Don't Go Against My Mommy

C590 Lu Dong's Explanation

C590 Lu Dong's Explanation

"Besides Lin Yuelin, many other guests have also been injured. When I went to visit them. They all said that Wen Rann took out the bomb when he was talking to you guys in the end. Even if they didn't say anything, I knew that this matter was directed at you guys. But I want to know what you guys said while chatting." Loo Dong wanted to find out the real culprit behind this incident. Only then would he be able to prove his innocence.    


"He didn't tell us anything meaningful." Qin Fei did not know why he was so persistent. Even if he found out, so what?    


"What are you talking about? They all saw you talking. Why didn't they say anything?" Loo Dong did not believe that Qin Fei could not remember those words. The only explanation was that Qin Fei did not want to say it.    


"We just greeted him briefly and then he said he wanted to give us a surprise. We did not have time to react before a bomb appeared and I was pulled away by Yuelin." Qin Fei recalled what happened yesterday, and her mood was still somewhat unsettled.    


But what they had said to Wen Rann previously had no meaning. Qin Fei felt that saying it out would have no effect on finding the real culprit. ...    


"It seems like we still need to communicate with Director Lin about this matter." Qin Fei's way of thinking was different from his, so there were many obstacles to communication.    


"You better not disturb my husband. He is seriously injured. You need to be quiet." This was the second time Qin Fei had ordered him to leave. She had never seen such a shameless person. She had already asked him to leave time and time again, but he refused to leave.    


"Mrs. Lin, don't you want to know who wants your lives?" Loo Dong really wanted Qin Fei to cooperate with him, but it was obvious that Qin Fei was not that cooperative.    


"I want to know who the real murderer is. I will also cooperate with your question. But no matter what, I don't know. I have told you everything I saw. What else do you want me to do? " Qin Fei felt a little impatient. This matter was not something that he could find the real culprit. He did not have the ability.    


"Mrs. Lin seems to dislike me." Loo Dong said it very straightforwardly, then smiled at her. "You can choose not to believe me, but you can also be on guard against me. But please tell the truth."    


Loo Dong knew that perhaps she was blaming him because of the matter of the Lin Clan, but he had his reasons for that matter. However, at this point, he really did not know how to explain it to Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei.    


Even if he said it, would they believe him? Perhaps they would still think that he was looking for an excuse.    


This was the first time Loo Dong had met a woman who was so difficult to get close to. Although their conversation only lasted for half an hour, however, it was even more tiring than Loo Dong working for a day. When he came out of the ward, he was already exhausted. Although Qin Fei did not trust him, it was not that he did not gain anything.    


"We are going to no house." Loo Dong said to the driver after getting in the car.    


After Loo Dong left, only Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin were left in the ward. There was only a vast expanse of white everywhere. She felt very cold. She really wanted to lie in his warm embrace, but he was currently sleeping. She had no idea at all.    


"Yuelin, do you think I am an unlucky person? I don't think you have encountered any good things after meeting me." She held Lin Yuelin's hand and muttered to herself.    


Qin Fei's life had always been full of ups and downs. It was because she had been living such a homeless life. Qin Fei wanted to live a more ordinary life more and more. She looked at the articles, watched the television, and cooked for her child. Just like that, she lived peacefully and quietly for the rest of her life. This kind of life had actually become a type of luxury.    


Because the entire world seemed to have enemies. No matter where their family was, they would be found. They had no other way other than to welcome them face to face.    


Qin Fei felt that Zhuilei was not honest. He must have a lot of things that he did not say out loud. Or it should be said that Mong Loong had never told Zhuilei about these things. It was Mong Loong who kept it from everyone.    


"Yuelin, what should I do to stop you from getting hurt again? What should I do to help you escape from this dangerous vortex? I don't want anything to happen to you anymore. My heart aches. I know what you mean when you say husband and wife have to bear everything together, but the two of us can't bear it. Besides, there's nothing that you can't bear alone. Have you ever thought about it every time you get hurt? How much suffering is in my heart? " Qin Fei could already feel that the current situation was getting more and more dangerous. She looked at the people around her who she cared about getting injured one after another. Qin Fei's heart seemed to be accepting Ling Chi.    


At the time of a flash of inspiration, Qin Fei suddenly thought of her children. They had already stayed in Mei's residence for a few days. She did not know if they were used to it or not, but did they miss her and Lin Yuelin?    


Qin Fei immediately called Soong Ze, wanting to ask about the children's situation. There were also many things that she wanted to talk to Soong Ze about.    


"Brother Song Ze." When she called him Brother Song Ze, Qin Fei suddenly felt very wronged. He was like this, like a family member. No matter how big the storm outside was, as long as she saw him, she would feel that his home was still there. So it was very warm.    


"Fei Fei." When Soong Ze heard Qin Fei's voice, it sounded as if she was crying. His heart immediately clenched.    


"I'm fine. I just want to ask about your situation. Are you used to living in Mei's residence?" Qin Fei quickly adjusted her emotions and calmly asked.    


"We are very good." In fact, Soong Ze lied. His condition was not good. The Mei family would definitely investigate the matter of Mei Shuang's injury. In order to avoid implicating Qin Fei, he took all the responsibility.    


Mei Shuang ignored him now. Mei Zhu originally wanted to bring Mei Shuang along with him. But now, before the two of them were together, he had already caused Mei Shuang to suffer such serious injuries. How could he be at ease to hand Mei Shuang over to his hands, so Mei Zhu did not have a good expression on his face. This made Soong Ze's situation in the Mei family very difficult.    


However, because the three children looked like guests and had a sweet mouth, everyone in the Mei family liked them very much. Therefore, their life in the Mei family could be said to be very enjoyable.    


"As long as you are all good, that's good." Qin Fei suddenly did not know what to say, so she said with a pale face.    


Soong Ze knew Qin Fei so well. From her voice, he could tell that her current situation was definitely not good. He asked with concern, "Fei Fei, did you encounter something? Where's Lin Yuelin?"    


As long as Lin Yuelin was around, nothing would happen to Qin Fei. So, was this matter related to Lin Yuelin?    


It could only be said that Soong Ze really knew Qin Fei very well. With just a few words, he could guess the reason.    


"What could happen to me? Lin Yuelin is sleeping." Qin Fei answered firmly. She did not want to tell Soong Ze about her current situation. Otherwise, he would be worried about coming over immediately, but the children were in Mei's residence. Qin Fei would only be at ease if he was there.    


Furthermore, she already knew that Soong Ze liked Mei Shuang, so she had to let them spend more time together. After a long time, the two of them would understand her intentions.    


"Fei Fei, don't lie to me. I will be very worried about you." Soong Ze asked doubtfully.    


"I won't lie to you. It has been so long since I last saw the child. I really miss them." Qin Fei felt a little sad when she said the child. She had never been separated from her child for so long.    


"Then I will bring the children back to meet you." Soong Ze knew Qin Fei's longing. When he went to England, he would miss Soong Yuan very much, let alone Qin Fei, who was a mother.    


"Brother Song Ze don't want it. It is too dangerous here now. The children should be safer in Mei's residence. So help me look after the children first. Don't let them come back now." Brother Song Ze didn't have the time either, so even if he came here now, he wouldn't be able to help much. Perhaps he would be injured, so he might as well stay in the Mei family. This way, he would be safer.    


"Do you want to hear the voices of the children?" Soong Ze asked.    


"No need. I'm afraid I will cry when I hear their voices." Qin Fei's throat was sore, but she was still suppressing her emotions.    


"Alright, that's it. You and Lin Yuelin are busy. Alright. That's it. You and ___ are busy, but you have to take care of your own bodies. We still have time. " Soong Ze did not know how to comfort Qin Fei. He could only show concern in these words.    


"I know. I will take good care of myself. I will also take good care of Lin Yuelin. By the way, how are you and Mei Shuang doing? Last time when we left the airport, she did not care about you. What about now? " Compared to her and Lin Yuelin, she was more concerned about Mei Shuang and Soong Ze.    


" Should she ignore me or not? " For some reason, Mei Shuang's attitude towards him had completely changed. She had clearly said earlier that she liked him. However, she had suddenly drawn a line with him. Their current relationship was even worse than that of strangers.    


Qin Fei could hear a strong sense of helplessness from his voice. She could already guess Mei Shuang's awkwardness. Little girls were always like this. The cold war could be extended infinitely. At this time, boys needed to take the initiative to break the ice.    


"Girls are like this. They like to be willful and angry. But at this time, as long as the boys express their love and coax her, she will eagerly come over and stick to you."    


Love often needed to take the initiative. Soong Ze was considered lucky. When love came, he would have to work hard to grasp it now.    


"I'll try." This was just a perfunctory reply to Qin Fei. How could this be done so easily?    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei looked at her phone in a daze. She began to think about whether it was really safe to leave the child in Mei family. Those people were so resourceful. Perhaps they already knew that the child was in the Mei family. If they wanted to snatch the child by force, wouldn't it bring trouble to her uncle?    


[This chapter is over]    


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