The Romantic Soldier King



Green Eyes walked out of the darkness. A boy that was not too big walked out. He had a bamboo basket on his back and a green bamboo pole in his hand. The boy had a pair of snake eyes that emitted green rays of light.    


"Ye Cheng?"    


"That's me. Kid, who are you?"    


"Hehe!" "You still dare to speak shamelessly in front of me." The weird snake behind him looked like it had been injected with chicken blood as it flew up, covering the rock wall as it landed behind Ye Cheng. It opened its mouth and swallowed the stone.    


Ye Cheng stared at the boy in front of him, he took a step to the side, and struck out with his left hand, the wind from his palm swept towards the left of the weird snake, and at the same time, Ye Cheng leapt up, stepping on the snake's head.    


Bang! However, at this time, the weird snake seemed to have learned its lesson and stopped its charge at Ye Cheng. It circled around the cliff wall instead of going head on, and when it turned around, it immediately caught Ye Cheng tightly in its body.    


's muscular body rolled up as the weird snake swung his body, knocking him against the rock walls time and time again, making him feel dizzy from the vibrations. What made him even more pained was the fact that the snake body was continuously tightening and squeezing, making him unable to move at all, while all of his strength was used to resist the heavy pressure from the outside, he had no time to pay attention to anything else.    


The weird snake let out a hissing sound. It straightened its body and opened its mouth wide for Ye Cheng. At the same time that it swallowed Ye Cheng, its tail relaxed.    


At the same time, Ye Cheng felt the shadow above his head start to loosen up. This was his only chance, he held his breath, and without hesitation, sent himself into the big snake's mouth.    


The boy by the side let out a proud laugh, he stepped forward and caressed the weird snake's head. No one could escape from him.    


The weird snake seemed to be enjoying itself, as it tried its best to swallow Ye Cheng's body. However, something was stuck in its big mouth, unable to swallow the huge thing in its mouth, it kept secreting acid, attempting to look down at the food in its mouth.    


Ye Cheng held his breath, grabbed the weird snake's tongue, and cut down.    


The weird snake suddenly opened its mouth, and Ye Cheng laughed as he threw Hong Xing over. The weird snake seemed to feel the danger in its mouth and tried its best to spit Ye Cheng out, but Ye Cheng held onto the sharp pressure of the weird snake, and continued to stab its mouth, playing around.    


The weird snake continued to command him as it rolled on the ground. It shook its body, wanting to return to the depths of the cave.    


Seeing this, the boy blew the flute to calm the emotions of the weird snake, but this time the weird snake paid no attention to him. It curled its body and heavily crashed into the rock wall, blood flowing out of its mouth.    


Ye Cheng exhaled, he knew that if he continued to stay in the weird snake's mouth, the acid would completely corrode him, so he stabbed the weird snake in its softest part.    




The blade of the blade smashed into the seven inches area under the weird snake's jaw, leaving a huge hole.    


The weird snake raised its head and shook it twice before collapsing onto the ground with a thud. Its mouth was wide open, and without the help of the red apricot, it could only let out a hissing sound.    


Ye Cheng cut off half of the serpent's head from the hole, pushed apart the thick water chestnut and came out. Only half of his pants was left, his entire body was releasing green smoke, his hair looked as if it had been burned by flames, showing a golden color.    


The boy stared at his beloved bug and watched it close its eyes, unable to move for a long time.    


Ye Cheng let out a long sigh. He sniffed and spat out a mouthful of blood, then cut off the remaining part of the snake head. Then, he carried the snake head and walked in front of the boy and threw the snake head at him.    


The boy opened his nose, looking like a cow that was puffing out air. He threw the snake head into the basket behind him and stared at Ye Cheng, a green light shining in his eyes.    


"I know of a person in the Hong Alliance who specializes in cultivating poisons. You are ranked number nine?"    


"Whoever kills my Thirteen Secret Service will die!"    


"Tsk tsk tsk, according to what you said, I've already killed two. Do you want to kill me twice!?"    


Ye Cheng did not mind and laughed twice. After that, he turned his body and kicked the rock wall, his arms drawing two semicircles on his chest before forming a strange fire seal that pressed down towards where the boy was standing.    


The effect of pre-empting did not benefit Ye Cheng much. On the contrary, after this boy lost his pet, he became even more unfathomable.    


The boy stared at the fire seal and attacked in front of him. He quickly pushed aside the bamboo basket behind him and when it reached the rock wall, he jumped out and completely crossed Ye Cheng's fire seal and threw himself at the top of his head.    


The black leather gloves on his hands were buckled, and ten sharp spikes emerged from each of his fingers. They were as sharp as the claws of a wild beast. Under the dim light, the steel spikes emitted a blue glow.    


The steel spike pierced towards the back of Ye Cheng's neck, the sharp tip hooked onto Ye Cheng's skin and flesh, causing his skin to turn black in an instant. The boy sneered, and with his other claw, he attempted to pierce through Ye Cheng's lower jaw.    


However, right at this moment, the boy suddenly let out a surprised cry, the tip of his right hand that was holding onto Ye Cheng felt a burning sensation. He raised his head to look, and a streak of flame shot out from his finger.    


Under the golden colored flame, the scuttling blue flame instantly engulfed the boy's arm. He let out a sharp cry, jumped up from Ye Cheng's body, and rolled onto the ground, using his body to extinguish the flame.    


Ye Cheng twisted his neck, raised his eyebrows, and quickly kicked the boy into the air. Then, he once again quickly threw himself inside, and punched the boy several times in a row in the chest. The boy's body fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.    


A mouthful of blood splattered out. Half of his arm was already broken into pieces. He stared at his right arm and the black line moved up his arm and engulfed his entire arm. He cut off his arm and threw it into his bamboo house, sealing his acupuncture points. He tore off a strip of cloth and tied up his wound before lifting his left arm.    


Five steel claws extended out of the black leather gloves, like five longswords being freed from their crimes, the boy with only one arm had a solemn expression as he leaned forward. With a loud roar, he quickly rushed in front of Ye Cheng.    


Five cold rays of light appeared like meteors in front of Ye Cheng's eyes, forming an unbreakable net that surrounded him. The sound of the wind howling was accompanied by a sharp clamor, as it pierced towards Ye Cheng's head, chest, lower abdomen and perineum.    


"Wow, left-handed!" Ye Cheng shouted in shock. His feet jumped up and down like a clown, but he disappeared from the boy's sight the moment the steel spike reached him.    


A playful blow landed on his wrist, blocking his left arm. He twisted and kicked, his knee striking the back of his hip, knocking him against the rock wall. He grabbed his left wrist and slammed it against the rock wall.    


The steel spike broke into many pieces and fell to the ground due to the immense force. Ye Cheng forcefully twisted the boy's left arm, and twisted it to place on his back.    


"To deal with you, I didn't even need to put in so much effort!" Ye Cheng said in disdain. But you are also one of the Thirteen Secret Service, what's the value of me letting you die, where is the white-browed man? Who else came with you? "    


The boy could not move, the resentment in his eyes was clear, he roared, and fell on the bamboo basket beside him, which released a hissing sound. Dozens of snakes ran out, their bodies were all red, and with a speed even faster than lightning, they attacked the defenseless Ye Cheng in unison.    


"Damn, there's even a hidden skill. What a vicious person." Ye Cheng bellowed as he raised his left arm to deflect the Scarlet Snake. With a fireball, a golden light engulfed the Scarlet Snake.    


The boy looked at the charred snake, screamed, and slammed into the rock wall.    


Ye Cheng coldly snorted, his right hand formed a claw and grabbed onto his neck, and then lifted him up from the ground. Answer my question, and I'll leave you with an intact corpse. "    


"Don't even think about getting any information from me." The boy laughed. Ye Cheng, don't think that you can get rid of me just by killing me. The nightmare will always be following you, hahahaha! "    


The boy bit his tongue off and blood splattered on the rock wall, forming a strange pattern.    


Ye Cheng let go of the boy's corpse. He collapsed beside his pet, and fell onto the bamboo house beside him. He moved forward a little, and a head peeked out from under the cloth.    


Ye Cheng did not dare to be distracted, he looked at the boy's head and followed the shadow that had just appeared, running out of the cave.    


With the death of the boy, the seal in the cave broke as well. It was already clear outside as they chased each other out of the cave. The sun went through the treetops and hit the ground. It was peaceful.    




"Did you see anything come out of the hole?"    


"Xiao Qian and Xiao Qian have already caught up."    


Just as he finished speaking, he heard Xiao Qian's alarmed cries coming from not too far away. Ye Cheng threw himself at him with all his might.    


Xiao Qian fell to the ground, half of his leg was shining black. Xiao Qian shouted as he stared at the forest with the whip in his hand, his eyes filled with cold glare s.    


"What happened?"    


My lord, Xiao Qian has been poisoned!" The thief was in the copse of trees, not far away.     


Ye Cheng stared at the footprints on the ground, which were only half the size of an adult's palm. Did you clearly see what kind of ghost it is? "    


"Baby!" Xiao Qian said after thinking for a long time.    


"Xiao Lin, bring Xiao Qian back to the coastal villa and have him treat her." After Ye Cheng tapped on the blood vessels of Xiao Qian's body a few times, she handed the military blade to Xiao Qian and took the soft whip from her hands, walking towards the small forest.    


"master, let Xiao Qian try his luck again!"    


Ye Cheng waved his hand to stop Xiao Qian from speaking. He followed the footprints and arrived at a patch of shrubs. This was the Mianshan of the East Sea.    


Narrowing his eyes, Ye Cheng swiped his whip towards the shrubs. The flagellum spoke as it uprooted all the shrubs, swept them to the side, and revealed a row of messy footprints on the ground. Then, suddenly, they disappeared in front of a ten-year old tree.    


Ye Cheng looked around, there were no more footprints to follow, he climbed up the old tree, and found some traces of climbing.    


Pushing apart the dense treetops, an extremely small shadow was at the end of the treetop. It looked like a newborn baby, naked and full of fruits, its four limbs were thin like bamboo poles, and its exposed back was extremely prominent. The shape of its backbone was extremely strange, and did not look like a human's spine, but rather like the joints of a snake.    


Ye Cheng did not dare jump into the air, he gently raised the soft whip in his hand and swept it towards the infant's neck. Just as it was about to rise into the air, the infant suddenly turned around and started shouting at Ye Cheng, his thin foot sweeping towards the flagellum.    


Ye Cheng stood there in a daze, the soft whip in his hand shook, and his right hand became numb. He almost couldn't hold on to the soft whip, and when he regained his senses, the baby had still not disappeared.    


"Xiao Qian, run!"    


Ye Cheng shouted in regret. From above, he could clearly see the monster's tracks clearly as it scurried towards where Xiao Qian was standing.    


Xiao Qian instinctively ran towards the back. She had never been so anxious and flustered before, her legs were in the air as she tumbled to the ground. When she raised her head, a monster was standing in front of her.    




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