Don't Go Against My Mommy

C584 A Silent Smokefield

C584 A Silent Smokefield

Lin Yuelin placed the plate of pastries in front of her. Qin Fei saw that Lin Yuelin did not add anything else for her, so she asked, "Yuelin, you did not eat either. Don't you want to eat some?"    


The two of them had attended many banquets together. It seemed that Lin Yuelin would not eat at banquets every time. Qin Fei did not know if it was Lin Yuelin who did this or if all the men were like this.    


"You know, I don't like to eat something so sweet." Lin Yuelin did not like eating at banquets, be it dessert or other foods. He only liked to eat with Qin Fei and the children at home. Only this way would he eat more.    


"If we knew this would happen, we would have eaten at home before coming back. You don't need to be hungry." Qin Fei saw that there were still a few people around. They wanted to not be late. In the end, she did not expect that most of them would be late.    


"Yuelin, let's dance now." Qin Fei also did not want to eat these desserts. She suddenly had an idea.    


But before this idea could be implemented, it was interrupted by a man. She didn't know where he came from, but Lin Yuelin knew him.    


Actually, this wasn't strange. In the past, the Lin's Group was so glorious. Even if the Lin Clan had gone bankrupt now, everyone here still knew about Lin Yuelin. However, these people did not interact with Lin Yuelin, because no one was willing to deal with a person who had gone bankrupt. They were afraid that he would ask them for help. In the business world, there were only benefits. How could there be any timely help?    


However, they did not know that Lin Yuelin did not lack money. He was even richer than everyone else here. They really did not know how these people became so ugly and ugly with their faces filled with confidence.    


The man looked at Lin Yuelin with doubt in his eyes, so he took the initiative to introduce himself. "I am the director of Donghua Group, Wen Rann."    


Lin Yuelin replied in a distant manner, "Hello, Director Wen."    


Qin Fei did not know many of Lin Yuelin's business partners. She did not want to know these people, so she only needed to hide behind Lin Yuelin. She did not need to care about anything and just left it to him.    


However, Wen Rann still took the initiative to greet Qin Fei. He even extended his hand to Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin. Seeing him nod, she reluctantly shook hands with him. When shaking hands, this man always had a smile on his face, but he held her hand very tightly. This was clearly not a polite request, so Qin Fei felt that this man did not seem as simple as he appeared on the surface. He had ulterior motives.    


"This beautiful young lady is Director Lin's girlfriend, right?" Wen Rann's gaze had always been on Qin Fei.    


"You are wrong." Lin Yuelin observed every movement of Wen Rann. The reason why he did not act up was that he was in Loo Dong's territory. "She is my wife."    


"I am sorry, I do not know..." Wen Rann said awkwardly.    


"It's good that you know now." Lin Yuelin did not want to talk to this person anymore. He actually wanted to have sex with Qin Fei. He really wanted to die.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei did not want to continue to face this man, so he took Qin Fei's hand and left.    


Qin Fei felt a little emotional that no one had dared to be so unscrupulous to his female companion in front of Lin Yuelin in the past. But now, these people were really powerful.    


Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin's firm side profile and felt guilty again in her heart. Ever since the Lin Clan went bankrupt, these people no longer had any respect for Lin Yuelin. When she thought about how these people were all trying to flatter and flatter each other, when she compared them with their current appearances, it was really ridiculous.    


"Without my permission, you are not allowed to let your imagination run wild. What does this have to do with you? Even if I am not the president of Lin's company, I can still protect my wife." Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei's hand tightly. There was a bright smile at the corner of his mouth. "Wife, I can protect you well."    


"I believe you, but I really did not let my imagination run wild." Qin Fei did not want Lin Yuelin to worry.    


"Really?" Lin Yuelin looked into Qin Fei's eyes. His gaze was as deep as the night sky, as if he wanted to suck Qin Fei in.    


Qin Fei could not resist Lin Yuelin's gaze. She quickly found an excuse to run away. "I want to eat. I won't talk to you anymore."    


Qin Fei broke away from Lin Yuelin's hand. The banquet was about to begin. Even though he and Qin Fei were husband and wife, they could not hold hands all the time. This was not in line with etiquette. Although the Lin Clan had gone bankrupt, the spirit of the Lin Clan was still there. He could not lose face for Lin Dong.    


At this moment, Lin Yuelin had already seen Loo Dong. He was about to look for him, but in the end, he also turned around and looked at him.    


Qin Fei was used to holding hands with Lin Yuelin wherever she went, but after he took the initiative to let go of her hands, she suddenly realized that she was not at home or on a street outside. This was a banquet. If two people held hands at all times, others would not think that they were in love. They would only think that they were not polite at all.    


Qin Fei quickly cast aside her thoughts of Lin Yuelin and stood on the long table with all kinds of food. She prepared to get some fruits and desserts for herself. Anyway, she was very hungry now.    


Qin Fei turned around and saw Lin Yuelin talking to a man. This man had his back to her, so she did not know if she knew him.    


Qin Fei thought about it and still wanted to go up and greet him. After all, she was Lin Yuelin's wife now, so she had to be polite. So Qin Fei tried hard to make her smile look better.    


She walked up and saw that this man was Loo Dong. Her eyes were very confused. After all, she was not familiar with Loo Dong, and she could not hide anything from him. They had come back this time to deal with this man, so it was difficult for them to maintain the smile on their faces.    


"Loo Dong," Lin Yuelin saw Qin Fei was stunned, so he lowered his head and whispered in her ear.    


Qin Fei knew that he was Loo Dong, but she was just a little stunned. Loo Dong had always smiled at her. That kind of smile was clear.    


Qin Fei felt that the current Loo Dong seemed to be different from the men she had seen before. Previously, he was wearing a very thick black-rimmed glasses. Many people did not pay much attention to his appearance. Now that he wore contact lenses, he even cut his bangs, revealing his entire forehead. It made him look cool and sunny, but he did not think of the man with glasses. He was actually so beautiful.    


It turned out that the previous appearance was all an act. Now, this was the real him. Qin Fei felt that the hypocritical people were not good people.    


"Hello, Miss Qin." Loo Dong took the initiative to ask.    


"Sorry." Qin Fei's empty hand held Lin Yuelin's arm. "I think you should call me Mrs. Lin."    


"By the way, I forgot that you two are married. Congratulations." Although he said congratulations, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin could tell that he was not sincere.    


"I still need to greet other guests. You two can do whatever you want. If you have any neglect, please forgive me." Loo Dong said politely.    


Lin Yuelin did not expect Loo Dong to be so calm and composed when he saw him. Shouldn't he be in a panic?    


"What did you say to him just now? Did you see anything?" Qin Fei looked at Loo Dong's figure disappearing at the end of the corner and asked.    


"What?" Lin Yuelin did not expect Qin Fei to be so concerned about the matter between him and Loo Dong.    


"I mean, did you tell Loo Dong about the matter, or did you two pretend?" Qin Fei felt that Loo Dong was really good at pretending. The more he acted like this, the more difficult it would be to deal with him. Qin Fei was very worried about Lin Yuelin.    


"We will not spread it out. In this situation, whoever said it would be wrong." Lin Yuelin's eyes were fixed on Loo Dong. He looked at the smile on Loo Dong's face that never changed as he shuttled back and forth between the people.    


"Don't tell me that all of you are going to continue without saying anything?" Qin Fei felt that there must be someone who wanted to tell her about this matter. Otherwise, Loo Dong would think that Lin Yuelin was afraid of him and wouldn't dare to expose this matter to the public.    


Lin Yuelin's mouth showed a confident smile. His eyes were deep. "We will talk about this later. I am still very interested in him. This person is interesting."    


"Yuelin, can you look at me? What is there to see about him? I think he looks very similar to Luh Cheng. He looks very clean. But I feel that he is the kind of person who has evil intentions in his heart. It feels a little strange. " Qin Fei's sixth sense was very accurate. She felt that this Loo Dong was not a good person.    


" The current Loo Dong looks like a descendant of an aristocratic family. He has a ruffian smile on his face. He doesn't look like the person who was willing to compromise when he was my assistant in the past. " Lin Yuelin wished he could break the wine glass in his hand. He had never thought that he would be in the business world for so long. He still fell into his trap.    


Lin Yuelin asked Assistant No. 1 to investigate Loo Dong. He still had doubts about Loo Dong's identity. He didn't know if Loo Dong was the second generation of the Star family or the second generation of the Star family.    


"Since you don't want to explain this matter clearly, what do you want to do?" Qin Fei did not know what would happen at the banquet tonight. She felt that she and Lin Yuelin were alone in this place. If something really happened, it would be hard for them to say anything.    


"Right now, I don't know what I am going to do, so we should just do what we have to do." Lin Yuelin had a feeling that Wuqing would definitely appear. This Loo Dong was already very interesting, but this Wuqing might be even more interesting.    


"You haven't eaten anything for the whole night. Do you want to eat some fruits?" Qin Fei knew he did not like dessert, so she asked for fruit.    


Lin Yuelin stretched his head over and bit Qin Fei's injured strawberries.    


Qin Fei saw that he was so obedient and immediately revealed a smile on her face. She really didn't know when he changed from a wild and unruly person to a docile little sheep.    


[This chapter is over]    


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