The Romantic Soldier King



The iron door was pushed open by someone. Ye Cheng laid on the single bed with his legs crossed and hummed a song as he swung his legs.    


"Is it Captain Fu?" Ye Cheng took a deep breath. The air was filled with the rich fragrance of perfume, which was extremely pungent like an old lady's footcloth.    


"You can leave now!" Fu Qingyun's face was just like Sir Bao, it was even darker than the ancients.    


Ye Cheng jumped up from the bed, and laughed at Fu Qingyun, then kicked the square stool in front of him, causing the stool to emit a "hualala" sound as he arrived in front of Fu Qingyun. Sit down! "    


"Right now, the situation is very tense, there's no time to chat with you, quickly come with me."    


"It's living quite well here. I have to take care of food and meat. What are you doing out here?" Ye Cheng stared at Fu Qingyun sloppily. He believed that this was the best expression he could see on his face. He was so angry that he pretended to be calm.    


"Ye Cheng, now is not the time to discuss it with you. You still have one more life on your hands, and this is your best chance. You can leave this place if you can reach a higher position, if not I can guarantee that you will be able to eat free food your entire life."    


Fu Qingyun's threat did not threaten Ye Cheng at all. Ye Cheng pouted, and with a glare, he stood straight up on the bed, and without being able to see how he moved, he was already two meters away from Fu Qingyun. Are you begging me? I have no obligation to work for the Security Service. "    


"Fu Qingyun settled himself well on top of Ye Cheng's clothes, pushing him against the wall, his face leaning against the wall. "Listen up, I don't care about your other identity, but in my eyes, you are just a bastard, a glutton who doesn't care about your face. So, you better not anger me and cooperate with me to settle the chaos in East China Sea, otherwise ?"    


"Or what?" After being pressed down on the wall, Ye Cheng's right foot dug a hole in the back and directly kicked Fu Qingyun's crotch. He twisted his left elbow and pushed himself backwards, turning his body around to grab's wrist and swung him towards the wall.    


Seeing that Fu Qingyun was about to crash into the wall, he suddenly had an idea. Using his right foot to step on the wall, he flipped himself over and threw a punch towards Ye Cheng's chest.    


"Tsk, with just this little trick, you're talking big with laozi!" Ye Cheng did not move as he stared at Fu Qingyun's fist. When the fist was less than ten centimeters away, he turned his body slightly and threw out a punch from his left, as if his five fingers were hooked onto Fu Qingyun's wrist.    


Fu Qingyun's body was sent flying, but his wrist was grabbed by Ye Cheng, causing him to be unable to move, and he could only endure three punches from Ye Cheng before collapsing on the chair.    


"That's more like it!" Seeing Fu Qingyun doing nothing and staring at him, Ye Cheng eased his expression, patted his hands, jumped onto the single bed, and said while holding it in front of him: "Captain Fu, you need to be pragmatic, to be able to bear less physical pain, and not be in a hurry to get beaten, understand? I just let you sit there properly, look at you, aiya! "    


Fu Qingyun never thought that Ye Cheng's power would grow so fast in such a short amount of time. Sigh! Holding the place where he was hit, he pushed his glasses and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"    


"Tell the truth! What exactly do those Old ghost s want me to do? "    


You are the leader of the Black Tiger Alliance, and your men are plundering the territory, causing the discontent of all the large organizations, and causing chaos, which obstructed the city's reputation and caused a lot of negative effects. So, you have to come out to mediate, and when necessary, I will send people to take the necessary measures to suppress them, understand? in the shortest possible time. "    


Ye Cheng nodded, and took out a cigarette from Fu Qingyun's pocket and lit it up. You talk so much nonsense just so I can be cannon fodder and you can take advantage of me. "If I'm done, then you're the main force. If I die, then you lead people to kill the rest of the people in order to take care of it. Hehe, why are you the one doing such a cheap thing, why are you the head of the security agency here!"    


"You don't have any choice. Even without you, I can still deal with those hooligans. Now the higher ups are giving you this chance, whether you want it or not is your business."    


Ye Cheng stared at Fu Qingyun, his mouth raised into a smile, and released a devilish snort. I wonder who the boss that Captain Fu is, is that Old ghost? I have to find someone I can trust, someone who can give me this order. Otherwise, if I don't go there, no matter how chaotic the East Sea is, it has nothing to do with me. "    


With that said, Ye Cheng immediately laid on the bed, and ignored Fu Qingyun.    


It was estimated that in two to three days, the Eastern Ocean would attract the anger of the underworld because of Wei Longqing's greed, so the Hong Alliance would definitely catch those small and middle-sized associations' anger and counterattack on Wei Longqing. It was unavoidable if they fight it, but the Four Seas gang and the Black Tiger Alliance would definitely not be affected by this trouble, Hui Wei would closely watch over Zihan, this way they could avoid the eyes of the police and focus on dealing with the business battles.    


Sang Huihui and Lei Qinglong had teamed up with the two big consortia in the East Sea, and regardless of whether or not they had connections with the people, they could bring a huge impact to the Hong Alliance. Once this double-edged sword was used, the remaining issue was the problem of time.    


Thinking about it, Ye Cheng simply turned his body, and started to snore with his back facing Fu Qingyun.    


Fu Qingyun raised his eyebrow, he glared at Ye Cheng, and after a long while, he walked out of the cell and slammed the door.    


"Watch him closely, don't give him water!"    


The guard gave no response, only a slight nod.    


Due to the turmoil in the East Sea, Fu Qingyun was transferred to the police station. Back to his temporary office, An Ningxuan sat inside and waited. Where's Ye Cheng? "    


Fu Qingyun coldly snorted. If you refuse a toast and refuse a toast, then you will be punished. If you want to negotiate conditions with me, laozi will make it so that he won't be able to come out. "    


An Ningxuan frowned, although her rank was higher than Fu Qingyun by a few levels, but because the departments she belonged to were different, and from the perspective of rights, they were considered to be at the same level, thus Fu Qingyun had never treated An Ningxuan as his superior.    


"You want to go against Director Zhao?" An Ningxuan probed.    


Security, right now Ye Cheng is not willing to cooperate with us, I can't let a person with no sincerity come out, what if he runs away after coming out? " Fu Qingyun smirked.    


"Ye Cheng won't, I'll talk to him again."    


Fu Qingyun grabbed An Ningxuan and pushed her to the desk. "Chief An, it's better to avoid suspicion."    


An Ningxuan was startled, then immediately retreated a few steps. She smiled and said: "Captain Fu is right, on this case, I cannot interfere too much. But how do you plan to complete the mission that Director Zhao gave me?"    


"You don't need to worry about that. You just need to prepare your men and follow my orders."    


"No problem. If there's nothing else, I'll head out first."    


An Ningxuan left Fu Qingyun's office and directly went to Ye Cheng's cell, but was blocked outside the door by the guard. You don't even recognize me? "Open the door!"    


"Security!" Captain Fu just issued an order that no one is allowed to go in and even specifically told you not to. "    


An Ningxuan raised her eyebrows, then turned and left the police station.    


Fu Qingyun stood in front of the window and looked down at the parking lot. After he watched An Ningxuan leave, he dialed a number and not long after, he also drove away from the police station.    


Several forces had been surrounded by the police on the border between the west and north. The special police had temporarily suppressed the smoke of the gangsters, but everyone knew that this kind of peace would soon be broken. At that time, another bloody mess would appear.    


In a high class clubhouse situated two streets away from this world, Fu Qingyun was leisurely drinking tea while waiting for someone. After around twenty minutes, the person he wanted to see arrived.    


"Captain Fu, I'm really sorry for making you wait for so long. It's just too many chores." The person who came to meet him stretched out his right hand, his left hand covering his clothes as he leaned forward slightly.    


Fu Qingyun only raised his head, proudly glanced at the other party, and said: "hypothermia, please take a seat."    


hypothermia raised his eyebrows and retracted his hand, allowing the people beside him to leave the room.    


Captain Fu, it's not just about drinking tea and chatting.    


"The police are cooperating. I hope that the hypothermia can intervene in the recent battles between the gangs in the East China Sea. The higher ups are paying close attention to your movements."    


hypothermia laughed out loud. As you can see, Wei Longqing is constantly provoking us, we have to endure it all, and the one who is starting the war is not us, the Hong Gate is still looking for Wei Longqing's boss, only when he stops will the chaos stop. "    


Fu Qingyun laughed sinisterly. In front of me, hypothermia does not need to cry because of grievances. Without the support of, do they dare to be together with Black Tiger Alliance? Although this Wei Longqing carries the banner of rebelling to the Black Tiger Alliance, he is still a lowly person. We have already followed Hong Alliance's orders and captured Ye Cheng, shouldn't you show some sincerity? "This is getting out of hand."    


"Ye Cheng killed so many of my men. Is it really that simple to lock him up? It is said that a life is worth a life, for Hong Alliance to have so many lives, it is not too much for me to take one, he killed the Seventh Imperial Guard, and also killed my eastern leader, the Leng family people, this debt will not be settled easily, Captain Fu should think carefully, whether a life is worth it, or the East Sea is worth it. "    


Fu Qingyun squinted his eyes, the lens flashed a light ray of light.    


"Does Captain Fu not want Ye Cheng to die? Hehe, as long as I see Ye Cheng's head, I will immediately let the East Sea return to its normal state and guarantee that it will be as harmonious as ever. "    


With that, the hypothermia stood up and the Grand Master walked in from outside, carrying a box and placing it on the table. Of course, I won't let Captain Fu pay for his own things! "    


hypothermia left as the black chest was glowing with a silver light in front of Fu Qingyun, as if something was calling out to him. He stood up and picked up the chest, before leaving the clubhouse.    


"A car parked on the side of the street, with a pair of hawk eyes watching Fu Qingyun walk out of the clubhouse, he dialed a number. Young Master, Fu Qingyun took the case and left. "    


"The hypothermia laid comfortably on the woman's body, shaking his wine cup as he mocked. Inform him now, and make it bigger, but the death toll will decrease, giving Fu Qingyun some face. "    


"Yes sir!"    


The car pulled into the driveway and disappeared into the traffic.    


The three factions that had stopped for a day had started another conflict over a box of water. The riot escalated to smashing innocent shops again. Although no bloodshed occurred, the number of complaints received by the police reached thousands within an hour.    


The meeting room of the police station was once again convened, and Fu Qingyun led the way.    


"Chief Zhao, I told you long ago that Ye Cheng could not be used."    


"Hmph, are you unable to use it or not? Don't think that I don't know what tricks you're playing, release the person immediately."    


"Chief Zhao, why did you only ask for this Ye Cheng? We have so many excellent police officers in our police station, don't you think that none of them can use him?"    


Zhao Hongwu pointed at Fu Qingyun, and started laughing loudly. Captain Fu is very insistent on his opinion, so I'll leave the East Sea turmoil to you to handle. I'll give you two days, if you can't solve it, you can pick the flowers on your shoulder. "    


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