Don't Go Against My Mommy

C6 There's a Beauty

C6 There's a Beauty

Those who stood outside to welcome the guests were all carefully selected beautiful employees of Come Again with slender waists and big breasts. Of course, they didn't have the slightest bit of reluctance, either. Instead, they were filled with curiosity towards this man, who even the manager was trembling with fear. Before Lin Yuelin appeared, they all stretched their necks and waited.    


Now that Lin Yuelin had stepped out, his facial features looked like they had been chopped into pieces by knives and axes. It was like he was roasting the most exquisite porcelain in the fire. He was dressed in a custom-made Givenchy suit that perfectly fit his figure. His eyes were filled with dignity and arrogance. The natural disposition of a king made people willingly bow their heads in submission.    


As the saying went, one who was close to the vermilion would be naked. Even the person beside him in the black suit had a solemn expression as he stood by his left and right, forming a watertight encirclement.    


All the female attendants were like deer running around in a disorderly manner. They lowered their heads shyly, but they could not help but glance sideways at Lin Yuelin's figure.    


Roy walked forward and said very humbly and respectfully, "Mr. Lin, everything is ready. I hope to give you the best experience."    


Roy turned around and signaled the waitresses with his eyes.    


There had been rehearsals before, and everyone wanted to go to the manager. They all shouted at the same time, "Welcome to the hotel, Mr. Lin."    


Lin Yuelin did not like this kind of large scale mobilization. He frowned unhappily, but did not flare up. Instead, his eyes did not even tilt as he walked straight into the hotel.    


As the manager of the hotel in Come Again, because of the reputation of the hotel, Roy walked straight into the hotel. He could be considered a respectable person and had never been ignored. Now, he was so submissive to Lin Yuelin, but the other party did not put him in their eyes at all. Furthermore, ___ didn't put him in his eyes in front of his subordinates, which made him feel a little awkward in an instant.    


"Let's go. Everyone, let's go." After saying that, Roy quickly followed Lin Yuelin's footsteps.    


Roy finally walked in front of Lin Yuelin and led them to the VIP elevator. The door opened, and only the man went in. The rest of the people stood outside the elevator and had no intention of going in.    


"Aren't you going in?" In his heart, Roy was saying, If you don't go in, don't block the way for me to go in. I still have to serve Mr. Lin, so I can achieve meteoric success.    


"Take out the door card. Mr. Lin is so quiet and happy. He alone is enough. We don't need to follow him."    


"Aren't you his personal bodyguards?"    


"Mr. Lin alone can take care of all of us in five minutes. He hired us as bodyguards because he was too lazy to do anything."    


"Manager Luo." Lin Yuelin called Roy impatiently.    


He immediately understood what he meant. He took out the door card from his pocket and handed it to ___.    


Lin Yuelin took the door card and the elevator door finally closed slowly.    


The bodyguards quickly went upstairs from another ordinary elevator.    


Roy did not understand. "Didn't you say Mr. Lin does not need protection?"    


"Mr. Lin did not need protection, but it does not mean that we will not go. This is why we became the strongest bodyguards in Asia." A bodyguard in black said coldly.    


This one. Mr. Lin's identity was a mystery. Roy originally wanted to know himself and his enemy, but he only found his name and didn't know anything else. However, his reputation was not as good as his reputation. Seeing him made his heart tremble.    


Roy suddenly thought of something and quickly looked for the hotel butler. After finding her, he asked, "Is that woman in her room now?"    


"Is my manager still worried about me? Four hours ago, I already brought her to her room." The hotel manager couldn't help but think of the woman he had received today and smiled. " Manager, where did you find that woman? She's pure and charming. She's charming and charming. Mr. Lin will definitely have an unforgettable night tonight. "    


Roy thought for a while. Why was this different from the women he had seen? Charming was charming, but it was not pure at all.    


Roy patted the hotel butler on the shoulder. "This Mr. Lin is related to whether our dividends this year can be seven zeros. We must serve him well and make him feel comfortable."    


"The manager is so considerate. The general manager will definitely praise you." The hotel housekeeper patted his horse and said.    


"I hope, I hope" Roy's face was full of smiles.    


After Lin Yuelin opened the door, he smelled a faint smell of alcohol. He thought he smelled it wrong. It was not until he passed through the spacious hall and came to the bedroom that he saw the person on the bed who was extremely drunk. Only then did he confirm that someone had indeed drunk wine.    


He frowned and was just about to flare up when he heard the person on the bed mumbling softly.    


"Annoying, don't lick my mouth, Annoying..."    


At this moment, Qin Fei dreamed that her puppy was having fun with it.    


Lin Yuelin could tell that the person sleeping on his bed was an audacious woman.    


Under the illumination of the moonlight, Lin Yuelin seriously stared at the woman on the bed. Her hair was fully covered on the bed, like a fully unfolded cattail leaf fan. The blanket had already fallen to her thighs, and the clothes on her waist were rolled up. A pure white waist and sexy belly button were revealed.    


Lin Yuelin found that his body was getting hotter and hotter. An uncontrollable force rushed into his brain.    


Because of his status, he always went to work in different parts of the world. Many people would use beauties to please him in order to seek his own benefits. He had seen many women who were fat and thin, but this was the first time he hadn't seen a woman's face clearly. He did not even have a clear view of her body, and it already made his body burn with desire.    


Lin Yuelin felt that this woman was dangerous.    


Today was really a rich day. First, he met an interesting woman who hated to live long. After using him, he ran away. And now, he met a woman who threw herself into his arms in his room. Compared to this, Lin Yuelin still wanted that woman who had run away more. He wanted to carry out the special punishment that belonged to him, Lin Yuelin.    


As he thought about it, Lin Yuelin's desire was extinguished bit by bit.    


Lin Yue Lin took off all his clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.    


When he came out of the bathroom, he only slightly tied up his bathrobe, outlining his broad shoulders and narrow waist. Drops of water flowed down his face and rolled down his neck.    


He then looked at the woman on the bed. Her figure was not bad. It was not the kind of woman that he was annoyed with. If so, he would give her a chance to be his pillow.    


Lin Yuelin forgot that this pillow was a pillow that drank a lot of wine.    


As soon as he hugged her, he was shocked by the smell of alcohol.    


He hated women drinking alcohol the most, and this woman seemed to be drinking quite a bit. Fortunately, she did not drink cheap alcohol, or else he would not care about his gentlemanly demeanor and directly kick her under the bed.    


Moreover, this wine just so happened to be his favorite, Conti. It didn't taste bitter, but rather, it was somewhat sweet.    


Lin Yuelin firmly believed in his heart that this was a woman with taste and some status.    


But why would such a woman be willing to be treated as an item and sent to a man's bed?    


A strong curiosity arose in Lin Yuelin's heart. This woman's messy hair covered her face tightly. Then what was her true appearance like? Was it worthy of her porcelain white tender skin that was like a newborn baby?    


This woman seemed to be able to guess his thoughts. His hand had just stretched out in her direction. It was separated by her dancing hands in the air. At the same time, she also placed her hand on his exposed and delicate waist.    


Lin Yuelin let out a comfortable snort. He secretly sighed in his heart that this woman's influence on him had exceeded his rationality.    


The little person curled up into a ball, like a lazy cat snuggling in the arms of a man. Her soft hair kept rubbing Lin Yuelin's neck. She was extremely cute.    


Perhaps even Lin Yuelin himself did not notice that the corner of his mouth raised into a bright smile.    


Woman, consider yourself lucky. Since you are in a good mood today, I will let you go first.    


Lin Yuelin lifted the sleeping woman up and put his hand behind her back to exert force. She was already close to Lin Yuelin, inseparable from him. He lifted his leg again and pressed it on the woman's leg, then placed her hand on his waist. He fiddled with it for a while before sleeping quietly.    


He had a smile on his face as if he was very satisfied with his arrangement.    


However, when Lin Yuelin was satisfied, Fei was unhappy. She felt uncomfortable being suppressed. She closed her eyes and twisted her body. She protested silently. But it was useless to protest in front of Lin Yuelin. His actions did not change at all.    


Qin Fei was a person who would be at ease whenever she encountered a situation. If she could not resist, then she would obey. She twisted and turned and became quiet. Moreover, being able to hug a comfortable large stove and sleep was extremely comfortable. She continued sleeping soundly in the man's arms.    


[This chapter is over]    


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