The Romantic Soldier King



"This is the document our embassy produced, please have a look at it, Ye Cheng." The man had an elegant smile on his face as he handed over what looked like a thin piece of paper to Ye Cheng respectfully and seriously.    


On top of the piece of paper, there was the symbol of the Island Nation on it. On the bottom, there was the translation of the words into Chinese and island language, meaning that with the Island Nation's Consulate General in the East China Sea, the old administrator of the Inagawa-kai Zuo family, Hayama Takashi, could obtain diplomatic immunity. All matters in China would have to be handed over to the police forces dispatched by the Island Nation.    


"My name is Takahashi. I am Mr. Kawagawa's attorney in full power. Please advise me." He then bowed again. This was how islanders acted. He was obviously sick to his stomach, yet he still pretended to be courteous, as if their arrogance was completely forced.    


"Gao Qiao, cool down, so it's just cold food. It's my pleasure to meet you." Ye Cheng casually threw this piece of diplomatic paper, that was completely meaningless to him, in An Ningxuan's direction. At the same time, a countermeasure quickly spun in Ye Cheng's mind. Although the document was watertight, Ye Cheng felt that it was like they were accepting an unequal treaty.    


"Excuse me, is Ye Cheng the person in charge of the police station? I seem to remember that the chief of police was not surnamed Ye. " Gao Qiao raised his glasses up slightly. His sharp eyes that belonged to a lawyer seemed to be able to look at Ye Cheng a few times.    


"The bureau chief has temporary affairs, Ye Cheng is currently in charge of the police station." To deal with the Island Rascal, it would still be up to Ye Cheng. An Ningxuan hoped that his words would help Ye Cheng and the others.    


"Hehe, so this is the legendary temporary worker from China. The way the Chinese handle things is really high." His words contained the edge of a machine. After circling around for a long time, he was finally looking for trouble. It seemed like this lawyer was very talkative, Ye Cheng would have to go over there for a while.    


"Mr. Fried Rice, aren't you also temporary? Although the lawyer looks shiny, at best, he is just a dog ready to bite. As long as someone can afford it, you will act as a temporary helper, using your mouth as a weapon and saying black is white. You will turn the situation around, confuse the facts, and exploit the loopholes in the law. "Say, isn't it?" Ye Cheng beautifully counterattacked.    


Takahashi's cold face was filled with the anger of humiliation. His thin lips were pressed tightly together, as if he were considering how to strike back.    


"Ye Cheng, from your words, I can tell how large and ridiculous your prejudice against our lawyers is. Of course, if you insist on thinking that way, it's also your freedom. But now, please step aside and don't hinder us from exercising our right to fight. Otherwise, everything you say will become ? "    


"It will all be evidence, won't it? You must be from Hong Kong, right? TVB has seen a lot! " Ye Cheng's lecherous fight for whiteness truly caused Gao Qiao's cold face to turn green and white.    


"Alright, Ye Cheng, you have shown enough of yourself. He has a diplomatic document, according to the rules, we have to release him." An Ningxuan tugged on his windbreaker on Ye Cheng's body, reminding him softly from behind.    


"Sure, I didn't say no. What right does a temporary worker like me have to say no to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General?" Gao Qiao watched the conversation between Ye Cheng and An Ningxuan coldly, and could not help but reveal a victorious smile.    


However, Ye Cheng did not plan to let them go so easily. To be so arrogant in our Chinese territory, it is impossible not to show them some respect.    


"How about this, I'll calculate how many people have come. One, two, three ?" There were a total of ten or twenty people. What, were they going to do something big? Although the diplomatic paperwork said that it was allowed, it didn't say that our police department must let you bastards in. " Ye Cheng acted like a street hoodlum, as he hugged and tilted his head.    


"What do you mean?" An ominous premonition passed through Takahashi's cold heart.    


"Since you've come to our China, you must follow our Chinese rules and enter the prison" Ye Cheng looked towards a different direction as if he was thinking about a problem. At the same time, he extended his hand towards Gao Qiao's cold face, touched his forefinger and thumb for a bit, and then spread open his fingers. The meaning was very clear. To ask for money.    


"This is ?" Ye Cheng could tell that Gao Qiao was a boring person just by looking at it. How could he not do his homework in advance when he came to China?    


"Stupid hat, to think that lawyers with high IQ wouldn't even be able to detect this hint? "Let me tell you this, it's just two words. Passage fee." When Ye Cheng said the word "fare", he put on a look of embarrassment.    


"Nani?" Passage fee? Is this a police station or a gang? " To Gao Qiao, these three words were like something from the ancient era. He opened his eyes in disbelief, as if Ye Cheng was speaking in alien language.    


"Aren't there just a bunch of gangsters behind you?" Ye Cheng still had an expression that seemed like he needed to be beaten up, and almost gave the group of islanders s the middle finger.    


Hearing Ye Cheng's words, many men in black suits behind Inagawa Otake rushed forward. From the looks of it, they wanted to fight Ye Cheng to the death. However, a silver-haired elderly man beside Inagawa Otake only swept his gaze across them once, and in an instant, he stopped this group of hot-blooded youngsters who had obviously lost their minds.    


Looks like East China Sea Flowers Forest's battle still did not hurt them. Didn't they take a detour when they saw me, Ye Cheng?    


"Is this illegal?" Gao Qiao spoke with righteousness, his words resolute and decisive, with the tone that only the islanders s would have when emphasizing matters.    


"What law forbids the police from charging passage fees? Oh, right, you're here from the Island Country, so the law in this small place is naturally not as sound as ours. We're all three years old, and we all know more than you do. " After he finished speaking, Ye Cheng blinked his eyes triumphantly at An Ningxuan.    


An Ningxuan was dumbstruck. To be able to charge a toll in broad daylight, this kind of shameless act, was probably something that only Ye Cheng could do.    


He didn't dare to rashly make the decision, so he took a step back and stood back where he stood shoulder to shoulder with Inagawa Otake. He silently lowered his head, and adjusted the position of his glasses. All of his actions indicated that he had lost in the battle against Ye Cheng.    


"Then how much does Ye Cheng Sang need to collect before he can be allowed to leave?" Inagawa Otake said impatiently.    


"Hey, wait a moment." Ye Cheng excitedly took out his phone, called out the interface of his calculator, and started to calculate. He had only extorted Han Feng and Song Liangjun for eighty million yuan in the morning, and now there were hundreds of thousands of yuan worth of income. With such a speed of earning, the richest man in the world would probably be prostrated before him.    


After being flustered for a while, Ye Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.    


"It really is a huge workload. There are so many formulas and equations. I can finally figure them out. There's a total of 58,734 dollars and fifty cents." Ye Cheng was afraid that they would not succeed, so he placed his phone in front of Inagawa Otake.    


However, Inagawa Otake's expression did not change, he just waved his hand to stop Inagawa Otake from doing so. He had an expression of "Mt. Tai collapsing right in front of him".    


This Ye Cheng, was simply pressing blindly, this number was simply made up. An Ningxuan pressed on his temple, which was in pain, and felt like he did not recognize Ye Cheng.    


"This is really a good number." Inagawa Otake moved the phone away from his face politely.    


"Seeing that you guys came from far away, I'll be more straightforward. After taking out the remaining portion, you guys can sell it for 500,000 yuan." But let me say one thing first. It's not your worthless yen. What I want is dollars. " Ye Cheng felt that he had been lenient and did not say that it was a pound.    


"This, this is blatant extortion!" Takahashi's cold eyes were locked tight. If he were to put a picture frame on it, it would be like an island painting of a warrior's rage. It would be too standard.    


"Although you understand, of course if you find it too expensive, you can also refuse to pay. In any case, the documents issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate General do not specifically state that it must be today. Even today, we didn't say when it would be, so we can afford to drag it out. However, with a friendly reminder, Hayama Takashi was beaten up to the point that even his mother would not recognize him, so he was mentally prepared. " Ye Cheng said in ridicule.    


Takahashi's eyes widened again.    


"Nani?" "You dare to hit our people? Do you believe that I will sue you all in court?!" Takahashi would also say something harsh when he was cold.    


"It wasn't us who wanted to fight, it was the old turtle who asked for it. I don't know what's wrong with him, it's the first time I've seen such a lowly request. "Since it's a friendship between China and the island, then I naturally have no reason not to help international friends, right?" Ye Cheng spread out his hands with an extremely innocent expression.    


Takahashi is furious. He clenches his fists and shakes with rage.    


"You are blatantly flouting the law." Gao Qiao could only glare at Ye Cheng fiercely. He looked extremely like a child who had lost a fight, but could only stare blankly.    


"I sent four messages, absolutely none of them. They were definitely requested by the old turtle himself. If you don't believe me, you can switch the monitors." Ye Cheng stretched out his four limbs and pointed it at the sky, looking even more sincere than a child.    


All of a sudden, Takahashi is like a deflated balloon.    


"Isn't it too expensive, Ye Cheng? You better not ask too much. "Although we are not lacking in money, but if we use everything we have, this money will be wasted unjustly." Inagawa Otake learned very quickly. He learned how to bargain when he was just a few days in China.    


"If you let him go, he'll be my brother-in-law now. It was just that, since he didn't want the money, he had to pay for it. "There's nothing I can do about it. I'm just doing my job. It's not easy for me to understand the difficulties of my life." Ye Cheng's eyes immediately turned teary, but everyone could see that Ye Cheng was disguising himself.    


Uncle brother-in-law? An Ningxuan's head started to hurt. Since when was Ye Cheng related to the Inagawa-kai?    


"If you think it's too expensive, then that's fine. You can go in by yourself. Isn't Hayama Takashi just a whole crate of goods? Is there really a need to gather so many people? " Ye Cheng just wanted to give them a show of strength. Seeing them with so many people, he felt displeased.    


Inagawa Otake pondered for a moment, then agreed with the smile floating up the corner of his mouth.    


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