Don't Go Against My Mommy

C644 A Surprise Prepared

C644 A Surprise Prepared

"There's no taste of sugar in the mineral water. There's so much water." Qin Sheng smiled from the side.    


"I am willing." Soong Yuan said discontentedly. This was the water she wanted to drink. What did it have to do with her? She really hated it.    


"It is good that you are willing. You can do whatever you want when you are happy." Qin Sheng did not want to continue quarreling with Soong Yuan. After all, she was a child. If she quarreled with her, it would appear that her IQ was very low.    


"I want to sleep now. I want to take an afternoon nap." Soong Yuan snuggled tightly in Qin Mo's arms.    


"Go to sleep. I will hug you like this."    


"Sheng, you see that my brother will hug me, but he will not hug you. You should be envious, right?" Soong Yuan was actually showing off.    


Qin Fei listened to the children's jealousy behind her and felt like her head was about to explode. She was about to have some admiration for Soong Yuan. She was actually so vengeful. But to be honest, Qin Sheng was really pitiful. She had been looking for a sense of existence. As a mother, she felt that her situation was exceptionally awkward.    


"Yuelin, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon. Are we taking a ride or are we going for a picnic?" Qin Fei felt that today's picnic must have been ruined. All the complaints in her heart were written on her face.    


Of course, for Qin Fei, a ride and a picnic were the same, but for the children, it was definitely more fun to have a picnic. But Lin Yuelin did not prepare anything at all. Thus, it caused her to wander along the road. All of this was Lin Yuelin's fault. How could Qin Fei not be angry?    


"It's still early. The weather is so good today. It must be dark later. Don't you think the surrounding scenery is very good?" Lin Yuelin did not feel Qin Fei's effort at all, so he was still very free and elegant.    


"I don't want to stay on the road anymore, or I will fall asleep. How far is our destination?" Qin Fei felt that there was no end to this destination. She had already woken up. But such a boring journey made her start to doze off again.    


"We will be there in a while." In fact, Lin Yuelin had already prepared for this. He had only said that to give Qin Fei a surprise.    


If the child and the wife were not concerned about the matter, what else was worth paying attention to?    


"Did you prepare something early in the morning?" Qin Fei later realized that she had been fooled by Lin Yuelin all the way.    


"Of course. I have prepared a good place for you. Otherwise, you would definitely be angry." Lin Yuelin had also seen this place on Qin Fei's Weibo. Just looking at the photos made him feel that he had to come to this place. The children and Qin Fei would definitely like it.    


"Seriously, are you so easy to fool me? You actually didn't tell me? If you continue to be like this in the future, I won't bother with you anymore." Qin Fei felt a little helpless.    


She clearly knew that Lin Yuelin liked to make surprises, but she would still be deceived by him. Every time he lied to her, his expression would be very disputing and hungry, so she had to believe him.    


"Fei Fei, how many times do you think you've been deceived by me? Why would you still be deceived? You also know that it is too late for me to please Soong Yuan now. How can I not prepare anything? " Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei's angry expression and felt that it was really cute.    


"I don't want to see you now, nor do I want to communicate with you. So you better not talk to me." Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin's proud face. She felt that her angry look just now must have been mocked by Lin Yuelin. No matter how she felt, she could not be happy.    


Lin Yuelin suddenly sped up, but he had been delayed for a long time on the road. However, the longer one waited, the more precious it was. But now, he also felt that it was about time to wait. He wanted to go there as soon as possible. This was the first family picnic. No matter what kind of tools were prepared, they were all ready.    


Soong Yuan had long fallen asleep in Qin Mo's arms. Qin Sheng and Qin Mo's voices were very soft. They were afraid that they would wake up the little ancestor. Qin Fei originally wanted to sleep, but after knowing that there was a surprise, she could not sleep. Lin Yuelin's surprise was always romantic. She did not know what kind of surprise he would give the children and her this time. But no matter what it was, Qin Fei had a little expectation.    


About ten minutes later, Lin Yuelin stopped in an open plain. It was a beautiful place.    


Qin Fei sat in the car for so long that she felt her back and waist ache. She wanted someone to massage her.    


"Sheng, we are going to pour it now. Do you want to wake up the little dumpling?" Qin Mo could not bear to see Soong Yuan sleeping so well.    


Qin Sheng thought of Soong Yuan ignoring her all the way and had a bad idea in her heart. The corner of her mouth curled up into an evil smile. "Leave this to me."    


Qin Mo vaguely felt that Qin Sheng wanted to take revenge on Soong Yuan. "Sheng, she is the little sister. Don't do anything to hurt her."    


Although he did not know what Qin Sheng wanted to do, he still had to give her a necessary reminder. She would not do too much.    


Qin Sheng stuck out her tongue and then stretched out her hand to heavily pinch Soong Yuan's nose. The sleeping Soong Yuan felt that her breathing was not smooth, so she opened her mouth to breathe. Qin Sheng once again blocked her mouth.    


Soong Yuan felt a sense of urgency and her small face was tangled together. How could she sleep well like this? She wanted to open her eyes to see who was the main culprit. But Qin Sheng had already pulled her hand away before she opened her eyes. When Soong Yuan opened her eyes, she was immediately stunned. Seeing her dazed look, Qin Sheng almost wanted to laugh out loud. But after laughing out loud, how long had it been since she exposed herself, so she could only hold back her laughter.    


"Mo, it's still scary. Someone pinched my nose when I had nightmares. It covered my mouth. I can't breathe at all. It scared me to death. "Of course Qin Mo knew that it wasn't a dream. It was just Qin Sheng playing a prank. Of course he could not tell Soong Yuan about this. Otherwise, Soong Yuan and his sister would not be able to get along, so he could only pretend that he did not know anything. He comforted Soong Yuan.    


"Don't be afraid. As long as Big Brother is here, no one will dare to bully you." When he said this, Qin Mo did not have any confidence. Qin Sheng had bullied Soong Yuan under his nose just now.    


"Anyway, I don't want to sleep." Soong Yuan hugged Qin Mo and trembled. It seemed that the little girl was indeed frightened.    


After a long time, Soong Yuan found that the car had stopped. She did not even know when the car had stopped. Would she miss out on a lot of things? Soong Yuan began to regret sleeping.    


"Sheng, Mo, Soong Yuan, get off the car quickly." Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had been outside preparing the things for the picnic, but when they were almost ready, they did not see the children coming down, so Qin Fei shouted loudly from outside.    


Soong Yuan was still in a dizzy state, so it was Qin Mo who carried her out of the car.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo looked at the surrounding scenery and took a deep breath. The air was really fresh. Such good scenery did not exist in the center of the city. No wonder Dad drove for so long.    


They originally felt bored, but now it seemed like it was worth it.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin did not have time to take care of the children. They had been busy all the time. Because they had a tacit understanding, they quickly prepared everything they needed.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo saw that their parents were too tired. Although they knew that they might not be able to help much, they still went forward to help.    


The grill had been set up. Lin Yuelin knew that it was unhygienic to burn. He chose to plug in the power and move the power. Actually, such a thing was really a waste of time. In the past, Lin Yuelin definitely would not have done it. But now that he had a wife and child, Lin Yuelin felt that the happiest thing was to waste time with the children.    


"Yuelin, quickly turn on the power. I can't wait to help you guys barbeque." Qin Fei was already eager to try with the tools in her hands.    


"Right away." Lin Yuelin turned around and plugged in the electricity.    


The metal plate on the grill started to heat up. Qin Fei did not know what to do first. After all, no one had done such a thing before.    


Lin Yuelin saw that everyone seemed to know something, even though he did not know how to do it. But he was the pillar of the family. Even if he did not know how to do it, he still had to show it. Furthermore, he felt that he couldn't delay the matter of barbecuing. What he should do was what he should do. What was so difficult about barbecuing? Didn't it just need to be cooked and dipped in some chili to eat?    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo hid behind Lin Yuelin and hurriedly used the seasoning.    


The family of five all felt that this matter was very fresh and enjoyed themselves very much.    


They did not even dare to recognize the things that were handcuffed, but this was after all the success of their labor. Qin Sheng did not care about anything and took a bite first.    


After roasting once, they gained experience and even Soong Yuan joined in. They roasted all the things that they brought, whether to eat or not. Lin Yuelin felt as if he was a chef with his upper body. The movements of his hands were as smooth as flowing water.    


The afternoon passed just like that in the midst of happiness. He already knew that he might fail the barbeque. Therefore, Qin Fei prepared some cooked food. However, the children still preferred the food that they cooked. No one took a bite of the cooked food. Even if the food that they roasted was burnt, there was still too much salt. But they still ate very happily. At this moment, they felt that Qin Fei felt that they were a very ordinary family. The smile on her face was so brilliant.    


When it was almost over, the children did not want to go back at all. Their faces were full of flushes. Although Soong Yuan said in her mouth that the roasted food was dirty and dirty, when she ate it, she was fiercer than anyone else.    


But Soong Yuan was still a child after all. Her stomach was not as strong as adults, so she could not let her eat too much.    


As for Qin Mo and Qin Sheng, Qin Fei could not stop them at all. In the end, they could only let them run their own course.    


"Yuelin, do you think there will be any problem after we eat so much of the food we grilled ourselves?" Qin Fei had control over her appetite in the past. Furthermore, she would not allow the children to eat such messy food. But today, the situation could not be controlled. Everyone ate the barbecued food and could not stop. The fruits that she brought were all untouched.    


[This chapter is over]    


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