The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng felt that the food in the prison was not bad, it was good to be able to see meat, or oil, but if he was really lonely, he would have to assign a few people to chat with him, or something. Facing the four walls everyday, he would go crazy sooner or later.    


Ye Cheng thought that his first visitor should be Fu Qingyun, but he was wrong. The first person who came to visit him was a stranger, he was around 30 years of age, he was skinny, with sunken eyes and high cheekbones, maybe because he had no flesh, but Ye Cheng who was very knowledgeable on the subject did not think of him as a trash. From the looks of it, his inner strength was deep, and his shoulders were steady.    


The two policemen stood at opposite ends while the stranger opened a file and pushed it towards Ye Cheng. hypothermia said that as long as you sign this document, the Seventh Imperial Guard's death would have nothing to do with you.    


The transfer letter was written on the document, and the general meaning was for Ye Cheng to take the initiative and give up the position of Black Tiger Alliance's Alliance Master. With the Hong Alliance's inheritance, all of the gangs under the Black Tiger Alliance's banner would follow the orders of the Hong Alliance, including the businesses and so on.    


"Didn't the hypothermia say that he would even inherit my woman?"    


"Your suggestion will be conveyed to me. I will come back to hear the news three days later."    


Ye Cheng laughed out loud. I can tell you the answer now, three days is too long! "    


"Mr. Ye, you should think about it more. Don't be impulsive, Black Tiger Alliance is not weak."    


Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, he was brought back to his own cell, the surrounding air became quiet, and someone who should not have appeared in the cell stood in front of him.    


"master, do you want us to step out?"    


"This place is pretty good. That person from earlier, kill him!"    


Xiao Lin nodded and disappeared in front of Ye Cheng.    


The lanterns lit up the entire East China Sea, illuminating it with colorful illusions ?    


A tall, thin man stood at the intersection with the others, waiting for the red light. Half a minute passed, and everyone headed across the street, but this one remained motionless under the shade.    


After another group of people left, one of them finally noticed that something was wrong. As he went forward to ask, the tall man fell to the ground, blood flowing out from the back of his neck. He was dead!    


When the dead appeared at the intersection, the police immediately rushed to the scene upon receiving the news. They called out all the surveillance agents, but they did not find anyone, and the tall one's death became an unsolved case. Based on the tall one's status in the warehouse, they could confirm that he was a killer.    


"Early in the morning, An Ningxuan aggressively came to Ye Cheng's cell and threw the tall man's photo in front of him. This person just met you and he's already dead. Don't tell me it has nothing to do with you. "    


Ye Cheng stared at An Ningxuan and pursed his lips. To be able to see you so early in the morning, what a beautiful start! "    


"Ye Cheng, don't talk to me like that, ok?"    


"An An, I'm being monitored twenty-four hours a day. I'm not a mage, so I can kill people in the air."    


"Are you sure you didn't do it?"    


Ye Cheng shook his head with certainty. It's not me, he was sent by the Hong Alliance to persuade her to surrender. I rejected him, and if I really want to die, I will need twenty-four hours of protection to become the person who is going to be killed. "    


An Ningxuan stared at Ye Cheng for a long time before angrily walking out.    


"Tsk tsk tsk, even a woman like you would be angered to death by you!" Sang Huihui held onto An Ningxuan as they stood at the doorway, the black qipao that was opened wide wrapped around her body was extremely exquisite, the hair that was just made just now casually fell on her shoulders, making her look extremely flirtatious. In her hands was a thin pipe that had always been held in one hand and a burning cigarette in the other, she squinted her eyes at Ye Cheng as she twisted her waist and sat in front of him.    


"Sigh, stop teaching me when you say it!" Ye Cheng felt that he should not be so cautious towards An Ningxuan. He said that he would not let Sang Huihui know, but in this beautiful wife club, there was no secret that could hide from him.    


"Don't blame An An. You're just a little person. If something happens that you don't know about, then I've come today to give you some clean clothes. In addition, there's also good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"    


"Not too good, not too bad!"    


An Ningxuan called the guards out and left some space for the two of them. Don't take too long, there's a rule here. "    


The good news is that you are looking for something in my hands. This is a balanced account of the early days of Winning Group, around half a year before its transformation, a major accident happened to the anti-cancer drugs developed by the Winning Group, causing shock and bleeding for all patients after taking them. At that time, there were 15 people who died from the drugs, and such a major medical accident was reported by the press the next day.    


Ye Cheng clenched his fingers tightly and silently listened to Sang Huihui's report.    


"Here's the list of the accident. After this incident, Winning Group started to become the room's head, and now they have infiltrated into the retail industry. However, I also found that the first pharmaceutical factory in the early stages of the establishment of Victory is still in operation. "    


"Detailed, but where did you get this information from?" The Four Seas gang does not have such a clever information network. "    


"Speaking of which, I'm going to say bad news. Because someone placed this item in the mail of the Conclave, I don't know who it is, nor do I know how reliable the information is. However, I think it should be able to help you."    


Ye Cheng leaned back, his hands supporting himself on the mattress, Sang Huihui left his seat and sat on his thighs. After the business is done, let's talk about private matters! "    


"There are surveillance cameras at all four corners. What do you want to happen here?"    


"You're thinking too much!" In the past few days, Song Liangjun and Han Feng have joined hands and bought a lot of businesses, and many of the people who were taken away by the Business Crime Investigation Department had bitten off more than one person, thus causing the current East Sea Merchant Guild to fall into a state of paralysis. I plan to wait for a few more days to launch an anti-acquisition campaign, but Wei Longqing is very picky right now, and has threatened to eat up all the power groups in the East Sea.    


Ye Cheng laughed out loud when he heard this. "When did you learn to beat around the bush? If you want to start a massacre, just say so. I definitely won't stop you."    


"It's not me, it's Zihan! How could she dare to make a move? But honestly speaking, the situation outside is not good for us, Hong Alliance is beginning to retract the small groups around Black Tiger Alliance, once they condense their powers, Zihan will not be able to defend. "    


"I've been here for three or four days, right? One or two more days and it should be enough."    


"What are your plans? What's the good of this place?"    


It's a competition of endurance. After you go back, you can drug Wei Longqing a bit more, and the more trouble he makes, the more chance we have. As long as Hong Alliance attacks first, I have an excuse to declare war. "    


"Alright, I'll listen to you!"    


"Hui Hui, I'll be relying on you for the next two days. Zihan must make her endure it."    


"You can rest assured, I will personally watch over her."    


Two days were like a blink of an eye for some people, and for others, it was like a year.    


The underworld forces that did not have Ye Cheng were like a group of loose sand, big fish eating small fishes, small fish eating shrimp, and there were reports of fierce fighting every night. Every night, there would be people dying tragically on the streets, and all the regional police stations were busy without stop, the people they captured practically had no place to lock them up.    


Inside the office of Eastsea's high police station, a few dignified men were seated. The siren outside was howling as another wave of fighting started. The police officers were making their moves.    


"Is this the result you wanted?" The middle-aged man in the lead said in a deep voice. "Look at the people under your command, then look at the chaotic situation outside, what kind of Seventh Imperial Guard is able to turn you into this? You all still have the face to look for me!"    


"Chief Zhao, there's nothing we can do about this, the Hong Alliance is pressuring us, but Ye Cheng acted boldly and left us with the evidence, we have no choice but to arrest him!"    


I asked your Hong Alliance how long he had been keeping an eye on us, and how many spies had died in the past, but in the end, he didn't manage to get anything back for me! "Now my people are going to wipe your ass and kill the seventh police and you're going to arrest them and tell me about the evidence and go to hell with the evidence."    


No one in the meeting room dared to speak!    


These people who had experienced hundreds of battles didn't think that one Ye Cheng would cause the entire underworld to lose its balance. None of them dared to say anything, and none of them dared to refute Zhao Hongwu.    


"Let them out! Why are you still glaring at me!"    


"Director Zhao, Ye Cheng can't let you go! Right now, it's just some small powers fighting to steal territory. If we let him go, Hong Alliance will definitely make trouble for us, and the consequences will be hard to predict. "    


Fu Qingyun from the Security Bureau spoke out. He pushed the eyes on his nose and spoke with difficulty: "We approve of Ye Cheng's strength, but the way he does things is something I cannot accept. You all know that my assistant, Chen Yangming, is dead, and Ye Cheng is only able to deduce from the words of a hacker that he is the mastermind. "Nothing, just letting this unreasonable and unreasonable person out, is the bureau chief trying to use violence to suppress violence?"    


Zhao Hongwu stared at Fu Qingyun, and his words received a lot of nod in acknowledgement.    


"Captain Fu is saying that you have a way to resolve the conflict between the East China Sea's black forces?"    


Small forces becoming large societies, our manpower and material resources are limited. Why not let these large organizations take over these small gangs that are causing trouble, then, as long as we can control the big societies, we will be able to control the entire East Sea Black Gang. Didn't Ye Cheng do the same thing back then? "    


Zhao Hongwu laughed out loud. What a good Captain from the security agency, you are truly a scheming person, but don't forget your own identity. You are here to work for the people, not for personal honor, to let the people eat and drink as they please.    


"Then once Director Zhao releases Ye Cheng, there will be no more fights and no more bloodshed? Wei Longqing took over the East in one night, how many people died, are these people not people? "    


"Wei Longqing is Wei Longqing."    


"Wei Longqing is also one of Ye Cheng's men."    


At this time, there was a knock on the door. A little policeman walked in, handed the report over to Zhao Hongwu, and walked out.    


"Hehe, Squadron Leader Fu, I'm afraid that your hopes are about to end, here is the document just issued by the higher-ups, the higher ups immediately ordered for you to release the people, the East Sea Black Gang's private conflict is affecting the city's reputation, it needs to be resolved as soon as possible, and there is also a piece of news here, someone has sent an anonymous letter, the one who started this trouble is the real Hong Alliance. Squadron Leader Fu, I want you and Ye Cheng to complete this mission together, and capture the entire Hong Alliance, so that we can return to the East Sea to a stable environment."    


Fu Qingyun's expression became abnormally ugly as he told the truth.    


"Captain Fu, do you have any objections?"    


"Qing Yun will rely on Director Zhao's arrangements to cooperate with Ye Cheng to capture all of Hong Alliance in one fell swoop."    


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