The Romantic Soldier King



Whitey was a very quiet and obedient white cat. When Blacky saw her, it immediately fell in love with her. Only Whitey was left in its world. It took Whitey on a tour around the mansion, and the two cats were inseparable.    


Mei-zi liked Blacky and also liked Whitey. She ran around the house with them and went out into the yard to bask in the sun. The two of them were having fun.    


The old man was lying on the sofa in the study. The vet was a good doctor, and even if he didn't have a license, he was still a good doctor. In the pet hospital, it wasn't just animals that came to see a doctor, people also came to inquire about the condition of their body and to get medicine.    


Ye Cheng's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, he kept looking at the old man, seeing that he was meditating, he opened his mouth to ask: "What task did boss give you?"    


"Hur hur, you still couldn't resist asking!" "The old friend seemed to have been waiting for Ye Cheng to speak the whole time, he did not underestimate him." The boss wants me to protect him. When I infiltrated the Hong Alliance, my only goal was to find and protect the Leng family's people who possess unique physiques, and to destroy the other side forces within the Hong Alliance. "    


Ye Cheng closed the computer and squinted his eyes. He did not believe that the old lady would lie to him, it was just that this mission was extremely strange, why did the people of the National Security Agency protect the members of their society, just because she had a special ability?    


"What are you going to do?"    


"Enter the Leng family, kill off all the people who are at a disadvantage against the little miss, and help her ascend to the position of Patriarch."    


"And then? The position of the Patriarch of Hong Alliance was so easy to sit on. Even if she succeeded in sitting on it, would she be able to sit stably? Her body will probably be found within a week. "    


"I will always protect her."    


"You're in love with her!"    


The old woman did not say anything. He did not need to explain his feelings to anyone, nor did he think about what would happen with Leng Bing. All he knew was that he would protect her for the rest of his life.    


"You dragged me into this so that I could assist you in eliminating the Hong Alliance's beast race so that little miss could firmly sit in the position of Patriarch. Have you ever thought that I would kill him along with you?"    


"As long as she doesn't get infected by those things, I won't let you do it."    


"Alright, I'll take care of it with what you've said. Watch out for her! As long as I find out that she touched those things with her Hong Alliance, I will kill them all along with you. "    


The elder's heart trembled, he stared at Ye Cheng with a determined gaze, his right hand formed a fist to strike at his heart to express his determination.    


The order Sang Huihui sent out was quickly answered. Someone had seen a girl called QQ on the Eastern Ocean Bar Street. She was a young lady, dressed in bold, childish voice, easily recognizable.    


After Ye Cheng settled down the old man, he drove to the bar street. The people of Four Seas gang stared at him from the entrance of the bar street, then brought him to a nameless bar.    


The rumbling music was so loud that it made people's ears hurt, making them unable to hear what the other party was saying. Sang Huihui's subordinates led Ye Cheng to a corner and sat him down. "Alliance Head, this QQ girl will be here every day at 11 o'clock on time for business. This subordinate has already made arrangements. As soon as she arrives, our father-in-law will bring her here."    


The eunuch was the middleman for the young miss, and the woman was naturally the Mother Sang. The man who was called a eunuch by others was not really a eunuch, but simply a man who wanted to describe a bunch of women.    


Ten minutes after eleven, Ye Cheng did not see anyone coming over. He was drinking and watching the performance on stage.    


A few small pieces of fabric could be passed around like a piece of clothing. If there were a lot of fur, the girl wouldn't be able to cover it up. It would be better not to wear it, wouldn't it be more exciting to look at it after dragging it clean?    


Ye Cheng's black eyes drifted back and forth on the woman's body purely because he was appreciating her beauty and didn't have any intentions of doing so.    


After waiting for around 10 more minutes, a man and a woman finally squeezed through the crowd. Seeing Ye Cheng's smiling face and the dollar symbol in his eyes, the man looked at Ye Cheng as if he was looking at two bags of money that were sparkling.    


"Sir, did you order QQ?"    


Ye Cheng looked at his father-in-law, and then looked at the woman beside him, and frowned. I ordered QQ. She's not. "    


"Sir, this is QQ!" Eunuch laughed awkwardly, he pushed the woman onto Ye Cheng and the woman immediately stuck onto him.    


"Sir, if I'm not QQ, then who is QQ?" She wanted to kiss Ye Cheng's face, but Ye Cheng slapped her and threw her onto the ground.    


"Teacher, you're in the wrong, how can you hit a woman!"    


Ye Cheng immediately put his hands on his father-in-law's collar, and played Scarlet Fruit's reality show on the stage, where no one would even pay attention to his movements. I say, if you want to lie to me, find a more professional person. How is this woman QQ like? Her figure, looks, voice, every single one of them fits the description. Do you think I'm Kaizi or have never seen a real person before? "If you want to lie to laozi's money, then give it a try."    


"Oh, sir! These words were truly hurtful! How would we dare to deceive our customers? You want a woman called QQ, I've brought it for you, but you're saying that she isn't, don't tell me that there's only one woman in this world who can be called QQ? "    


Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth and smiled as he stared at his eunuch. It looks like we're not on the same channel. We can't reason with you. Now, you can either take your people and get QQ back here, or leave your JJ alone. "    


"You, what did you say?"    


"Leave JJ alone." With that, Ye Cheng grabbed the eunuch in front of him and pinched his private parts tightly with his right hand. The eunuch let out a scream, and his face became pale white.    


"Sir, this sir has something to say!" The eunuch squatted with his legs crossed and gripped Ye Cheng's wrist tightly with both of his hands.    


"Go and bring him here. If I don't see you within five minutes, then don't think that you can continue to linger on this land."    


"Oh, sir, there's really no other way, QQ hasn't come to work for a long time, I saw her figure last week, these few days she didn't answer my phone, I didn't reply her text message, I couldn't find her through all means of communication, we can't do anything about it, there are a lot of people looking for QQ, I've suffered heavy losses from her disappearance."    


"How long has it been since I last saw her?"    


"About four or five days!"    


"Do you know where she lives?"    


"Hey, get up!" "The eunuch kicked the girl up." Do you know where QQ lives? "    


The girl stared at Ye Cheng timidly and nodded her head heavily.    


Ye Cheng took out a few red notes and pressed it into the hands of his father-in-law. This girl will stay, get lost! "    


The father-in-law took the money, bowed, and pushed his way into the crowd.    


Ye Cheng told the girl to go to the toilet and wash his face clean. He really didn't have the interest to look at a color palette and say.    


The girl who undressed herself came out of the bar and saw Ye Cheng's car. She got into it quickly. "Boss, where do I go now?"    


Ye Cheng did not reply, he drove to the Gazing Pub, it was much quieter here, the bartender had brought food and drinks here, looking at the lady beside Ye Cheng, she was startled. Big Brother, you changed your taste? "    


"Go go, go to work."    


The lady stared at Ye Cheng, her small face blushing red.    


"You're very familiar with QQ?" Ye Cheng drank a cup of wine and placed the juice right in front of the woman. You're not even eighteen yet! "    


"Boss, don't worry, I'm already an adult. In our line of work, there are also minors, but they are usually hidden, and only customers who need them will come out. Aren't you going to buy me a drink? "    


"Just drink the juice, I don't want to talk to the drunkard!"    


"Boss, you have a really good personality. I have never seen a man in my industry like you. When you hit your father-in-law, I almost shouted. This person is so bad. He bullies our money all the time."    


"Where does QQ live?"    


The woman saw that Ye Cheng didn't seem to have any interest in talking about family matters, so she could only shut her mouth. We used to live in a building, and she was lucky. Someone gave her a suite, so I stayed with a few of her little sisters. "    


"Address, phone number, write it down."    


"Boss, why are you looking for QQ? I don't think you're that kind of man, what's your relationship with her?"    


Ye Cheng stared at the lady coldly, and the woman who brought trouble to herself wrote down the address and contact details on a piece of paper. I haven't made this call in a long time. I don't know if she needs it or not. "    


"Fight now!"    


The woman coughed dryly and dialed QQ's number. Not long later, she picked up the phone. Hey, QQ, you, who are you? "Hey, hey, hey?"    


The woman stared at the phone and called out a few times. She pouted and said, "There was someone who answered, so why are you not talking?"    


"What's going on?"    


"Someone answered the phone, but I heard a man's voice and hung up."    


Ye Cheng took out a stack of money and handed it over to the woman. I'll take a taxi back, and you can have the extra money. "    


Ye Cheng left the bar and looked for the address.    


He dialed QQ's number in the shared phone booth, thought a few times that no one would pick up, and then heard the sound of his phone being shut down.    


Ye Cheng sat on the elevator and walked to the front of the QQ Lodge, listening intently. There was no sound from inside, he opened the lock and walked in.    


The room was very dark, and the things inside were arranged very neatly. The kitchen baths were very clean, and this was a straight forward suite. Ye Cheng passed through the living room and arrived in front of the main bed.    


Puff! Ye Cheng lowered his head to take a look and saw that there was a lot of mucus spreading out from the bedroom. He glared fiercely and kicked the bedroom door open forcefully.    


Ye Cheng chased along to the window. The place was five or six stories high, and the black shadow went down along with the air-conditioner, jumping down from the third floor to escape.    


"Xiao Lin, stop the black shadow in front of you. Live."    


After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng turned on the light and saw a woman lying in a pool of blood.    


Chen Xiaomei died on the way to the hospital, and his body was struck several times by someone. The cause of death was from having his throat cut.    


Ye Cheng stood outside the apartment and smoked. An Ningxuan led his subordinates to search the room, but did not find any trace of the killer's fingerprint, but they could still find the man's bodily fluid inside Chen Xiaomei's body. After waiting for their DNA analysis, they could confirm the killer's identity.    


Without waiting for An Ningxuan to finish, Ye Cheng left Chen Xiaomei's apartment. Using the address Xiao Lin left behind, he went into a nearby alley and found the black shadow that was picked out from the window.    


Ye Cheng angrily kicked him to the ground, causing the man to wail.    


"Why did you kill her?"    


"No, I didn't kill him!" The black shadow cried out as it fell to the ground.    


"Why did you kill her!?"    


"I really didn't kill her. When I went in, she was already near death. I was only stealing things and didn't think about killing her."    


Ye Cheng still wanted to attack him, but Xiao Lin stopped him at the side.    


"Calming down, Ye Cheng dialed An Ningxuan's number. I found someone. "    


The police car roared over and brought the fallen figure back to the police station.    


Ye Cheng covered his face with both hands and knocked over the trash can by the side with a kick. "Damn it, damn it!"    


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