Don't Go Against My Mommy

C419 Tomorrow and the Accident

C419 Tomorrow and the Accident

"Yuelin, I want to sleep for a while."    


"Alright, go to sleep."    


"You have mysophobia. I didn't take a shower. Don't you dislike me?" At this time, Qin Fei still thought that Lin Yuelin had mysophobia.    


"My mysophobia is only against people I don't love. I don't dislike people I love." Lin Yuelin shook his head and said with deep affection.    


Lin Yuelin pulled Qin Fei to the bedside and let her sit properly on the bed. He helped her take off her shoes and put her legs on the bed. Then he carefully covered her with the blanket. ...    


Lin Yuelin did all these actions in one go, as if they were husband and wife who had lived together for a long time.    


"Fei Fei, you see, I can also do these things. I can take good care of you. Trust me." Lin Yuelin looked down at Qin Fei.    


"Yuelin, the more you treat me, the more scared I am." Qin Fei covered her mouth, afraid that she would cry.    


"Silly, what are you afraid of?" He did not know why, but today's Qin Fei, at every moment, made his heart ache.    


"I am very afraid that after I get used to your good habits, you kick me away again. I will not be able to bear it. Qin Fei whispered.    


"Fei Fei, I don't want to hear this nonsense anymore. Every time I say something, I keep my word." Lin Yuelin was really angered to death by this woman. He had already confessed to her several times. She was still doubting his sincerity.    


"Don't be angry, there's a reason why I think so. My father used to treat me very well. He treated me like the apple of his eye. But one day, he suddenly threw my pearl on the ground. You don't know how desperate I was at that time." Qin Fei was still in pain when she talked about those past events. These were supposed to be misunderstandings. She should have reconciled with her father, but now she did not have the chance to explain it clearly.    


"No, I am different from your father. I will never abandon you. If one day I say I don't want you anymore, then I'm going to die soon. I don't want you to see it." Lin Yuelin sat by the bed and held Qin Fei's cold hands tightly. He comforted her. ...    


She was like a fragile child right now, he had to properly console her.    


"Yuelin, I will remember what you said. You said you will take care of me for the rest of my life. You are not allowed to lie. You are not allowed to go against your promise." Qin Fei really wanted time to pass quickly. Just like that, they suddenly aged in vain.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei's tears that were being rinsed. His heart ached. He could only bend down and hug her petite body tightly.    


"Yuelin, I want to be your wife. We will go and get the marriage certificate tomorrow." Qin Fei whispered in his ear.    


She could feel Lin Yuelin's body trembling.    


When you told a man that we were going to get the certificate, his body instinctively trembled. Marry him without any reservation. He will definitely treat you well.    


"Fei Fei, did I mishear something? Say it again." Lin Yuelin still found it hard to believe.    


After such a huge incident, he had already prepared to delay the process of getting the certificate. He did not expect Qin Fei to bring the time forward.    


During this period of time, it seemed like all the good luck had been thrown at him.    


"I said we will get married tomorrow. I want you to immediately become my husband. Become my father's son-in-law. This way, you'll be able to properly hold a funeral for my father. " Qin Fei continued to speak softly.    


Qin Fei did not want to wait any longer. She was afraid that something unexpected would happen, so she had to do what she wanted to do quickly. She wanted to become Lin Yuelin's wife the most, so she had to go and collect the certificate the next day.    


Qin Fei did not want to have any separation from Lin Yuelin. The only hope between them was time.    


After Lin Yuelin accompanied Qin Fei shopping for three hours, her mood seemed to have improved a lot. She could not see the sadness from yesterday at all.    


Lin Yuelin thought in his heart that his wife was really easy to coax. In the future, no matter what kind of big thing it was, it would be easier to coax her. As long as she was sad, sad, angry, and brought her to the shopping mall, if that was the case, then whatever emotions she had would definitely become excited and happy emotions.    


Lin Yuelin saw a lot of unknown female secrets from Qin Fei. He deeply felt that women were really a mysterious thing. In the past, he thought he knew a lot about women. After experiencing Qin Fei, only then did he realize that he knew very little about women.    


In the afternoon at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the two of them wanted to take the photos on the marriage certificate. The two of them didn't have makeup on, just simple white shirts.    


Lin Yuelin occasionally turned his head to look at Qin Fei who was beside him. She had a plain face facing up to the sky. Her long black hair was draped over her back, making her look like a campus belle with a very temperament.    


Finally, the marriage certificate, which was nearly ten years late, fell into the hands of the two of them. That night, they snuggled together and talked to each other. Originally, Lin Yuelin could have taken Qin Fei more deeply, but he did not.    


Now, Qin Fei was at the most sad moment. At this time, he had to comfort her and love her. Anyway, they were already legal husband and wife now, and there was still a long way to go.    


"Fei Fei, you haven't slept yet, right?" Lin Yuelin knew that no matter how much Qin Fei smiled, she would not let go of her father's matter so quickly. If she let go so quickly, it would not be the Qin Fei that he knew.    


"I can't sleep." Actually Qin Fei was already very tired, but when she closed her eyes, many memories surged up, catching her off guard.    


"Are you thinking about your father?" Lin Yuelin was now the person who understood Qin Fei the most, so naturally he could hit the nail on the head.    


"I'm sorry. It was a very happy thing to be married to you, but it disappointed me." Qin Fei said apologetically.    


"What are you thinking? How can I blame you? They shouldn't have gotten married at this moment. I am already very satisfied that you can do this. I don't have any other requests. " Lin Yuelin had already started preparing for Qin Shi's funeral. "It will be a good day to be buried in a few days. Father's funeral will be arranged on that day. Don't worry. I have already prepared everything for you. "    


"Is it going to be over seven?" Qin Fei did not know if there were still these ancient customs.    


Lin Yuelin had considered these things. He was originally prepared to bring Qin Shi's body back, but he was worried that it would scare the child. He also did not want Qin Fei to always look at him and feel sad, so he did not take any action.    


"When your father's head is past seven, we will cremate him and find a piece of land to bury him." Lin Yuelin said calmly.    


This was Qin Fei's most difficult time. As her husband, he naturally had to bear a little more responsibility.    


"Hubby, I really have to trouble you recently." Qin Fei originally also felt that this was not good, but she really did not know what to do with these things.    


"You have already called me Hubby. We are one family. Your father is my father. These are all things that I should do. Why are you thanking me? " Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei in his arms as a husband.    


This feeling was too wonderful.    


"You have wasted a lot of time. Go to work tomorrow." Qin Fei knew that the Lin's Group was so big that there were many important things to deal with every day. He could not stay there for a day or two, but he could not stay there forever. She couldn't help him with anything, but at least she didn't want to delay him.    


Lin Yuelin had already forgotten that he was the president of Lin's Group. He had been very happy to accompany Qin Fei and the children during this period of time. He had already forgotten about the tense feeling of working overtime day and night.    


Lin Yuelin's voice was very low, like a steady voice from a cellist. "Got it, Mrs. Lin."    


That night, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin hugged each other like a koala. The two of them shared their thoughts, as well as some interesting things in life. Lin Yuelin had never felt this way before. It seemed like there were only very big things in his life. It was like a contract that involved hundreds of millions of yuan. He rarely wasted his time talking about these trivial matters. But he never thought that these trivial matters would be so warm and interesting to Qin Fei.    


This should be the feeling of home.    


The two of them chatted and fell asleep. The next day, when Qin Fei woke up, Lin Yuelin was no longer by her side. She closed her eyes and touched the position beside her. She didn't even feel the slightest bit of warmth.    


She suddenly opened her eyes. There was indeed no one by her side. She suddenly remembered what she had said to Lin Yuelin last night. She thought that he must have gone to work. She did not know what was going on. Qin Fei seemed to be relying more and more on Lin Yuelin. She wanted to see him the next morning as soon as she woke up.    


Qin Fei packed up and went to the hall downstairs. Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan were at the dining table and when they heard the noise, they turned to Qin Fei but when Soong Yuan saw that it was Qin Fei, she immediately turned her face away.    


Qin Fei directly went beside Soong Yuan but she was still unwilling to look at her.    


Qin Fei also did not go directly to comfort Soong Yuan. She was very hungry now so she directly started to eat.    


Soong Yuan saw that Qin Fei actually did not come to coax her and her expression immediately became even uglier.    


"Mom." In the end, Soong Yuan really could not bear it and shouted.    


"Yes." Qin Fei replied lightly.    


Soong Yuan snorted coldly and felt wronged. "Why didn't you do what you promised me? Can I still trust you in the future?"    


Soong Yuan spoke like an adult and earnestly tried to persuade him.    


Qin Fei did not remember what she promised Soong Yuan at all.    


Mom has to tell me stories every night before I go to sleep. But you did not come back until I fell asleep last night. You did not tell me a story." Qin Fei seemed to have not told her a story for a long time recently. It seemed that she did not love her anymore.    


Qin Fei was initially a little nervous, but it turned out to be like this. She quickly stopped the chopsticks in her hands and comforted, "Mommy had some things to do yesterday, so she did not have time. Tonight, Mommy will definitely tell you a story. Until I hear that you are sick of it. "    


"You don't need to be disloyal a hundred times at a time. I won't believe you anymore." Soong Yuan used what she learned from her elder sister to teach her mother not to go back on her words.    


[This chapter is over]    


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