your aunt and cousin die a violent death? Aunt was so kind to you, did you not think that she would die uneasily? "    


Chen Luoxue screamed out, she hugged her head and buried it between her legs, tears flowing down her cheeks.    


Hearing the shouts, the three people outside rushed in. Sang Huihui gave Ye Cheng a stare, rubbed his hands together to comfort him.    


"If you have something to ask, then please ask. Why are you forcing people to act like this?" Lei Zihan grumbled as he dragged Ye Cheng outside. She pointed at the shadow beside the bed and intentionally said loudly, "I hate you the most. What kind of boy are you to bully girls?"    


Ye Cheng shouted loudly, "I don't like it, you can go now! It was because I spoiled all of you that I allowed you to climb on top of my head and pluck my hair. L? Dongbin doesn't know good intentions but he's talking about all of you women. "    


Lei Zihan angrily kicked out at Ye Cheng, and quickly pounced at him.    


Ye Cheng retreated to the window as he blocked Lei Zihan's kicks with his hands. Lei Zihan grabbed the chair beside him and threw it at Ye Cheng.    


With a clatter, the glass shattered and Ye Cheng scurried out, flying straight towards the black figure who was swiftly escaping.    


Lei Zihan also followed suit, and the two of them flanked the lawn from left and right, as if they had tacit understanding of each other. The two people who were familiar with the terrain quickly blocked the black shadow on the grass, and at this moment, a black shadow came out from the house.    


Ye Cheng stared at the masked man, without waiting for him to give any orders, Lei Zihan had already attacked.    


The masked man turned his head and slashed towards Lei Zihan's waist. Lei Zihan jumped up as the two throwing knife s shot out from between her fingers. They spun quickly in the air and attacked the masked man's shoulder and right wrist.    


"Be careful!"    


Ye Cheng let out a light cry, his feet touching the ground, he flew towards Lei Zihan's back, the two stones in his hands struck out at the same time, only to hear a muffled groan coming from the darkness, the masked man who was entangled by Lei Zihan, continuously threw out a few punches, made a feint and escaped from the darkness.    


"Stop chasing!"    


Lei Zihan stomped his feet and walked back to Ye Cheng's side. "Who are they?"    




Ye Cheng looked at the two's figures, then pulled Lei Zihan back to the villa.    


Chen Luoxue's emotions stabilized as she sobbed softly, her hands holding hot milk as she bit her lips until it became swollen.    


"What happened?"    


"Two killers!" Ye Cheng rubbed Lei Zihan who was sitting on the sofa, noticed that Xiao Hei had disappeared, and frowned. Where's the pervert? "    


"What?" Meizi was stunned. She held Lil 'White and did not pay attention to Little Black as she shook her head. I was in the living room just now. "    


Lil 'White jumped out of Mei Zi's hands, shouted a few times, and jumped out of the broken window.    


Ye Cheng felt that something was wrong as he followed Little White towards the garden.    


Under the night sky, it was easy for Little White to be identified. One cat, one person. In the end, it quickly ran out a few excuses. Little White started circling around a garbage dump and looked at the top, calling out to it.    


In a short moment, Xiao Hei appeared on top of the wall and shouted towards Whitey. When she saw Ye Cheng, she turned and ran out.    


Ye Cheng carried Xiao Bai and followed it to an inn. Xiao Hei shouted in one direction, and the lights that were switched on, someone threw a beer can from the window towards the place where Xiao Hei was squatting and cursed.    


chuckled as he patted Blacky's head and smacked it on the butt. Blacky ran to a corner with Whitey to squat, while Ye Cheng climbed up the pipe using both his hands and feet. He climbed from the air-conditioner machine to the window on the fourth floor to look in.    


Inside the room, two men in black sat on the sofa. The other lay on the bed, and one of them was bleeding from his shoulder. There was a long travel bag on the table. It seemed to be something like a gun. There was a box on the ground.    


The man on the bed stood up and walked to the bathroom. The one sitting on the bed took out his old phone, pulled out the electric board, changed a card and dialed.    


"Mission failed!"    


After saying this, the man was silent for a moment, as if he was waiting for a response. Then he switched back to his original card, picked up the card, and asked for two women before entering the bathroom.    


Ye Cheng returned to the ground. Hearing their accents, the two of them didn't sound like natives of Eastsea City at all. He whistled, with Little Black and Little White leading the way, and the two cats both returned to the quiet club.    


Lei Zihan took Mei Zi to his room to sleep, while Sang Huihui sat in front of his computer and flipped through the pages. As if he was looking for something, he heard a cat meowing first and raised his head to watch Ye Cheng walk into the study.    


"Did you find it?"    


"En!" Ye Cheng responded as he dragged a chair over and sat in front of Chen Luoxue. Do you know who those two masked men were? They are the killers who killed Chen Xiaomei. "    


Chen Luoxue raised her head to look at Ye Cheng in shock, and her lips that had been bit started bleeding.    


"Relax! If you don't want to say it, then don't! Since the hitman is looking for us, I won't be lenient, I'll send you back. "    


"You're not asking me?"    


"When you heard the news of Chen Xiaomei's death, you showed me your calmness, letting me know that you actually wanted to know that she would die. I gave you a chance, and I won't put them in danger because of you. "Let's go!"    


Ye Cheng's words caused Chen Luoxue's body to tremble. What did he mean? Was he going to give her up? She didn't even know that the killer had returned!    


He wanted to explain that Ye Cheng didn't give Chen Luoxue the chance to change his mind and sent her back to her apartment. That night, Ye Cheng did not leave, instead he sat inside the car until it was day, when Chen Luoxue changed into his new clothes and drove to work.    


's expression became extremely relaxed. Ye Cheng sighed, and after dodging the view, he called An Ningxuan. Ye Cheng ? ?    


The opportunity was wasted just like that, after waiting the entire night, the result was only this much. Ye Cheng was no longer able to give himself a chance to refute her words, no matter what reason Chen Luoxue was in, she was still a accomplice of the killer.    


When Qiao Rubing walked into the company, she felt that the atmosphere was extremely weird. When she saw the secretary, she found out that her driver had been asked to enter the police station to investigate a murder case last night.    


"Send our lawyers to investigate what's going on!"    


"JOY has already sent someone over!" The secretary put a cup of coffee on the table.    


Qiao Rubing raised his eyebrows and stared at the secretary coldly. Are you my secretary or his? "    


"I'm sorry, CEO. It was due to something happening and I happened to be in JOY, so ?" The secretary raised his head and saw that Qiao Rubing's expression was growing darker and darker. He changed his words and said, "I won't make the same mistake again."    


"What else is there?"    


"Chen's been taken away by the police."    


"What?" "What's the reason?" Qiao Rubing stood up, and because her movements were too fast, accidentally touched her stomach, causing her to fall down and sit in the leather chair.    


"CEO, are you alright!"    


Qiao Rubing's face was extremely ugly, her stomach was hurting, she wanted to endure it, but she was unable to do so, and started groaning. Call an ambulance! "    


Only then did the secretary react and immediately dialed 120.    


After the unexpected happened, the president of Winning Group was brought away by the ambulance one after another. Rumors spread like wildfire throughout the building as all kinds of bad news and guesses spread throughout the building.    


After Ye Cheng received the call, he stood up and walked out of the room regardless of the meeting in the office, making him feel extremely awkward. Ye Cheng, we are still in a meeting. "    


"I'm a non-staff member!"    


Ye Cheng immediately ran out and flew to Qiao Rubing's hospital, and Xiao Lin followed him to the obstetrics ward.    


"What did the doctor say?"    


"All the adults and children are fine, but the mother is unable to support them. Being overworked is not good for the child's growth."    


"Damned woman, what are you trying to do!?"    


Ye Cheng cursed. Just as he was about to enter the sickroom, he caught sight of JOY rushing over from the other end of the corridor.    


"JOY pushed open the door to the ward, and saw Qiao Rubing lying on the sickbed. How did this happen? I was scared to death when the secretary told me about it.    


"You don't have to worry, help me with the discharge procedures!"    


"You can stay here for a few more days. I'll take care of the company's matters."    


Qiao Rubing stared at JOY, and spoke to the people behind him: "You guys go out first!"    


JOY waved at the people behind him, and they backed out.    


"I might as well just transfer the company to you. This way, you can save a lot of trouble and hassle."    


"JOY chuckled." If my name doesn't make sense, it's useless even if I answer it. But there is another way, to become my wife, I do not mind marrying into the Qiao Family as son-in-law, and will not raise a bastard. "    


Qiao Rubing snorted coldly as he stared at JOY. At the very least, I still have the title of Young Mistress of Star Moon Group. "    


"JOY laughed out loud. Qiao Rubing, oh Qiao Rubing, do you really think that Han Feng likes you? No one in this world knows you better than me, without me, what would Star Moon Group be? "    


"What are you?"    


JOY was startled, and then he leaned towards Qiao Rubing. "Take a good rest here, you don't need to worry about the company anymore. There are a few documents here, you can sign them and the people below are all waiting to start their work."    


Qiao Rubing looked at the document and signed his name    


"One more!"    


"I've said it before. Victory will not return to the old business and rebuild the pharmaceutical factory, so there's no need to submit any more cases."    


"CEO Qiao, this plot of land was bought by me with great difficulty. Leaving it empty for a day would cost tens of millions. Do you want to drag it down?"    


"As long as you don't build a factory, I will consider everything else."    


"Hehehe, hehehehehe ?" He laughed sinisterly and took the documents out of the room. You two look at her and don't let anyone see her. "    


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