The Romantic Soldier King



The doctor stood up, changed the IV drip bottle for the old man, and walked out.    


The old man tried to get up, but he quickly fell back on the bed. He rolled back and forth, and the wound opened up. The vet came in with a small cart, cut the bandage, and changed the medicine.    


"I'm a vet, so I don't have a good temper. If you don't listen, I can knock you out and force you to rest."    


"I have to get out of here."    


"Sure, after you recover from your injuries, once I take the money, I'll take responsibility until the end. Otherwise, my signboard will be destroyed, so you'd better cooperate with me, OK?"    


The old animal propped itself up, and the vet seemed to want to let him know that he wasn't joking. When he was being bandaged, the old animal cried out in pain.    


"Be good, I will make the general watch you."    


The veterinarian went out to steal a golden hair. He stroked the animal's head and said, "Look at him. If he dares to move, bite him. I'll go out for a while and come back soon."    


The old man stared at the blonde and was immediately speechless.    


When Sang Huihui brought Ye Cheng to the pet hospital, there was only a little girl at the door.    


"The veterinarian went to buy food. The patient is inside. Please follow me." The little girl had a sweet voice and was quite pretty. She was about 160 years old and did not have much meat on her body. She looked just like a child labourer.    


Sang Huihui rolled her eyes at Ye Cheng. Even if it was a woman, she wanted to take a few glances at him, regardless of whether he looked good or not.    


Woof woof woof!    


A burst of barking came from inside the ward. Ye Cheng stared at Sang Huihui blankly and asked: "What's going on?"    


Sang Huihui shrugged her shoulders. She pushed open the door and entered, only to find a big golden furred animal lying on the beast's body, licking its face with its tongue. The beast had a very strange expression, like it wanted to laugh or cry.    


Ye Cheng was stunned for half a second before bursting out laughing. Looking at Ye Cheng's face, he felt like crying but had no tears at all. Take this guy away. "    


"Wife, you're too talented as a vet. You have to film it. This is a classic scene, you have to save it."    


"How dare you!"    


There was nothing Ye Cheng wouldn't dare to do. Pah pah pah, even when she pressed the shutter button, the cute golden hair still turned his head and POSE, teasing Ye Cheng to the point that he was crying non-stop.    


"Alright, stop playing!" Sang Huihui pulled the golden fur off the old man's body, allowing the little girl to bring him out. He then dragged a chair over and sat down. How are you feeling? "    


"I can walk by myself and leave this place."    


Ye Cheng lifted his quilt and looked at his wound, he then said with a cold expression: "You can't even go there, stay here, if you still want to go in!"    


"Hmph." The old man snorted coldly. Leng Bing was in the hands of Leng Xin, they found her! "    


"So what? With the white-browed man by his side, you don't have to worry. "    


"white-browed man has returned to Hong Kong, Hong Alliance's main yard is at stake."    


"Old man, are you someone from the Hong Alliance or the boss?"    


"I only do things based on my intuition."    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, he let Sang Huihui go out first, then pulled a chair over to the old man and sat down: "Recover your injuries, I will bring you to Hong Kong, if the vet approves."    


"You're going to Hong Kong?"    


"Yes!" If you want to find the little miss, then obediently recuperate. "    


When the vet returned to the pet hospital, Ye Cheng and Sang Huihui had already left. After hearing about the situation from the little girl, he walked into the sickroom and continued to cooperate with the treatment uncharacteristically, which made the vet feel weird.    


Ye Cheng denied Sang Huihui's guess. It was true that there was no need for Leng family to do this, but it did not exclude people who believed in him.    


There were very few rooms, so he could only sleep in the study room and sit on the living room's sofa outside the three women's room. He pouted as he kicked Sang Huihui's room and asked with a wronged expression, "Why was I the only one injured?"    


"You are a man, we are women. Do you want us to sleep on the sofa?"    


"Then at least let me sleep in one room a day! Your bed is so big, you can definitely accommodate me! " Ye Cheng winked his eyes.    


"Go find Zihan, it's not convenient for me today."    


Bang! Closing the door, Ye Cheng went to the second room. When he opened the door, he found the answer was the same.    


"Did you all agree? "What a coincidence, all the relatives have come to visit!"    


The three women inside were busy texting on their phones. Only Xiao Hei jumped onto Ye Cheng's body, twisted her fat butt and squeezed in front of's chest to meow.    


"Sigh, I remember you. It seems like there is a white cat in the veterinarian's shop. Should I introduce him to you?"    


"Meow, meow, meow!"    




After putting down Xiao Hei, Ye Cheng walked out of the villa. The night air here was extremely good, and with the fastest speed possible, he circled around the surroundings, checked the terrain, and made sure there were no outsiders around, then returned to the villa's study.    


The villa that Lei Zihan provided was an estate under the Azure Dragon Group, and was normally used by Lei Qinglong as a place to rest during holidays. It was far away from the city and was a quiet and secluded place, only, relatively speaking, the security measures here were much worse.    


Ye Cheng got Xiao Lin to send more people to protect her from the shadows, and then went to look around Chen Luoxue's blog. He realized that it had been a long time since he last updated her and tried to call him again, but still no one answered.    


On the second day, Sang Huihui went to see Chen Luoxue, and Ye Cheng went along with him. Snowfall, who did not answer his call, arranged for Hui Hui to meet him at a restaurant near Seshi.    


Sang Huihui intentionally picked a seat close to the window, so that Ye Cheng, who was sitting in the carriage, could observe them. The pitiful Ye Cheng could only watch as the two girls ate their feast and nibble on their own bread and water, what a difference in treatment.    


Chen Luoxue looked extremely haggard, Sang Huihui intentionally asked: "Did you not sleep well? The dark circles under your eyes have appeared. Are you very busy working at Victory? "    


"Ye Cheng told you to come!" Chen Luoxue went straight to the point.    


"You don't answer his phone and you don't reply to his text message. He's in a hurry."    


"I'm sorry, I wanted to give up on the beauty case. The other party was willing to give away the usual compensation, so Aunt and I decided to have a private chat."    




"Sister Hui Hui, don't ask anymore! Please help me thank Ye Cheng. I have accepted his kindness, and in the future, don't come looking for me again. "    


With that, Chen Luoxue picked up his backpack and walked out of the Western Restaurant. He quickly sat in a car and walked in front of Ye Cheng.    




When Sang Huihui's phone call came in, he walked towards the western dining hall in large strides. The table was filled with food. "She didn't even make a single move. It would be a waste if she didn't eat."    


"What did she say?"    


"The other party was willing to reduce the compensation by half, so Chen Luoxue's aunt agreed to settle the matter privately. She also said that she didn't want you to look for her again, does this mean that the two of you are going to break up?"    


"What do you think?"    


Ye Cheng curled his lips and stuffed a large piece of beef into his mouth.    


"Turn heartbreak into motivation. Eat all of this and you'll be in a good mood."    


Ye Cheng glared at Sang Huihui. Chen Luoxue wasn't such a person, especially after hearing about how her aunt was too old to be tormented. Was she hinting at something?    


"I'm full, send me to a place."    


Sang Huihui suspiciously looked at Ye Cheng as he walked in.    


With his memories, Ye Cheng came to Aunt Chen Luoxue's house. The door was locked, and when he looked in through the window, he found that there was no one inside.    


"Who are you two looking for?" The neighboring neighbor asked when he saw Ye Cheng and Sang Huihui.    


"Aunt, where's the old lady who lives here?"    


"What you said is related to the Chen family Elder. She died, and was buried just yesterday."    


"What?" Dead? I came to see him last week.    


"I don't know about that!"    


"Aunt, do you know why my grandma died?" Sang Huihui walked in front of his neighbor and asked softly.    


I heard she has myocarditis, but I've been neighbors with the Chen family Elder for a long time, but I've never heard of her having heart problems. She has always been in good health, ah, this person is hard to say.    


Sang Huihui looked at Ye Cheng, and the two of them sat in the carriage, staring at their Aunt's house, in a daze.    


"This is how Chen Luoxue will reject you!"    


"JOY!" "He's the one who drove her to see you today!"    


"What do you think about the death of the Chen family's elder?"    


"A person who died of myocarditis without a heart attack would be surprised if there's no problem. His body has already been buried, and it would be very difficult to find the cause of death. When it gets dark, you can go in the house and have a look.    


The villagers all slept early, and before ten o'clock the lights in the homes of the nearby residents were out. Only a few of them still had the glow of their televisions on.    


Ye Cheng secretly sneaked into the Chen family's elder's residence. Sang Huihui helped him open the door, but when she found no traces of outsiders, she also followed him in.    


The rest of the people had already left. Ye Cheng brought the woman to the room where she stayed. The inside of the room was a complete mess, there were traces left behind by the police on the bed.    


"Do older people sleep so well?" Sang Huihui asked from the side.    


"She was supposed to be sleeping on her side. This position was caused by her body struggling and twisting after suffering some kind of pain. The person who died of myocarditis usually had the same reaction, but it didn't have the same range, so the old lady's death was very suspicious. Let's go and find An An. "    


After receiving Ye Cheng's call, An Ningxuan rushed over to the place where the accident occurred. The three of them agreed to meet at the transition station, and Ye Cheng brought Sang Huihui to the supply station to eat. The two of them parked the car in front of the toilet, and after waiting for a long time, a Range Rover stopped in front of them.    


Ye Cheng got off the car and got into An An An's car. He told her about the matter of Aunt Chen Luoxue's death and the doubts he had about it. An Ningxuan frowned.    


"This place is not under our jurisdiction, but I can help you check the situation."    


The next day, early in the morning, An Ningxuan received a response from the other party. The person who helped Chen family's Abba class to complete the funeral was Chen Luoxue, and the one who handled the formalities was a person who claimed that he was a lawyer.    


"Chen Luoxue is making fun of us for prosecuting him. Do we have any other methods?"    


"Find Chen Luoxue's cousin. Right now, only she can prove that JOY is related to this beauty case. I have already had the examiners from the inspection department check it.    


Ye Cheng returned to his own car as he drove towards the local police station.    


Chen Luoxue's cousin was called QQ. She had studied in Melbourne before returning to the East Ocean, and the last time she entered the city was two months ago.    


One of them was Chen Luoxue. After comparing the files, he confirmed that the other one was QQ, his real name was Chen Xiaomei, a very rustic name.    


Sang Huihui sent photos of QQ around, searching for the person called Chen Xiaomei.    


Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, four days had passed. The vet called and signaled for them to come pick up.    


Because Sang Huihui couldn't go to the pet store to help others, he could only go to the pet shop to pick her up. The old lady looked alright, the two of them went straight to the villa, where only Mei Zi and Xiao Hei were playing, and Lei Zihan went to Azure Dragon Group.    


"How do you live here?"    


"We can't live in the city anymore. There are spies everywhere, and they're all close here." Ye Cheng did not say much as he waved towards Xiao Hei. I brought your wife back. "    


He had spent a lot of effort just for this Whitey!    


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