The Romantic Soldier King



As the planes flew away from the horizon, An Ningxuan's heart grew heavier and heavier. She arrived at the last customer on the list and said that she wanted to take the plane to the gate.    


There were a few people scattered around. Looking around, he did not see any target he wanted to find, An Ningxuan sat on the chair, wiped his face, and wrote all of his disappointment onto it.    


Ye Cheng went to the smoking area and smoked a cigarette. As long as he didn't go to heaven, there was no way he wouldn't feel better. He had always been confident in himself, and also in his own knowledge.    


After half a cigarette's worth of time, people started leaving the smoking room one after another. A person sitting on a row of benches attracted Ye Cheng's attention.    


The smoking room was filled with the smell of robbery, and the people sitting in the corner had never ordered a cigarette from the beginning to the end. A smoker, even if he didn't want to, would have an inexplicable urge to smoke, and this person was coughing, coughing over the smoke.    


Ye Cheng casually walked around the smoking room and sat beside the man. The man cowered back and was about to leave.    


Ye Cheng stretched out his long leg to grab onto the man's leg, causing him to fall flat on his face, falling flat on his face. He turned his head to look at Ye Cheng, and left angrily.    


"Hey, are you alright?" Ye Cheng raised the corner of his mouth into a smile, and when he saw the face of the person in front of him, his smile climbed onto his lips.    


"It's fine. Next time, be careful." Chen Yangming patted off the dust on his body and left the smoking room.    


"Hey, I'm really sorry. Your clothes are dirty, it's all my fault. I'll help you clean them up!"    


Ye Cheng chased closely after him, but could not resist Chen Yangming. She grabbed his collar and started to strip off his clothes.    


"What's the matter with you? If I say it's okay, then let go. "    


"That won't do, I've dirty your clothes, so I'll be responsible for compensating. I'll give you how much you want for the dry cleaning fee."    


"No need. Aiyo, why did you hit me? Ah, my hand!" In the midst of Ye Cheng's half push, Chen Yangming was suddenly pressed against the pillar by his palm. With a twist of his right arm, he stabbed his foot into his crotch, causing Chen Yangming to cry out in pain. "My Lord!"    


"Chen Yangming!"    


Hearing Ye Cheng calling out his name, Chen Yangming forced his head to the back, and while Ye Cheng was dodging, he ran forward while carrying the black bag.    


An Ningxuan had been waiting for a long time but still did not come back, so she came over to look, only to see a person running over from afar. After looking carefully, she saw that it was Chen Yangming, she snorted, snatched the instant noodles from someone beside her, and threw it at Chen Yangming's head.    


Ah!" A scream like a pig being butchered rang out. Chen Yangming fell to the ground, clutching his burned face as he cried out.    


The people at the side stared at An Ningxuan in a daze, was his face gone just like that? There was still some compensation!    


Ye Cheng helplessly lifted An Ningxuan who had been trampling on Chen Yangming, and pressed him down on the chair. He let the airport police take him away, and comforted An Ningxuan in a low voice. "Good, good!"    


"Too fucking inhuman!"    


An Ningxuan's chest was heaving up and down violently. His clothes, which had been opened so wide that it was wide open, happened to obstruct Ye Cheng's line of sight and he really did not want to peek.    


"I'm warning you, this is Assistant Fu Qingyun, you must be careful during the trial, you can't be so violent!"    


Both of his arms wrapped around An Ningxuan's waist. Ye Cheng warned him carefully, it was as gentle as a harmless rabbit, only that his black eyes were rolling around, filled with lust.    


Pow! With a palm hitting Ye Cheng's head, he innocently rubbed the spot where he was hit, looked at An Ningxuan, pouted, and was about to cry.    


"What are you looking at? Have you never seen anyone this big? "    


Err ? Ye Cheng was a little speechless. He shushed her, looked at the people around with a blushing face, and smiled awkwardly. My wife is at loggerheads, haha, sorry. "    


The elderly cast an understanding gaze at Ye Cheng, and the man whose instant noodles were stolen, had eyes filled with 'killing intent'.    


"Who's your wife, you pervert!" Wait for me in the car. " An Ningxuan's face could not hide her blushing red, she stepped on Ye Cheng's feet, quickly rushing to the airport security room.    


Ye Cheng took out a hundred dollar bill and handed it over to the man. This is enough for you to buy a lot of instant noodles! "    


The ten yuan cup noodle soup could be exchanged for a hundred yuan. The man's eyes immediately lit up with a smile. Such a great thing made him want to be robbed everyday.    


Ye Cheng waited on the carriage for half an hour before An Ningxuan came out. Behind him were two policemen pressing down on Chen Yangming.    


Opening the car door, Chen Yangming was pushed into the back seat. An Ningxuan leaned him against the car door and followed him in.    


"You can't arrest me, you have no right to arrest me!"    


"An Ningxuan felt that he was too noisy, and was about to hit him when he shouted once again. The police beat them up! "    


Ye Cheng blew the horn, causing Chen Yangming to have no choice but to shut up.    


"Chen Yangming, you better behave yourself. We have already grasped the facts of your crime, you won't be able to escape!"    


"I am Fu Qingyun's man, you cannot arrest me!"    


"Heh heh, is that so? I will definitely remember this point. All of these things that you have done are related to Fu Qingyun, I will investigate it properly later. "    


Hearing An Ningxuan's words, Chen Yangming shut his mouth immediately, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, causing the carriage to become silent.    


Ye Cheng turned on the music and sped up the speed of the car. Suddenly, a black business car appeared from the mirror and he steered the car onto the road again. However, the black business car did not have any intentions of exceeding the speed limit, it just followed behind them.    


"Be careful, we're being watched." Ye Cheng looked at the MPV behind him and said.    


An Ningxuan looked back and realized that there was something strange about this black business car. There are two people in the car, get rid of him. "    


Ye Cheng stepped on the throttle of the car and it shot out like an arrow leaving the bow. The black business car behind him opened up a path for him as a sportscar sprinted forward. Its engine roared and it appeared behind Ye Cheng's car in an instant.    


"Be careful!"    


Just as An Ningxuan released his scream, the sports car had already crashed into him.    


Ye Cheng laughed twice, causing An Ningxuan to roll his eyes. Just drive properly, what's there to be proud of now! "    


"It's not that I'm bullshitting, it's that the other party didn't try. Have you ever seen someone crash a car with a sportscar before? No matter how tall the carapace is, it's still incomparable! "    


An Ningxuan held on to the handrail tightly, the sportscar struck over and over again, just as Ye Cheng had said, the front part of the sportscar was caved in, but their car did not change at all. Besides the car being unstable and their speed falling, it was not damaged at all.    


"Get down!"    


Ye Cheng suddenly pulled a direction, the throttle supporting to the end, the car swayed and sped away, the sports car behind him chased closely, and once again fearlessly crashed into him, while the business car just now chased up from the side, opened the door, and pointed the gun at Chen Yangming who was sitting in the back seat and pulled the trigger.    


An Ningxuan's eyes widened, she pounced towards Chen Yangming and pushed him into the backseat, causing the car to budge and bounce back, causing Chen Yangming to scream out loud.    


Ye Cheng looked ahead with a serious expression. He kept turning the wheel non-stop, and the car curved in an S curve, turning left and right suddenly, the left car and the sports car behind also turned left and right. Just as the sports car was about to rise up, Ye Cheng increased his speed and dashed out again, ignoring the one on the left side, directly inserted into the left side of the road, forcing the car to the back.    


"Looks like we caught the right person!" Ye Cheng sneered, he took out his gun, opened the window and shot a bullet into the sports car on the right.    


The bullet went through the glass and into the driver's chest. The car spun at high speed and crashed into one side of the van.    


An Ningxuan stuck out half of his body and shot a bullet towards the business car's tires. Ye Cheng slowed down his speed and shot out the second bullet straight at the windscreen.    


The sportscar was destroyed, and the MPV squeaked as it slid to a halt. A person alighted from the MPV and walked unsteadily to the side.    


Ye Cheng backed off the car, jumped off the car, and went to grab the person.    


An Ningxuan also jumped down from the car to check on the situation inside, and just as the two of them were about to fall down and leave the car, the containers behind them suddenly sped up crazily, ignoring An Ningxuan's parking hand gestures, they rushed towards the sports car.    


When Ye Cheng saw this scene, his heart almost jumped out. He did not care about the suspect and jumped two steps forward, pouncing towards An Ningxuan and rolling to the side while hugging onto her.    


The container opened up the sports car and smashed into An Ningxuan's Range Rover.    


"No!" An Ningxuan saw that her own car had been hit against the isolation belt, and its carapace had flattened. She wanted to rush forward, but Ye Cheng held her tightly.    


The container slid forward another ten meters before leaving quickly.    


The first thing Ye Cheng did was inform the traffic police as she took a photo of the container's license plate and sent it over to Black Bear. An Ningxuan took two steps forward before he started to run again, and by the time she reached the front of the Land Rover, Chen Yangming had already been squeezed into a meat patty and was no longer in his human form.    


An Ningxuan roared in anger, Ye Cheng ran forward and pulled her into his embrace, stroking her head as he gave her the greatest comfort. "Shh, calm down, calm down."    


"How can I be calm? He's dead. I've been on this case for so long, and it looks like I'm about to find out who's behind it. He died just like that, right in front of me."    


An Ningxuan screamed hoarsely, she was unable to remain calm like Ye Cheng.    


"Be good, don't fight with yourself." Ye Cheng tightened his arms in pain. Seeing An Ningxuan like this, he had nothing to say.    


An Ningxuan was unable to struggle free from Ye Cheng, he could only allow him to hug her and kneel on the ground. She couldn't explain why she was so attached to this case. Was it just because she had been fooled by the hackers earlier? No, she clearly knew that it was because of Qiao Rubing. That woman was Ye Cheng's most beloved woman. It was because of her that she wanted to personally destroy this case.    


The black car was destroyed, and the people inside had already been squeezed into a human shape. The person in the front passenger seat of the commercial car was shot to death, and the driver jumped off the platform, his life or death unknown. After the traffic police took measurements of the ground, An Ningxuan's men felt that the corpse was taken away, leaving a group of people to search for the fugitive, while the rest returned to the police station.    


Ye Cheng worriedly followed them back to the police station. Only then did he know that after they left, Meier had already left on his own without leaving any message. All the data was recorded on a disc that had been placed on An Ningxuan's table.    


Ye Cheng called Meier while he was in a meeting. Under the busy signal, he smiled and hung up, then called Black Bear.    


The results were as expected. The container's license plate were set, after the car left, it turned and headed towards the national road, towards the city center of the border, and in less than half a day, they would be able to find and track him. Ye Cheng then closed the line and walked towards An Ningxuan's office.    


A few people walked over. From the looks of it, they seemed to have the bearing of a king, but they did not intimidate Ye Cheng.    


"I can really bump into you no matter where I go, Ye Cheng."    


"This shows that we are fated, Captain Fu!" Ye Cheng held Fu Qingyun's hand, and between their handshakes, the battle between the two of them began.    


"Hahaha, is Chief An here? Her people told me to identify the body! "    


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