Don't Go Against My Mommy

C570 At the Airport Dismissed

C570 At the Airport Dismissed

The events of the past few days were still vivid in his mind. If it wasn't for Heart One feeling it, how could it be the result of Mei Shuang being injured?    


Lin Yuelin wanted to see Mong Loong in person more and more. He wanted to have a good talk with him.    


"Can I see your boss?" Lin Yuelin was ready to be rejected. He no longer took him seriously. Not to mention Mong Loong. He could not call him father-in-law directly. Putting aside the fact that Mong Loong didn't recognize him, even with his current strength, he shouldn't be qualified to be his son-in-law. Furthermore, there were many things that he was not clear about. Qin Fei did not officially acknowledge him as her father. So it was still too early to befriend relatives.    


Actually, Qin Fei had not slept all this time. She already knew that Lin Yuelin was chatting with someone. At first, she thought that he was chatting with someone else. After he fell asleep, Qin Fei looked at his phone and found that he was actually chatting with Xin Yi. She had been deliberately ignoring this man. Everyone said that he was her biological father. But Qin Fei did not want to admit it, even though she was secretly delighted. After all, although Qin Shi had been very good to her before, he had indeed been very bad to her later on.    


But now, Qin Fei simply had no way to accept this father who had suddenly appeared. Furthermore, this father was not an ordinary father. She clearly did not do anything, but there were so many disasters for no reason. She even caused the friends around her to suffer along with her.    


Qin Fei did not even know when she would lose her life. What was the use of such a father even if she recognized him. It could only bring endless trouble to herself. Although he had sent people to protect her, it was not because of him. She wouldn't be in danger at all. She just wanted a peaceful life, but not only could he not give her such a life... Instead, he made her life a complete mess.    


Qin Fei really did not need protection from Heart One because she did not want to accept her father's charity. But the most ironic thing was that if they left that person's protection, they would die.    


Their own strength was too insignificant. Previously, they thought that Soong Ze and Lin Yuelin's abilities were already strong enough. But now, they could only do nothing in front of such an overwhelming force. Although it was a society governed by law, the law only targeted those who abided by it. It was useless against those with monstrous power.    


Many people with power would mock those who abided by the law. After all, they gave their fate to an unjust judicial system, and those with power could control their own fate or even the fate of others.    


It couldn't be helped, this was how society worked. If you didn't improve, then you would naturally be replaced by those behind you. Those who didn't have the ability couldn't control their own fate, or even their own life.    


"Yuelin, you can clearly live a good life. Marry a woman from a big family and live a stable life. But you found me. You must be very tired. You must be so worried and homeless." Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin's sleeping face and said in a low voice. After she said that, she leaned into his arms again.    


She really wanted to be with Lin Yuelin for the rest of her life and never be separated from him. In the past, she always felt that such a saying was too cliché and cliché, but if she could be as vulgar as Lin Yuelin for the rest of her life, then he was also willing.    


"To know that you are by my side and listen to your breathing, I feel that everything is so peaceful." Qin Fei revealed a warm smile at the corner of her mouth. When she was obedient, she was like a docile cat.    


"Alright, Fei Fei, don't think too much. You have to believe me. Believe me, I will definitely give you and the children a stable life. But I started very late, so you have to wait for me patiently. " Lin Yuelin had already fallen asleep, but Qin Fei was moving in his arms. How could he sleep peacefully? He opened his eyes and hugged Qin Fei tightly. His voice was low.    


"But I don't want to always bring you trouble. I want to give you happiness. But I can't do it." As long as it was late at night, a lot of negative energy would jump out. Once it was controlled by these negative energy, this...    


They had been staying in Zurich for a long time. During this period of time, everyone felt uneasy, as if every day was as difficult as a century.    


Sometimes, they really envied the children. They did not understand the worries of the world. They only knew to enjoy the beauty of every day, but they could not be envious. Qin Fei was the kind of person who was especially difficult to think of, so she could only frown more and more each day in her negative energy.    


Lin Yuelin was very good to Qin Fei. He knew that she needed time to think quietly by herself. So he would not stick too close to her, afraid that she would react more intensely. He was also worried that she would not be able to figure it out herself, so he found her the best psychologist to help guide her.    


Zhuilei did not reply at all. Qin Fei's mental state was getting worse and worse. Lin Yuelin was very worried. He looked at everyone who was worried and felt that he could not be trusted. She had repeatedly emphasized that Zurich was very safe now. Even if it wasn't safe, as long as she was by her side, it would still be very safe. However, no one believed her. After all, they had only seen her move once.    


Everyone thought that it would be difficult for two fists to fight against four hands.    


However, Heart One still lived a very relaxed life. After all, the enemy had not made a move during this period of time. Mei Shuang's injuries also recovered day by day. Zhuilei should also be back. At that time, she could retire with success.    


However, when they felt bored in their hearts, everyone frowned. She looked very annoyed. She really wanted to escape from this place where the negative energy was bursting out. Qin Fei naturally wanted to leave this place even more. She had already stayed in this place for a very, very long time. Because it was not safe outside, she could not walk around. But what Qin Fei wanted the most right now was to bask in the sun outside and take a stroll openly.    


Because of her injury this time, Mei Shuang's expression had always been bad. After lying on the hospital bed for many days, the skin on her body also seemed very dry. The easiest thing to see was her lips. She seemed to have aged a few years.    


Qin Fei's self-blame expression made Mei Shuang very uncomfortable. This matter should not be blamed on her aunt. Mei Shuang was a person who knew what was going on. She would not be unreasonable. Of course, this matter was also not obedient to Soong Ze. It was she who went out to block it and had nothing to do with other people. So she did not need Soong Ze to care about her because of sympathy or gratitude. He needed to take care of her. This would make her feel very pitiful. She needed to use this kind of method to gain his attention and concern.    


Therefore, during this period of time, no matter what kind of method Soong Ze used to treat Mei Shuang well, Mei Shuang would always reject him. After all, he had been so cold to her before. Now that he suddenly treated her so warmly, it was very easy to know that he must be grateful because she saved him.    


What Mei Shuang needed was Soong Ze's feelings, not his pity and gratitude.    


At the airport, Mei Shuang originally planned to go to B City to take a look, but now she only wanted to return to Mei's residence.    


Since Mei Shuang insisted on going back, Soong Ze planned to send her back. After all, her injuries were not completely healed, Soong Ze could not be at ease. But Mei Shuang did not want to see Soong Ze again. Even walking was a little unsteady. She also had to grit her teeth and walk.    


Lin Yuelin knew how much of a headache Soong Ze had right now. The thing men feared the most was that the woman they liked was too stubborn. Seeing Soong Ze's defeated face, he patted his shoulder to comfort him.    


"Shuang, your aunt and I need to return to B City as soon as possible. There are still a lot of things waiting for us to deal with, so we can't send you off. But Soong Ze has nothing to do. Let him take you back on behalf of your aunt and uncle. Otherwise, your aunt and I won't feel at ease if you go back alone." Lin Yuelin had always felt that Mei Shuang was a child, even though she was in love with Soong Ze. This man who was about the same age as him.    


"Uncle, I can do it alone. I don't want to be with him." Mei Shuang was very direct and was not afraid of hurting Soong Ze.    


Anyway, she really hated Soong Ze now. If she knew he would blame herself, she would not have helped him block that shot back then. Why did she let Soong Ze owe her?    


Qin Fei saw that Mei Shuang still did not agree, so she took a step back. "Shuang, how about this, we will send you back first. Then come back."    


The reason why Mei Shuang was injured was because of Qin Fei. Qin Fei was already very guilty so of course she must send her home safely and also apologize to her uncle.    


" No. " Just as Qin Fei finished speaking, Mei Shuang refused. She was not an insensible child, so how could she accept such a suggestion? Uncle had already said that he was going back to do something big. How could he let such a large group of people change their plans because of him? This would make her feel very awkward.    


Initially, Mei Shuang and Qin Fei had a very good relationship. But because of this matter, she felt that her aunt had already treated her very well and felt that she owed her something.    


"You guys don't need to do this. You guys have things to do, but I have nothing to do. It's not like I can't walk, so what is there to worry about." Mei Shuang endured the pain in her arm and walked with large strides.    


However, her pace was still a little bit bigger when she was not paying attention. She almost fell down. Soong Ze was not far away from Mei Shuang. He quickly ran over to support her body. The two of them looked at each other. Soong Ze saw the light in Mei Shuang's eyes.    


"Let go of me. Don't touch me." Mei Shuang was really annoyed.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin looked at each other. They did not know what kind of temper Mei Shuang had. She was not an insensible girl, so why did she do that?    


They did not know how to deal with the current situation, but everyone agreed that they could not let Mei Shuang go back alone, because it was too dangerous.    


Qin Mo saw that his parents could not do anything about it, so he gave Qin Sheng a look. The two of them immediately ran to Mei Shuang's side and held one of her hands. "Sister, if you don't want to be alone with Uncle Soong Ze, then... The four of us can go back together. We won't be alone with you. "    


This chapter is over.    


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