Don't Go Against My Mommy

C231 I'll Give You All My Romance

C231 I'll Give You All My Romance

In fact, there was no doubt that Lin Yuelin was good-looking. It was not excessive to say that he was more beautiful than the surrounding scenery.    


When Lin Yuelin came back to his senses, he caught Qin Fei's gaze. He smiled slightly and teased, "Fei Fei, it can't be that I'm prettier than these flowers, right?"    


The fact that Qin Fei could abandon so many beautiful girls and focus on him had already satisfied all of his vanity.    


Qin Fei seemed to have been infected. She lowered her head very deeply and her voice was like a mosquito, "Better looking than flowers."    


This was the first time Qin Fei praised him so directly. Her mood was even better than the weather. Lin Yuelin laughed heartily and made Qin Fei blush.    


"If you keep your head down, your hair on both sides will fall into the bowl. Do you still need to be shy with me?" Lin Yuelin's voice was full of pampering.    


Qin Fei was really too thin. She needed to eat more nutritious food.    


"Quickly taste Cheng Luo's cooking. The sturgeon fish exhibition and pearl soup that he makes are my favorite. You try it. Maybe you will like it too." Lin Yuelin opened the two covers in front of Qin Fei.    


Everything Lin Yuelin prepared today was in line with the dream of a princess in a woman's heart. She felt that it was not real, but Lin Yuelin really existed.    


Qin Fei's face was always blushing shyly, and she thanked him charmingly, "Thank you!"    


Lin Yuelin smiled and said, "Fei Fei is more polite to food than me. She only knows how to shout and shout at me, but she also knows how to apologize to food."    


Qin Fei looked up and rolled her eyes at him. How could she not know that he had such a shameless side to him?    


Lin Yuelin finally became serious, but he still spat out candies. "I know you are saying thank you to me. There is really no need. If you really want to thank me, you still need me to thank you."    


"Why?" Qin Fei did not understand.    


Cheng Luo could almost guess what the CEO was going to say next. His eyes rolled up to the sky.    


Lin Yuelin followed Cheng Luo's plan. He said lightly, "Your beauty is the best scenery I have ever seen in my life. Do you think I should thank you?"    


Lin Yuelin said it very sincerely. It did not seem like he was joking at all.    


Qin Fei felt that her relationship with Lin Yuelin had suddenly become a little ambiguous. She could not refuse him as firmly as before. She even wanted very much to stop at this moment. She could be treated by Lin Yuelin as a princess for a longer time.    


After dinner, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin returned to the room. She could be very comfortable on the roof of the outdoor building. As long as she returned to the enclosed environment, she would feel aggrieved and uncomfortable.    


Qin Fei sat on the bed, her hands clutching the bed sheet and twisting it tightly. The brand new bed sheet was no longer wrinkled at this moment.    


Lin Yuelin had been thinking for a long time in his heart. Finally, he did not hesitate anymore. The sound of drinking red wine was still enticing. "Fei Fei, come here."    


Qin Fei trembled when she heard Lin Yuelin's voice.    


Although she was a little afraid, she still could not help but stand up. She walked in front of him doubtfully. When there was still a step away, Lin Yuelin reached out his hand to grab her hand and touch her heart. "Qin Fei, do you feel it? It jumped so passionately for you."    


Qin Fei felt the frequency of his heartbeat. The sound of his heartbeat shocked her and she quickly took back her hand. She looked at him in shock and bit her lips with her teeth. She looked innocent and innocent.    


Lin Yuelin wanted to immediately press her on the bed and love her, but he knew he could not. He had promised Qin Fei. Even if there was a place that hurt, he could only endure it.    


Overall, Qin Fei's expression still made Lin Yuelin very happy. He looked at her and could not help but want to tease her a little. "Do you feel my heart beating crazily for you?"    


Qin Fei spat, Lin Yuelin, your company recently did not have any work, which is why you are so bored.    


Lin Yuelin was taller than Qin Fei by a head. He lowered his head and kissed Qin Fei's forehead.    


Qin Fei could feel that Lin Yuelin's kiss did not have anything to do with love. He saw her as a religion, unattainable.    


Qin Fei had never been placed on such a high position. Her heart suddenly started to beat faster and she did not know what to do.    


"How was dinner?" No matter how hard anyone tried, it was impossible for him not to ask for repayment. The repayment that Lin Yuelin wanted was just a good word from Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei saw the word "trap in Lin Yuelin's eyes. She thought for a while and then nodded cautiously. It's normal."    


"You only think it's average." Lin Yuelin's voice sounded a little regretful, but in an instant, his mood became high. "I also think it's average. No matter how delicious dinner is, it is not one percent as good as yours."    


Lin Yuelin's previous joke was still a little hazy, but this joke was a little too much. Qin Fei's face immediately sank.    


"Fei Fei, I was just joking. I wanted to adjust the atmosphere. I promised not to touch you. I will definitely not touch you. You sleep here. Can I sleep next door? "Lin Yuelin just wanted to test Qin Fei's reaction and see how hard she had worked for dinner. Was her attitude still so firm? Perhaps she would allow him to sleep in her room at night. The result was still not good.    


Lin Yuelin reached out his hand and pulled Qin Fei, who had already turned around, over. When she turned around, his kiss also landed tightly. "Fei Fei, your eyes are really beautiful. It seems like there is an entire Milky Way in them. There's also the gentle wind that blows up the peach blossoms. "    


Lin Yuelin spoke as if he was reciting a book. "I really hope that you will forever belong to me. Your body and heart, your feelings and thoughts, your warmth and love, everything that belongs to you belongs to me."    


Qin Fei realized that Lin Yuelin had gone mad. Listening to his words of love, she had goosebumps all over her body.    


Was this man punishing her in this way?    


Qin Fei could not continue listening and shouted loudly, "Are you done talking? Finished talking, I am going to sleep."    


After Lin Yuelin left, Qin Fei crawled onto the bed and her chest jumped very fast. Although Lin Yuelin's words were a bit disgusting, it still sounded sweet to the heart. If it was in the past, wanting to hear Lin Yuelin say these words from his mouth was simply a fantasy.    


Qin Fei had the habit of recognizing the bed. She fell asleep very late last night and woke up very early in the morning.    


Before she opened her eyes, she felt that her arms and legs were tightly wrapped by something heavy. She wanted to break free, but no matter how much strength she used, she could not break free.    


Slowly, her consciousness returned to her brain. Qin Fei suddenly thought of something and opened her eyes.    


A sexy and hoarse voice sounded beside her ear, "Little Pig, you're awake?"    


Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin in disbelief and asked loudly, "Lin Yuelin, why are you on my bed?"    


Qin Fei's head hurt a little. She tried her best to recall what happened last night. She clearly watched Lin Yuelin leave, to prevent him from running into her room while she was asleep. She even specially locked the door. Why would he still appear in her room?    


Lin Yuelin was very close to Qin Fei. Her voice was so loud that it almost broke his eardrums.    


He casually dug his ears, as if he did not realize his mistake at all. He said seriously, "Have you heard of sleepwalking? I miss my bed so I sleepwalked back. If you really don't understand what sleepwalking is, I'll let Cheng Luo explain it to you. "    


Lin Yuelin's tongue twister made Qin Fei, who had just woken up, faint. She thought about his words for a long time before realizing that he was teasing her.    


Qin Fei lifted her leg and wanted to kick him off the bed. She looked at him hatefully, "Get out of here right now!"    


Lin Yuelin took the opportunity to get up from the bed before she moved her feet. He did not expect Qin Fei to pity him. Being kicked out of the bed was a little shameful.    


"Alright, alright. After waking up, you turned hostile and did not recognize people."    


Qin Fei grabbed the pillow and threw it at him. She said angrily, "You..."    


"Cheng Luo is already making breakfast. Get up quickly. I will wait for you downstairs." To prevent Qin Fei from getting angrier, Lin Yuelin quickly escaped from the scene of the storm.    


Qin Fei gritted her teeth and watched Lin Yuelin's back as he left. When she lowered her head to look at herself, she found that there were already several buttons on her pajamas that had been undone. There were also some ambiguous red marks on her exposed skin.    


She could not help but blush and spit.    


Lin Yuelin, this lecherous hungry ghost.    


Qin Fei was still shy when there was a series of rapid knocks on the door in the room.    


She thought it was Lin Yuelin again and did not want to open the door, but a gentle voice came from the door, "Miss Qin, can you open the door for me?"    


Qin Fei only opened the door when she heard the female voice.    


There was a beautiful woman standing outside the door. She was holding a wooden tray with clothes on it.    


Chen Yan could see his love for this woman from the CEO's eyes. She had never seen a woman who could make the CEO smile so brightly so early in the morning. So the importance of this woman to the CEO could be imagined.    


Chen Yan knew that he must not neglect this woman. Perhaps she was the future president's wife.    


She said very respectfully, "Miss Qin, this is the clothes the CEO prepared for you."    


Qin Fei only slightly swept a glance at the clothes on the tray and snorted, "I am almost thirty. Why did you prepare all these pink clothes for me? Does he want me to pretend to be tender?"    


There had never been a woman who could reject the CEO's good intentions. This woman was really special.    


She only listened to the president. She had to do what the president told her to. "Miss Qin, this is what the president told me to do. If I don't do it well, she said. He could not blame Miss Qin. It could only be me. He asked Miss Qin to be kind. "    


"If he dares to scold you, I'll help you scold him. Anyway, I just don't want to cooperate with him. " Qin Fei looked at that pink dress again and her heart felt a chill.    


Since when did Lin Yuelin have such girlish taste?    


Chen Yan frowned and said, "Miss Qin, I have been standing at the door with this for so long. You have to let me in for a while."    


Chen Yan thought to himself, I don't care if you wear it or not, go in first and slowly persuade her.    


[This chapter is over]    


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