Don't Go Against My Mommy

C455 Strange Man

C455 Strange Man

"How would I know? I've been up there cleaning you and my clothes." Qin Fei said helplessly.    


Qin Fei had calmed down a lot now. She only felt so irrational when she saw that scene in Lin Yuelin's office. Since she had already gone there, she naturally had to ask Lin Yuelin for an answer. How could she leave without doing anything? After all, she was in the main room.    


It was the same in the past. People only saw with their eyes. Most of the time, what they saw might not be true. Why didn't she give him a chance to explain? Qin Fei found that during the time she was with Lin Yue, she had become a woman with more tolerance.    


Soong Yuan saw that Qin Fei was distracted and reached out her hand to pull her face, "Mom, you can't be distracted. You have to play with me."    


Qin Fei's face was dark and serious as she looked at Soong Yuan, "Didn't you see that mom has been in a bad mood recently? Don't mess with me, otherwise mother wouldn't be able to play with you."    


Qin Fei was afraid that she could not control her emotions and hurt Soong Yuan.    


It had been a long time since she saw her mother's serious face. Soong Yuan bitterly withdrew her hand. She could already feel Qin Fei's anger. Since her mother was angry, it was better not to continue angering her. Otherwise, it would be over.    


Qin Fei thought of what she saw in the newspaper and her calm heart began to surge again. To be honest, Lin Yuelin did not have any romantic news during the time he was with her, but it seemed that he had started to attract butterflies and bees again during this period of time.    


Qin Fei also wanted to believe Lin Yuelin, but the news was never baseless. Since the newspaper dared to write about it, Lin Yuelin dared to say that he had nothing to do with Qinghuan.    


She really did not believe that a man spent the night in a beautiful woman's room. It was just a joke.    


Wasn't this messing around?    


Qin Fei was a person with mysophobia. This was also the reason why she couldn't fall in love with Soong Ze again. Because this matter had already halved her favorable impression of Lin Yuelin. Previously, she thought that Lin Yuelin had really given up on those habits of his. Now it seemed that men could not change this bad habit.    


When a woman was jealous, her intelligence would never come online. She had wanted to hear Lin Yuelin's explanation just now, but now she only wanted to draw a clear line with Lin Yuelin, forever drawing a clear line.    


Qin Fei had already determined that Lin Yuelin had eaten secretly. This was his betrayal of love that Qin Fei could not tolerate. Although she had always said that she was not good enough for Lin Yuelin, it did not mean that she could give Lin Yuelin to another woman. The two of them shared. What she needed was a dedicated love. If the love given by Lin Yuelin was no longer the only one... It was fine if she did not want it.    


Soong Yuan kept staring at her mother's face. The expression on her face was very rich, like a color palette, changing and changing. What she did not know was that her mother's heart had already passed a round of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.    


"Mom, I want to go with Dad. Why hasn't Dad come in yet?" Soong Yuan felt that her mother always liked to be absent-minded and would not talk to her at all, so she wanted to find her dad.    


"You already know how to walk. Go and find yourself." Qin Fei's mind was currently thinking about Lin Yuelin. How could she still have the mood to deal with the child? Of course, she directly placed her on the ground.    


Soong Yuan originally wanted to attract Qin Fei's attention. She did not expect that the response she received would be like this. Tears immediately flowed down her heart.    


"Hmph, bad guy." Soong Yuan complained about Qin Fei as she quickly crawled onto his body.    


Qin Fei still carried her up again but Soong Yuan still did not know what was good for her. Struggling in Qin Fei's embrace, Qin Fei's face immediately sank. Her hug was already heavy enough but she actually still moved around so disobediently. She wished she could throw away the lump of flesh in her arms.    


"Forget it, forget it. Mommy doesn't want to hug me anymore. Put me down, bad Mommy." Soong Yuan was a little angry.    


When she heard this, Song Qin Fei was as happy as if she had received an imperial edict for promotion. She quickly put Soong Yuan on the ground.    


At this time, Soong Ze had already brought Zhuilei back to the main hall. There was nothing he could do. He really couldn't stop Zhuilei from wanting to see Qin Fei.    


So he still brought him in. If he really hurt Qin Fei, he would definitely stand in front of her.    


Qin Fei glanced at Zhuilei. She did not know this man. Besides, she had always been estranged from Soong Ze's friends. The most important thing was to not let them think that she had a good relationship with Soong Ze.    


This was the first time Zhuilei looked at this woman from a distance. His eyes roamed around her without any restraint. His gaze was as sharp as an animal hunting in the dark, shining.    


However, Qin Fei had never been looked at like this before. Her entire body was uncomfortable and uncomfortable.    


Soong Ze could already feel Qin Fei's dissatisfaction. He tugged at Zhuilei's clothes and warned him to stop looking.    


Zhuilei suddenly laughed at Qin Fei. His laughter was even scarier than when he was not laughing. Soong Yuan, who was watching from the side, immediately cried out in fear.    


"Uncle, stop laughing. It's so ugly and scary." A child did not know what it meant to be rude. Furthermore, there was no harm in talking to a child. Whatever she was thinking, she would say it out loud.    


Actually, Qin Fei and Soong Yuan had the same feeling. Zhuilei did not look scary. But for some reason, when his smile appeared on his face, it felt very awkward. It was like a cold and evil smile. She pulled Soong Yuan away for a distance.    


Soong Ze saw that Qin Fei and Little Dumpling were so scared that they took a step back. He tried to smooth things over and said, "Fei Fei, this person is looking for you. He has no ill intentions towards you."    


Of course, Soong Ze was not sure if this person was dangerous, so when he said this, his voice was very soft. One look and you could tell that he was not confident.    


"Looking for me? Why did you come looking for me? I don't know you." Qin Fei carried Soong Yuan up and found that her body was trembling.    


Zhuilei saw that Qin Fei seemed to be a little afraid of him, so he tried to make his facial expression and eyes more gentle. After all, Qin Fei was his younger sister and he should not bicker with her. Women were always so timid.    


"Brother Song Ze, didn't you say we can go to England soon? When are we leaving?" Qin Fei didn't want to talk more with Zhuilei, so she turned to Soong Ze and asked.    


"I think this matter is a little impulsive. Let's think about it carefully." Zhuilei had just said that Qin Fei could not go to England, so how would he dare to take her away?    


Zhuilei watched Qin Fei and Soong Ze's conversation. He saw that Qin Fei had the upper hand in their relationship. He had long known that his sister had already grasped all the best men in the city in the palm of her hand. He did not think that it was actually true.    


However, Qin Fei indeed had the ability. He had been in the martial world for so many years, but he had never seen a woman more beautiful than his sister.    


Zhuilei saw that Soong Ze was not clear about it, so he said himself, "Qin Fei, you cannot leave this city."    


"This percentage..." Soong Ze was originally thinking about how to tell Qin Fei about this to make it easier for her to accept, but this person was so direct. He was really afraid that Qin Fei would be provoked by him.    


"Why do you have to decide whether I can leave or not?" Qin Fei was also not afraid of things. She really could not accept Zhuilei's attitude. But she urgently wanted a reason that she could not leave. She wanted to stay in the city. There was Lin Yuelin in this city.    


Even if he hurt her, he was still the man that she loved so much that she couldn't live.    


"Unless you don't want Mo anymore, you can leave." He knew Qin Fei's situation after being tired of chasing, but he had always said one thing, two things, two things, two things. He could not learn how to be tactful when he was straight to the point.    


"Why do you know about Mo?" Qin Fei looked at Zhuilei, then looked at Soong Ze. She thought he should have told her about this, but why did he tell her such a private thing?    


Soong Ze knew Qin Fei had misunderstood, so he quickly shook his head and dismissed the suspicion.    


"I didn't say it. He knew it himself." Who knew where he knew?    


Soong Ze even felt that Zhuilei knew more about Qin Mo than any of them.    


When Qin Fei heard this, she was even more afraid of this man in front of her, because he gave her the feeling that he had come with ill intentions. What exactly did he want to do?    


"Don't be afraid of me. I must be here to help you. Whatever you want me to do, I will help you." Zhuilei wanted to express as much goodwill as possible. He did not want to mess up the mission that Uncle Mong had given him.    


Qin Fei listened to Zhuilei's words and was no longer afraid of him. However, she was still somewhat disgusted by his unconditional offer. After all, someone suddenly came out of nowhere and said that he wanted to help you. Who would dare to ask him to help?    


Qin Fei thought about it and said everything in her heart, "You said that you want me to believe you, but how can I trust you? I am not a child. You did not give me a sufficient reason. I will not believe your good intentions. " Qin Fei was no longer as pure as before. The series of events that she had experienced recently had allowed her to grow. Luh Cheng taught her not to trust anyone. Anyone could betray you.    


"This matter is a long story. I want to tell you in a simpler way." Zhuilei had never explained it to anyone. If he did not treat Qin Fei as his sister, he did not have the time to say things that were unnecessary in America.    


Qin Fei looked at Zhuilei seriously, waiting for his explanation.    


On Zhuilei's face, Qin Fei saw the traces of many years of settling down, but she could not see anything else that was useful.    


"You will know my ability if you ask Soong Ze. If I want to hurt you... You can't stand here and talk to me anymore. I was entrusted by you, a very important person, to protect you. As for who this person is, I won't tell you. He will come to you personally one day. " Zhuilei never lied, but before Uncle Mong and Qin Fei could recognize each other, he would not tell her the biggest surprise.    


This chapter is over.    


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