Don't Go Against My Mommy

C220 Back to the Seven Nights

C220 Back to the Seven Nights

But she was very ticklish. As long as Qin Fei touched her waist and stomach, she would smack her in the water and laugh non-stop.    


Qin Fei bathed Soong Yuan as if she had bathed for an entire century. Lin Yuelin and Qin Sheng had nothing to live for.    


Qin Sheng leaned on Lin Yuelin and expressed sympathy to her father, "Dad, do you feel that it is very difficult to meet mom?"    


Qin Sheng could tell that her mother actually did not want to be alone with her father. Even if it was not alone, she did not want to see her father either.    


"Your mother is the most shy. She is afraid that you will laugh at her if she falls off the horse. After all, she does not know how to ride a horse, but you do." Lin Yuelin did not want Qin Sheng to worry, so he casually made up a reason.    


"Dad, do we still have to go to the South Emperor for lunch today? Although Qinghuan was by the side that time, I still felt that the food there was very delicious." Qin Sheng had a look of reminiscence on her face.    


When Qin Fei appeared in front of them with Soong Yuan in her arms, it was already an hour later. Soong Yuan changed into a pink bubble dress and looked like a little princess from a fairytale painted by water.    


Qin Fei was originally fast in the past but after giving birth to Soong Yuan, she did not have any work. She had a lot of time to do a very small thing, which caused her to do things very slowly.    


She originally wanted to take a seat and rest on the sofa after giving Soong Yuan a bath, but she did not expect that it was already time for lunch.    


Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin who was sitting on the sofa and felt a little guilty. After all, it was a huge sin to let Lin Yuelin, who had so much work to do every day, waste an entire day sitting on the sofa. However, Lin Yuelin did not seem to want to blame her at all. Instead, he smiled especially gently at her.    


It was lunch time at noon. Lin Yuelin took them to the most luxurious and expensive western restaurant in B City. It was originally very lively outside, but the western restaurant was very quiet inside. After all, not everyone could afford the price here.    


The price made many people shrink back from this restaurant, thus creating a quiet atmosphere in the restaurant.    


Although the price of the Dior restaurant had always been the best in all the western restaurants, there were still many people who came to eat every day because of its fame. It was the first time that it was so quiet. None of the waiters had anything to do.    


However, the boss was exceptionally happy today. The employees all thought that the boss was mad because of his anger. After all, the rent for this area was hundreds of thousands per day. If the business was like this every day, then the restaurant would be closed soon.    


"Don't look so sad. Today is because the VIP has booked the place, so no one is here." The boss revealed the truth with a single sentence.    


Everyone understood why the boss was so happy. It was not because there was no business, but because there was no need for business. It was a big deal to book the place. Therefore, the employees were looking forward to the arrival of the VIP.    


When the black Porsche stopped outside the restaurant, the waiter waiting for the VIP to arrive immediately stepped forward and respectfully opened the car door. Then, he stepped aside and nodded slightly.    


A handsome man like a god walked out of the car. After he got out of the car, he opened the door of the back seat. Another seven or eight years old little girl jumped out. This little girl had a similar appearance to a man. It was obvious that this was the man's daughter at first glance. Then, another woman got out of the car. The woman had a pretty face. Her figure was enchanting, and in her arms was a little baby carved from jade. The pink bubble dress made her even cuter. Her big black eyes kept turning. If it wasn't for her impolite behavior, the waiter would have gone over and pinched her chubby face.    


Without a doubt, this family was really blessed by the heavens. Everyone had a face that couldn't be criticized. Moreover, the person who booked the place must be someone of great status.    


In general, the life of this family was a perfect synonym.    


"Lin Yuelin, let's go somewhere else." Qin Fei got off the car and saw the sign at the door. It said, "Business is suspended."    


Of course, Lin Yuelin knew what was going on. This was what he wanted.    


"This is what I requested. I don't like eating at places that are too noisy." Lin Yuelin said calmly.    


Qin Fei had been pregnant for three years and did not think about coming over for a while. She asked, "What did you mean just now?"    


If other women even wanted to ask such a simple question, he would have been very impatient to turn around and leave. But when it came to Qin Fei, he actually felt that her confused look was also very cute.    


Lin Yuelin patiently explained, "I booked the entire restaurant."    


Qin Fei did not say anything and directly carried Soong Yuan and was about to leave, "Do you know that you are very wasteful."    


Lin Yuelin reached out his hand to pull her from behind. He gently pulled her into his arms and held Soong Yuan in his arms. "As long as you are here, it will not be a waste."    


Qin Sheng had always hoped that her father could change his image. He did not want to be stubborn even when a duck died. He clearly missed her mother and loved her, but he always wanted to make her unhappy.    


Her father's change made Qin Sheng very proud. She gave Lin Yuelin a thumbs up.    


Qin Fei was struggling, but she was afraid that she would fall and Soong Yuan would not be able to use too much strength. It looked like the couple was throwing a tantrum.    


Lin Yuelin leaned over to Qin Fei's ear and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "This is the entrance of someone else's shop. It is not good for us to pull and pull here and there are people watching."    


Qin Fei was still as stable as a mountain and did not want to go in and eat this super expensive lunch.    


Lin Yuelin saw that she was so stubborn and could only make a big move. "You should also realize that there are a lot of people on the road today. Today is a special day. Paparazzi are also quite active, so if you don't want to see the newspaper with me tomorrow, you'd better go in with me now. "    


Qin Fei slightly raised her head and saw Lin Yuelin's determined face and the perfect smile on the corner of his mouth.    


To be honest, she absolutely did not want to see the results with Lin Yuelin. If Brother Song Ze knew, he would definitely say that she had recovered and forgotten the pain.    


So Qin Fei compromised once again.    


Lin Yuelin put one hand behind Qin Fei's back and pushed her into the restaurant.    


The happiest person should be Qin Sheng. She saw the interesting interaction between her father and mother. It was as if her father and mother's reunion was not far away in the future.    


The employees in the restaurant were only serving Lin Yuelin's family, but they did not need to be busy shuttling among the customers at the tables like usual. They only needed to stand at specific positions. If Lin Yuelin needed anything, he would say it. If there was no need to make any noise, then do not make any noise.    


Qin Fei and the others were brought to the second floor by the waiter. Compared to the first floor, the space on the second floor was much smaller, but the price was more than a few times more expensive.    


After Qin Fei sat down at the seat that Lin Yuelin designated, Qin Sheng suddenly shouted, "Mom, look."    


Looking in the direction where Qin Sheng pointed, Qin Fei saw that the waiter on the first floor used a position to form a heart shape because they were wearing red work clothes and the heart shape was very beautiful.    


Qin Fei's face instantly turned red, and her line of sight seemed to have been electrocuted as she quickly retracted it.    


She had never known that Lin Yuelin was so romantic. She unconsciously used her eyes to look at him but he did not look at her. He was indifferent as if everything below was not prepared by him.    


After a while, the restaurant owner brought two employees over to them. The two employees were pushing a dining cart in their hands. The dining cart was filled with a variety of food.    


The owner was a very strong middle-aged man. His eyes were clear and he did not look old at all.    


His voice was very heavy. "Respected honored guests, this is the Valentine's Day restaurant we prepared for you. I hope you can have a good day."    


As the boss spoke, the waiter placed the plates on top of the table.    


When Qin Fei saw the bottle of Conti, she was also surprised. Conti was not something that could be bought with money.    


The boss seemed to have seen through Qin Fei's doubt and explained, "This is a good wine that I collected myself."    


Lin Yuelin was the first VIP who booked the entire place. Of course, he had to give him a different experience.    


"The boss loves it." Lin Yuelin said politely.    


"No, no, no. I wish you all a happy night." After the boss finished congratulating them, he quickly left with the waiter.    


Originally, the restaurant's service was very considerate, but Lin Yuelin did not want anyone to disturb him and Qin Fei, including the waiter.    


Without the waiter, there wouldn't be many free services, so many things needed Lin Yuelin to do personally.    


There were only four people on the second floor, Qin Fei and the others. She did not know where to look. If she accidentally met Lin Yuelin's affectionate gaze, Qin Fei would awkwardly avoid it.    


Lin Yuelin stood up and poured a third of the wine in the glass in front of Qin Fei. Actually, there were people who could help, but he wanted to do something that was within his ability for the woman he loved.    


Qin Fei could not imagine that Lin Yuelin would do what these waiters did. All along, he had given her the impression that he was a high and mighty god. She only looked up to the dust of the god.    


What happened to Lin Yuelin recently?    


Qin Fei even suspected that the Lin Yuelin in front of her was not the real Lin Yuelin. Perhaps he was his brother or something.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was distracted and said gently, "Fei Fei, you have to have a good taste of this wine. It is very difficult to buy it in the market."    


If it was said that the unreasonable and overbearing Lin Yuelin could make Qin Fei reject him decisively, she really could not reject such a gentle Lin Yuelin. Her reason clearly told her not to trust him lightly, but the voice in her heart was all to listen to him. Listen to him.    


Lin Yuelin finally found a good way to take Qin Fei down. The joy in his heart had long surged, but on the surface, he still had to pretend to be calm and collected.    


He looked at Qin Fei's fair face that was dyed red bit by bit, and his tone became even gentler. It was as if he had wrapped his fingers around Qin Fei's heart, making her unable to stop.    


Qin Fei steadied her mind, and then lightly replied, "Thank you."    


[This chapter is over]    


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