The Romantic Soldier King



Compared to the Golden Tang Pool, the Carefree Society was completely silent. Under the night sky, a dozen or so people had hidden themselves behind a corner, and they did not make a sound, as if they had become one with the entire earth.    


Two black figures flashed across the sky and landed in front of the Carefree Society. Ye Cheng rushed into the clubhouse like a madman.    


"Where's boss?"    


"Where did you come from, boss is resting. Why haven't I seen you before? Who are you with?"    


"I am from Golden Tang Chi, Tu Er Lord sent me to deliver a letter. Golden Tang Chi was attacked by the people from Inagawa-kai, and has heavy casualties. Where is Eldest Brother?"    


"The Golden Tang Pool was attacked? "Come with me."    


Ye Cheng followed behind the man and arrived in front of a large room. Just as the man was about to knock, a figure flashed out of the corner of his eyes.    


Pushing open the door, Ye Cheng walked in while dragging the man's corpse.    


The room was dark, and the shadows on the bed overlapped!    


Ye Cheng sneered, and threw the man's body on the bed. The woman screamed in fear, and Tu Lang had already taken out a spear from under the bed, shooting at Ye Cheng.    


The bullets left a row of bullet holes in the wall, causing Ye Cheng to jump onto a cabinet. Before Tu Lang could pull the trigger again, he had already floated to's side like a leaf, with the blade aimed straight at his neck.    


"Tu Lang! "Do you still know me?"    


Tu Lang looked at Ye Cheng and said: "You are the brat from yesterday."    


"Look more clearly!" Ye Cheng revealed his original appearance.    


"You are Ye Cheng!"    


"That's right!" Do you know why I came here? "    


"You are here for revenge!"    


"It's good that you know this. The butcher is already dead, now it's your turn."    


"I didn't expect the dignified Eastern Ocean black tiger platform would join hands with someone."    


"You are wrong! But I won't tell you why, just give me your life! "    


Ye Cheng growled as his blade pierced through Tu Lang's neck. What was unexpected was that at this moment, a black hole appeared in the muzzle of the gun and pointed at Ye Cheng's temple.    


"The woman, who had been frightened out of her wits, raised her gun and opened the safety catch without hesitation." Put down the knife, you're not faster than bullets. "    


Ye Cheng stared at the beauty in front of him and chuckled. He will die when you shoot, I promise. "    


Both parties stood there in a deadlock. Ye Cheng was not afraid of the woman's spear at all, he pushed his blade with force with his left hand, causing Tu Lang to make a sound, the woman lowered her head to look at her, and at that moment, Ye Cheng had slapped her wrist, and kicked her.    


Her body tilted to the side, and her head struck the bedside table. She gave a low growl, jumped up, and shot towards Ye Cheng. From the bedside table, she picked up a chain and wrapped it around her hand, and rushed towards Ye Cheng.    


Dodge! Attack! In one breath, Ye Cheng was forced into a corner.    


At this time, Tu Lang pulled out the blade on his neck, covered his wound, and escaped towards the door.    


A vase on a shelf on the night train was thrown out and smashed against the door. Ye Cheng threw two punches at the woman, and sent a palm strike towards Tu Lang's back.    


The woman flew up, swinging the chain to knock on Ye Cheng's arm, forcefully pulling him back. Tu Lang opened the door and shouted, "Kill him!"    


The chain wrapped around Ye Cheng's arms, the lady with gloves on had two thin blades between her fingers, and pierced towards Ye Cheng's abdomen.    


Ye Cheng and Curse, this chain looked normal, but once coiled, it became abnormally hard for him to break free. He tried to struggle free with all his might, but the chains only tightened around him.    


Seeing that the lady had already reached his face, Ye Cheng rolled on the ground, and the woman jumped again after landing on him. Ye Cheng jumped up from the ground with his back upright, his long legs dancing in the air, locking onto the woman's neck and forcefully pulling her down to the ground.    


The lady then pierced the blade into Ye Cheng's lower abdomen. She tried to struggle but was unable to break free.    


Ye Cheng reflexively, he grabbed the woman's head with his hands wrapped in chains and twisted it using all his strength. The woman rolled over and Ye Cheng lifted her head up with him, his right leg bent down towards her back.    


Crack! Crack! Crack!    


The woman's entire back let out a cracking sound. A soft body was dragged under the head, which was held by Ye Cheng's arms. The woman's tongue was long at her mouth, dying instantly.    


Ye Cheng let go of the woman. After half a day of hard work, he struggled free from the chain and lifted it up. He discovered that there was a layer of special cotton yarn wrapped around the metal chain.    


When Ye Cheng left the room, he came to the staircase, there were many corpses of Carefree Society members everywhere, and Tu Lang had already disappeared without a trace, he quickly left the Carefree Society and hid himself in the streets. At this moment, a car was approaching from the distance, and Tu Qing got off the car, hurriedly entering the Carefree Society.    


Ye Cheng hesitated for a moment, then followed her in again. In the basement, he found the injured Tu Lang.    


Tu Qing carefully examined the wound on Tu Lang's neck, not thinking of anyone who could injure him at such a close distance.    


"Boss, what's going on?"    


"Ye Cheng!" Tu Lang said in anger. "It's my first year!"    


Tu Lang held his neck, he did not expect that the person who came in would be Ye Cheng, he only thought that it was because he was a brat, that he was taken advantage of by others.    


Tu Qing laughed coldly, he held Tu Lang up, holding onto a blade, and fell down from the wound on his neck, cutting off his arteries.    


"You, why?"    


"I'm sorry, Big Brother!" Yan Chuan and Ying Wu agreed to let me handle the formula. Since the Lao San is dead, you can help me out too! "    


Tu Qing pulled out his blade and looked at Tu Lang's corpse.    


Pah pah pah!    


A burst of striking sounds could be heard, and Ye Cheng walked out. This is a very spicy scene, does your mother know? "    


"Ye Cheng?"    


"Yes, that's me!" Inagawa Otake promised to give you the formula. Did he tell you that after you kill Tu Lang, you would be next? "    


"What do you mean?"    


"That means he let me kill you."    




"Impossible?" Then why am I here? "    


Ye Cheng laughed heartily. He stepped forward with his right foot and leaped, then shot a whip kick towards Tu Qing, forcing him to the corner of a wall.    


Tu Qing blocked with both of his arms, and between the gaps, he took two steps and went around Ye Cheng's back, his hands were like two daggers as he stabbed at the two areas of Ye Cheng's body.    


Ye Cheng snorted, he used his bare hands to slap the wall as he flew up, twisting in the air, his body spinning towards Tu Qing's shoulders, shua shua!    


Tu Qing roared out, and as though he had grabbed onto the piece of flesh on his shoulder, he threw it on the ground. He wiped off the blood on his hand, and laughed out loud while shaking his head.    


Tu Qing was like an injured lion. He rushed towards Ye Cheng once again, without caring about the wounds on his shoulder. He clenched his right fist and punched towards Ye Cheng's abdomen. Ye Cheng easily blocked the attack, but as if he was playing with a chick, he retreated half a step, then raised his fist, and landed it under Tu Qing's chin.    


Tu Qing was struck and thrown backwards, while Ye Cheng stepped forward, grabbing his collar and pulled him back, then threw another punch.    


Under the continuous attacks of a few punches, Tu Qing blinked his dazed eyes and shook his head. Two figures appeared in front of him.    


Ye Cheng pressed a finger against the center of Tu Qing's throat and asked: "Did you order the capture of Black Bear? Is Old ghost your subordinate? "    


"Heh heh, that Wolf Fang could have escaped. Haha, he was too f * cking nosy and wanted to save someone, but he ended up beating himself into it and even killed two of them. Are you here to avenge them? Come on, kill me! "    


"Killing you like this is too easy for you."    


The sound of footsteps came from the stairs. Ye Cheng looked at the person and said to Xiao Lin: Bring him back, give him an injection every five minutes. With this living body experiment, it should be very useful to Second Mother in researching the formula.    


"The goods are with you!"    


"It's too late now!"    


Xiao Lin mercilessly picked up Tu Qing's tendons in his arms and legs, and carried him away.    


Ye Cheng cut off Tu Lang's head and placed it into a bag, then left the Carefree Society.    


After driving to a cemetery far away from the center of Eastsea City, Ye Cheng placed his head in front of the Black Bear's tombstone and finally let out a long breath.    


"I've annihilated all the people from the Carefree Society, so you won't be too bored staying down there. Soon, the people from the Inagawa-kai will come down to accompany you as well, and I'll let that bastard personally experience the pain that they have placed on you. Don't worry, I'll definitely fulfill your wish for you."    


Ye Cheng patted the black bear's tombstone and sniffed before he left the cemetery.    


Two people walked out from the bushes. They stared at the disturbance on the tombstone and couldn't help but laugh. This was the first time he saw someone holding a head as a sacrifice.    


"This is his style!"    


"Your handiwork is too big, listen to these cries."    


Xiao Yi Feng patted Fan Mingcheng's shoulder, lifted Tu Lang's head and left the cemetery.    


In one night, the entire Carefree Society was completely cleaned up, and when the police found Tu Lang's body in the basement, they couldn't help but shiver from head to toe.    


If someone died, it could be defined as a massacre. The job of the police was to find the culprit, and the person who was in close contact with Carefree Society was the Inagawa-kai. Hence, Yan Chuan and Ying Wu was invited to the police station for tea.    


An Ningxuan who had already resigned sat in the interrogation room. Her face was gloomy and her mood was extremely bad. Xiao Yao fearfully sat beside her and carefully began to ask.    


Suddenly, An Ningxuan stood up, pulled out a loud noise from behind the chair and interrupted Xiao Yao.    




An Ningxuan opened the door and called Xiao Yao out. "Let him stay inside. You won't be able to get anything out of him like this."    


"Boss, I know you're not in a good mood, but what should we do if you leave?" Since your resignation letter has been returned, don't be so impulsive! Anyways, if you stay here, you can still help the leaf officer, right? "    


"Are you their guest? How much did they give you for a promotion? Or did you earn a long salary? "    


I personally feel that if you leave, not only will you not be able to help Ye Cheng, but you will also be a burden. Think about it, right now, you already have several cases of drug poisoning on your hands, and you think the leaf officer is investigating this matter, if you leave now, who can give him a first line report?    


An Ningxuan did not speak.    


"I am also just a civilian, and can't give him more information. If someone else were to come, without knowing the situation, they would capture the leaf officer but the bad guys, what should they do? Isn't that just creating trouble? "    


"So, I should stay?"    


"Yes!" Xiao Yao chuckled. In any case, your letter of resignation was wasted. Just admit your wrongs and just make up for it, right? "    


"Hey, what are you two doing here?"    


Ye Cheng was dressed in casual clothes, appearing in front of the two of them. He snickered and leaned on An Ningxuan, and quietly said: "Old Company Commander sent me, I'm a lobbyist."    


"You're finally willing to show yourself?"    


"How am I not showing my face? I'm walking in front of you all every day. Don't tell me you guys didn't recognize me?" Ye Cheng innocently started to cry out.    


"Ye Cheng, are you trying to play this game with me? I suspect that Xiao Yao's kidnapping is related to the murder here."    


"Aiya, don't. I really didn't say I was panicking!"    


"Are you for real? I was still cooking it. Handcuffing it and sending it to my office. I'll interrogate it myself."    


"Yes, Chief An!" With two kacha kacha sounds, Xiao Yao placed the handcuffs on his wrist and smirked at him before sending him to the bureau chief's office.    


"leaf officer is asking for it!" Xiao Yao released the handcuffs on his hands and walked out.    


"Is Yinchuan and Yinzi here?"    


"Yes, what skills does leaf officer have to teach me?"    


"Leave him alone!"    


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