Don't Go Against My Mommy

C446 The Magical Ring

C446 The Magical Ring

It wasn't easy to find one person among so many people, but it was easy to find Lin Yuelin. He was outstanding no matter where he was. He looked in the direction he was told. Qin Fei saw Lin Yuelin at the intersection. She could not help but smile.    


"I found you. Did you see it?" Qin Fei's voice was soft and gentle, which made Lin Yuelin's heart flutter.    


"I haven't seen you for a while. I miss you so much. I want to sue you for stealing my heart." Lin Yuelin had always been direct when he expressed his longing for Qin Fei.    


Looking at Lin Yuelin standing in the sea of people just like that, Qin Fei felt that it was no wonder that there was no man in this world that could enter her eyes. If you had loved such a good person before, he would be good everywhere. How could you choose a better person?    


The two of them looked at each other through the crowd, as if time had stopped between them.    


"Come here, I'll wait for you." Lin Yuelin waved at Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei took a step in his direction and looked back at the rings. Now she realized how similar the rings were to them. They kept a low profile and were happy. They were entangled with each other. They could not leave each other.    


Lin Yuelin realized that Qin Fei might have taken a fancy to something, so he did not wait for her to walk over. He walked over and quickly came to Qin Fei's side.    


He did not expect Qin Fei to be choosing a ring. He originally wanted to customize a ring for her. But no matter how expensive a ring was, it could not be compared to what she liked. Since she had been looking at it for so long, it meant that she liked it very much. Then she might as well use this ring.    


"Let's go in." Lin Yuelin asked.    


"Let's go in a while." Qin Fei wanted to go in and buy it, but now that Lin Yuelin was standing beside her, she suddenly felt scared.    


The wedding was just around the corner, and she was the one who suggested it. But the closer she got to that day, the more scared she became. It was as if she was not prepared to marry Lin Yuelin at all. That was why Lin Yuelin had been asking her to size him up during this period of time. But she always found excuses to reject.    


Lin Yuelin knew how difficult it was for Qin Fei to take a fancy to a pair of rings. He was the one who was best at seizing opportunities and seizing opportunities.    


Before Qin Fei could reject him, Lin Yuelin held her hand. "Don't reject me. We should have bought the rings a long time ago."    


Qin Fei was like an ostrich. There were many things that she would probably shrink back if she was not forced.    


If she refused again at this point. Then her proposal to hold a wedding would be a joke, so it was better to buy it. She had always liked the rings, but who knew if there would still be more when she came back.    


Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei's hand with one hand and pushed open the tightly shut door with the other.    


Lin Yuelin walked straight to the showcase window. The salesperson knew very well that they were here to choose the wedding ring.    


"May I ask if Sir and Madam are here to choose the wedding ring?" This was already considered asking even though he knew the answer.    


The salesperson did not know that they already had a model they liked, so he started to fly around. He bragged about how good the other rings were and how perfect and harmonious they were. However, Qin Fei did not seem to listen to him. Her gaze had always been on the pair of rings that she had just liked.    


This ring had a beautiful name - Qlf. This included her and Lin Yuelin's surname.    


Moreover, the design was very simple, and it gave people a very ancient and elegant feeling.    


"I want that." Qin Fei directly interrupted the shopping guide's words.    


The salesperson had never seen anyone buy a ring so quickly. After she reacted, she realized that Qin Fei was interested in a diamond ring that was as small as a diamond.    


The shop assistants were all smart people. They knew what kind of person they would recommend to increase the production rate. Based on her many years of sales experience. This gentleman and his wife were both very valuable. According to her, they should have already bought a ring with a bigger diamond. Why would they take a fancy to this unassuming ring? It was precisely because this ring was not easy to sell that it was displayed in the display window, hoping that someone would be able to take it away so quickly.    


But the customer was God. Since God had decided what he wanted, no matter how regretful the salesperson was, he could only listen.    


"The two of you really have good taste. There are only two teams of this pair of rings around the world. The meaning of this ring is very good. In other words, the most wonderful thing in the world is to meet the right person at the right place at the right time. Then you suddenly want to live forever." However, no matter how good the meaning is, it can't increase the sales of this ring. It has been ten years since the two pairs were sold.    


Lin Yuelin thought about the shopping guide's words in his mind. It was like this. He had never thought that he would get married before he met Qin Fei. But after meeting Qin Fei, he suddenly wanted to become old with her.    


Lin Yuelin quickly grabbed Qin Fei's hand. Her hand was actually very long and beautiful, but she still had a lot of calluses on her hand over the years in order to take care of the child.    


"Don't tell me you also like this pair of rings like me?" Qin Fei felt that as long as Lin Yuelin liked her, she would also like this kind of thing.    


"I will like everything you like." Lin Yuelin's gaze was tightly locked onto Qin Fei as he smiled gently at her.    


The clerk beside her blushed when she saw this. This customer was the most beautiful man she had seen in so many years of work.    


"Fei Fei, have you ever imagined marrying me in your mind?" The more they got to the wedding, the more excited Lin Yuelin became. Of course, he was also excited and nervous.    


When one fell in love with a person, one would naturally think of marrying him. However, it had been a long time since she had thought about it. She felt that she was not worthy of Lin Yuelin, so why would she think about these problems?    


"We will be in an antique house. We will all be wearing Han clothing, and our guests will also be wearing Han clothing. Then you will slowly walk towards me from outside..."    


Lin Yuelin narrated the wedding scene in detail. Qin Fei seriously listened to every word he said. Every word was thrown into her heart lake one stone after another, creating circles of ripples.    


Lin Yuelin remembered exactly what she had said before.    


This kind of scene was something that she had dreamed of when she was very young. She and her mother loved the ancient style, so they hoped that the wedding would also be like the ancient times, with phoenix coronet and wedding gown. She really liked the scene that Lin Yuelin described.    


While Qin Fei was distracted, Lin Yuelin had already put the ring on Qin Fei's finger.    


Lin Yuelin continued to speak. The deep affection in his eyes was about to drown Qin Fei. "Fei Fei, no matter if you are poor, rich, or poor, you are healthy and poor. I, Lin Yuelin, am only willing to spend the rest of my life with you, Qin Fei."    


Lin Yuelin's vow was too sincere. Qin Fei did not know how to respond to his deep affection. Even shopping guide almost cried. He was so handsome and so infatuated. It simply did not make sense.    


She really envied this young lady. She was able to get the favor of this gentleman and had such a beautiful and sincere confession. If she could encounter such a thing, she would have no regrets dying in this life.    


"Then we will choose this pair of rings as the wedding ring." Lin Yuelin saw that this female ring fit Qin Fei's finger perfectly and directly said to shopping guide, "Give us the order. We want this."    


After helping Qin Fei buy the ring that she liked, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin left. Qin Fei now felt like she was living in a dream. Every day, Lin Yuelin would think of ways to make her happy. She saw it all. Her heart was filled with gratitude.    


Lin Yuelin's doting method made Qin Fei feel that she had a strong presence, but at the same time, she fell into deep fear. If one day Lin Yuelin no longer loved her, how could she live? Qin Fei always felt that this kind of happiness was not real. It was like fog. It would disappear at any time. No matter how hard she tried, she could not catch it.    


"Now that the time is up, we have to hurry and try the wedding dress." Seeing that it was about to be the date of the wedding, Qin Fei's wedding dress did not even have the time to try. It would be good if it was suitable this time. If there was anything that she was not satisfied with, she could take it and change it. There might not be enough time.    


What Lin Yuelin wanted the most was to see Qin Fei wearing a wedding dress. It was originally said that she wanted a Chinese wedding dress, but she still wanted a Western wedding dress. After all, the holy feeling of a wedding in a church could not be replaced by a traditional wedding dress.    


The two of them held hands and came to the wedding dress shop. At the door, Qin Fei suddenly shook Lin Yuelin's hand away. The smile on her face disappeared. Lin Yuelin did not know what was wrong with her. Anyway, her temper had been like this during this period of time, sometimes good and sometimes bad. He really could not control it, and Qin Fei could not control it.    


The owner was the one who treated Lin Yuelin. The owner was very enthusiastic, but Qin Fei could not stand such enthusiasm. She felt as if her brain was about to explode. She had been impatient for a long time. Qin Fei's depression was actually not as simple as depression. She still had to be agitated. From time to time, another personality would appear in her, the one that was buried deep in Qin Fei's heart.    


In one day, she might become another person at any time. This person was very anxious, very vicious, and was the accumulation of all the negative emotions.    


"Fei Fei, do you like this wedding dress?" Lin Yuelin asked Qin Fei to sit there. He personally went to pick clothes for Qin Fei to see.    


Qin Fei glanced at the wedding dress that Lin Yue was holding in a very perfunctory manner. There were already many emotions in her heart that were twisted into a hemp rope. She had been trying hard to control her emotions, but she was afraid that she would not be able to control her emotions. She had embarrassed Lin Yuelin in this wedding dress shop.    


"I want this pure colored one. Qin Fei pointed to the simplest wedding dress. Qin Fei's beautiful face did not need too much external decoration. Such a simple style could highlight her beauty.    


But Lin Yuelin did not think so. The wedding dress was white and was similar to the color in the hospital. Qin Fei's wedding dress was not decorated at all. It was so pale that it was scary.    


This chapter is over.    


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