The Romantic Soldier King



Although Qiao Rubing had kept on yelling to chase Ye Cheng out, in his heart, Qiao Rubing was desperately hoping that he would be able to persevere and persevere. To be honest, Qiao Rubing sometimes liked Ye Cheng to be shameless and unreasonable, and this kind of tyranny was precisely why Ye Cheng valued him so highly. As in the pop song, if I get any closer, I won't dodge; if I get a little bit braver, I'll nod. Yes, if Ye Cheng continues to drag it on, if Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan did not barge in at this time, then Qiao Rubing might silently approve of Ye Cheng's actions, even if she pretended to be indifferent on the outside and rejected him by a thousand miles.    


In short, Qiao Rubing liked to torture Ye Cheng, and liked to say sweet nothings as cold words. Furthermore, in his subconscious, he did not allow Ye Cheng to be tortured to death, and even asked him to persevere under this kind of endless assault. In Qiao Rubing's view of love, only by persevering could one win. Every single day was a test, if he couldn't even endure his harsh words, then he would just say that he loved this man. Fortunately, by relying on his lowly appearance and his unafraid of boiling water, Ye Cheng managed to stumble and live till now.    


However, Lei Zihan and the others had appeared, especially Chen Luoxue, in front of him. Others might not know, but Qiao Rubing himself knew what Chen Luoxue meant to her. Everything that happened just now was perhaps just her own wishful thinking. How could she ruin Chen Luoxue's lifelong happiness? If in this battle of love, there was destined to be someone who would be injured, someone who would withdraw, someone who would break a tooth and swallow blood, then this person could only, could only, be herself, Qiao Rubing.    


"Wait until it snows, of course there's also Zihan." The powerful Qiao Rubing even spoke out words, which seemed to be giving orders to his subordinates, exuding an imposing manner that could not be defied. However, Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan were already used to it. Thus, they obediently stopped their feet before slowly turning around, waiting for Qiao Rubing's orders with a respectful expression.    


Ye Cheng, who was standing at the side, did not know what Qiao Rubing was going to do. Did he want them to come back and fight against one of the three women? Ye Cheng thought like this, and looking at Qiao Rubing's currently ice-cold face, he knew how ridiculous his thoughts were right now.    


"You guys leave first. Leave this place to me." The only person who could refute Qiao Rubing in front of him was most likely only Ye Cheng. At this time, Ye Cheng only wanted to let the two of them go out as soon as possible, since after going through such a day of big and small events, he was probably very tired.    


"Are you listening to him, or to me?" Qiao Rubing had never given Ye Cheng face, and this time was no exception. Furthermore, Qiao Rubing now had in his hands a trump card that would never go out of style, and that was to have Ye Cheng's child in his stomach. If it was the past, Qiao Rubing would probably listen to Ye Cheng's arrangements at this time, but now, he didn't want to. I'm a child's mother, so you should listen to me.    


"Of course they listen to me. I'm their husband!" Ye Cheng swaggered over to the side of Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan, hugging them left and right with each hand. On one side was Chen Luoxue who was as warm as a neighbor girl, on the other was the lively and cute Lei Zihan who was playing tricks on others, on the other side was who was extremely sexy and seductive, while on the other side was Ye Cheng who was hugging Lei Zihan's perky butt, that was truly a fortune for women. Ye Cheng thought that they would probably understand his words. If they didn't listen to him, then he would properly "teach" them a lesson.    


So embarrassed. Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan felt their faces burning at the same time, but they still had to pretend to be serious when facing Qiao Rubing. One was the feeling of joy brought about by Ye Cheng's love, and the other was the mental torture Qiao Rubing had inflicted on himself. Without even needing to look, one could tell how twisted and awkward their expressions were.    


Qiao Rubing could not take it anymore. Count yourself Ye Cheng! However, Qiao Rubing did not plan to give in. The more Ye Cheng behaved this way, the more Qiao Rubing hated him. Ye Cheng, you still can't let go of the woman beside you, what right do you have to ask yourself to be with you?    


However, Ye Cheng's thoughts were far from Qiao Rubing's. This kind of distance was the complete opposite of the distance between Gold Sun and Cold Yin. Ye Cheng was very simple, he just wanted to take revenge on Qiao Rubing, and see if Qiao Rubing was as heartless as she said it was. If Qiao Rubing was willing to submit right now, even if he turned his head to sulk and remain silent, he would immediately apologize.    


Obviously, Ye Cheng was wrong. Ye Cheng understood the stubborn Qiao Rubing very well, but he always wanted to change her personality time and time again so that Qiao Rubing would obey him.    


"Let me say it one last time, bring this person with you and disappear from my sight! Immediately, scram! " Qiao Rubing roared like a lioness, instantly erupting with power that scared both Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan quite a bit.    


"Qiao Rubing, you ?" Ye Cheng still wanted to decide who was the strongest and who was the strongest, but it was obvious from their attitudes that they knew who would be the victor. The two of them turned their heads together and worked together as if they were pushing a tow-cart that had run out of gas and was backing away from the ramp. The two of them, to be exact, Chen Luoxue could not take it anymore. Since she was young, every time her big cousin activated the Lion's Roar, it showed that her cousin was already angry. If she allowed the two of them to persevere any longer, there was only one way, and that was for her to go berserk.    


"Aiya, it's me! I beg you, can we just go out first? "Please!" Chen Luoxue pleaded in an extremely low voice as he pushed Ye Cheng's chest forward. Similarly, seeing Big Sister Snowfall like that, Lei Zihan also quickly joined the ranks of the pleading. It was just that at her young age, she couldn't say anything that could cause killing intent.    


With a bang, the VIP door closed.    


Ye Cheng was helpless, but Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan were so tired that they were gasping for breath. Although Ye Cheng wasn't that tall, they all felt that Ye Cheng was harder to move than any mountain in the world. Heavens blessing they had finally completed a seemingly impossible task and brought this unshakeable mountain out of the world.    


Ye Cheng folded his hands, looking like a high and mighty judge was interrogating a prisoner, he scrutinized the two fearless little thieves in front of him.    


"Aren't you afraid of me 'tidying up'?" He was really capable to not listen to his husband's advice? "Good, you guys, now you're not speaking up for your husband and have instead learned how to turn the tables on him. Good, good, good, this is great!" Ye Cheng gave them a big thumbs up, but Chen Luoxue and Lei Zihan looked at each other and knew what he meant.    


"Aiyo, husband, will you listen to me?" Chen Luoxue replied in a spoiled manner.    


"Okay? Don't ever use such a pleading tone to talk to me. In front of all of you right now, I can only obediently listen to your arrangements. Do you think I dare to say 'no'? "I don't dare!" laughed coldly. Honestly speaking, with Ye Cheng's temperament and ability, he definitely had a reason to break in, even if he had the ability. But if he went in after coming out, wouldn't that be asking for trouble? Weird, why was I being so obedient just now? The more Ye Cheng thought about it, the more he felt like his head had been flooded.    


"Calm down, calm down, calm down." Seeing that Ye Cheng was about to go crazy from anger, Lei Zihan immediately pretended to be a cute little rabbit and hopped over to Ye Cheng's side, giggling and flapping her hands to fan Ye Cheng. In exchange for Ye Cheng's cold gaze, Lei Zihan immediately retracted his gaze and pouted. Although Ye Cheng felt that it was funny, he had to maintain an angry look.    


Actually, Ye Cheng was not really angry. If not for Chen Luoxue and the others, he would have been flipped upside down by Qiao Rubing just now.    


"Actually, hubby, I grew up with my cousin, I know her temperament the best. As a person, she eats soft stuff but not hard stuff. The more you argue with her, the more impossible she will give in. Only by following her will she be able to give you a smile in return. You have been by her side for quite some time, I believe I don't have to teach you that. " Chen Luoxue slowly walked towards Ye Cheng. He had already made up his mind that he would probably suffer the same treatment as Lei Zihan just now, but luckily, Ye Cheng didn't look at her coldly.    


"Besides, Cousin already has your flesh and blood. It's only a matter of time before we get back together, so why must you be in such a hurry?" It would be bad if he pushed her too hard. "Now that you've worked hard for the whole day, your cousin needs to rest, and your husband is even more tired. So right now, the two of you need to have a good rest and have a good rest." Now that you've worked hard for the whole day, your cousin needs to rest, and your husband is even more tired. Chen Luoxue laughed as he shook Ye Cheng's arm with both of his hands.    


It had to be said that Chen Luoxue's words were reasonable. Haste makes waste. He must have been too impatient. Since he had a child now, no matter how cold and heartless Qiao Rubing was, he would still think for the child's sake. Ye Cheng suddenly felt that he had thought too much into this. It's as if the child has already been born. Ai, this day is really tiring, I still need to rest.    


Looks like I have to take a good rest. After today, even Superman is not as busy as I am." Ye Cheng stretched lazily. However, just as he finished, Ye Sheng was in trouble. Where could he sleep? There was no way to go back to Carefree Villa. Where would he be able to settle down at this time? Was he going to spend the night in the car? In the past, when he was in the Wolf Fang squad, he had been around. It was normal for him to be awake for days. But now, the conditions were different. There really was no need for him to feel wronged.    


Where should he go?    


Just then, Lei Zihan seemed to have seen Ye Cheng's doubt, and immediately became attentive, full of joy.    


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