The Romantic Soldier King



As the saying goes, there is no such thing as the lowest, only the lowest! It had been a long time since Ye Cheng spat so much at someone. He thought that the first one to hit the gun would be Fu Qingyun, but it turned out to be Li Yikang! Li Yikang, are you even a man? It's a failure to be a man and act like this. Wasn't it just a public humiliation? Did he have to use a method that only immature children could pull off? Yes, you didn't mishear me, you just hugged your thighs. You f * cking know how to pick a place, is Ning Xuechan's thigh something you can hug just because you want to? "Why don't you try hugging my leg?    


"I beg you, LuoChan, don't leave. Did you not hear what I just said? Have you forgotten what you just promised me? Ye Cheng was a villain, he had malicious intentions and boldness but still pretended to be decent. In reality, he was a perverted hypocrite that lived up to his words. Luo Chan, don't be fooled by him. Are you going to fall into his palms again? " Aiyo, I only said two sentences and my tears fell like pearls from a broken string. Do you think that such an analogy is really appropriate for a man who is 1.8 meters tall? He himself did not eat much in the morning, and by this time Ye Cheng felt like he was about to puke, but he had to hold it in.    


"I'll respectfully address you as CEO Li and let go of your hands. Falling Chan is mine all over, both inside and out, including this sexy and alluring thigh you're touching now. I know that any man would not be able to control themselves, but I'm sorry, this is mine, Ye Cheng's. " Ye Cheng resisted the urge to attack, he could have easily sent him flying with a punch, he could fly as far as he could without returning, but right now, Luo Chan might not even have thought it through clearly, so she shouldn't randomly stick her head out.    


Ning Luochan closed his eyes, his hands covering his chest, feeling very uncomfortable. Ning Luochan felt as if he was being torn apart by two men. On one hand, he clearly knew that Ye Cheng was in danger, but he still had the impulse to approach him regardless of anything else. On the other hand, he warned himself to listen to his logical analysis, but was unable to put his worries at ease with Li Yikang. However, Ning Luochan really felt a little tired. He was still frightened yesterday, even now, thinking about it, he was still in a daze. Initially, he had thought that going to work in the morning would allow him to use his busy schedule to temporarily forget some things, but he didn't think that he would bump into Li Yikang. If it was possible, Ning Luochan really wanted to escape.    


Yes, Ning Luochan wanted to escape, this point was caught by the cautious Ye Cheng, thus, she could finally relax and fearlessly attack. The moment Ning Luochan closed his eyes, Ye Cheng bent down and punched Li Yikang who was kneeling on the ground, turned and kicked towards the sky. Then, before Li Yikang could even fly backwards, Ye Cheng opened all ten of his fingers up, causing Li Yikang's pig slaughtering sound to be quickly covered up by the force of Ye Cheng's kick. In a word, his voice became softer as the distance between them increased. Li Yikang had already lost track of where he was kicked to, so there was no need to talk about sound.    


Less than a minute after Ning Xuechan had closed her eyes and opened them, the spacetime venue had changed from the cold pavilion in the alleyway downtown to the Ferrari black convertible. Beside her was Ye Cheng, who had a light expression and a warm smile on his face.    


"Where are you taking me?" Ning Luochan was somewhat dissatisfied with Ye Cheng making the decision to bring him in the car. Although he wanted to leave, Ning Luochan wanted to be able to respect his own wishes no matter what, and would not do so no matter how tyrannical Ye Cheng was.    


"Tell me, what do you think?" Ye Cheng did not answer Ning Luochan's question just now. In Ye Cheng's eyes, that was just a trivial matter, the key question was whether or not Ning Luochan believed him, or perhaps it should be said this way. Just how much of an impact did Li Yikang's words have on Ning Luochan? Just how much of an impact is there? Just now, Li Yikang's presence more or less affected Ning Luochan's judgement, and now in the middle of the Mercedes-Benz, there were only the two of them.    


"I, I don't know." It was true that he did not know how to express the subtle thoughts in his mind. It was not correct to say that he believed it, but it was not true if he did not believe it. In short, before Ning Luochan had no proof, he didn't know who to believe in. Even if there was, at this moment, a proof, Ning Luochan already couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't.    


"In that case, you should believe what he said. Do you think that there's a conspiracy behind all these? In your eyes, I, Ye Cheng, am just a lecherous man, a lecherous man." Ye Cheng wanted to express his anger that had been misunderstood. Ever since he was young, the thing Ye Cheng could not stand the most was for others to misunderstand him. No matter how small he was, Ye Cheng would think of ways to get rid of it. But right now, Ye Cheng didn't know what to say or do. It was as if he felt that it didn't matter and was more likely to be powerless.    


Just as Ning Luochan wanted to say something, Ye Cheng immediately caught it.    


"Yes, yes, I am lustful. I can tell you right now. "It's not shameful at all, I'm not a calm Liu Xianhui. If one day I'm calm at heart, then there's only one possibility, and that is that the person in my arms is definitely a man." As Ye Cheng said this, he heard the bell-like laughter that came from Ning Luochan, but very quickly, Ning Luochan regained the suspicious expression from before.    


I am a man, and at the same time, I am also a man. I have an almost instinctual love and pursuit for beautiful women. This is something that cannot be helped. This is something that has been fated since Pangu created Heaven and Earth, and Nuwa created humans. Men should be obsessed with women. However, I won't be sneaking around. The things that I, Ye Cheng, have done are all done in broad daylight with sufficient reasons. I'm a romantic person, but I'm not a vulgar person. " "Ye Cheng spoke so frankly about his unspeakable desire that Ning Xuechan couldn't help but admire him.    


"I don't care if you believe me or not, I don't care how many questions you have about me right now. I can prove everything to you one by one, and just show you how innocent I am." However, right and wrong, justice was in the hearts of the people. From your performance until now, I know that you trust me. Otherwise, you would have been screaming to get out of the car by now, wouldn't you? " In front of Ye Cheng, Ning Luochan felt that nothing could escape his notice. Even if they were to talk about it, he and Ye Cheng had not known each other for long, but he felt that Ye Cheng was just like a good friend who had been around for many years, who was able to see through him with a single glance.    


"Well, if that's the case, then leave the time to me. Can I not think about it for the time being? I'll send you to work right now. Although you're a lot late, it's still better than being late, right? " The smile on Ye Cheng's face was even more brilliant and warm than the sun at this moment. However, Ning Luochan didn't want to go to the Winning Group at the moment.    


Because he was vexed, because there was still a difficult matter that needed to be resolved.    


"Ye, big brother Ye." After some thought, he still felt that this name was rather appropriate. It did not seem out of place and it did not seem particularly intimate. However, there was a subtle feeling of a girl's dependence within it.    


"There's one thing I want your help with. I may have said it before, but I'd like to talk about it more formally now. I wonder if it's possible." Ning Luochan was in a difficult position, but he knew that he had to do it in such a way. Right now, Ye Cheng seemed to be the only candidate.    


"What is it? Speak." Could he be like Zhang Kejia who needed to massage her again? Zhang Kejia was so captivating that it was hard to stop, it was really hard to imagine if Ning Luochan was wearing a thin bathrobe, it would be simply captivating! He had to be steady, suppressed, and calm, and not let his guard down. This might even be the test of Ning Luochan's abilities!    


"That's right, my mother is coming to the East Sea. You know how old I am ? Thus, I have to be urged in that regard. I believe that the big brother Ye understands. " Women always care about their age. This is the same for the loli and the oneesan. When Ye Cheng heard this, he could not help but feel troubled.    


Previously, Ning Luoling, this Cute Sisters, had already booked him to be her boyfriend. You know, how can a beautiful woman refuse at the beginning? However, when the time comes, Auntie will come to the East China Sea and then I will sit in front of her and hug her from the left and right, saying Auntie, please be at ease and boldly hand the two yellow flower girls over to me.    


Ye Cheng pondered and thought, but didn't know how to answer? However, from the corner of his eyes, he saw a hint of anticipation flash past Ning Luochan's eyes. Ye Cheng could not bear to extinguish them, so he could only put up an ambiguous front.    


"We'll see when the time comes. If you still haven't found a suitable one before your mother comes to the East Sea, then I'll take care of it." If you're lucky enough to find one better than me, then you don't have to use me. " Ye Cheng thought that his response was very proper and was completely flawless. However, Ye Cheng had underestimated the woman's logic.    


"Haha, big brother Ye doesn't have to be modest, you're already very good! I was originally planning to look for a boyfriend today, but I really made preparations to pull anyone on the street as they please. However, it seems like even the heavens did not want me to do that, so there's no need to think about it, it's just you, big brother Ye. " Ning Luochan laughed so innocently and cutely, from this angle, she really was sisters with her sister Ning Luoling.    


This time, Ye Cheng felt as if he had swallowed a dead fly, and was speechless with a cheap mouth.    


"Uh, that's also possible!" This was troublesome. If possible, Ye Cheng really wanted to take a good look at this legendary Ning Luochan and Ning Luoling's mother. Suddenly, he wished that their mother would change her mind and not come here. How troublesome, it felt like it was even more troublesome than the meeting at Three Regions and the coming Auction.    


No, it was all very troublesome!    


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