The Romantic Soldier King



Although it wasn't a long time since he last saw her, Ye Cheng felt that Zhang Kejia had become a little different, more mature, and more charming.    


She was wearing a nurse's cap, so her hair couldn't be seen, but Ye Cheng felt that it must be long hair that reached her waist. His face was like a goose egg that had not been powdered at all, and there was a natural smell to it, truly causing Ye Cheng, the soldier, to recite the lines of "Hibiscus from Water". It could be seen that Zhang Kejia had already shed the immaturity and immaturity he had had when they first met him in the hospital because of Jiang Mengyao, and what proved that Zhang Kejia had matured was not his face, but the part where his face had appeared.    


If Zhang Kejia's face was a clear water hibiscus, then the place where Zhang Kejia's face landed on was really a peony that could topple nations. The design of the nurse's uniform was getting bolder and bolder. It was becoming more and more unique. The design was almost the same as the male and female gods in the game.    


What's more, with the slightly opened collar, it allowed Zhang Kejia's originally full and perfectly round chest to be completely exposed. Adding on the body tightening cut, that ravine that was already of such a scale, without even needing to be squeezed, became even more bottomless, to the point that it was deep enough to accommodate any man with normal desires. Of course, this included Ye Cheng, who was currently secretly salivating.    


Isn't it tempting for a man to walk in the same creased skirt, like a sailor suit, with his long white legs swinging back and forth like two long needles in a clock?" If Ye Cheng didn't know Zhang Kejie personally, he would have covered his face and taken advantage of the dark night to do whatever Zhang Ke wanted. He couldn't think about it anymore. Ye Cheng reminded himself that he was very tired, so tired that he couldn't think about it anymore.    


But was it possible?    


"Oh right, big brother Ye, long time no see, what have you been busy with recently? My sister has been making a racket for days about wanting to see his master, his male god and his big brother Ye. You didn't even know that I was going to die from annoyance. " He said that he was her sister, but of course, it was also possible that this was the truth. However, Zhang Kejia might as well say it under the guise of his sister that he was speaking his mind. Ye Cheng was extremely perceptive, but he still had a light expression, and did not intend to break it.    


"The main reason is because you are busy with the company's matters. A while ago, you should know that Winning Group was facing a financial crisis, and was extremely busy at that time. Sometimes, when you are busy, you don't even have time to eat." Ye Cheng held his hands behind his back as he walked slowly, his tone had a unique charm which only men possessed, and the vicissitudes of life, despite the trials and hardships that he had experienced.    


"Then big brother Ye must take good care of her body. Her career is important, but her body is also important. Didn't you soldiers often say that the body is the capital of revolution? " Zhang Kejia's face was filled with worship, but his heart could not help but ache for the man who was like a god. It was unavoidable that this man would rush about busily for mundane matters, yet, he himself was incapable of doing anything other than saying words of concern that were neither painful nor light. Thinking about it, big brother Ye did not lack women, so these words were probably useless. Zhang Kejia thought as he lowered his head.    


"You're right, the body is the most important." Ye Cheng's affirmation caused Zhang Kejia to suddenly light up, and one could really see the hope in his eyes that was about to be extinguished, and had suddenly ignited again.    


"However, although the body needs to be taken care of, there is nothing revolutionary to do. If there is anything I can do now, anything I can do, anything I can do, I will protect my body. " As he said these words, Ye Cheng's eyes floated towards Zhang Kejia. This was really a place that could easily be revolutionized, looking at the pair of chest balloons that was about to burst clothes, then looking at the scenery under the pink colored skirt that was tightly covered, Ye Cheng really had that kind of impulse, he really wanted to raise his sleeves and do it recklessly.    


But, he had to maintain his poise, no matter how manic he was, Ye Cheng had to maintain his image, this was his cultivation, and he had to remain calm.    


"It doesn't have to be revolution. It can also be other things. The body has many uses. For example, if the stomach isn't good, you won't be able to eat. If the kidneys aren't good, then ?" Even though she was a medical personnel, even though she was no different from an animal, but when Zhang Kejia said this, her little face quickly turned red. Looking at Zhang Kejia who looked like a ripe apple, Ye Cheng could not help but feel that there was enough to see through.    


"Oh right, big brother Ye, didn't you have something that you needed my help with?" In order to avoid embarrassment and to prevent Ye Cheng from seeing through it, Zhang Kejia immediately changed the topic.    


"It's like this. I came to visit my friends tonight, and I was planning to go back, but I received a temporary notice saying that the way home was temporarily blocked. The news on my mobile phone should have said that there was a serious incident in the city area this morning, and now that it's at the critical moment for the leaders of the countries of the East China Sea to meet up, so you understand." Ye Cheng spoke calmly and honestly, while Zhang Kejia stood at the side like a good student who seriously studied and worshipped his teacher, listening attentively with reverence in his heart.    


"As a result, I can't go home. It's already so late, and I was wondering how to get there. " Ye Cheng suddenly frowned, as if it was something that could not be resolved. Although there were at least eight hundred places Ye Cheng could choose from, not to mention his home, just Xiao Yifeng and his brothers alone had plenty of places to stay. But now, Ye Cheng was just thinking about how Zhang Kejia would express himself, and how much he would do.    


"Yeah, it's already so late, big brother Ye can see that you are very tired. How about this, I'm on duty today, I have a room at the hospital, if big brother Ye doesn't mind, I can stay there temporarily. " When it came to "temporarily", Zhang Kejia's voice was practically as soft as the croaking of mosquitoes. However, other than the word "temporarily", Ye Cheng could ignore everything else.    


If they didn't dislike him, how could they dislike him? At first, Ye Cheng only thought that Zhang Kejia would borrow the head nurse's authority and a little bit of privileges, and find a place to stay for the night. He didn't expect Zhang Kejia to be so passionate and unrestrained. I don't mind, big brother Ye had that intention too.    


"How can I accept this?" It was so fake that Ye Cheng wanted to puke, but he couldn't wait for the other party to finish speaking before saying, "I'm willing, I'm willing, right? I'm her god, how can I ruin this ambiguous and pink atmosphere?"    


"It's alright big brother Ye. I'm usually alone at the end of the day. Originally, he did not plan to go back tonight, because the duration of the VIP patient's examination was usually quite long. But fortunately, big brother Ye helped me in time, so I got off work early. " Zhang Kejia's face was full of joy and happiness. Her small feet unconsciously walked in front of Ye Cheng, looking at him. After a few steps, she turned around and walked to the front of Ye Cheng.    


Zhang Kejia, don't tell me you don't know how hard your skirt is swaying from this bounce? Your big brother Ye Cheng's heart is like the bottom of this dress flying up and down, almost jumping out of his throat. I thought I was alone, but now you want to come back to your place with me?    


"No, no. This is where you live. It's not too convenient for me to go." Although he was not completely sure that Zhang Kejia would definitely urge him to stay, and of course, Zhang Kejia could totally go with the flow and push the matter down, but if he clearly knew that his mistress was still around, wouldn't he truly be a beast? Although Ye Cheng yearned for it in his heart, the devil in his heart still had a breath of life left in them. What Ye Cheng was saying now, was the Angel in his heart saying.    


"It's convenient." Zhang Kejia felt that he deserved it too quickly and obviously, so he put a strand of his hair behind his ear.    


"big brother Ye, I heard from someone that the patient in the VIP ward was caused by a terrorist attack tonight. Today, I've been terrified all day. I don't know what other horrors these terrorists will do, but the government buildings, business units, and our hospitals are the main targets. So, if big brother Ye comes tonight, it just so happens to be able to protect me and let me sleep in peace. " Zhang Kejia revealed a bright smile, the dimples on his lips especially obvious.    


Since the words had come to this point, Zhang Kejia's intentions were clear. If he still refused, it would be Ye Cheng's fault.    


"Alright then, it's better to obey than to be respectful." This was what Ye Cheng wanted to say the most.    


"Then, I helped big brother Ye solve a troublesome problem, then does it mean that big brother Ye can also help me do a small, to the point where it can't be any smaller." While they were talking, the two of them strolled around under the moonlight. In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the dormitory that was arranged by the hospital for Zhang Kejia. Rather than calling it a dormitory, it would be more accurate to call it a small villa. Decorative style, European style. Through the window, one could even see the floral curtains and leather sofa inside. The hospital was really lucrative.    


"No problem, leave it to me." Generally speaking, a woman's small matters would usually surprise a man. Now that Ye Cheng followed Zhang Kejia into her so-called single room, he actually felt like he brought a drunk female companion back to the Carefree Villa. How could there be any feeling of being looked down upon?    


Turning on the lights, the warm yellow light made the atmosphere look just right. The atmosphere in the room was like a warm wool blanket, which quickly made people drowsy. After Zhang Kejia opened the door, he walked directly to the bathroom. When he saw the sofa, he immediately sat on it lazily, and his eyelids gradually grew heavy. After a whole day of fighting and fighting, if it was Spider-Man or Batman, their old bones would probably have long collapsed.    


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