The Romantic Soldier King



Just the first punch alone, Ye Cheng was already unable to take it. Although Overland was also exhausted, he had waited patiently and was prepared. What should he do, Ye Cheng was bitterly thinking of a countermeasure. If he were to withdraw his fist now, would definitely fall into Overland's hands. If he continued to fight, death would be the only thing that awaited him.    


"Ye Cheng, this is the second punch, do you want to compete?" Overland adjusted his stance and steadied his horse. At any time, he could use a fist that was full of blood to perfectly respond to Ye Cheng's second punch.    


"Of course, all of us Chinese have kept our promises!" No matter how weak of a confidence he had, Ye Cheng still had to overwhelm his opponent in battle. He extended his fingers, moved his knuckles, and reformed them into a fist. If it wasn't for the fact that Ye Cheng was injured and lacking confidence, fighting with Overland would have been a blessing in disguise.    


The second fist was like a collision of thunder. The collision was as shocking as sparks hitting the earth. Even sparking sparks were produced when the two fists collided. If the first punch was a test, then the second punch was obvious. Whether it was Ye Cheng or Overland, they both used their full strength and tried to finish it in one shot.    


The effect of the first punch wasn't significant yet, but now the situation couldn't be any clearer. No matter how unwilling Ye Cheng was, no matter how much Ye Cheng tried to control his body, he was still struck by Overland's fist. Ye Cheng actually took a step back and relied on the power of his heels to barely hold on. On the other side, Overland only took a small step back, but his back was still perfectly straight.    


Panting, the muscles and bones on his arm felt as if they were being set on fire as it burned painfully. The strong forces clashed, although Ye Cheng was already mentally prepared for an ineffective fist strike, he was still shocked by the wind. In Ye Cheng's opinion, the third punch was useless. His chances of winning were even less than those who found aliens on the moon.    


But did Ye Cheng want to admit defeat? Did he want to admit defeat to this foreigner?    


No, absolutely not!    


"Ye Cheng, your body is no longer strong enough to withstand this final punch. Although I, Overland, hate you so much that I can't wait to tear your corpse into ten thousand pieces, in my heart, I still respect you. If you're not wounded, I'm not sure I can win. Keep your life. According to the Chinese, living is better than anything. "    


After Ye Cheng heard this, he laughed.    


"What are you laughing at?" Overland was unable to understand.    


"You definitely haven't read the classics of China. Since ancient times, we Chinese can't back down and give up our lives to take righteousness." In our values, there are many things that are far more important than life and death. "Don't think that just because you recognize a few Chinese that you can speak all day long. In front of us, you are always like monkeys. No matter how much you learn, you are only monkeys." Ye Cheng was fearless.    


Overland also smiled and shook his head helplessly.    


"I kindly advise you not to listen, but you still have to court death. Meier, you saw it, it's not that I didn't give him a chance, it's all his fault. " Overland raised his fists up to his chest muscles for the third time.    


It seemed like Ye Cheng would never look at his arrogant knees, and admit defeat no matter what. Although Meier who was being tightly controlled by others could do anything he wanted in the virtual world with the code characters, in the real world, Meier was often unable to do anything.    


At this rate, if Ye Cheng didn't get beaten to death by Overland, he would definitely die from serious injuries. Back then, Overland had become famous in Europe because of a pair of heavyweights at the Ancient Roman Beast Battling Arena. In the end, there were 80 enemies on the other side, not a single one was spared. It was already a miracle that Ye Cheng had been able to endure till now due to his injuries.    


But what Meier needed was not a miracle! This was Meier's territory, and Meier should be the one in charge!    


After thinking about the countermeasures, the only thing that Meier was good at was using electronic equipment such as computers, but what was the use of it?    


Suddenly, a thread of spiritual light flashed past. Like a shooting star cutting through the night, it lit up a large area. Just as Ye Cheng was about to stand up straight and fight with Overland on the stage once again, Meier's eyes lit up with hope once again.    


What he needed now was a golden opportunity! But in truth, Meier didn't know what this perfect opportunity was either. At least, not now, and the only thing he could do now, was to wait and see.    


Of course, Ye Cheng didn't know what Meier was thinking about this. When facing this challenge, he had always thought of how to not rely on others and answer the challenge himself so that he could win in the end. Even under such extremely disadvantageous conditions, Ye Cheng had never thought of giving up, of surrendering!    


"Ye Cheng, are you sure?" Overland's tone of voice carried a trace of pity that Ye Cheng could not tolerate.    


"Aren't you farting?" Ye Cheng took a battle stance for the third time, losers would not lose!    


"OK, since you want to die so badly, what reason do I have for not fulfilling your wish?" Overland shrugged his shoulders, his sharp and vicious eyes seemingly wanting to tear Ye Cheng into pieces.    


Initially, it was two people who struck out like two flying dragons. However, because Overland was in a hurry to end this and also because Ye Cheng's strength was insufficient, this time, in the final battle, Overland was the first to strike out. His fist, which was like a small meteorite, made a slight sizzling sound as it pierced through the air, and swept the hot wind, which burned in the air with his strength, straight at his face.    


Ye Cheng had already struck out with his fist, the speed of his fist was not affected by the attack at all. His fist was already following the trajectory of his attack as it flew crazily, Ye Cheng closed his eyes, looking like he was enlightened. Many years later, when Meier asked Ye Cheng what was going on in his mind at that time, and why did he close his eyes, Ye Cheng was also at a loss.    


Usually, when they were about to be put down, they would have a flash of inspiration.    


The arrow that was shot out could not be retracted, but Ye Cheng's punch that was thrown out, was pushed back halfway.    


Overland was a foreigner who specialized in muscle strength. No matter how well he spoke Chinese, no matter how well he recited the ancient Chinese scriptures, he would never understand an ancient saying: use softness to conquer toughness!    


Suddenly, just as Ye Cheng was closing his eyes and preparing to listen to the heavens' will, his already empty mind suddenly thought of something, and then, Ye Cheng who had extremely high comprehension ability took the chance to move, and thought of using speed to fight against slow, Taiji Fist!    


Since fighting with strength was no longer effective and fighting with speed was useless, Ye Cheng could only rely on the special Taichi Fists produced by Hua Xia. He was in a hurry to get a treatment.    


In a split-second, Overland thought that he was going to bind Ye Cheng with his hands. His strength did not decrease, but instead increased, and his speed soared rapidly. Just as Overland's fist was about to reach Ye Cheng's body ?    


"No ?" Actually, it was completely unnecessary for Meier.    


When Overland thought that he was going to achieve a complete victory, he made a mistake and guided the way smoothly, missing out on the momentum of Overland's charge. After that, with a flash, Ye Cheng had instantly changed positions with Overland.    


Meier was waiting for this chance!    


Meier shouted a string of commands that Ye Cheng couldn't understand at all, but the instructions were still echoing in the air, and what he heard was that the House of Darkness was originally just a fluorescent electronic device, which instantly produced deafening sound waves. No matter if it was Overland or those suited riders who had profound abilities, they were both unable to resist the vibration in their ears.    


"Oh, my god!" All the knights clutched their ears. Even so, they were too upset to care about their dignity. They started rolling on the ground.    


Seeing this, Meier flapped his hands like a fish and easily broke free from the dirty hands of the four dog legs. He carried Mei Zi who was in deep sleep and held Ye Cheng's hands, preparing to charge out of the encirclement while the situation was chaotic.    


The sound wave suddenly stopped.    


Overland's battle blade, which was materialized from his Innate Qi, swept across the sky, causing all the electronic equipment to be cut into pieces. Furthermore, in such a chaotic situation, Overland was able to quickly rush to the door to the world on the ground and block it off.    


"You won't be able to leave." Overland spread his hands, like an eagle trying to catch a chick. At this moment, his ears were bleeding a little.    


The other knights staggered. However, they couldn't even put on the combat posture of handguns.    


"That may not be the case!" Ye Cheng smiled, with Meier's left hand and the beauty in his right, they had just come out from the room, and while the suited riders were still in shock, they immediately teleported back to their original locations. Seeing that, Overland chased after them again. In the end, Meier quickly touched a button at the entrance, and when the three of them entered the room, the heavy iron door separated the two worlds.    


"Alright, hurry up and break through the ceiling!" Meier looked at the white ceiling that fell from the sky when Overland first arrived.    


"The ceiling? Are you kidding me! " Just as Ye Cheng finished speaking, the heavy metal door was knocked into a pit by Overland.    


There was no more time, Ye Cheng decisively picked up the two beauties once again and activated the zhenyang zhenqi to rush upwards.    


At the moment of life and death, Overland finally charged in with a roar. Without hesitation, he shot out two deep purple colored Innate Qi laser bullets towards the back of Ye Cheng who was currently flying, piercing through the air and piercing into his heart!    


"Be careful!" Meier did not hesitate at all and with a flip of her body, she blocked Ye Cheng's back. The two evil Innate True Origin laser bullets shot into Meier's back and into her body.    


Puff! The blood had dyed half of Ye Cheng's windbreaker red.    




"Don't worry about me, let's go!" The ceiling was like a reflection of the moon, but after the three of them entered, Meier summoned the ceiling and it became a real entity. Ye Cheng could feel that the true qi attack that came from beneath his feet was not effective at all.    




Go straight ahead, turn left, turn around and walk straight again, and you will see the light source. " At the end of the lecture, Meier's vitality seemed to be on the verge of collapsing, and very soon, he was unable to awaken.    


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