The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng shot a glance at Black Bear, who was on the fourth floor, and saw that Black Bear had pounced towards him. He turned around and walked towards the twenty-something people who were still standing there, "Who's the leader?"    


looked at him. He was skinny, with veins popping out of both of his arms and a tanned complexion, he looked to be brimming with energy, but from the way he moved, Ye Cheng could tell that he was not a martial artist. What do you do? "    


"We are not here to farm."    


Hearing that his words seemed like they came from books, Ye Cheng couldn't help but take a few more glances at him. You stay, the others leave. "    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, they all turned around and ran as if they received an order of forgiveness.    


"Come back! Take these people with you. Since they are all farmers nearby, you should know where they live! "    


A few of them started to help those who had fallen to the ground to leave, while the other two remained motionless.    


Ye Cheng walked towards them. "He's not making a move?"    


The two of them looked at each other, then attacked Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng laughed coldly, stepped back, reached out a hand, and bent his body to bend two times, pointing towards the waist of the two people.    


Putong. The two of them fell forward onto the ground, twitching twice before they stopped moving.    


"Do you know these two?" The lean man shook his head. Carry them and follow me. "    


The man was startled, but he still carried the two of them obediently and followed Ye Cheng up to the fourth floor. After hearing his orders, he threw the two of them beside the two policemen. Tighten up the four of them and move them into the room. "    


Ye Cheng walked into the house. An Ningxuan was in a daze as she carefully searched the room with the blue plastic gloves. Her body was lying on the table as usual. Have you noticed it? "    


"On the surface, the body is not injured. Judging from the smell, there is cyanic acid."    


"Poisoned?" Ye Cheng frowned. At this time, Black Bear had already carried He Shen back and joined the other four.    


A set of horns sounded. Ye Cheng walked out of the house and brought his men up from below. We're late! "    


"Let's deal with the case first. We can discuss it later."    


Xiao Yao nodded and led the coroner and his underlings into the room. Black Bear glanced at the skinny man and asked, "Boss, what kind of job is this guy?"    


"You hooligan's head!" Ye Cheng took out a cigarette and lit it up, then handed it over to Black Bear. Do you smoke? "    


The strong man nodded and took a few puffs without any hesitation.    


"Don't be afraid, we are all good people, the woman inside is the highest commander of the East Sea Police Station, she is much stronger than that greedy official He Shen. As long as you cooperate with us, we can guarantee that you will be fine."    


"Boss is talking to you, do you understand?" Black Bear roared, his face red and his eyes wide open.    


"Understood, understood!"    


Ye Cheng exhaled the smoke and nodded. Let's go to the teahouse in front and chat. "    


"As soon as Black Bear went downstairs, he was stopped by the landlord." "Young man, come here for a while!"    


After receiving Ye Cheng's nod of approval, Black Bear walked over.    


"You are Qin Yuxiang's cousin, right?" Black Bear hesitated for a moment before he nodded his head. I have a bag here that she left behind.    


"Black Bear followed the landlord into the next building. The landlord took out a red travel bag, which looked very heavy." "Young man, I've also seen Yuxiang's husband, you don't seem to look that much!"    


"Auntie, don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" Black Bear revealed his white teeth and chuckled.    


"Oh, oh, okay!" The landlord rolled his eyes like a thief. I guess you guys are plainclothes, right? That He Shen is a bully here, you have to interrogate him properly. "    


"Black Bear picked up the bag and smiled, pressing his fingers against the landlord's mouth." If you talk too much, you will definitely lose! "    


At the teahouse, Ye Cheng was seated on his usual seat. Everyone had seen what happened just now, and they were both afraid and respectful to this outsider! Firstly, he had beaten He Shen, admired him from the bottom of his heart, and secondly, he was afraid of getting into trouble because of this, so he avoided the moment he saw him.    


Ye Cheng asked for a pot of good tea, which the owner brought as an extra snack.    


Ye Cheng carelessly peeled the peanuts and said: "Tell me about He Shen, how many evil things did you do for him?"    


The sturdy man hesitated for a while, but when he opened the chatterbox, it was difficult to shut it, so Ye Cheng was able to understand a few things from it.    


It turned out that He Shen was a rather influential person, he was previously an official in the city. When he broke the rules, he was demoted to being a police officer here, and because he had support from the backstage, he became a local tyrant who abused and extorted everywhere, even raising a group of thugs. Whoever disobeyed him would die, so everyone was afraid of him.    


"Where's Qin Yuxiang?"    


The muscular man suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Sir, it's hard to say, Qin Yuxiang and the others rarely come to visit me, but we have a rumor that He Shen and Qin Yuxiang's relationship is that type of, after Qin Yuxiang came over, He Shen took a liking to her, and the house she is living in was also found by He Shen, secretly the two of them are a little intimate, so a triangular relationship like this is really hard to say."    


"Oh? He Shen doesn't have a wife? "    


"Yes, but he rarely comes to the city. I heard that he's still a rich woman."    


"Who is the biggest gang here?"    


The well-dressed man exhaled a mouthful of smoke and glanced at Ye Cheng, revealing a troubled expression.    


"Don't worry, I just need to understand the situation. I won't sell you."    


"I grew up here, and have never heard of any gangs, all of them were scumbags, but He Shen's skills were very low, and a few of them were not bad, and did not look like they were local. A few months ago, these people went around looking for their subordinates, and we were recruited this way, so we didn't have to pay any protection fees to be their subordinates, and we even took the money, so we all followed them."    


After Ye Cheng put down the two big 100 dollar bills, he walked out of the teahouse with the strong guy and gave him a few big 100 dollar bills: "I'm still staying here for a few days, this bit of money will be your living expenses. You can walk around everywhere and I just need to know everything about Qin Yuxiang here, regardless of how big or small it is, if you find out about it, just come and find me at the inn. Don't leak the news, where are He Shen's henchmen? "    


"He Shen's house is in the villa five kilometers ahead. He lives there with his henchmen! It's very easy to find them. There are two turtles in front of the door, and they're even qilins or something. "    


Ye Cheng walked back to Qin Yuxiang's house. An Ningxuan and her subordinates had almost finished their investigations and the corpse had already been moved away. She took off her gloves and dust proof clothes and leaned on the fence along the corridor.    


Ye Cheng patted An Ningxuan's back, and while there was no one around, he stole a kiss and got An Ningxuan's attention. Ye Cheng pouted and said, feeling wronged, "Staring at me, if you continue staring at me, I'll eat you!"    


"I'm going back to the station. Are you coming with me?"    


"I still need to stay for two more days. This He Shen is not simple, when you return, pass me all of his detailed information. Qin Yuxiang's death is definitely not simple, and you also need to give me the identities of the residents of these two buildings."    


"I asked Xiao Yao to stay behind. As for the matters with the police station, it's convenient for him to handle. After the autopsy report is out, I'll come over. You be careful."    


Ye Cheng nodded his head, and sent An Ningxuan back to the carriage. He returned to the scene of the crime, where Xiao Yao was taking photos.    


"leaf officer, how should we deal with these people?"    


Only now did Ye Cheng remember that there were still these five fellows. "Inform the police here to take the people away and lock them up."    


The one who got off was a man who was forty years old. He walked up to Xiao Yao and shook his hand, then said: "Officer Yao, I have already received your department's notice, we will definitely cooperate with you in handling this case. Who is this?"    


Xiao Yao immediately introduced him: "This is Assistant Ye, we are temporarily in charge of the case here since Chief An has returned to the police station in advance."    


"Good, good, good. These are all good notifications from young. If you have anything to say, just say it. As long as it's something my Lao Ma can do, there will be no ambiguity."    


"Officer Ma, do you know these four people?"    


Officer Ma looked at the four of them with a surprised expression. Isn't this He Shen? Who are these two people? "    


"They're not from the police station? These two were officers who came to inspect the crime scene. " Ye Cheng said deliberately.    


Officer Ma shook his head. Our police station doesn't have these two people. Bring them back and interrogate them. "    


"No, Officer Ma, I will interrogate him myself."    


"Bring him back first. Take my car, Assistant Ye!"    


"No rush, I will take a walk around the neighborhood and then pay a visit to the police station in the morning. Xiao Yao, follow Officer Ma to the police station and investigate the details of the residents here."    


Xiao Yao acknowledged her presence, got into Officer Ma's car and drove away.    


The small farmers' market suddenly became empty. The murder case here caused people to panic. After Ye Cheng walked around, he came to Room 405, and after knocking, he went in.    


The one who opened the door was the old man. He recognized Ye Cheng and knew that he was from the police, hence he let him in. The old lady was eating with the two boys when the old man walked back to the other room with a balcony to watch the news, allowing Ye Cheng to sit on the sofa at the side.    


"Old Uncle, I want to ask about Qin Yuxiang, what is her character like? When did you get here? Do you have any other relatives? "    


"She's been here for quite a few years, and she brought a child with her. In the first few months, there was a man who came by, but he didn't see anyone. She came by herself, but after they divorced, the man didn't come."    


"How did Qin Yuxiang and He Shen get to know each other?"    


"That's hard to say, but we've often heard her landlord say that Qin Yuxiang is not good, seducing men or something, and we've already talked about it. He has his own private matters to settle, a woman must have worked hard with her child, why not find a man to rely on in this life?"    


"So you're saying that He Shen often comes here to find Qin Yuxiang?"    


"Then have we ever seen or not, Qin Yuxiang has placed all of his attention on this child, and the matter of him reading the account book is still something that He Shen can do."    


"Thank you, uncle. If anything rings, give me a call."    


After Ye Cheng left, he went around to the landlord's house, knocked on the door and found that there was only the landlord in the room.    


"What's the matter?"    


I need to find you for information on Qin Yuxiang!    


"I don't know anything, hurry up and leave!" The landlord was extremely disobedient and wanted to close the door, but Ye Cheng stopped him.    


"Qin Yuxiang is dead, landlady you are very suspicious!"    


"What nonsense are you spouting?"    


"What else are you afraid of? You have an intimate relationship with He Shen, so the fact that Qin Yuxiang appeared is something that you hold a grudge against.    


"The landlady opened her eyes wide and let Ye Cheng in. I'm telling you, I'm the only one here, so don't try to trick me. As long as I shout, the neighbors will all come running out. "    


The corner of Ye Cheng's eyes twitched, and he secretly disdained in his heart. Even if he had feelings for a pig, he wouldn't have the slightest impulse towards the fat granny.    


"Don't worry, I'm just asking you a few questions."    


Seeing that, Ye Cheng had the urge to turn around and leave, but he managed to endure it.    


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