The Romantic Soldier King



Sang Huihui, whose hair was slightly messy, handed Ye Cheng a cup of ice brandy. To Ye Cheng, who had just finished pouring his flames of lust out and more or less replenished his zhenyang zhenqi, this was an extremely suitable choice.    


"What a great thing the wine is. It feels more satisfying to drink a cup than to have a girl do it." Ye Cheng moved the empty wine cup in front of him, and when he moved his hand back, it was filled to the brim with brandy.    


"Is that so? You act like you got a bargain, you're annoying. " Although Sang Huihui did not drink, his face was no different from a drunk person's, it was reddened with happiness. With one hand holding the bottle and the other resting on Ye Cheng's shoulder, she sat on Ye Cheng's lap.    


"Hui Hui, you are very kind. Thank you." Ye Cheng was not very good at saying thanks, but for the considerate Sang Huihui, these words were well-deserved.    


"Hubby, tell me honestly, who caused you to be so violent? My guess is either Chen Luoxue or Qiao Rubing. The latter is more likely to happen. " With regards to Ye Cheng's thoughts, Sang Huihui could at least guess his thoughts.    


Hearing the two words "Qiao Rubing", Ye Cheng's heart thumped. It was not a good feeling, he could only drink the strong alcohol cup after cup, worrying over and over again. Although this bit of alcohol was nothing to Ye Cheng, but numbing it was always good.    


"Hubby, don't drink too much. After doing that kind of thing just now, it will easily harm your body." With a smile that was like a flower, Sang Huihui raised his orchid shaped fingers and prepared to gently take away the wine cup in Ye Cheng's hands.    


"Hui Hui, if you really do miss me, then just leave me alone. I don't need you for now, and I don't need any other women. " In order to avoid Sang Huihui's "good intentions", Ye Cheng gave the order to expel the guest.    


"In that case, fine." Originally, he thought that Shen Yu might be able to replace him, but since Ye Cheng had made up his mind, he left tactfully. Before walking out of the door, Sang Huihui looked back, but in the end, he could only choose to leave.    


Qiao Rubing! Even when I was with other women, the eyes I had in mind were still filled with you! Ye Cheng raised his head and drank it all in one gulp. This battle had tired him out, but in the end, the one he had hurt was himself.    


The longing for Qiao Rubing tormented Ye Cheng. Maybe the two of them had already returned home and fallen asleep, but they were great beauties, and it was on a rainy night. Furthermore, he wasn't by her side.    


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss. It was fine that Qiao Rubing did not call him, but what about Chen Luoxue? How many hours had passed? Snowfall had never been in contact with him for so long. No, Ye Cheng took out his phone.    


At that moment, Ye Cheng's head was full of sleepiness, his eyelids grew heavy, and with the alcohol and the rain outside, his consciousness became blurry, and even the movements of his hands became slow. He unlocked the computer, opened the software, slipped his thumb and clicked on it.    


Taking the risk that Qiao Rubing would be woken up, Ye Cheng was still better off not knowing anything.    


"Hey, it's me, Ye Cheng! "Don't scold me in a hurry, and don't hang up in a hurry either. I know that the entire matter has always been my fault. I usually don't mean what I say, but now, I don't want to deceive myself anymore." Ye Cheng continued.    


"You are the most important woman in my life. Even without the words' Jin Yang 'and' Han Yin ', I have long regarded you as everything to me. Truly, having experienced life and death and danger, my heart is incomparably convinced of this." Another cup of strong wine entered his throat to strengthen his courage!    


"We are clearly in love. Please tell me that this is not an illusion of me alone. How many times have I felt it clearly from your eyes, your actions, and your words? But why, are you unwilling to admit it? " Ye Cheng's voice became louder.    


"I know that this may have been an accident to you, but it is also an accident to me. Neither of us was ready yet, and we were caught in the middle of God's scheme. But we can only accept it, we cannot avoid it! " The more Ye Cheng spoke, the more excited he became.    


"Will you forgive me? For you, I'm really willing to give up everything. If you really forgive me, at 7: 30 in the evening the day after tomorrow, at the main entrance of Winning Group, I will bring you to a mysterious party. " After a burp, Ye Cheng became extremely drunk.    


"I... I want all... The success of the entire East China Sea... The successful people announce our good news and celebrate together. Promise me, will you? " As he said that, Ye Cheng's body gradually fell towards the sofa.    


"Alright, I'm willing." When Ye Cheng heard the voice that was crying tears of joy from the other end of the phone, although he felt that it was a little strange, but he still smiled happily, like a child.    


"I... "Love you," After he finished speaking, Ye Cheng's head just happened to bump into the soft sofa, and following that, the phone slipped out of his hand. What happened next, Ye Cheng did not know anything.    


He slept soundly until the sky brightened.    


However, the rooms in the clubhouse usually didn't know the time. The dark and gloomy layout made people want to forget the time and escape from reality. When Ye Cheng opened his eyes, he thought that it was still raining outside and that there seemed to be no end to the dark night.    


Ah!" After sitting up straight, Ye Cheng knocked his head. He still felt a slight pain from the effects of the alcohol, as if there was a bead inside his head that was bouncing back and forth.    


Ye Cheng had just gotten up when Sang Huihui came in with a steaming and fragrant breakfast. "On a round plate, there was a glass of milk and a few pieces of light yellow toast. The sausage was grilled just right. It was really tasty.    


Ye Cheng's stomach growled, causing Sang Huihui to laugh in his heart.    


"Come, this is mouthwash." Who would have thought that Sang Huihui had hidden a bottle of mint mouthwash behind him?    


Ye Cheng took it, raised his head and roared, his cheeks puking a few times, and just as he was about to spit it out, Sang Huihui had already raised his teacup. Gulp, gulp. Ye Cheng emptied his bowl and after that, it was another hot towel. The feeling of being pressed against one's face was like the heavens above the earth!    


Ye Cheng thought that this was probably how the ancient emperors were treated.    


"How long have I been asleep?" Ye Cheng stuffed a piece of toast with blueberry jam in his mouth and drank a mouthful of milk.    


"Not too long ago. Ten hours." As expected, after Sang Huihui finished speaking, he knew Ye Cheng would definitely stare with wide eyes.    


"What?" "I'm a pig. I haven't slept that long since I left the orphanage." Sang Huihui spoke in a rush and coughed continuously. He walked behind Ye Cheng and lightly patted his back a few times.    


"Hubby, thank you for your hard work! This is how it should be. " Sang Huihui gently picked up a piece of toast and tore it into pieces, feeding it to Ye Cheng personally.    


Vaguely, Ye Cheng remembered that before he went to sleep last night, he had called someone and told them a lot of things. Thus, while Ye Cheng chewed on the toast, he searched for his phone. His phone was tucked into the seams of the sofa.    


He opened his contact list, only to find that it was empty. Damn, could it be that he accidentally pressed the button to clear the record last night? She seemed to be a girl, Heaven bless, but not to the female tyrannosaurus Bai Yue.    


You really can't talk to people during the day. Just as Ye Cheng was in a daze, a call came in. His name was Bai Yue!    


"Hubby, I have things to do so I'll be leaving first." Sang Huihui was always this tactful, so he hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he still pressed the answer button.    


"What is it? I'm very busy!" Ye Cheng said snappily as he stuffed a piece of toast into his mouth. He reckoned that she wanted to tell him about last night's happy occasion, but Ye Cheng already had an excuse to deal with it.    


"Did you see the news?" "There was a burglary in an exhibition hall in the East China Sea." Bai Yue's words were hurried, as though while she was talking to him, she was also dealing with other important matters.    


Exhibition hall? What kind of nonsense was this? Coincidentally, there was a flat-screen TV in the room, with Ye Cheng pressing the remote control, the news about Eastsea City appeared on the television. A pretty good-looking announcer was talking about Bai Yue's matter right now.    


"Today, the most eye-catching exhibition of the Sun God's Arrow, the Auction, will be held in our Eastsea City. However, this high-end exhibition not only attracts many domestic and foreign buyers, but also thieves ? "    


Snitch? This is quite new.    


"Ye Cheng, are you listening? "That's right, someone entered the heavily guarded Dragon City Historical Museum last night."    


"Anything stolen?" It was the news from the Hong Alliance again, it was too obvious, this was too normal.    


"There isn't anything important, it's just that the organizers and sponsors highly value this matter. The higher ups have questioned the security measures of our National Security Agency, so we are under a lot of pressure." Bai Yue's intention was clear, but Ye Cheng did not plan to reply.    


"Oh, then work hard!" To be honest, Ye Cheng didn't want to see Bai Yue at all. If he had the time, he might as well go to a lover's hotel to accompany Mei Zi and Meier.    


"I mean, can you ?"    


"No. It's enough to have Fu Qingyun, it's quite unnecessary for me to go, you know. " Ye Cheng drank the milk and immediately felt refreshed, wanting to go out and take a breath of fresh air.    


"Fu Qingyun happens to be in charge of the upcoming high-level meeting of the three continents, which will be held at the summit of the leaders of the different continents. Therefore, Fu Qingyun ? " Bai Yue had already said very tactful words, but Ye Cheng could still hear it.    


"You mean, my level is enough to deal with such a low-level matter?" If not for Bai Yue, Ye Cheng would definitely have hung up the phone.    


"You know I don't mean that. To investigate this matter, one must enter the museum. You have experience dealing with Jianghu people. If you really don't want to, I can...    


"No need, I agree." Ye Cheng had thought about going to the broken museum to check out the so-called Sun God Arrows. It was just that he couldn't even fly in there with a mosquito, and he was troubled with other matters. Who would have thought that he would be able to boast so arrogantly today!    


"Really?" Ye Cheng's attitude changed too quickly, his intuition told him that there was something fishy.    


"I'll let you decide when and where." After contacting Hong Shisan last night, Ye Cheng was even more interested in the Hong Alliance.    


"First, let's go to the National Security Agency Battle Team. There are some videos that I need you to take a look at. After all, the higher ups are very concerned about this one ?" Before Bai Yue could finish speaking, Ye Cheng had already hung up. Ye Cheng didn't want to hear any unnecessary words.    


Once again, Sang Huihui's consideration was shown. Just as Ye Cheng smelled the rotten smell of the clothes on his body, he saw a set of clean and tidy clothes on the sofa.    


Ye Cheng smiled in his heart, like an afternoon sun.    


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