Don't Go Against My Mommy

C660 The Restless Qin Mo

C660 The Restless Qin Mo

"Because you've grown up, you're a big kid, so get used to sleeping alone." Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was troubled by the devilish child and quickly helped his wife out of the predicament.    


"I don't want to get used to sleeping alone. I can't get used to it. I can only sleep with my mother." Soong Yuan shook her head. As long as she thought of this place, she was not familiar with it at all. She still had to let her sleep alone. She could not accept this fact from the bottom of her heart.    


"Don't be afraid. Big Sister will protect you." Qin Sheng had long gotten used to sleeping alone. It was just that she occasionally wanted to sleep with her mother and act spoiled. If she really wanted her to sleep with her mother every day, she would not be willing.    


"Hmph, my elder sister is still the best." Soong Yuan grabbed Qin Sheng's hand and completely forgot about the matter of her conflict with Qin Sheng previously.    


"Looks like this arrangement is very good. Since you like elder sister so much, you can sleep with her. If I like mom, I will sleep with mom." Lin Yuelin followed Soong Yuan's words and said with a sly smile.    


Soong Yuan did not think that she would be fooled by Lin Yuelin. Her mood was not good at all. She pouted to express her dissatisfaction, but things had already reached this point. Knowing that Lin Yuelin wasn't a compassionate person, she didn't even need to cry. In any case, it was useless to cry in front of him.    


He was truly a heartless person. This was what Soong Yuan thought of Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin brought Qin Fei back to his room from the children's room. The two of them basically entered his room one after the other. The room was still cold and quiet, and it looked like there was no human activity at all.    


"Wait a minute. I will tidy up the room." Soong Yuan could not accept other people cleaning the room. She had to clean up everything herself before she could be completely done.    


"How long do you need to stay alone? Let's do it together." Lin Yuelin said naturally.    


Qin Fei was shocked. Lin Yuelin actually took the initiative to ask her to do housework. This was too strange.    


"Why are you looking at me like an idiot? Hurry up and do it. I'm a little tired and want to rest." Lin Yuelin saw Qin Fei staring at him in a daze and quickly went up to her. He gently poked her forehead and reminded her.    


The two of them were indeed busier than the one who was busy. It would take a while for them to tidy up.    


This time, they did not give them a lot of explanation when they came to America. They only said that they would bring Qin Mo to America for recuperation.    


Qin Fei was a little worried about the matter between Soong Ze and Mei Shuang. Their conflict only appeared to have been resolved. In fact, the problem had always existed, so it was uncertain when it would explode.    


To be honest, Qin Fei did not know if Soong Ze really liked Mei Shuang. What could he do for Mei Shuang?    


Recently, she had not received any distress signal from Soong Ze. She did not know how the two of them were doing now. Was it still in a stalemate, or had they given up? Mei Shuang looked like she could not think of anything better than before. If that was the case, it would be hard on Soong Ze.    


While Qin Fei was lost in her thoughts, a pair of hands reached out from her back and hugged her tightly. Lin Yuelin's hot breath lingered behind her ears. "My wife, what are you thinking about now?"    


Qin Fei felt that a big bear was hugging her tightly.    


"Yuelin, don't rub against my neck anymore. It's so itchy." Lin Yuelin did not know when he had started to grow a beard, so Qin Fei's neck had been stabbed to death by Lin Yuelin's beard. His hair seemed to be very black and hard, and he suddenly wanted to touch his hair.    


"Fei Fei, don't think about Mo anymore. I believe Dean Loong can cure him." Lin Yuelin was optimistic about the situation, although he knew that he couldn't blindly trust Dean Loong. He felt that this person was trustworthy.    


"Fei Fei, I love you so much." Although these words were somewhat cliché, Lin Yuelin still wanted to let Qin Fei hear them.    


"Yuelin." Although he knew that Lin Yuelin always liked to say romantic words to her, he still felt his face turn red and his heart beat fast.    


"I know you know that I love you, but I heard that you need to frequently express love to your lover in order to make love more perfect." Lin Yuelin smiled brightly behind Qin Fei.    


The atmosphere in the room was full of pink bubbles, but there was a knock on the door, as if something urgent had happened.    


"What is it?" Lin Yuelin had not had time with Qin Fei for a long time. No one would be in a good mood when such a warm moment was disturbed.    


"Qin Mo is looking for you guys everywhere. The voice outside sounded very urgent.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin looked at each other. This did not seem like something Qin Mo would do. That was why their faces were filled with doubt, but it was related to Qin Mo. Lin Yuelin opened the door very quickly. There was an abnormally thin man standing in front of the door.    


At this moment, Lin Yuelin's dark and bold aura made the thin man keep his head down, not daring to look at him.    


"Where is Mo now?" Lin Yuelin's oppressive aura made the thin man shiver uncontrollably.    


"He is still in sterile chamber, but he doesn't want to live there. He wants to go out and see you all." The thin man's voice was a little unstable. His voice was shaky, like an old man in his fifties or eighties.    


Sterile chamber was next door. If what the man said was true, why did he and Qin Fei not hear any noise? There seemed to be something strange about this matter.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin quickly went to Qin Mo's room. Through the window, they could see Mo's every move. At this moment, his face was red. He should be angry because he couldn't find his parents.    


Dean Loong probably heard some news and rushed over. Qin Mo was very restless. He looked very unstable. He had clearly agreed to it before. He had also said that he would listen to Dean Loong's arrangements no matter what, but why was his mood so unstable now? For a moment, Dean Loong did not know what to say.    


Qin Mo seemed to have felt his gaze. He turned his head and met Lin Yuelin's gaze. In Qin Mo's eyes, Lin Yuelin felt disappointment and helplessness.    


Lin Yuelin's heart seemed to be hit by something. He said to Dean Loong in an unfriendly tone, "What is going on?"    


"Good, good." Dean Loong's eyes were still on Qin Mo. He carefully observed his movements and demeanor. But still could not explain his current behavior. "Don't you think Mo is more energetic than before? "    


Dean Loong didn't dare neglect Lin Yuelin, so even if he didn't explain, he still had to give an explanation.    


" I don't accept this explanation. I want a reasonable explanation. " Lin Yuelin clearly felt that this was a perfunctory explanation. How could he be perfunctory so easily? So his eyes were fixed on Dean Loong. The atmosphere was a little tense.    


"Mo has been lying in this room for a long time. It was not easy for him to leave. Now he has to lie in this room again. He naturally felt uncomfortable. It's just an outburst. " Dean Loong had seen too many emotional outbursts like this in the sanatorium. People who stayed in the hospital for a long time more or less had some psychological problems.    


Dean Loong was all-rounded in medicine. It was because of this that Luh Cheng dared to give the sanatorium to him to manage. The sanatorium had been praised for so many years. Many rich and famous celebrities were here to take care of the sanatorium.    


Dean Loong was ready to go in and have a good chat with Qin Mo.    


He sighed and said, "Mo doesn't seem to like it here."    


No one would like a sterile chamber isolated from the outside world.    


After listening to Dean Loong's explanation, Lin Yuelin did not really understand. He felt that he deliberately made the reason sound so mysterious.    


"Since Mo doesn't like this place, let's change the place." Lin Yuelin actually felt that this place wasn't good. Since Mo didn't like it either, then he could change the place.    


"No, we can't find such good equipment and environment in America. Don't worry. He is just resisting emotionally. I will definitely calm him down." Dean Loong originally wanted to bring him here to meet Luh Cheng. Of course, he would not let Lin Yuelin move him away.    


As soon as Dean Loong's hand touched the door handle, Lin Yuelin was already one step ahead of him. "Mo is my son. Of course, I should calm him down. Leave this matter to me. " Lin Yuelin really wanted to talk to Qin Mo personally. After all, he missed his family the most in this place.    


"That's fine. Sorry to trouble Mr. Lin." Dean Loong would not argue with Lin Yuelin over this small matter. After all, he was right.    


Dean Loong arranged for someone to sterilize Lin Yuelin's body before bringing him to sterile chamber.    


When Dean Loong left, he paused beside Qin Fei. He softly suggested, "Lady Qin Fei, you should go out with us. They need to have a good chat and let them have some quiet space."    


Dean Loong's manner of speaking always made people feel that there was something hidden in his words, but Qin Fei thought about it in her heart and did not have any deeper meaning.    


Qin Fei still decided to go out with Dean Loong. She believed that it was enough for Lin Yuelin to be here. Mo usually listened to his words the most.    


After Qin Mo heard that the sterile chamber's door was closed, his mood began to increase again. He looked at Lin Yuelin who was approaching him, and the anger on his face was obvious.    


"I don't want to stay in here. I am not a person who will die. I don't want to sleep in here alone." Qin Mo's voice was very cold and hoarse.    


"No, this place is very useful for your injuries." Lin Yuelin had always maintained a calm expression. He pulled a chair from the side and quietly sat down.    


"But I don't want to be alone. This is too scary." Qin Mo had enough of the feeling of being the only person in the world. He did not want to experience this feeling again.    


This chapter is over.    


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