Don't Go Against My Mommy

C418 Forgive Me for Being Late

C418 Forgive Me for Being Late

"Mom and sister are crying, and so am I." Soong Yuan pouted.    


"Don't cry. It's fine." Lin Yuelin did not know how to explain this to Soong Yuan. Even if he explained it clearly, she still did not understand.    


In fact, Lin Yuelin had always asked people to take care of Qin Shi. He knew that Qin Fei's heart was soft. She would never really hate her father. He originally wanted to let him live for a few more years, but he did not expect that he would not be able to live for long.    


That afternoon, Qin Fei brought her child back to B City. Originally, she happily went to Bali for a vacation, but she did not expect that she would come back with sadness.    


Qin Fei did not dare to face her father who had no life.    


"Let's go, I will accompany you." Lin Yuelin knew Qin Fei was afraid, so he was a man at this time. He had to make a decision for her.    


Qin Fei's heart was very hurt now. She could not do anything. There were still many things that needed to be pressed on him in the future, so he had to do his best to help her share the burden.    


"Yuelin, I..." Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin with a sad face. No matter how strong she was, she still had a weak spot.    


"Fei Fei, you don't have to say anymore. I know. I will accompany you." Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei's hand and gave her support and strength.    


When Qin Fei heard the news, she felt dizzy and disoriented. It was only then that she remembered that she was also weak. She was a woman and needed help. If Lin Yuelin had not been by her side all this time, she really did not know what she should do.    


When her mother left the world, she told her that she was now an adult. She should have her own way of dealing with things. She shouldn't be so fragile anymore. It was not the first time that they had parted ways. Qin Fei took a deep breath. She knew that this was what she had to face. She had to be brave. She did not want the child and Yuelin to worry.    


When they arrived at Beiyan Hospital, Qin Fei accompanied by the doctor and Qin Sheng to the morgue. Qin Shi was lying in this cold and gloomy place. He was as thin as a monkey. He did not have that majestic look in his memory at all. If it was not for the name Qin Shi. She couldn't even recognize him as her father.    


Qin Sheng followed by her mother's side. She held her mother's hand tightly, but her eyes were always looking at Qin Shi.    


Soong Yuan was too young to enter this kind of place, so Lin Yuelin and Soong Yuan waited outside.    


"Uncle Lin, why don't we go in with sister and mother?" Soong Yuan had not seen her mother for a long time. She was a little anxious now.    


"They will come out soon." Soong Yuan said.    


"Uncle, why did mother and sister cry?" Soong Yuan kept feeling that something had happened that she did not know about. Otherwise, her sister and mother would not have cried so badly.    


"It's nothing much. Little dumpling, you must grow up healthy and healthy." This was Lin Yuelin's biggest wish.    


Accidents were hard to say. Maybe today, tomorrow, or any other time, the best thing was to live a good life.    


After a long time, Qin Fei held Qin Sheng's hand and walked out of the morgue. When she saw Lin Yuelin holding Soong Yuan in his arms, she fell asleep.    


After they got off the plane, they went straight to the hospital. After all, Soong Yuan was still young and could not withstand such a bumpy journey. She touched Sheng's head. "Sheng, are you also very tired?"    


"I am not tired at all." If she was really tired, then her mother should also be very tired. Her mother did not say that she was tired, so how could she say that she was tired.    


"Yuelin, let's go back to our own home." Qin Fei curled her lips and said to Lin Yue Lin.    


Lin Yuelin was stunned for a moment, and then he was pleasantly surprised. Fei Fei, are you kidding me?    


Qin Fei nodded. I can't wait to be with you. Our family should be living together.    


After her father's matter, Qin Fei understood that there were some things that she wanted to do. She did not want to regret it when an accident happened. The most important thing in life was not how much money she earned, but how to enjoy the moment.    


Qin Fei had always liked Lin Yuelin. He had also waited for her for so long. Why did she not live together? She wanted to be with Lin Yuelin, marry him, and get a certificate with him. These things had to be done quickly.    


She did not want to have any regrets with Lin Yuelin.    


When Lin Yuelin brought Qin Fei and the children back to the villa, he stunned the new housekeeper, Cheng Luo. What kind of attraction was this? When they went out, there was only one person. When they came back, they actually brought back three people.    


No wonder it was always him who was the CEO. He was the housekeeper. This was also a part of his ability.    


Cheng Luo also felt happy for Lin Yuelin. "Miss Qin, you finally agreed to come back with the CEO. Now it's good. The CEO doesn't need to be alone anymore."    


Cheng Luo did not feel the atmosphere between the family was a little heavy. He only knew that Lin Yuelin had waited for Qin Fei for so many years. Now that he finally got to this day, as a friend, he was very happy for him.    


"Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and arrange the room." Soong Yuan was still sleeping in his arms. He was worried that she would not sleep well, so he whispered.    


"Arrange a few rooms?" Cheng Luo became serious. Was the CEO sleeping with Miss Qin or were they separated?    


"Add a small bed in Sheng's room. Put more Barbie dolls and fluffy dolls in it. Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan used to sleep together. Soong Yuan might not be used to sleeping together with them.    


"Okay." The president had foresight. He had asked him to buy a lot of dolls that little girls liked. At that time, he thought that the president was crazy and did not think that it would be this use.    


"I also need candy that little kids like. Of course, it would be best if it was fake." Lin Yuelin thought for a while and added.    


"Okay, okay. I will definitely do it very well." Cheng Luo was very lonely in the villa where the president rarely went back. Now that there were so many people in the villa, Cheng Luo was very happy.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei again. He asked, "Do you have any thoughts about our room? As long as you follow Cheng Luo, he will satisfy your wish?"    


"No need. I am very tired and want to rest." Qin Fei did not have any thoughts about other things at the moment.    


Lin Yuelin nodded.    


"Cheng Luo, come and hug my daughter." Every time Lin Yuelin looked at Soong Yuan, his gaze would be exceptionally soft.    


Cheng Luo rubbed his hands together and took the fat girl. The smile on his face was about to spill out.    


He had done many things with his hands and had never hugged such a beautiful girl. Even if he had never been a father, his heart was currently filled with softness.    


"Be careful when you hug her, and be quiet too. She hasn't slept for a long time, so don't wake her up, Wang Yao said." Lin Yuelin reminded her. His voice was soft and gentle.    


"Okay, okay. I still have a theoretical basis." Although he had never taken care of children, as an all-around housekeeper, he had read a lot of parenting books. He wanted the president to show off his skills when he had children in the future. Therefore, his theoretical skills were still very solid.    


Previously, he was thinking about not having a child to practice his theories. Now, he had a test subject.    


If Lin Yuelin knew what he was thinking in his heart, he would have been crippled by him by now.    


Cheng Luo suddenly felt a little nervous as he held Soong Yuan in his arms. There was a ball in his hands. He even started to breathe carefully. For some reason, he felt that the little girl in his arms looked like the CEO, but this little guy was clearly Soong Ze's daughter. Why was it like this?    


Cheng Luo thought for a long time but could not think of anything. He simply shook off the chaotic thoughts in his mind.    


Although Qin Fei had not lived in Lin's residence for a long time, she was still very familiar with the structure of Lin's residence. Very soon, she spontaneously walked to Lin Yuelin's bedroom.    


Lin Yuelin could not help hugging Qin Fei from behind. He said gently and emotionally, "Fei Fei, I really don't know how to comfort you now. I know that whatever I say is useless, but I still want you to know. No matter what happens, I will always stand where you can see me. "    


"I know. Thank you," Qin Fei said weakly.    


Lin Yuelin had made countless promises to Qin Fei, but he was afraid that Qin Fei would not take it seriously. He wanted her to take it seriously. "Feifei, trust me. I will not miss your future life, even if it is only for one day."    


"Yuelin, you are my strongest support and support. Thank you so much for having you." Up until now, Lin Yuelin had lost all of his blood relatives. Now, the only ones closest to her were her child and Yuelin, and Yuelin would be the one she would rely on in her next life.    


"No need to thank me. We are a family. What I should do is what I should do. I only want you to love me. As for what you have to give, that's all. Let me do it. " Lin Yuelin knew that he was being hypocritical right now, but in front of Qin Fei, he always felt that he was not favoured. Qin Fei made him feel very insecure.    


Actually, a sense of security was not something only women lacked. Many men also needed a sense of security.    


"Yuelin, do you think I am very fragile and can't do anything?" Her father was dead. Qin Fei felt that she was doubting her life. ...    


"Why do you say that? You are the most perfect woman in my heart. You are great. Don't let your imagination run wild. Your father's matter is the law of nature. It has nothing to do with you. " Lin Yuelin tightened his grip on his arm. Qin Fei's actions really made his heart ache.    


"It's all because I did not forgive my father. He had already paid the price for his mistakes and became a vegetable lying on the bed. As my daughter, what's there to fuss about? I should take care of him often. Maybe he can live longer. " It was very difficult for Qin Fei not to blame herself.    


People would only cherish them when they lost them. Qin Fei had long understood this saying, but she still made a mistake.    


"I think Dad will not blame you in the sky. He knows that you are kind. He also wants you and the children to live happily. When you were young, he still loved you very much. At that time, I heard that there was a beloved daughter of the Qin family. At that time, Qin Xiaoxiao had not come yet. What I wanted to say was you. He loves you so much. I'm sure he won't be able to bear to blame you. " Qin Fei had too many emotions and worries on her shoulders. She should remove some weight in order to live a more relaxed life.    


[This chapter is over]    


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