The Romantic Soldier King



Ye Cheng looked at the monitor and adjusted the hair on his forehead as he walked out of the Entertainment City while whistling.    


Ye Cheng parked his car on the street and lit up a cigarette. He quietly stared at the Entertainment City across him. The biggest stronghold of the Hong Alliance in the north was without any defensive system, which was inconceivable.    


The three of them walked out of the alley, and quickly crossed the road and arrived in front of Ye Cheng. master! "    


"Where's Xuan Ming?"    


"We've returned to the main base!"    


"Xiao Lin will stay, you guys can go back as well!"    


"No, we want to follow the master to kill our enemies!"    


Ye Cheng rubbed Xiao Qian's head and lowered his face. "Go back and tell Sun Erniang that tomorrow I will return to the main hall to hold a meeting."    


"Xiao Lin, you have to protect master! If you make him get caught again like last time, I'll have you XX! " After Xiao Qian waved his fist at Xiao Lin, he disappeared from the street with Little Green.    


Ye Cheng glanced at the black faced Xiao Lin. This man did not talk much, but he was loyal to him. Carry him to the carriage and bring him to the main wheel of Hong Alliance in the East Sea! "    


A business Buick drove past a shop, dropped a sack from the car, and sped off, disappearing into the street.    


A few people ran out of the shop and carried the sack into the shop. Then, the roller shutter door was closed.    


No one would have thought that the real main rudder of Hong Alliance was not at the historical museum in Dragon City, but in this unremarkable alley. Furthermore, no one would have thought that it was only sixty to seventy square meters.    


The white-bearded old man had the sack opened to reveal a woman's face.    


"Fourth guard, master Qi still has life."    


"Kill him!"    


The white-bearded old man stood up and walked out of the store! The clouds in the sky were so low that they almost covered the moon.    


The old man walked down the dark alley with his hands behind his back. Not long later, he stopped and a figure appeared behind him.    


"You really came!"    


Ye Cheng walked out of the darkness.    


"The person who killed the Hong Alliance, even if you are a member of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, you will still be punished unforgivable!"    


The last time they crossed swords, the old man had already found out about Ye Cheng's background, but he didn't think he would come knocking on his door so quickly. You are not my opponent, and this matter will not go past three. Next time, it's best if you don't let me meet you. "    


"master Qi is my first gift to you. The East Sea does not need anyone from the Hong Alliance."    


The white-bearded old man stepped forward and with each step, his right hand formed a circle as he said, "Please!"    


Ye Cheng shook his four limbs, and at the same time, he bent down and rushed towards the old man like a cheetah.    


In the eyes of the white bearded old man, Ye Cheng was extremely fast, to the point where he could not even see the afterimages.    


The white-bearded old man extended his left hand to grab Ye Cheng's fist. He pulled backwards and punched his right fist directly towards's abdomen, sweeping his right leg towards Ye Cheng's head.    


Ye Cheng neither dodged nor dodged, he forcefully withstood the old man's punch to his abdomen. Taking a deep breath, he used the strength in his abdomen to buckle the old man's fist, his right arm bent to block the old man's right leg, and his head, which was as hard as steel, smashed towards the old man.    


The old man laughed out loud and released his energy, retreating three steps, he squinted his eyes and stared at Ye Cheng. This child's way of fighting is shameless! "    


"If I can win, who cares what methods I use!"    


"With your current cultivation, you are not my opponent. Today, I will let you live, and do not think of replacing the Hong Alliance. You can go back."    


Ye Cheng wanted to take another step forward, but he suddenly felt a dull pain in his abdomen. When he looked down, he discovered that his clothes were still torn where he had been struck, and a fist was imprinted on his abdomen.    


Ye Cheng spat towards the ground.'s fighting spirit was roused by the old man, he returned to the street, got into his business car and left.    


The master Qi of the Hong Alliance was killed in the entertainment city, and the news was accompanied by a high definition picture. This news immediately spread throughout the entire Eastern Ocean, and it was as if a huge rock had been dropped into a lake, creating countless ripples that were unable to be calmed for a long time.    


Regardless of whether it was the White or the underworld, they were both waiting to see what kind of counterattack the Hong Alliance would make. However, what shocked them the most was that the Hong Alliance would actually give it to the police, this was something no one expected.    


stepped onto a towel, wrapped it around his body and walked out from the cleaning room into another pool. Swimming behind Wei Longqing, the two of them lay back to back in the bath.    


"You two go serve Young Master Song!"    


"Forget about today!" Song Liangjun covered his face with a towel, stretched his limbs and looked up, saying, "Did you receive the Jianghu Chasing Order?"    


"Our chief is pretty nice." Wei Longqing waved her hand, and the girl tactfully left the spa.    


"Did you want to bathe with me when you invited me here?" Song Liangjun opened his eyes and jumped into Wei Longqing's bath, smilingly staring at him.    


"Hong Alliance died in the north, what do you think?"    


"I've seen Sang Huihui's plan. The Northern Entertainment City has always been a place I've been wanting to take down. Now that someone has died, it's a good opportunity."    


"Let's join hands!"    


Song Liangjun lifted his eyes and made a silent gesture. He quietly crawled up from the water and dragged his body to the door. Only after realizing that there was no one hiding behind him did he finally relax and return to the bathing pool.    


"I say, brother Song, you're being too careful. This is my, Wei Longqing's territory, go to the steam room and fight some sweat. We can even fight another three hundred rounds."    


Song Liangjun poured some water on the burnt carbon stone and the temperature quickly rose.    


Wei Longqing wiped his sweat and suggested once more. Ye Cheng wants to use us as a spear and let me lead the way. After eliminating the external forces of the Hong Alliance, bringing the people to attack the Yellow Dragon myself, wouldn't that mean that I, Wei Longqing, am not that stupid?    


"How does Boss Wei want to join hands?"    


"That's easy, I am not opposed to the Alliance Master killing the Hong Alliance, with the strength of our two families, it should not be a problem! After Ye Cheng killed master Qi, when the Hong Alliance released the order to kill, all of the assassins in the entire world would flock here. He couldn't even estimate himself, how could he have the chance to care about those women? Hehehe! "    


Song Liangjun wiped his face and thought.    


With Song family's current strength, killing off the northern Hong Alliance was not a difficult task, but wanting to annex the entire Eastern Ocean Hong Alliance would take a lot of effort, so using Wei Longqing to weaken the Hong Alliance was also a method, although he had no Jianghu morals, his skills were not bad, and he was more than capable of charging in.    


"I am a buyer and seller! Boss Wei asked me to cooperate, so I want a big portion of this soup! "    


Wei Longqing was startled, she could not tell that this brat's age was young, but his appetite was not small. Brother Song, aren't you afraid of being full? "    


"Boss Wei is a brave fighter, but he has to think twice before taking back Hong Alliance! Other than the power in the northeastern part of the Hong Alliance, there are also other legitimate businesses in the Hong Alliance. Do you think Sang Huihui will give up on them? "    




Wei Longqing really did not think of this.    


"Song Liangjun called for more water on the carbon stone, and the creaking sound made Wei Longqing shrink his neck. "You mean ?"    


"We will do as our chief says, wait until Sang Huihui purchases the Hong Alliance for free, then we will annex the Four Seas gang. No matter how strong Ye Cheng is, it will be difficult for him to fight against all four hands, and he will be rewarded with courage. Isn't it still Boss Wei and our Song family? "    


Wei Longqing patted his head and laughed out loud. Brother Song is really smart! However, Hong Alliance had openly pushed the case of the culprit to the police. She had secretly let out an order to kill him, just what the hell was going on in her gourd? "    


"The summit of the three continents is about to begin. Hong Alliance's goal is not simple, it's hard to guess!" Song Liangjun did not speak the truth. He patted Wei Longqing's shoulders and laughed. Boss Wei, since the Alliance Master has already taken down the Hong Alliance, we should not delay any further. "    


"We'll use our respective regions as our boundaries. Whoever wins first will get 60%. What do you think?"    


"It's a deal!"    


Under the long night sky, the entire East Ocean was like a sleeping lion. It lay silently under the vast sky, the drizzling rain washing down on the interface, as if it was crying for the death of the master Qi.    


Ye Cheng lazily laid on the sofa, while Meizi docilely laid by his feet, reading an unknown novel.    


His phone vibrated, Ye Cheng crossed his legs and Mei Zi looked at him unhappily.    


"It's just a short message."    


"You promised to accompany me today!"    


"Is there anything I can't do about what I promised?"    


She shook her head.    


The message was sent by An Ningxuan. One, he had found the location of the Winning Group's hacker case, and was bringing his people over (you don't have to). The second one was the list of names of the three continents summit.    


After deleting the text, the rain outside the window became heavier and heavier.    


"big brother Ye!" Mei Zi climbed onto Ye Cheng's body and carefully laid on his chest. "Are you leaving?"    


"I'm not leaving!"    


"But after you read the text, your face changed. What happened?"    


"I'm fine!"    


"You're angry!"    


"You're thinking too much. I'm just thinking about how I'm going to feed a wild cat like you tonight."    


"Damn it, I'm not a little wild cat, I'm a little white rabbit!"    


Ye Cheng laughed out loud, gently pecking Mei Zi's red lips, pressing her down.    


"Cough, cough!"    


An inappropriate cough sounded. Sang Huihui leaned on the door and knocked before Ye Cheng could say anything.    


"I want to talk about living matters. Children shouldn't be allowed, please close the door!"    


"Not at all. Mei-zi, can you please leave first?"    


Mei-zi was unwilling, but she still obediently left the room.    


Ye Cheng held his head, and stared at Sang Huihui playfully: "Don't be too harsh on her!"    


"Hong Alliance has given you the order to kill. In three days, all sorts of assassins will gather in the East China Sea. I would like to ask Alliance Head, what exactly are you doing?!"    


Ye Cheng held her little heart and acted like she was frightened: "Women are too fierce and will grow old. How would I know that the master Qi is so weak, he died before he could even move a little!"    


"You said you were just going to step on the pillar, but you didn't say that you were going to fight. OK?"    


"Aiya, he's already dead. What's the use of you getting angry at me. Just send me more bodyguards. Just like Xu Wenqiang, he'll be followed by a large group of black-clothed people the moment he leaves. How handsome."    


"Shall I have a scarf, a hat, and a cigar for you?"    


"I believe in your taste."    


"Ye Cheng, I'm not joking with you. Do you know the situation outside?"    


"Alright, I'm clear about my situation, so you don't have to worry about it!"    


"Grabbing Sang Huihui's hand, Ye Cheng dragged her in front of him. "Trust me!"    


Sang Huihui, who still wanted to say more, was drunk on his fierce kiss!    


Meizi, who was hiding behind the door, held her chest as she stared at the two of them who were getting deeper and left while biting her lips.    


The rainy night was suitable for many things, but the smell of blood was the most suitable!    


It's exciting enough to get bloody on a rainy day!    


The one who wanted to attack the most was Wei Longqing! When Song Liangjun left the clubhouse, he launched his first attack. The first thing that was destroyed was an underground gambling den located in the east of Hong Alliance.    


At that time, it just so happened to be the Premier League competition. There were many people here to watch the game, and there were even more people gambling. There were a few mahjong tables in the hall, and a few slot machines.    


Behind the hall was the billiard room. A few unmainstream people were currently playing football with a female classmate. They were entering the real casino through a secret door, and the place was filled with people.    


It was 11: 00 in the morning when the rain was at its strongest. Five vans stopped at the entrance, and more than 20 men came down with machetes in their hands. They hacked at anyone they saw, not holding back at all.    


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