The Romantic Soldier King



For tonight's banquet, Ning Luochan had already meticulously prepared for a long time. He meticulously controlled his diet every day, signed up for the yoga training class, and even selected foundation powder and clothes, all for the sake of perfectly blooming tonight. But compared to Ye Cheng, he still felt that he was missing something.    


In the incomparably luxurious lengthening Lincoln, Ye Cheng was very different from normal. The well-groomed hair was neatly combed, and the sharp contours of the face made it particularly attractive. In addition to the custom-made Hermes suit, he was simply the perfect prince.    


Having known Ye Cheng for so long, Ning Luochan felt that this was the first time he felt that it was impossible for Ye Cheng to be so handsome. Looking at the silent Ye Cheng, Ning Luochan unknowingly felt a little lost.    


Weird, why would Rui Bing go to a party on her own? Could it be that after so many days had passed, Qiao Rubing had really not thought about him at all? As Ye Cheng thought this, he couldn't help but feel somewhat depressed, and his brows slowly furrowed.    


His finger was warm, and gently pressed on the center of Ye Cheng's brows, instantly pulling Ye Cheng, who was trapped in his own trouble, away.    


"Why are you frowning? Although depression can add points to a man's charisma, what really attracts girls is his handsomeness, health and sunshine! " While talking, Ning Luochan felt that the movements just now were a bit too intimate, and shyly retracted his hand.    


Under the rose-gold light of the lengthened Lincoln, even though Ning Xuechan had painted a light makeup, she was still as beautiful as a fairy. Today, she was wearing a black lacy princess dress with a Swallow crystal silver chain on her white collarbone. "In short, it was beautiful.    


If only Qiao Rubing was by his side right now! Yeah, maybe Ning Luochan was right, he should not be so depressed, maybe Qiao Rubing went to the party to anger him. Hmph, Ye Cheng also wants to pull himself together and see who will be the true victor in the end!    


"Luo Chan, I have a gift for you. I'm really sorry, I lost my composure just now. " Ye Cheng said as he picked up a pure white box with the Herm's insignia on it from the front seat. Qiao Rubing, you didn't want it.    


The moment Ye Cheng opened the box, Ning Luochan happily covered her surprised mouth.    


Oh my god! At first glance, Ning Luochan could tell that what was meticulously folded and placed into the box was the unique evening dress of this year that Herm s introduced. It had once appeared in the Vogue magazine and Milan Fashion Week, it was definitely luxurious and top-notch.    


"Is, is this for me?" All women were materialistic, even Ning Luochan was not immune to it. The impact of a dress bag is always stronger than romantic verses and sweet oaths.    


"Of course, if you don't like it ?" Ye Cheng, who had seen countless girls, was well versed in the art of capturing others.    


"I like it, of course I like it." Ning Luochan's expression was all within Ye Cheng's expectations. If it were any other ordinary girl, Ye Cheng would have kept the other person's heart racing and died.    


"How far is the Crown Holiday Inn?" Although it was said to the driver in front, Ye Cheng's eyes never left Ning Luochan.    


"Open..." It's about three minutes away. " The people from Heaven and Earth Alliance had almost leaked their mouths, so they could only clear their throats and speak again.    


"Then Luo Chan, let's change clothes here." Ye Cheng's face also changed into a polite smile. The party was just a gathering for a bunch of extremely hypocritical people.    


Ning Luochan was a little frightened. Her expression seemed to be asking Ye Cheng if he said the wrong things, because even if they were intimate lovers, they wouldn't change like this.    


"Don't worry, I didn't say anything wrong, of course I'm not a pervert. It's just that I can't wait to see you wear it. " Ye Cheng said, and gestured to the driver in front of him, not long later, a private room appeared on the walls of the carriage.    


"This is a makeshift dressing room specially prepared for ladies. I hope you like it." After Ye Cheng finished speaking, Ning Luochan shyly lowered her head, but she still happily took the clothes and went into the changing room, pulling the soft silk curtain.    


The gentle light from inside cast the arc of Ning Luochan's perfect body onto the curtain, as if it was a perfect, classical, shadow play. Ye Cheng looked at the curvaceous and alluring curves, her chest and legs were completely dumbstruck.    


The idea of ripping off the curtain in one go and starting a cannon fire kept playing in his mind. Time was of the essence, and with a turn of the lengthening Lincoln, it entered the special parking lane of the Crown Holiday Inn in the East Sea.    


"Luo Chan, other than beauty, I've truly run out of words. This set of clothes is simply as if it was custom-made by you. It's flawless." Ye Cheng tried his best to control his lower body, which was more rational and more honest. At this moment, even if Ning Luochan was blind, he wanted to commit a crime.    


The V-shaped neck area was made of a special material, which was sparkling like the stars in the sky. It was made of the special body parts of Europe and America, and all of this made Ning Luochan's body appear beautiful as it combined both elegance and sexiness.    


When they truly got off the car, when Ning Luochan's jade-like hands gently wrapped around Ye Cheng's arm, Ye Cheng felt that the light of the world had illuminated him in an instant. He himself was the center of the world.    


This was indeed the case. The Star Moon Group was a world-renowned enterprise. Tonight, at the banquet held in the East Sea, its taste was extremely high and ordinary people were not allowed to attend it. Therefore, those invited were either dignitaries or business tycoons.    


However, when Ye Cheng's lengthening Lincoln car drove into the car park, everyone present, be they the Rolls Royce or the Porsche, were instantly turned into dust in an instant. Ye Cheng did not know that this lengthening Lincoln was already out of print, it was the only one in the world!    


This was only a breathtaking first step. When those people saw that the lengthening Lincoln s that descended from the sky were such extraordinary couples, the man immediately felt that all their successes couldn't even be mentioned, and the woman felt that compared to Ning Luochan, she was similar to a village girl.    


Just from the clothes that Ye Cheng and Ning Luochan were in, they could already buy half of the cars here, which was already considered the world's most expensive. This was no longer purely jealousy or hate, the envious gazes of the people could tear Ye Cheng into pieces.    


"Let's go up!" Ye Cheng naturally knew that all the famous people were looking at him, even the big web portal's cannons were causing him to lose his eyesight. Compared to today's scene, the so-called awards ceremonies were much weaker.    


After walking past the red carpet, they directly went to the top floor of a sightseeing elevator that was ten times more luxurious than the global gold trade in Shanghai. The ladies who wanted to squeeze in initially all stepped aside, because the clothes Ning Luochan was wearing made them feel inferior.    


"Look at her husband, this is what you call truly loving your wife with all that you've got!" The moment the elevator door closed, Ye Cheng felt like he could hear all of the women in the arena turning into resentful wives.    


Ning Luochan, who was standing next to Ye Cheng, had been snuggling up against his shoulder the entire time. She felt that tonight was the happiest and most beautiful moment she had ever experienced in her life.    


Ding! The 64th floor's top floor arrived in a blink of an eye, and the 18k gold elevator door opened up to the left and right. Ye Cheng looked at Ning Luochan and smiled, then brought her out of the stage.    


The sky was clear and the moon was in the half-moon. Clouds and stars were scattered everywhere. As the highlight of the show, the top floor had long been decorated brilliantly with the incessant sounds of music. As far as the eye could see, it was filled with the beautiful ladies of Gentlemen dancing under the accompaniment of music.    


"Hello sir, may I ask you ?" The two of them politely asked Ye Cheng for the invitation in front of a white arch that was decorated with flowers. But before he could say anything, Li Yikang, who could be considered as the host of this party, hurriedly came out.    


"An eyeless fellow!" This is the president Ye, the CEO of the Eastern Ocean Winning Group. No one can stop him. " In a blink of an eye, Li Yikang had become extremely obedient in front of him.    


"Wow, it really is a match in the sky. A pair of talented people on the ground, a perfect couple!" president Ye, you have arrived today and the entire audience has become gloomy! " Although Li Yikang's words were directed at Ye Cheng, his eyes had already seen enough of Ning Luochan.    


"Kangzi, I've heard enough flattery. Do what you need to do. I can handle this place by myself. " As Ye Cheng spoke, his eyes also tried his best to search for Qiao Rubing's figure on the dance floor.    


Fortunately, there were many people around, so the three words "well-off" would not be heard by anyone.    


"Then president Ye, please." It would be better if Li Yikang left first, in case Ye Cheng said those three words later, then Li Yikang would not know how to round it.    


Entering the dance floor, they would slowly walk past everyone. Ye Cheng and Ning Luochan would receive waves of exclamations, even the male and female dancing on the dance floor couldn't help but stop and watch.    


What a perfect couple, there was actually such a perfect man and woman in this world. Many bright-eyed ladies were fantasizing about how glorious they would be if they could put on that luxurious, custom-made evening gown.    


Aiya, it's really hard to keep a low profile. Ye Cheng helplessly shook his head, but it was good as well. This way, Qiao Rubing would be able to recognize him at a glance.    


Ye Cheng walked to the Champagne Mountain that was arranged using champagne and handed a light blue cocktail to Ning Luochan. Tonight, from entering the lengthening Lincoln s to now, Ning Luochan was in a state of blissfulness and slight drunkenness.    


"Thank you." Ning Luochan received Ye Cheng's wine and took a sip. Everyone would get drunk if they didn't drink.    


"big brother Ye, why don't we go dance too? Coming to this party is mainly to celebrate." Seeing that everyone was dancing in pairs, Ning Luochan couldn't help but to hum a little.    


But, Ye Cheng did not know how to dance!    


"This ?" Ye Cheng had already become the focus of everyone, his every movement was magnified by the jealous eyes of the crowd, no matter how little he moved, he would not be able to escape the eyes of the people who viewed him as an enemy.    


"My lady, you are truly beautiful. Even if Venus were to be reborn, her beauty would not even reach a tenth of yours." After saying that, the group of fake foreign devils bent down and kissed Ning Luochan's hands.    


Hmph, a bunch of toads want to eat swan meat?    


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